Bernie will win if he is on the ballot. If not, we can write him in. Maybe the first part of taking our country back is taking our party back. Now is the time for all good .... And maybe while we are at it someone can fit Debbie for some cement shoes.
Quote Hephaestus:#1 - please - what is Indiana "left lane speeding"
I'm referring to a law passed in Indiana this past summer, that requires a person, driving in the left lane of the Interstate, to pull over if a faster driver comes up behind them, even if the first driver is driving at the posted speed limit - it carries a $500.00 fine. Traffic officials have already stated publicly the law is unenforceable, but it just shows the mindset of the Republican controlled legislature here in Indiana. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act is another shinning example.
Progressive: "Democrats lose because they aren't progressive enough."
Conservative: "Republicans lose because they aren't conservative enough."
When opposite extremes make the same mutually exclusive argument, it's possible that one (and only one) of them is right, but my operating assumption is they're both suffering from the same cognitive bias.
stupid is assuming a democrat has to be partisan and not balanced, Democrats are evolving. Outdated stereotypical thinking led by hearing rwnj propaganda doesn't mean it's true. One can hear the rwnj propaganda machine over and over... now that is stupid as stupid does.
Someone Fears More Balanced Democrats running on center of the aisle values .... and this article is proof of that.
There's nothing wrong with a more balanced Democrat than an old outdated ideal that someone has to stereotypically fall into a category , boxing themselves in.
Which is why people are supposed to think, outside the box/norm.
Variety is the spice of life. we all need some change in our lives, and to do that we must be willing to embrace both sides of the aisle and reach across party lines. the Red State Majority Take Over, has been about the same ways Hitler used Im You Propaganda... the whacked out nut jobbery has convinced the people they made the mistake of allowing this nazi type propaganda to take over the states to divide an conquer the USA.
They do not stop, its all about partisan with the right wingers, all about deferred tax debt which is the same thing as raising taxes, not to mention the deferred deficit.
Frightening are Trump’s SUPPORTERS. Search for info about the “Authoritarian Personality” which apparently characterizes many of them. This citizen-type was prevalent in Hitler’s Germany, activated in circumstances frighteningly analogous to much in our current USA. MUCH about it via MANY websites. Repeat: There seem to be such FRIGHTENING characteristics of many among Trump’s fans.
A couple of Thanksgiving thanks-items: - {1} Thanks for “fast-forward”, - so’s to skip the Rightist-ruined “Rumble”-segments. The segments' Rightists divert from Thom's thrusts, thereby creating NON-discussions. ... [2] It's because of THIS talk-style that I'm thankful ALSO that I can avoid Thanksgiving meals where such talkers are present.
I'm sure I'll get grief for this but maybe just maybe some of these people are really lazy and as long as their "safety net" stays in place they don't care. Clearly many of the Democratic candidates in these areas aren't particularly liberal but they are almost always better than the Republican candidate.
I think more liberal candidates don't run because they know these people don't pay attention and won't show up.
Let's not always make excuses for those who don't participate. These people are in danger of losing their free health insurance in states like Kentucky but they all sit at home and let a tea party candidate beat the Democratic candidate. Was the Democratic candidate really the same as the tea party guy? I don't think so.
Thom, I really appreciate your frequent mention of White Privliege and Male Privilege. I was wondering if you have ever interviewed Peggy McIntosh on either of your shows? It would be wonderful for us listeners. For those who are not familiar with Peggy, simply Google the phrase Peggy McIntosh White Privilege. Her writings on the subject are extraordinary. Thank you Thom for all you do.
It's all about the rich and Republicans wanting to break the law and get away with it; I've been seeing it for years. Indiana's "Left Lane Speeding" law is just the most recent example.
I'm so sick of the oligarchy, the money grubbing, the corporatists. We don't even have a two party system any longer. It's Republicans and Republican lite.
Thom’s panel’s Rightists detract from “discussion”. Among other problems is their veering-away-from {rather than addressing} the matters on which Thom is attempting to focus. That is, they won’t let Thom “set the agenda”. Hence the NON-“discussion” which doesn’t serve My needs in exploring Thom’s topics. ... ... Apparently-nay-obviously, the Right’s main strategies include, “Don’t let the Left set discussions' agendas {nor the Center}.”
The Democratic party has been losing ground for myiad reason, among them are:
They are losing the propaganda war --- assuming they even realize they are at war.
They don't message effectively,
They don't counter the GOP and right-wing BS which allows the BS to get traction.
They cede the high ground; e.g. they let the GOP claim the mantle of values, let the GOP claim they are tougher on national security; even thoug the GOP doesn't have a leg to stand on on those issues.
They are too timid, they backpedal or tread lightly when they should stand ground.
They unilaterally disarm and let the GOP get away with double standard; they play nice even though the GOP repeatedly hits below the belt; and the Dems' response is to say "look at what they did to us." But if the ref (media) isn't looking you have to hit back, you have to protect yourself; but the Dems won't even put on a damn cup.
Speaking of the media; we need to badger the media, ask them why and for how long they are going to allow Trump and others to yell fire in a crowded theater with impunity, and when are they going to stop giving them air time to yell fire.
Probably the biggest problem the Democrats now have is Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She was a co-chair of Hillary's campaign in 2008 and she - a true soulmate of Hillary - always pursued her personal career goals as chairwoman of the DNC rather than the good of the party. She did much to lose 2014 for the Democrats, refusing to support some Democratic House candidates because she was friendly with their Republican opponents, for example, in 3 races which those Democrats eventually lost to her Republican pals.
She had alienated and antagonized almost all the Democratic leadership. President Obama almost had her replaced, once even having a replacement chosen and ready but she threatened to howl "sexism" and "antisemitism" so the administration backed off on it.
Hillary is the only friend in the party she has left so she will take extra care of her.
The chairmanship of the DNC is considered a great career opportunity for a Democratic politician and a great opportunity for their advancement. That is the only apparent purpose that office is serving in Schulz's tenure.
Barbie, my grandfather was a democratic socialist and member of the Socialist Democratic Party in the 1920s - in Eastern Europe. The New Deal wasn't socialism but it flirted with it. I don't know if FDR was a socialist - if he was he kept it quiet - but Henry Wallace probably was. Although the New Deal was really an attempt to save capitalism and FDR had to "move to the left" - not only in rhetoric but also in governing - because socialism of the more democratic kind and even Leninist authoritarian socialism were very popular in the United States in the Great Depression, particularly within the labor movement. So much so that there was a very real possibility of communist revolution, I mean armed overthrow of the government and system, much more so than in the '60s. The political and economic elites FDR came from had very good reason to be afraid so FDR co-opted the socialists' program.
The relatively newly established Soviet Union added much to that fear and the relatively new absence of it is why the elites no longer fear and act with an audacity not seen for a long age in pursuing their interests at the expense of ours.
/dec/17/reimagining-journalism-story-one-percent/ discusses a digital news source and it's intertwined history w/OWS.
Bernie will win if he is on the ballot. If not, we can write him in. Maybe the first part of taking our country back is taking our party back. Now is the time for all good .... And maybe while we are at it someone can fit Debbie for some cement shoes.
I'm referring to a law passed in Indiana this past summer, that requires a person, driving in the left lane of the Interstate, to pull over if a faster driver comes up behind them, even if the first driver is driving at the posted speed limit - it carries a $500.00 fine. Traffic officials have already stated publicly the law is unenforceable, but it just shows the mindset of the Republican controlled legislature here in Indiana. The Religious Freedom Restoration Act is another shinning example.
Show the Kochs how our justice system works, jail them.
I try to hold my hysterical laughing when they claim they do lol"
Progressive: "Democrats lose because they aren't progressive enough."
Conservative: "Republicans lose because they aren't conservative enough."
When opposite extremes make the same mutually exclusive argument, it's possible that one (and only one) of them is right, but my operating assumption is they're both suffering from the same cognitive bias.
stupid is assuming a democrat has to be partisan and not balanced, Democrats are evolving. Outdated stereotypical thinking led by hearing rwnj propaganda doesn't mean it's true. One can hear the rwnj propaganda machine over and over... now that is stupid as stupid does.
Someone Fears More Balanced Democrats running on center of the aisle values .... and this article is proof of that.
There's nothing wrong with a more balanced Democrat than an old outdated ideal that someone has to stereotypically fall into a category , boxing themselves in.
Which is why people are supposed to think, outside the box/norm.
Variety is the spice of life. we all need some change in our lives, and to do that we must be willing to embrace both sides of the aisle and reach across party lines. the Red State Majority Take Over, has been about the same ways Hitler used Im You Propaganda... the whacked out nut jobbery has convinced the people they made the mistake of allowing this nazi type propaganda to take over the states to divide an conquer the USA.
They do not stop, its all about partisan with the right wingers, all about deferred tax debt which is the same thing as raising taxes, not to mention the deferred deficit.
and there you are, and there you go.
Frightening are Trump’s SUPPORTERS. Search for info about the “Authoritarian Personality” which apparently characterizes many of them. This citizen-type was prevalent in Hitler’s Germany, activated in circumstances frighteningly analogous to much in our current USA. MUCH about it via MANY websites. Repeat: There seem to be such FRIGHTENING characteristics of many among Trump’s fans.
A couple of Thanksgiving thanks-items: - {1} Thanks for “fast-forward”, - so’s to skip the Rightist-ruined “Rumble”-segments. The segments' Rightists divert from Thom's thrusts, thereby creating NON-discussions. ... [2] It's because of THIS talk-style that I'm thankful ALSO that I can avoid Thanksgiving meals where such talkers are present.
I'm sure I'll get grief for this but maybe just maybe some of these people are really lazy and as long as their "safety net" stays in place they don't care. Clearly many of the Democratic candidates in these areas aren't particularly liberal but they are almost always better than the Republican candidate.
I think more liberal candidates don't run because they know these people don't pay attention and won't show up.
Let's not always make excuses for those who don't participate. These people are in danger of losing their free health insurance in states like Kentucky but they all sit at home and let a tea party candidate beat the Democratic candidate. Was the Democratic candidate really the same as the tea party guy? I don't think so.
Thom, I really appreciate your frequent mention of White Privliege and Male Privilege. I was wondering if you have ever interviewed Peggy McIntosh on either of your shows? It would be wonderful for us listeners. For those who are not familiar with Peggy, simply Google the phrase Peggy McIntosh White Privilege. Her writings on the subject are extraordinary. Thank you Thom for all you do.
Bob Kroeger
Has anyone seriously given thought to a UN sanctioned "safe zone" in Syria its self?
Has anyone seriously given thought to a UN sanctioned "safe zone" in Syria its self?
Brothers Allegedly Inspired by Trump to Attack Homeless Man Arraigned
#1 - please - what is indiana "left lane speeding"
Indiana's "Left Lane Speeding"Indiana's "Left Lane Speeding"
Why do american people put up with this stuff?
It's all about the rich and Republicans wanting to break the law and get away with it; I've been seeing it for years. Indiana's "Left Lane Speeding" law is just the most recent example.
I'm so sick of the oligarchy, the money grubbing, the corporatists. We don't even have a two party system any longer. It's Republicans and Republican lite.
Worthy are Thom’s showings of Bernie’s defenses of “democratic socialsm” as BASIC Americana-at-its-best.
Thom’s panel’s Rightists detract from “discussion”. Among other problems is their veering-away-from {rather than addressing} the matters on which Thom is attempting to focus. That is, they won’t let Thom “set the agenda”. Hence the NON-“discussion” which doesn’t serve My needs in exploring Thom’s topics. ... ... Apparently-nay-obviously, the Right’s main strategies include, “Don’t let the Left set discussions' agendas {nor the Center}.”
Democratic party has been losing ground because;
The Democratic party has been losing ground for myiad reason, among them are:
They are losing the propaganda war --- assuming they even realize they are at war.
They don't message effectively,
They don't counter the GOP and right-wing BS which allows the BS to get traction.
They cede the high ground; e.g. they let the GOP claim the mantle of values, let the GOP claim they are tougher on national security; even thoug the GOP doesn't have a leg to stand on on those issues.
They are too timid, they backpedal or tread lightly when they should stand ground.
They unilaterally disarm and let the GOP get away with double standard; they play nice even though the GOP repeatedly hits below the belt; and the Dems' response is to say "look at what they did to us." But if the ref (media) isn't looking you have to hit back, you have to protect yourself; but the Dems won't even put on a damn cup.
Speaking of the media; we need to badger the media, ask them why and for how long they are going to allow Trump and others to yell fire in a crowded theater with impunity, and when are they going to stop giving them air time to yell fire.
Try that and the link to the article describing how she antagonized Nancy Pelosi.
Probably the biggest problem the Democrats now have is Debbie Wasserman Schultz. She was a co-chair of Hillary's campaign in 2008 and she - a true soulmate of Hillary - always pursued her personal career goals as chairwoman of the DNC rather than the good of the party. She did much to lose 2014 for the Democrats, refusing to support some Democratic House candidates because she was friendly with their Republican opponents, for example, in 3 races which those Democrats eventually lost to her Republican pals.
She had alienated and antagonized almost all the Democratic leadership. President Obama almost had her replaced, once even having a replacement chosen and ready but she threatened to howl "sexism" and "antisemitism" so the administration backed off on it.
Hillary is the only friend in the party she has left so she will take extra care of her.
The chairmanship of the DNC is considered a great career opportunity for a Democratic politician and a great opportunity for their advancement. That is the only apparent purpose that office is serving in Schulz's tenure.
Barbie, my grandfather was a democratic socialist and member of the Socialist Democratic Party in the 1920s - in Eastern Europe. The New Deal wasn't socialism but it flirted with it. I don't know if FDR was a socialist - if he was he kept it quiet - but Henry Wallace probably was. Although the New Deal was really an attempt to save capitalism and FDR had to "move to the left" - not only in rhetoric but also in governing - because socialism of the more democratic kind and even Leninist authoritarian socialism were very popular in the United States in the Great Depression, particularly within the labor movement. So much so that there was a very real possibility of communist revolution, I mean armed overthrow of the government and system, much more so than in the '60s. The political and economic elites FDR came from had very good reason to be afraid so FDR co-opted the socialists' program.
The relatively newly established Soviet Union added much to that fear and the relatively new absence of it is why the elites no longer fear and act with an audacity not seen for a long age in pursuing their interests at the expense of ours.
Sorry! What is a catbird?