Recent comments

  • Isn't Your Body More Important Than Your Home?   9 years 14 weeks ago

    Yes, I am completely agree with the thought that body is more imortant that home.If body is healthy then only It can live in that home.To get rid of health issues,Home health care is there to serve you .It is a non profit organization where they provides wonderful services in a homely environment.It is very different than traditional medical care and also returns the very relaxed and natural way of of such agency I know is home health care broward.

  • Cities criminalize homelessness - and now the homeless are fighting back!   9 years 14 weeks ago
    Quote cccccttttt:On the city outskirts, build many small housing modules

    It sounds like a good idea, but eventually these areas become ghettos and then concentration camps, unless the value of the land increases, then the people are forced out or herded into other concentration camps. Some South American countries have, occassionally, adopted an even simpler method for dealing with the homeless and poor - death squads.

    We need to recognize the root of the problem - there are just too many people on this planet for the amount of available resources, jobs, homes, etc. If we don't curtail our runaway growth, even the United States will soon be implementing death squads.

  • Cities criminalize homelessness - and now the homeless are fighting back!   9 years 14 weeks ago

    There is a middle road on dealing with the homeless.

    They clearly deserve shelter, food, and medical treatment.

    But, city dwellers have a right to a feces and urine free public space.

    On the city outskirts, build many tiny housing modules with

    automatic sterilizing systems.

    Provide food, a camp doctor, and security.

    Police are to move city ordinace violators to that camp.

    There will be problems but once worked out, am sure many cities

    would want a field tested approach.


  • Cities criminalize homelessness - and now the homeless are fighting back!   9 years 14 weeks ago

    The fact that legislatures refuse to protect homeless folk from the over-zealous legislation of their contemporary's is astounding. This issue should be a litmus test. It should be explicitly placed into law that behavior like making the provision of a meal unlawful is unconstitutional; such a restriction on personal liberty cannot possibly be constitutional anyway, but it needs to be explicitly stated so.

  • Will the United States ever stop this out-of-control gun violence?   9 years 14 weeks ago

    I am hoping that it will end, but as long as the NRA is able to legally buy votes then it wont change, another reason we need to get money out of politics.

  • Will the United States ever stop this out-of-control gun violence?   9 years 14 weeks ago

    The only way the NRA supported Republicans would even consider ending mass shootings is if they or a family member were murdered by an unstable shooter.

  • Cities criminalize homelessness - and now the homeless are fighting back!   9 years 14 weeks ago

    Gloreapower go!!!

    Humans need LOVE FIRST

    This simple concept has been lost somehow

    What does a child need when it comes from the womb of a woman????

    This is elementary... NO?

  • Cities criminalize homelessness - and now the homeless are fighting back!   9 years 14 weeks ago

    Sorry Dr Pete... this is about criminalizing homelessness!!!

    Appearing to be an extremely mean and abhorent usa phemomena

    Who would desire to be there I can not imagine?

    Real trouble is the evil influence of usa that pervades the planet... end!?!?

  • Cities criminalize homelessness - and now the homeless are fighting back!   9 years 14 weeks ago

    Some places have found out that giving the homeless access to homes creates better citizens who want to work and take care of themselves.

  • Cities criminalize homelessness - and now the homeless are fighting back!   9 years 14 weeks ago

    That's all folks

  • Cities criminalize homelessness - and now the homeless are fighting back!   9 years 14 weeks ago

    Criminalizing Homelessness is no different than eliminating the draft to excuse the children of wealthy families from service and assuring yourself of a supply of volunteers who can't find jobs anymore, which have all been exported to countries with lower wage levels and standards of living , and not nationalizingfeducation so those who cannot afford an education will remain unemployed and be complelled to join the miltary, in order to avoid homelessness, while the wealthy pay whatever it costs to keep their children out of military service and exposire to the loss of life and shell shock and disability that military service exposes volunteers to. We have reached the point that we are awakening to the fact that we have lost control of our country but it is too later to do much about it when it is criminal not to do any more than speak up against such legalized tyranny. What is even worse is that this planned


    Once again, it is clear that Orwell's grim narrative was a primary model for The Report from Iron Mountain. The authors of that blueprint for our future spoke at length about the value of planned waste as a means of preventing the masses from improv­ing their standard of living. They wrote:

    The production of weapons of mass destruction has always been associated with economic "waste." The term is pejorative, since it implies a failure of function. But no human activity can properly be considered wasteful if it achieves its contextual objective....

    In the case of military "waste," there is indeed a larger social utility.... In advanced modem democratic societies, the war system ... has served as the last great safeguard against the elimination of necessary social classes. As economic productivity increases to a level further and further above that of minimum subsistence, it becomes more and more difficult for a society to maintain distribution patterns insuring the existence of "hewers of wood and drawers of water."

    The arbitrary nature of war expenditures and of other military activities make them ideally suited to control these essential class relationships.... The continuance of the war system must be assured, if for no other reason, among others, than to preserve whatever quality and degree of poverty a society requires as an incentive, as well as to maintain the stability of its internal organization of power.1

    These documents from the real past and the imagined future can help us to better understand our present. The spectacle of wasteful government spending suddenly becomes logical. It is not stupidity that pays farmers to destroy their crops, or that purchases trillion-dollar weapons systems that are never deployed or in some cases not even completed, or that provides funding for studies of the sex life of the tse-tse fly, or that gives grants to pornographers posing as artists. The overriding object behind most of these boondoggles is to waste the resources of the nation. It is obvious by now that the decline in living standards in the Western world is associated with a widening gap between the haves and the have-nots. What is not so obvious, however, is that this is according to plan. To that end, massive waste in government spending is not an unfortunate by-product, it is the goal.

    That brings us back to the question of finding an acceptable substitute for war. War is not only the ultimate waste, it is also the ultimate motivation for human action. As Orwell said, waste in the absence of war "would provide only the economic and not the emotional basis for a hierarchical society." Will the environmental-pollution model be able to sufficiently motivate human action to be a substitute for war?

    That is not a safe assumption. The possibility of war in our future cannot be ruled out. The environmental-pollution model is not yet thoroughly proven. It is working well for limited purposes

    1. Lewin, Report, pp. 34-35, 40-41.

    and on a limited scale, but it is still doubtful that it will ever equal the hysteria potential of a physical war. The world planners will not abandon the use of war until the new model has been proven over many years. On that point, the Report from Iron Mountain was emphatic:

    When asked how best to prepare for the advent of peace, we must first reply, as strongly as we can, that the war system cannot responsibly be allowed to disappear until 1) we know exactly what it is we plan to put in its place, and 2) we are certain, beyond reasonable doubt, that these substitute institutions will serve their purposes in terms of the survival and stability of society.... It is uncertain, at this time, whether peace will ever be possible. It is far more questionable ... that it would be desirable even if it were demonstrably attainable.

  • Cities criminalize homelessness - and now the homeless are fighting back!   9 years 14 weeks ago

    The National Coalition for the Homeless stated on their website that the worst states of the union to be homeless, with regard for respect for basic human rights, are California, Florida and Hawaii.
    I described the San Francisco Bay Area, in Los Angeles the authorities tried to put all the homeless on an island.
    Florida has 500 private prisons, so who better to keep them well stocked than the homeless? The old southern vagrancy laws are revived for that purpose. In Florida it is a FELONIOUS offence to sleep outside and after one's release from serving the sentence for the heinous crime of trying to survive one has no choice but to be a "repeat offender".
    There are places in the United States where a homeless person cannot eat, sleep, urinate or defacate EVER without breaking the law. Crimes against capitalism, as Victor Hugo said, to roughly paraphrase, "The Law, in its infinite wisdom, has seen to it that neither a rich man nor a poor man can steal a loaf of bread, sleep under a viaduct or pee in an alley.".

  • Cities criminalize homelessness - and now the homeless are fighting back!   9 years 14 weeks ago

    Kilosqrd, San Francisco is the most gentrified city in the United States and harbors a great intolerance for the homeless. That would probably extend to most of the rest if the Bay Area as well.
    Some mayors of 'Cisco had been elected running on virulent anti homeless platforms. One such mayor, in the '90s, acquired military aircraft with heat seeking technology for the police department to better find the homeless sleeping in Golden Gate Park. He got an ordinance passed banning outdoor food sharing with the homeless. He got another ordinance passed unconstitutionally limiting the amount of possessions the homeless were allowed to have and would then have the police forcibly tear their "exessive" possessions from their hands and toss them into garbage trucks. He tried to place all the city's homeless into what advocates called a "concentration camp".
    These and other actions inspired a heroic movement of opposition that included such groups as Food Not Bombs, orders of Catholic clergy, local trade unions, Human Rights Watch and others, in which hundreds were arrested in passive resistance and civil disobedience.

  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 14 weeks ago

    I couldn't help but notice, there is not one single supporting article, that has been listed in this whole transcript. It is just me, or the fact that Mr. Cruz, Mr. Rubio and even Mr. Trumps comments are made to look exactly the opposite of what these gentlemen actually said? In other words, the twisted opinion of a progressive radio talk show host can only be accepted by the most gullible of liberals, who probably lie to and even among themselves just as Thom Hartman appears to do in this broadcast.

  • Climate denial in text books??   9 years 14 weeks ago

    Phoenix Five Earth Changes Bulletin
    2014, by Michael Wells Mandeville

    Bulletin Item: Climate Change (Global Governance Takeover) talks in Paris starting a day early. (Nov 29) 2015

    I have decided to sit with this to summarize the machinations and the fundamental critiques to produce a serious document which will hold throughout the next few years on the topic.

    The reason is very simple. Quite a few perspectives have finally brought together enough data and empirical observations to be very clear about the fundamentals.

    Global Warming is not happening

    All the claims and charts and reports about such are contrived exercises of extreme quackademery.

    There is no significant "climate change" in the sense of a transformation of natural processes.

    There are natural solar driven processes which are clearly "cycling" the planet into a "cool phase"

    The concept of "extreme weather" now being reported widely has been induced by the same jackasses pushing global warming as a concept. We are more aware of extreme events because of increased reporting and weather analysis and an induced hyper-sensitivity to the issue. Somewhere a local record is ALWAYS being broken. ALWAYS.

    Tornadoes and Hurricanes are actually at lower levels overall than in previous decades.

    Physicists (real ones) prove that co2 levels cannot alter the average heat of the earth. The idea that CO2 levels of any kind are causing climate changes of any kind is mathematically impossible. The claim is nothing more than a phony scam for manipulating gullible people.

    The fundamental long term perspective which is easily proven is that the Earth is in a major "cool phase" compared to the millenniums and geological ages of the past. There was a recent warming up (slight) during the last half of the 20th century along with an increase in average solar activity which spanned most of the same decades.

    The Sun is now less activity and appears or "looks" like it may get less active like previous "cool periods" during the past 1000 years.

    Mirroring this decline, almost all glaciation is increasing on all continents. Polar ice at both ends is increasing. Greenland is colder, Canadian Arctic is colder, Antarctica is at record levels of growth.

    2+2=4, it really does, draw the obvious conclusion.

    So called sea level increase is decreasing. (BTW this measurements avoid the phenomenon of coastal uplift and coastal submergence in the great subduction zones, which is a ceaseless change - measuring a change in sea level at a place probably indicates little more than the rate of uplift or downwarp OF THE LAND at that particular spot).

    In any event, the hysterical claims still being pushed by the Alarmists about a major rise in sea level is nothing but a hobgoblin to freak the "kids". There simply is not enough available ice to melt to create ANY average rise in sea level beyond a few centimeters. It would take a temperature change of 100 degrees on the South Pole to melt enough ice to change coastlines. It isn't going to happen by CO2. If if does so because of a huge change in solar output, melting ice would BE THE LEAST OF OUR PROBLEMS.


    THE ISSUE OF CLIMATE CHANGE, AS PREDICTED DECADES AGO, IS NOTHING BUT POLITICAL THEATRE TO GRAB POWER FOR FREAKS WHO WANT TO IMPOSE DIKTAT OVER EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE. At the core of it are Bolsheviks who want to remake you in their image, and their image is not pretty, and their sponsors, the hereditary aristocracies whose cabals are busily re-creating neo-feudal estates for themselves to control all resources on Earth.

    So actually the news is quite uplifting. They haven't a leg to stand on. They are a sick, sorry, and fairly stupid crew. They can and will be easily driven off the state of history. We will see some of that this next two weeks. There are major contentions and splits going on in the political elites, they will not be able to seal the deal the Bolsheviks want.

    Just call the BS on all that they do and say. Every opportunity. Somebody mentions global warming? Look strangely at them and simply say, "Dude", it is simply not happening, It's all a big fat lie...haven't you noticed that winters are colder than the past?". That's the universal message, the universal meme which unlocks the scam and frees people from the hypnosis of the mass media.

    Enjoy Thanksgiving. Give thanks especially that we can now decisively free ourselves from this hobgoblin. Later today or tomorrow I will send a compilation of U tube videos by experts who will march you through all the graphs and charts which document every aspect of what I have just said above.

  • Politics Panel: Why Is the GOP Provoking Terrorists?   9 years 14 weeks ago

    Why are cons not talking about the "purchasers" of these so called baby parts?

  • Cities criminalize homelessness - and now the homeless are fighting back!   9 years 14 weeks ago

    Criminalizing the homeless? Do you mean Berkeley, California?

  • Cities criminalize homelessness - and now the homeless are fighting back!   9 years 14 weeks ago

    I'll agree with Thom's practice of not naming the shooters.

    When the shooter has a European name, people can remember it and differentiate him from other people of his race and ethnicity. But when the name is Arabic, all that most people will remember is that it's "some Muslim name" (even though Muslim isn't a language), and that assists them in becoming prejudicial.

    If we treat shooters equally and name none of them, then prejudice must be more equitable.

  • Cities criminalize homelessness - and now the homeless are fighting back!   9 years 14 weeks ago

    We may be able to get a "family values" angle on gun control.

    A lot of the deaths due to lack of regulation are young children accidentally killing themselves or others. Now, I know that in general the death of a child often leads to divorce. We probably don't have statistics compiled on this, because of the law forbidding it, but that collateral effect must surely be true in the case where one of those parents left a gun out where their child could get to it and pull the trigger out of curiosity.

  • Cities criminalize homelessness - and now the homeless are fighting back!   9 years 14 weeks ago

    The misspelling of "gun control" on Alex Jones's site reminds me, there was a song by the political-comedy group The Foremen called "Hidden Agenda", in which the chorus accuses the right wing of being in favor of wealth care, fun control, snivel rights, & public broad bashing.

  • Climate denial in text books??   9 years 14 weeks ago

    Sadly, ideology has always dictated what is included in school textbooks. The word "professor" comes from the title given to "learned men" who would profess "god's plan" in any new, approved discoveries and how they proved the gospells in the original University system.

  • Climate denial in text books??   9 years 14 weeks ago

    In addition, we should not restrain our contempt for those ignorant individuals who dared to challenge the church's accepted doctrine that the Earth was Flat ! The Galileo case harks back nearly four centuries and yet there are still books being written about it and science magazines editorializing on it. A fact or is this thesis largely based on myths promoted by individuals with agendas of their own. Four hundred years and counting, when do you think it will finally be laid to rest ?

  • Full Show 12/2/15: Bill O’Reilly: The Left is Destroying “Traditional America”   9 years 14 weeks ago

    The NRA’s Grip

    {… a limerick …}

    Fears are increasingly heightening

    that weapons more then more frightening

    flash their lightning, -

    - while mouthings of the right-wing

    keep the grip of the gun-nuts tightening.


  • Climate denial in text books??   9 years 14 weeks ago

    "Climate Change Theater Action." Being put on by one of our local high schools. To encourage conversations about climate change and what can be done to address the issue locally. Not all schools are going blind.

  • Climate denial in text books??   9 years 14 weeks ago

    If I were a sixth grade school teacher, I would use such textbook claims to illustrate to my students how there are beign mislead by political influences and corproate greed.

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