Recent comments

  • Reclaim America's Moral High Ground by Prosecuting Bush & His Cronies   9 years 12 weeks ago

    Not my fault! I'm afraid the blame will be deflected down the chain of Command and stick at some lower level.

  • Has the Bernie campaign been ignored by the corporate media?   9 years 12 weeks ago

    I will continue to support Bernie to the very end. If we get enough people to support him I certainly would support him as a third party canidate.

  • Reclaim America's Moral High Ground by Prosecuting Bush & His Cronies   9 years 12 weeks ago

    INAUGRATION DAY 1-20-09 after OBAMA took the oath - I so much wanted PotUS OBAMA to have the secret service arrest bush and dicktator dick for their crimes.

    dicktator dick claimed to have a "bad back" and needed to be wheelchaired to the ceremonies - i think that is exactly what he was afraid of - I think - cheney thought - it was a good excuse not to attend the ceremony - hated to turn over his crown and scepter to anyone - especially a black man.

  • Has the Bernie campaign been ignored by the corporate media?   9 years 12 weeks ago

    The tiny progressive media outlets are ignoring Bernie just as much as the Fascist controlled corpse media outlets. The Thom Hartmann program is the only one talking about Bernie. All other outlets refuse to discuss the democratic primary, as if it doesn't even exist, maybe part of the Wasserman Schultz strategy, who knows??? Certainly nothing is communicated about Bernie's platform, or the clarification of what Democratic Socialism truly stands for.

    The republican presidential candidates are all a total waste of airtime, a huge embarrassment to this counrty, Trumpet is no better or worse than the other self-important one is discussing issues that matter, issues like free trade, climate change, endless war, government to the highest fascist bidder, concentration of wealth, out of control republican sponsored spending on the military industrial spy the tune of trillions, trillions in debt the republicans have the audacity to turn around and fn blame on social safety net spending.

    Bernie is the only one speaking the truth, and the media won't have any part of it. He wins if his message reaches the masses.

    I find the progressive media blackout of Bernie and his message extremely disturbing. It should be all they talk about, unless they forgot what time it is, which seems to be the case.

  • Reclaim America's Moral High Ground by Prosecuting Bush & His Cronies   9 years 12 weeks ago

    Great! Now can we prosecute the evil doers on Wall Street?

  • Reclaim America's Moral High Ground by Prosecuting Bush & His Cronies   9 years 12 weeks ago

    Phoenix Five Earth Changes Bulletin
    2014, by Michael Wells Mandeville

    Bulletin Item: Climate Change (Global Governance Takeover) talks in Paris starting a day early. (Nov 29) 2015

    I have decided to sit with this to summarize the machinations and the fundamental critiques to produce a serious document which will hold throughout the next few years on the topic.

    The reason is very simple. Quite a few perspectives have finally brought together enough data and empirical observations to be very clear about the fundamentals.

    Global Warming is not happening

    All the claims and charts and reports about such are contrived exercises of extreme quackademery.

    There is no significant "climate change" in the sense of a transformation of natural processes.

    There are natural solar driven processes which are clearly "cycling" the planet into a "cool phase"

    The concept of "extreme weather" now being reported widely has been induced by the same jackasses pushing global warming as a concept. We are more aware of extreme events because of increased reporting and weather analysis and an induced hyper-sensitivity to the issue. Somewhere a local record is ALWAYS being broken. ALWAYS.

    Tornadoes and Hurricanes are actually at lower levels overall than in previous decades.

    Physicists (real ones) prove that co2 levels cannot alter the average heat of the earth. The idea that CO2 levels of any kind are causing climate changes of any kind is mathematically impossible. The claim is nothing more than a phony scam for manipulating gullible people.

    The fundamental long term perspective which is easily proven is that the Earth is in a major "cool phase" compared to the millenniums and geological ages of the past. There was a recent warming up (slight) during the last half of the 20th century along with an increase in average solar activity which spanned most of the same decades.

    The Sun is now less activity and appears or "looks" like it may get less active like previous "cool periods" during the past 1000 years.

    Mirroring this decline, almost all glaciation is increasing on all continents. Polar ice at both ends is increasing. Greenland is colder, Canadian Arctic is colder, Antarctica is at record levels of growth.

    2+2=4, it really does, draw the obvious conclusion.

    So called sea level increase is decreasing. (BTW this measurements avoid the phenomenon of coastal uplift and coastal submergence in the great subduction zones, which is a ceaseless change - measuring a change in sea level at a place probably indicates little more than the rate of uplift or downwarp OF THE LAND at that particular spot).

    In any event, the hysterical claims still being pushed by the Alarmists about a major rise in sea level is nothing but a hobgoblin to freak the "kids". There simply is not enough available ice to melt to create ANY average rise in sea level beyond a few centimeters. It would take a temperature change of 100 degrees on the South Pole to melt enough ice to change coastlines. It isn't going to happen by CO2. If if does so because of a huge change in solar output, melting ice would BE THE LEAST OF OUR PROBLEMS.


    THE ISSUE OF CLIMATE CHANGE, AS PREDICTED DECADES AGO, IS NOTHING BUT POLITICAL THEATRE TO GRAB POWER FOR FREAKS WHO WANT TO IMPOSE DIKTAT OVER EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE. At the core of it are Bolsheviks who want to remake you in their image, and their image is not pretty, and their sponsors, the hereditary aristocracies whose cabals are busily re-creating neo-feudal estates for themselves to control all resources on Earth.

    So actually the news is quite uplifting. They haven't a leg to stand on. They are a sick, sorry, and fairly stupid crew. They can and will be easily driven off the state of history. We will see some of that this next two weeks. There are major contentions and splits going on in the political elites, they will not be able to seal the deal the Bolsheviks want.

    Just call the BS on all that they do and say. Every opportunity. Somebody mentions global warming? Look strangely at them and simply say, "Dude", it is simply not happening, It's all a big fat lie...haven't you noticed that winters are colder than the past?". That's the universal message, the universal meme which unlocks the scam and frees people from the hypnosis of the mass media.

    Enjoy Thanksgiving. Give thanks especially that we can now decisively free ourselves from this hobgoblin. Later today or tomorrow I will send a compilation of U tube videos by experts who will march you through all the graphs and charts which document every aspect of what I have just said above.

    Also wind energy

    John Miller <> wrote:

    Wind Energy is not a valuable source of electric ..and the way that the Companies get local towns to buy into it is wrong at every level. There are a few websites I would like for you to see and a movie called windfall and that is there tactics towards people .all I want to do is try to create jobs for this hard economic area as many as possible ..With the current structure I have a slim chance but will continue to try .Here are is a website that has great information about the downside of wind and if you want to make an investment These guys at MIT are the wind Future mans name is Alan Rein they had there first launch in April of this year .........

    Besides the Creature From Jekyll Island movie ...any more that you have I would like to learn more

    The godfather of global warming lowers the boom on climate change

    Eighteen months ago, James Lovelock, the godfather of global warming, gave a startling interview to in which he acknowledged he had been unduly “alarmist” about climate change.

    The implications were extraordinary.

    Lovelock is a world-renowned scientist and environmentalist whose Gaia theory — that the Earth operates as a single, living organism — has had a profound impact on the development of global warming theory.

    Unlike many “environmentalists,” who have degrees in political science, Lovelock, until his recent retirement at age 92, was a much-honored working scientist and academic.

    His inventions have been used by NASA, among many other scientific organizations.

    Lovelock’s invention of the electron capture detector in 1957 first enabled scientists to measure CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) and other pollutants in the atmosphere, leading, in many ways, to the birth of the modern environmental movement.

    Having observed that global temperatures since the turn of the millennium have not gone up in the way computer-based climate models predicted, Lovelock acknowledged, “the problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago.” Now, Lovelock has given a follow-up interview to the UK’s Guardian newspaper in which he delivers more bombshells sure to anger the global green movement, which for years worshipped his Gaia theory and apocalyptic predictions that billions would die from man-made climate change by the end of this century.

    Lovelock still believes anthropogenic global warming is occurring and that mankind must lower its greenhouse gas emissions, but says it’s now clear the doomsday predictions, including his own (and Al Gore’s) were incorrect.

    He responds to attacks on his revised views by noting that, unlike many climate scientists who fear a loss of government funding if they admit error, as a freelance scientist, he’s never been afraid to revise his theories in the face of new evidence. Indeed, that’s how science advances.

    Among his observations to the Guardian:

    (1) A long-time supporter of nuclear power as a way to lower greenhouse gas emissions, which has made him unpopular with environmentalists, Lovelock has now come out in favour of natural gas fracking (which environmentalists also oppose), as a low-polluting alternative to coal.

    As Lovelock observes, “Gas is almost a give-away in the U.S. at the moment. They’ve gone for fracking in a big way. This is what makes me very cross with the greens for trying to knock it … Let’s be pragmatic and sensible and get Britain to switch everything to methane. We should be going mad on it.” (Kandeh Yumkella, co-head of a major United Nations program on sustainable energy, made similar arguments last week at a UN environmental conference in Rio de Janeiro, advocating the development of conventional and unconventional natural gas resources as a way to reduce deforestation and save millions of lives in the Third World.)

    (2) Lovelock blasted greens for treating global warming like a religion.

    “It just so happens that the green religion is now taking over from the Christian religion,” Lovelock observed. “I don’t think people have noticed that, but it’s got all the sort of terms that religions use … The greens use guilt. That just shows how religious greens are. You can’t win people round by saying they are guilty for putting (carbon dioxide) in the air.”

    (3) Lovelock mocks the idea modern economies can be powered by wind turbines.

    As he puts it, “so-called ‘sustainable development’ … is meaningless drivel … We rushed into renewable energy without any thought. The schemes are largely hopelessly inefficient and unpleasant. I personally can’t stand windmills at any price.”

    (4) Finally, about claims “the science is settled” on global warming: “One thing that being a scientist has taught me is that you can never be certain about anything. You never know the truth. You can only approach it and hope to get a bit nearer to it each time. You iterate towards the truth. You don’t know it.”

  • Reclaim America's Moral High Ground by Prosecuting Bush & His Cronies   9 years 12 weeks ago

    Thank you Tohm for keeping us informed. For those who suffered I do not think there is much satisfaction in such delayed opportunity for possible restitution. All People have the government they deserve.

  • Has the Bernie campaign been ignored by the corporate media?   9 years 12 weeks ago

    Media are always whining about losing viewers or readers, blaming their failure on the Internet. This is a perfect example of why they are losing. Their bottom line doesn't like Bernie's message so they try to manipulate the public by ignoring him. People are tired of being manipulated. Media is grasping now...knowing they are losing this fight. Go pamphleteers!!! When the weapons industry and other money grubbers own our sources of information, we are no longer getting real information. Thanks to the Thom Hartmann progam and others like it, people are on to these fraudsters.

  • Reclaim America's Moral High Ground by Prosecuting Bush & His Cronies   9 years 12 weeks ago

    And... then Obama pardons them

    Americans allow that... for some strange reason

    Here we go 'round the mullberry bush... dah dah, dah dah, dah dah!

    Britain is NOT charging blasted Blair with anything I know of

    He's a serpent with legal qualifications remember... and, now not without growing influence

    THE snide!!!!

  • Reclaim America's Moral High Ground by Prosecuting Bush & His Cronies   9 years 12 weeks ago

    I've been wanting to see that happen for YEARS. But I'm not holding my breath. Hopefully though, Great Britain is setting a good example with Tony Blair.

  • Has the Bernie campaign been ignored by the corporate media?   9 years 12 weeks ago

    I do not see coverage of Bernie's action, the size of his crowds after the initial few, and nearly nothing is said except to emphasize that he is a
    "Democratic S O C I A L I S T!!!!"

  • Daily Topics - Monday December 14th, 2015   9 years 12 weeks ago

    We have a bookstore here in Denver called Isis, which was vandalized by dumbasses that can't figure out that sometimes two things have the same name.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday December 8th, 2015   9 years 12 weeks ago

    Brilliant, Ma'at. (Love the name too, BTW.) Let's compare the phrasing of the 2nd Amendment directly: "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Other than an improper comma and the us of "infringe" instead of "abridge" and "deny", it's the same. So if the 2nd establishes a right, the 15th, 19th, 24th and 26th must establish a right as well.

  • It's raining, it's pouring, deniers are snoring...   9 years 12 weeks ago

    You wrote that the UK can expect to have drier summers and wetter winters nowadays. Now, (the Republic of) Ireland obviously isn't part of the UK, but it's in the same general region - meaning we share similar weather conditions, of course. I can say that Ireland has disproportionately experienced wetter summers AND, in turn, wetter winters during the past few years (2013 being the sole, lonely exception).
    This year, for example, we had no summer, in its traditional, stereotypically sunny guise, to speak of (it rained heavily for most of it), and now, in the depths of winter, most of the country is being flooded continually as well. So, that yarn about the UK/Ireland getting drier/warmer summers and wetter winters is b.s. when, the truth is that it RAINS ALL YEAR ROUND NOW.

    People might scoff and say,"Ah, sure it's Ireland - rain is the norm here!" Yeah, but rain ALL THE F*CKING TIME, YEAR-ROUND? This is abnormal. I grew up in this country, as did my father, and neither of us can recall witnessing the current levels of near-interminable rain occurring during our respective formative years. Okay, we'd get a couple of days of rain throughout most of the year, but it was often punctuated by dry days and/or fairly generous spells of sunshine. None of these 'rain ruts' like we're experiencing now.

    I doubt this change in weather is attributable to 'climate change' (formerly known as 'global warming'?!), seeing as it's highly unlikely such a stark, abrupt change can take effect within only a few years. I would assume it would take decades of gradual, perceptible change to cause this kind of shift in weather, if climate change was actually behind it (and if climate change is even REAL!). Whether or not we can blame geo-engineers for f*cking around with our weather/planetary ionosphere/whatever, the bottom line is that it's raining CONSTANTLY in Ireland nowadays and IT IS ABNORMAL.

  • Friday 11 December '15 show notes   9 years 12 weeks ago

    How is supporting Hillary because she is a woman morally different than opposing her because she is a woman?

  • 50 Years Later - it's time for Medicare "Part E!"   9 years 13 weeks ago

    To remain certified, you must pass a family physician a written exam every few years, including three hundred hours of continuing education best doctors in las vegas. If you meet a family doctor, you feel sure are aware of the latest and best treatment options in Southern Will County Health them weight loss for men.

  • Bernie introduces a bold new plan for Climate Action!   9 years 13 weeks ago

    Certainly, one thing you say is true:

    “One thing that being a scientist has taught me is that you can never be certain about anything. You never know the truth. You can only approach it and hope to get a bit nearer to it each time. You iterate towards the truth. You don’t know it.”

    That statement applies to your convictions as well. Your perception of the "facts" is skewed by your own interpretation of them. The last 6 years have been the warmest on record, each one successively warmer than the last. If you think the rate of climate change is not historic and driven by human activity, then perhaps you are living on a different planet. That's a possibility you might want to explore because everything else you present is about as rediculous.

  • Bernie introduces a bold new plan for Climate Action!   9 years 13 weeks ago


    Wake up folks!

    Americans have an overdependence on their so-called "representative democracy". Bernie has great ideas, but I vividly recall how exciting it was to hear Obama talk...before he was elected. Bernie will be no different.

    Let's get real. No significant change will happen unless Americans evolve socially. That means that we must move beyond a broken political system and embrace our own power to collectively organize and self-govern. We will always need representative democracy, but until we organize to control it and to keep it functional, all bets are off.




  • It's raining, it's pouring, deniers are snoring...   9 years 13 weeks ago

    How would you describe the difference?

  • It's raining, it's pouring, deniers are snoring...   9 years 13 weeks ago

    Why do you keep confusing weather with climate?

  • With the RNC align themselves with Democrats to stop Trump?   9 years 13 weeks ago

    Trump is a blessing. If Hillary wins the Democratic nomination with her super-delegates Bernie can still win as a write-in.


  • Should Antonin Scalia resign over his racist remarks?   9 years 13 weeks ago

    Alito, Scalia and Thomas should all be impeached, then hanged for treason.


  • Republicans: Please Stop Helping ISIS   9 years 13 weeks ago

    Reply to #7:

    Learn your history about how the West, and especially the U.S. has been stirring the Middle East pot for over sixty years and then tell me THAT doesn't make you sick.

  • Full Show 12/7/15: #YouAintNoMuslimBruv & the Real Way to Fight ISIS   9 years 13 weeks ago

    Let's be REAL HERE! If WHITE FOLKS don't step up to the Plate, ain't a dang thing People of Color can do to PREVENT THIS!

    Truly, it's all on Thom Hartman and his WHITE FOLKS TO PREVENT THIS! Black folks VOTE, but the bottom line, we've never counted, only to get our DEMOCRATIC TRATIOR'S INTO OFFICE ... OBAMA INCLUDED!

    Hillary and Bill Clinton .......... KISS MY LAST AZZ YOU SOLD OUT SOB'S! NAFTA, the Fair Doctrine and GLASS STEAGEL, are you GREEDY SOB'S KIDDING ME?

    No way should Hillary be President, she is a bigger TRAITOR then her husband! The TPP BILL IS ALL HILLARY CLINTON! For being Secy of State, she traveled the World wide, and SAW how she could TOP her husband's NAFTA BILL!



    If you have FORGOTTEN, GOD DOES NOT LIKE GREED, NOR EVIL, NOR SLAVERY! and its what you EVIL DOER'S are all about ... GREED, GREED, GREED, at the cost of every human being, as long as its not ONE OF YOURS!


  • Free Speech TV needs your help!   9 years 13 weeks ago

    Is Thom ever there????Seems he is out more than in.

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