Not once has any Republican candidate talked about housing for the homeless vets and appropriate healthcare via the V.A. and/or private doctors. You'd think, wouldn't you, that they'd want to fix the problems we already have for our vets before creating thousands more of them to come home in less than stellar conditions. But no - that's a bridge they'll cross when they get there after they win the election (a bridge I can almost guarantee you that NO Republican wants to step onto, let alone cross!).
Not once has a Republican talked about how much larger they will expand government just on the premise of making our fighting forces and our cyber capabilities the greatest, most extensive Band of Brothers and Sisters anywhere in the world, OR how much money they'll have to BORROW to do so. Whatever happened to pay-as-you-go? Is that reserved for only half-black Presidents of a different Party? Or a woman President?
And, finally, not once have I heard them speak of making our food safer, stamping out diseases such as Ebola, T.B. and encephalytis, or even Lime's Disease, for that matter. They don't care about alcoholism. They don't care about Medical Marijuana. They're far too busy trying to figure a way to get back in the war games...
Clearly, they DO care about winning the 2016 election so they can pat their bellies, drink their toasts, and declare themselves "The Kings of The Hill" again - in charge, and ready to take care of repaying their campaign donors with favors and large benefits, all at the expense of the Americans who really DO pay taxes.
The perfect storm. A reality television program, promoted more like a boxing match than an exchange between statesmen, has become center stage for millions of viewers looking for the knockout punch. The candidates reached their prominence in large part by learning the rules of the corporate manifested by the Tea Party.
Watching the debate was an exercise in patience – with both the candidates and the moderators. My thoughts are spinning with a feeling of disgust and having been insulted by the well-educated fear mongers.
Politicians or entertainers? Reagan was one of the first to successfully make the leap from a B movie star to politics. The bar has been lowered with the advent of a doctor with no political experience (why is he not in the ‘baby debate.’ Why do we even consider the ‘baby debate’ as a realistic event? Selling more commercial time, of course.)
As a child in the 60’s, in the midst of the Cold War, Vietnam, the civil rights – the assassination of the President; MLK, and Bobbie… The Constitution was not overturned. People were not deported in mass because of their color or religion. The country prospered with affording rights to vote and the right to Medicare for the sick and elderly.
CNN is the least trusted name in news. I am tired of hearing about fear. Fear of Ebola. The missing Malaysian airliner. Panels and experts prorogating “stupid” and never seem to know anything. Fear of terrorism. Fear of children shot and killed in an elementary school; or a Colorado movie theater; or …
There is a reason CNN and MSNBC fill there off hours with trivial, cheap entertainment shows.
I need to search for some more patience after writing this!
I am a member of the late 60's hippie movement.I took LSD almost every day for months and at least twice a week for years.Sadly,like with everything else.the government crack downs and the massive drug busts that exlempified the era degraded the quality of the drugs,their cost and the things used to adultrate them.Many turned to hard drugs and the rest just left the scene.Good,psychedelic drugs,used sparingly and with reverence,can be a life altering experience.Using them with people you don't know and possibly that could be agents of the federal government looking to take away your freedom isn't a good idea at any time.I'm happy to see that these drugs are once again being studied,without fear,by the scientific community.Good things will come from this.The drugs were never bad.Prohibition was the cancer that jaded what was said about these substances.It is always a cancer as are the agencies that enforce and encourage it.
I am for Bernie but it doesn't make any difference. Because when you have a monopoly on a currency as the global reserve currency. You can afford the cost of defeating any opponent with access to an unlimited budget and credit. You cannot keeep democracy from being extinguished by extreme capitalism. corruption has exceeded the ,Linmit for intervention. It will probably enable totalitarianism and modern feudalism to prevail. But not absolutely since we are still able to perceive what is happening and refuse to continue to go along with it. That is going to be a nasty ending.Like The Roman Empire, The Russian Revolution, The French Revolution, The Indonesian revolutionb, The American revolution and the uneding resistance of humanity to opression and wealth misucse through law abuse.
Please, When callers make the mistake of using the word Medicaid when they mean Medicare will you ask Thom to explain that Medicare is not Medicaid. He keeps saying the same thing and confusing the public, and they are confused enough. It is important. Medicaid is not a federal program for retirees. That is Medicare.
The media is nothing more than a platform for advertising, business and military-intelligence propaganda, it's bottom line being profit. Anything that is perceived as hostile to the interests of its core constituency is either ignored or attacked.
Bernie Sanders as a progressive (one who wishes to ameliorate capitalism but in no way seriously challenge it) at least on the surface appears hostile to some of its interests and thus receives scant attention from the media whores whose job it is to support the status quo.
Let's not forget that other progressive though, Barak Obama, and what he did (or rather, didn't do) when in power. Will Bernie be the same?
It is easy to agree that media consolidation has been detrimental to democracy. The hard part is figuring out how we can spread alternatives, other than just sharing links on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Who, if anyone, has been trying to affect media in public spaces? Has anyone tried to change the channel on one of those millions of flat screens in bars, testaurants and laundromats? Has anyone tried to use a tool like Chromecast to let people send media from their phone to a flat screen in a public place?
How can we organize groups of progressives to bring alternative media into public spaces, where others can be exposed to something other than corporate media?
"But the media refuses to cover Senator Sanders, and even Hillary Clinton has largely dropped out of the headlines since the Benghazi emails were put to rest." TH
The media isn't "refusing" to cover Bernie. The media isn't refusing to cover anyone. It's that Trump is so, so much better at the media game than all the other candidates combined. Look at the proof. JEB has spent nearly $40 million so far this campaign and has got nothing to show for it. Trump has spent less than $250K. Yet Thom and many others cannot see the obvious.
Hillary, on the other hand, is purposely staying out of the media, save for the occasional appearance, because everytime she shows up on TV, her poll numbers drop. Saturday night debates? Nobody is watching, and it's by design. She is a terrible campaigner. This is something she will not be able to avoid when she becomes the Democrat nominee. Her record as SoS and Sen will be destroyed by the eventual Republican nominee. And, heaven forbid, another Islamic terrorist attack in this country before the Presidential election in 2016 will doom her chances and just about all other Dems.
One more thing. If Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination, noone on the Dem side, meaning Hillary or Bernie, will be able to debate Trump on economic matters in any serious or meaningful manner. But it will be entertaining to watch.
My mid-‘70s studes agreed that Fascism-in-America was developing {while many folks figured that we were headed toward Socialism instead}. The studes were into perspectives which scholar Bertram Gross soon described as “Friendly Fascism: the new face of power in America” {1980} [Notice the adjective, “Friendly”, - which would make Fascismo frightening and disgusting enough]. … This book seems pretty-much right-on concerning what IS indeed happening {albeit with some differences details-wise, and with some Additional aspects of Fascism, such as our culture’s sectors of ugly Violence}. … Google-izate “author title” for lots about it.
Thom's is THE to-me-most-useful news-show EXCEPT that the panel’s Rightists detract from discussing-the-ISSUES which Thom raises. Viewing-their-yackings angers me, - so I fast-forward past such segments.
The media is once again distracting the general public with the ongoing threats of religious terror, with the exception of home grown Christian extremists shooting up clinics etc.
However the real threat to the general welfare of this country are the Fascist Party candidates, the very individuals the media is having a screaming orgasm for. You won't hear Fox talk about the economic platforms these maniacs want to impose on the backs of working class citizens. They're all anti union, anti minimum wage, anti single payer, anti Social Security, anti job creation, anti Medicare, anti green energy, etc. They're for free slave trade, pro carbon pollution, pro unlimited profit Health Insurance, pro unaffordable education, more tax breaks for the super rich, and unlimited military industrial spy complex problem running up the debt there....the Fascists who are trying to put them in the White House stand to gain multi billions off only millions invested to purchase and strangle our liberty. Be afraid of that!'s the real terror the media won't talk about.
You'll never hear the corpse media mention the simple fact that our future President, Bernie Sanders, also has more total supporters than Trumpet, which echos the fact Thom already pointed out, that Bernie beats all of the Fascist Party candidates in the general election.
Thom, The media won't give Bernie any attention ! They want him to go away. The only way Bernie will get recognition is if he wins some primaries or at least comes close.
The media will do everything they can to dismiss Bernie. He is to dangerous to the Big Corporations running America. If Bernie becomes a real threat to win, the Greedy Corporations could lose control of our government. Vote For Bernie !
Also.......The NRA in Russia ! Not really a surprise,they are there to weaken gun control laws so people will buy more guns.And gun manufacturers can make more profit. That is all that matters, it's not important that more people will die, people are not as important as corporate profit. The NRA has showed us that.
"Which is a giant gift to the Republican Party - the corporate party." Except for literally a handful of democrats such as Elizabeth Warren, the entire Democratic Party has been bought and paid for just like Republicans. It's time we face this fact.
So, I guess all you Lib/Progs who champion legal remedies against abuses of non-citizens by the Bush admin. are equally outraged that Obama's summary executions of American citizens, including a 16 year old boy, by drone, goes unpunished?
"Let's start there. He was an American boy, born in America. Though he'd lived in Yemen since he was about seven, he was still an American citizen, which should have made it harder for the United States to kill him.
It didn't.
It should at the very least have made it necessary for the United States to say why it killed him.
"Judge Rosemary Collyer (District Court of DC) yesterday dismissed a damages lawsuit filed by families of Anwar Al-Aulaqi, his son Abdulrahman Al-Aulaqi, and Samir Khan, who were US citizens killed in US drone strikes. This was a Bivens suit for damages against individual US government officials alleged to be responsible for violations of the 4th and 5th amendments. After finding that the case is not precluded by the political question doctrine, Judge Collyer found that the 4th amendment was not at issue and focused her discussion on the 5th amendment instead; she then dismissed, with some hesitation, finding that cautionary principles attached to Bivens actions, counseling against judicial encroachment on the political branches, urged dismissal. The 41-page ruling is here and the national security and law website Lawfare has coverage of the oral argument from last July here and discussion and links to thebriefs here."
The thought of any of them being elected is scary.
The Jebster wants us to increase our already out of control military spending, which is exactly what ISIS wants us to do.
I'm sure ISIS is aware of the history behind the fall of the Roman Empire... while the Jebster surely is not.
Not once has any Republican candidate talked about housing for the homeless vets and appropriate healthcare via the V.A. and/or private doctors. You'd think, wouldn't you, that they'd want to fix the problems we already have for our vets before creating thousands more of them to come home in less than stellar conditions. But no - that's a bridge they'll cross when they get there after they win the election (a bridge I can almost guarantee you that NO Republican wants to step onto, let alone cross!).
Not once has a Republican talked about how much larger they will expand government just on the premise of making our fighting forces and our cyber capabilities the greatest, most extensive Band of Brothers and Sisters anywhere in the world, OR how much money they'll have to BORROW to do so. Whatever happened to pay-as-you-go? Is that reserved for only half-black Presidents of a different Party? Or a woman President?
And, finally, not once have I heard them speak of making our food safer, stamping out diseases such as Ebola, T.B. and encephalytis, or even Lime's Disease, for that matter. They don't care about alcoholism. They don't care about Medical Marijuana. They're far too busy trying to figure a way to get back in the war games...
Clearly, they DO care about winning the 2016 election so they can pat their bellies, drink their toasts, and declare themselves "The Kings of The Hill" again - in charge, and ready to take care of repaying their campaign donors with favors and large benefits, all at the expense of the Americans who really DO pay taxes.
The perfect storm. A reality television program, promoted more like a boxing match than an exchange between statesmen, has become center stage for millions of viewers looking for the knockout punch. The candidates reached their prominence in large part by learning the rules of the corporate manifested by the Tea Party.
Watching the debate was an exercise in patience – with both the candidates and the moderators. My thoughts are spinning with a feeling of disgust and having been insulted by the well-educated fear mongers.
Politicians or entertainers? Reagan was one of the first to successfully make the leap from a B movie star to politics. The bar has been lowered with the advent of a doctor with no political experience (why is he not in the ‘baby debate.’ Why do we even consider the ‘baby debate’ as a realistic event? Selling more commercial time, of course.)
As a child in the 60’s, in the midst of the Cold War, Vietnam, the civil rights – the assassination of the President; MLK, and Bobbie… The Constitution was not overturned. People were not deported in mass because of their color or religion. The country prospered with affording rights to vote and the right to Medicare for the sick and elderly.
CNN is the least trusted name in news. I am tired of hearing about fear. Fear of Ebola. The missing Malaysian airliner. Panels and experts prorogating “stupid” and never seem to know anything. Fear of terrorism. Fear of children shot and killed in an elementary school; or a Colorado movie theater; or …
There is a reason CNN and MSNBC fill there off hours with trivial, cheap entertainment shows.
I need to search for some more patience after writing this!
I am a member of the late 60's hippie movement.I took LSD almost every day for months and at least twice a week for years.Sadly,like with everything else.the government crack downs and the massive drug busts that exlempified the era degraded the quality of the drugs,their cost and the things used to adultrate them.Many turned to hard drugs and the rest just left the scene.Good,psychedelic drugs,used sparingly and with reverence,can be a life altering experience.Using them with people you don't know and possibly that could be agents of the federal government looking to take away your freedom isn't a good idea at any time.I'm happy to see that these drugs are once again being studied,without fear,by the scientific community.Good things will come from this.The drugs were never bad.Prohibition was the cancer that jaded what was said about these substances.It is always a cancer as are the agencies that enforce and encourage it.
HEY REPUBLICANS!!! It's a presidential election; not "Wrestlemania!!
Strange what captures the public's attention.
Kill 90 a day in the US by guns and its a yawn.
Kill 14 in a terrorist incident and the TV channels go ballistic.
And the level of paranoia, and insanity, continues to rise. When, oh when, will we implode?
Sorry Thom! With the present candidates on any side of politics you will be damned hard pressed to roll back reagun or clitun
Why are americans so paranoid?
Why don't you get some grit... like John Wayn
Been doing bombs and terrorist stuff for decades in other places
I am for Bernie but it doesn't make any difference. Because when you have a monopoly on a currency as the global reserve currency. You can afford the cost of defeating any opponent with access to an unlimited budget and credit. You cannot keeep democracy from being extinguished by extreme capitalism. corruption has exceeded the ,Linmit for intervention. It will probably enable totalitarianism and modern feudalism to prevail. But not absolutely since we are still able to perceive what is happening and refuse to continue to go along with it. That is going to be a nasty ending.Like The Roman Empire, The Russian Revolution, The French Revolution, The Indonesian revolutionb, The American revolution and the uneding resistance of humanity to opression and wealth misucse through law abuse.
Please, When callers make the mistake of using the word Medicaid when they mean Medicare will you ask Thom to explain that Medicare is not Medicaid. He keeps saying the same thing and confusing the public, and they are confused enough. It is important. Medicaid is not a federal program for retirees. That is Medicare.
Please stop adding to theconfusion! Medicaid is not Medicare We can Nationalize edicaid only Medicare
The media is nothing more than a platform for advertising, business and military-intelligence propaganda, it's bottom line being profit. Anything that is perceived as hostile to the interests of its core constituency is either ignored or attacked.
Bernie Sanders as a progressive (one who wishes to ameliorate capitalism but in no way seriously challenge it) at least on the surface appears hostile to some of its interests and thus receives scant attention from the media whores whose job it is to support the status quo.
Let's not forget that other progressive though, Barak Obama, and what he did (or rather, didn't do) when in power. Will Bernie be the same?
It is easy to agree that media consolidation has been detrimental to democracy. The hard part is figuring out how we can spread alternatives, other than just sharing links on Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Who, if anyone, has been trying to affect media in public spaces? Has anyone tried to change the channel on one of those millions of flat screens in bars, testaurants and laundromats? Has anyone tried to use a tool like Chromecast to let people send media from their phone to a flat screen in a public place?
How can we organize groups of progressives to bring alternative media into public spaces, where others can be exposed to something other than corporate media?
"But the media refuses to cover Senator Sanders, and even Hillary Clinton has largely dropped out of the headlines since the Benghazi emails were put to rest." TH
The media isn't "refusing" to cover Bernie. The media isn't refusing to cover anyone. It's that Trump is so, so much better at the media game than all the other candidates combined. Look at the proof. JEB has spent nearly $40 million so far this campaign and has got nothing to show for it. Trump has spent less than $250K. Yet Thom and many others cannot see the obvious.
Hillary, on the other hand, is purposely staying out of the media, save for the occasional appearance, because everytime she shows up on TV, her poll numbers drop. Saturday night debates? Nobody is watching, and it's by design. She is a terrible campaigner. This is something she will not be able to avoid when she becomes the Democrat nominee. Her record as SoS and Sen will be destroyed by the eventual Republican nominee. And, heaven forbid, another Islamic terrorist attack in this country before the Presidential election in 2016 will doom her chances and just about all other Dems.
One more thing. If Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination, noone on the Dem side, meaning Hillary or Bernie, will be able to debate Trump on economic matters in any serious or meaningful manner. But it will be entertaining to watch.
Reasons why summer weather in Britain is so much better than Ireland
My mid-‘70s studes agreed that Fascism-in-America was developing {while many folks figured that we were headed toward Socialism instead}. The studes were into perspectives which scholar Bertram Gross soon described as “Friendly Fascism: the new face of power in America” {1980} [Notice the adjective, “Friendly”, - which would make Fascismo frightening and disgusting enough]. … This book seems pretty-much right-on concerning what IS indeed happening {albeit with some differences details-wise, and with some Additional aspects of Fascism, such as our culture’s sectors of ugly Violence}. … Google-izate “author title” for lots about it.
Thom's is THE to-me-most-useful news-show EXCEPT that the panel’s Rightists detract from discussing-the-ISSUES which Thom raises. Viewing-their-yackings angers me, - so I fast-forward past such segments.
The media is once again distracting the general public with the ongoing threats of religious terror, with the exception of home grown Christian extremists shooting up clinics etc.
However the real threat to the general welfare of this country are the Fascist Party candidates, the very individuals the media is having a screaming orgasm for. You won't hear Fox talk about the economic platforms these maniacs want to impose on the backs of working class citizens. They're all anti union, anti minimum wage, anti single payer, anti Social Security, anti job creation, anti Medicare, anti green energy, etc. They're for free slave trade, pro carbon pollution, pro unlimited profit Health Insurance, pro unaffordable education, more tax breaks for the super rich, and unlimited military industrial spy complex problem running up the debt there....the Fascists who are trying to put them in the White House stand to gain multi billions off only millions invested to purchase and strangle our liberty. Be afraid of that!'s the real terror the media won't talk about.
You'll never hear the corpse media mention the simple fact that our future President, Bernie Sanders, also has more total supporters than Trumpet, which echos the fact Thom already pointed out, that Bernie beats all of the Fascist Party candidates in the general election.
There's a forecast for Ireland here
It says autumn and winter will be wetter.
Thom, The media won't give Bernie any attention ! They want him to go away. The only way Bernie will get recognition is if he wins some primaries or at least comes close.
The media will do everything they can to dismiss Bernie. He is to dangerous to the Big Corporations running America. If Bernie becomes a real threat to win, the Greedy Corporations could lose control of our government. Vote For Bernie !
Also.......The NRA in Russia ! Not really a surprise,they are there to weaken gun control laws so people will buy more guns.And gun manufacturers can make more profit. That is all that matters, it's not important that more people will die, people are not as important as corporate profit. The NRA has showed us that.
"Which is a giant gift to the Republican Party - the corporate party." Except for literally a handful of democrats such as Elizabeth Warren, the entire Democratic Party has been bought and paid for just like Republicans. It's time we face this fact.
So, I guess all you Lib/Progs who champion legal remedies against abuses of non-citizens by the Bush admin. are equally outraged that Obama's summary executions of American citizens, including a 16 year old boy, by drone, goes unpunished?