Recent comments

  • Have we reversed the progress made by FDR & The Greatest Generation?   9 years 10 weeks ago

    The New Deal has been dismantled piece, by piece since 1980.

  • The Huge Public Health Crisis That No One’s Talking About   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Sorry! I have to state that Americans are drug induced hooked on GUNS

    They will have to go through very heavy withdrawal symptoms to get away from them

    You will benefit no end when you are able

  • The Huge Public Health Crisis That No One’s Talking About   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Sorry RL! The concept I have in my mind is about the obsession with gun ownership that connects its notion with the 2nd amendment to bear arms

    The 2nd amendment was drafted to protect against external invasion without the existence of a standing army

    America now has a HUGE standing army

  • The Huge Public Health Crisis That No One’s Talking About   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Thanks for another salvo on this Thom. Have you heard of this guy? Daniel Webster, Professor of Health Policy and Management at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research,examines some surprisingly hopeful possibilities that exist for a controversial public policy conundrum that seems to have no universally acceptable answer.

    There's a short intro at the link and then links to his TEDMED talk and other stuff. It is what research could do for this cause of so many horrible tragedies. Guest interview?

    There's the link of gun ownership to angry people.

    The suicide link should be helped with more people on ACA, but there's still a big gap and it puts those people at more risk with no health or psych care.

    I just ran across this a couple of days ago. Historical Bases of the Right To Keep and Bear Arms "In contrast to these rights, the right to keep and bear arms can claim an ancestry stretching for well over a millennium. The antiquity of the right is so great that it is all but impossible to document its actual beginning. " Info at the top: [ Originally published as Report of the Subcommittee on the Constitution of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 97th Cong., 2d Sess., The Right to Keep and Bear Arms, 45-67 (1982) ("Other Views"). Reproduced in the 1982 Senate Report, pg. 45-67.]

    In 1776, America was a bunch of English colonies. The Framers were well versed in English law. The other rights the author contrasted to are those of the other amendments that were not well established in English or European law at the time. So the 9th and 10th protect the individual right to keep and bear arms. (I have a mental imagery of interviewing the Framers, asking why they didn't put one in for personal ownership, and receiving looks of derision.)

    Finally, words are inadequate to convey how grateful I am you stuck with Bernie for so long on the Friday brunches. I'm ADD, couple of interesting dots.

    Considering Margaret Mead's quote about a small group of determined people are the only thing that has ever changed the world, the second link is to research on what it takes in numbers to get a movement to spread like a flame. The first number needed for spreading Bernie's support is essentially 10% percent of the registered voters needed to vote for Bernie in the primaries. Many can still register and my back of the envelope calculations suggest we have already hit that 10%. Especially because of the Millennials. They have hit 77 million, now out numbering the boomers. They're on tech. Most are left leaning Independents and combined with registered Dems, out number the cons 3:1. Many have not been registered - some because this will be the first race they are eligible. The polls, from what I have been seeing, are still not calling cell phones. I am assuming because there still are no phone books for them. I can't get reliable cell reception in my apartment. I need it when I'm out and have a landline at home. 3 polls so far on the landline, none on the cell.

    Thanks again. Virginia Cotts Lakewood, CO

  • The Huge Public Health Crisis That No One’s Talking About   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Hephaestus; The Posse Comitatus Act enacted into law on June 18, 1878 limited the powers of the Federal Government in using Federal Military Personnel to enforce domestic policies within U.S. Borders, backlash from an earlier deadly civil war within U.S. Borders . It forbid any future internal deployment of the U.S. Military by the Federal Government. Over recent years elements of the government have found a way around this law by using tax payer money to arm local police with military grade weapons and provide them with training in military style tactics that were developed to engage aggressive foreign armies on distant battlefields. In short there is still no standing Army to protect us !

  • The Huge Public Health Crisis That No One’s Talking About   9 years 10 weeks ago


    Strange that you think you have the best government "money can buy"

    Is that a fascist approach?

  • The Huge Public Health Crisis That No One’s Talking About   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Sorry! cccccttttt

    If you think that senators need to be bought then that idea needs to be looked at again

    Senators bought do not represent people

    The concept is corrupt

  • The Huge Public Health Crisis That No One’s Talking About   9 years 10 weeks ago

    But we already have the best government that money can buy, we wouldn't want our elected officials ignoring a long established American tradition. Though, I seriously doubt that there's any danger of that occurring !

  • The Huge Public Health Crisis That No One’s Talking About   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Americans are so barmy about their guns

    Could it be a sexuaL thingy???

    Please realise that there was no standing army when the amendment was drafted BECUASE THERE WAS NO STANDING ARMY

    The country needed to defend itself against local fighters and those trying to oppose freedom... the brits, french and them were trying to get control

    Therfore, the constitution allowed citizens to carry guns as a way to defend the young country against any foe... because THERE WAS NO STANDING ARMY


    America has a fine standing Army


  • The Huge Public Health Crisis That No One’s Talking About   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Great work in keeping the public attention on daily US gun violence.

    My question:

    "why can the gun lobby afford to buy their senators, but we can

    not raise the money to buy our senators?"

    Until sufficient bribe money is amassed, this nashing of teeth

    for the daily carnage will go on for decades.


  • Daily Topics - Monday December 28th, 2015   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Caller Bob seems confused. For one thing, he referred to Muslims as if they're a race. But if he's trying to prove that the Garden of Eden was in Iraq, all he needs to do is read the list of Eden's 4 rivers in Genesis, which includes the Tigris and the Euphrates. Bones aren't necessary.

    I mean, if you believe the the Garden existed in the first place (pun!) it's because of the book of Genesis.

  • Daily Topics - Monday December 28th, 2015   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Colorado's deadline for registering in order to participate in its party caucuses is January 4th.

    (I could have used that back in 2008. I had been unaffiliated since I first registered in 1993, but finally got off the fence at the end of 2007. Unfortunately, since I was not just changing my address or registering to vote for the first time, but rather changing my party, there was a longer deadline, and Colorado had moved up the caucus date in order to have more national influence, so I got screwed out of participating.)

  • Daily Topics - Monday December 28th, 2015   9 years 10 weeks ago

    In some states you need to declare your party by the end of the year. You have less than 4 days!!

    Here is the essential info for all the states:

  • Our Obsession with Having Strong-Man Leadership is Un-American   9 years 11 weeks ago

    I thought the whole point of America was that we didn't have leaders, that we led ourselves through elected representatives.

  • How Stupid Has the Democratic Party Become?   9 years 11 weeks ago

    I wasn't really aware that "Third Way" had still existed until recently...I have been complaining about Democrats running as "republican-lites" but didn't know that was an actual formulated "strategy" that the Democratic party was incomprehensibly following.

    Besides the inherent dishonesty of the approach and the absolute abandonment of POPULAR progressive ideas it ISN'T WORKING!

    The 2014 GOP candidates chanted the mantra "My opponent voted with Obama 98% of the time!" and although nobody seemed to ask themselves what were the issues of those "Obama" votes and whether or not they actually passed, the Democrats allowed that talking point to dictate the narrative of the election.

    The 2014 midterms showed us one Democratic candidate refusing to even acknowledge that she voted DEMOCRAT in the 2012 Presidential election!

    Not a single of the defeated candidates bothered to explain that those votes represented the views and interests of their constitutents and had widespread support BUT most were not implemented due to GOP opposition!

    Exit polls showed that the majority of voters...both Democrat and Republican supported raising the minimum wage...which very few Democrats even tried to make a campaign issue....AND voters from both parties agreed that the system is rigged to favor the wealthy!

    And yet contrary to all logic "Third Way"...and their adherent Hillary Clinton want us to believe "populism"... a popularly supported agenda...isn't viable! This type of "Democrat" admits to defeat...they claim the public feels the way they do ...the progressive agenda has failed even though it hasn't actually been candidates need to stop promoting those "losing" ideas and give up (like Clinton has on single payer).

    So the "tactic" to use is NEVER run on popular or "populist" ideas that our representatives refuse to implement because running on the real concerns of the voters isn't the way to get elected ?!?

    The best thing to do is to pretend to be just like the GOP to fool "moderates" and working class southerners to elect you so you can get slightly more progressive (but not TOO progressive) policies implemented?

    Very inspirational! But why would any voter decide to vote for an imitation Republican if they can just vote for the real thing if they are going to bother voting at all?

    Are we really wondering why Democrats keep losing congressional seats and the control of more and more state legislatures and governorships.

  • Politics Panel - Is It Time To Ban All Trump Supporters From the US?   9 years 11 weeks ago

    Right-winged Vulture

    {a limerick}

    The Right is a growing subculture

    which threatens to cat-a-pult your

    once-worthy nation

    to abject prostration,

    eaten by an orange-coiffured vulture.


  • How Apple is Hurting the American Taxpayer   9 years 11 weeks ago

    I can only offer the following. 1) Stop consuming as much as you can, buy as local as possible and buy USED if possible. 2) Have fewer children...otherwise you are looking at your children being indentured servents of sorts - barely any pay and continual debt. 3) Vote - even if you have to hold your nose. I LOVE my country and it is crushing to me to see how horribly we have fallen and how many in the generations from the 50's to the 90's have become predators. That is not the US I grew up in and its not the US I believe in. We can do better.

  • Why Are American Taxpayers Bailing Out Apple?   9 years 11 weeks ago

    This was a GREAT segment Thom thank you!

    Big business ie Corporations got the laws written by their lobbyists so they can do exactally what they're doing now which is hide income offshore to evade paying taxes. The same thing happened with the real estate wall street crash. They got deregulation and loopholes written into law so they can basically defraud millions of us all costing us our jobs, pensions, savings and homes.

    We have to change the law makers so we can overturn Citizen's United and enact public finaced elections nationwide! BUT that won't happen until we all take your Tag You're It signoff seriously and get OUR candidates into the primaries by getting into the Central Committees of the political parties.

    But we have to find, cultivate, train and elect our own candidates who are like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren because the Democratic Party wants the status quo in place and WON'T do it themselves!

    Maybe you can have a Tag You're It free speech contest on this site Thom to find potential new candidates. We can build an organization like this called 'Bernies List'.

    What do you think?
    Joe Segal

  • How Apple is Hurting the American Taxpayer   9 years 11 weeks ago

    Thom, what does it take to get the point across to all those, yourself included, that corporations ARE TAX COLLECTORS, NOT TAX PAYERS!!!!!! They have no FAIR SHARE since it is the customer that pays. How can we claim that corps are not people when we turn around and treat them like people when it comes to taxation? Do you suppose that all those profits would be moved offshore if we eliminated taxes on profits? We should eliminate corporate/business taxation on profits, tax only for essential fire, police, etc services and find other ways to curb corporate greed. Hiding taxation of the public behind the myth of corporate taxes is in my mind the biggest scam ever perpetrated on taxpayers. Wasn't shifting taxation to corps attributed to Reagan so the claim could be made that the taxpayers burden was lightened? Thom, I agree with most of your ideas but you and Bernies are just wrong on this FAIR SHARE nonsence. Surely you realize that at the end of the day it is the public's labor that pays for everything.

  • How Corporate America and the Republicans in Congress Blew It   9 years 11 weeks ago

    It's wonderful your infos. Thank you very muchIt's wonderful your infos. Thank you very much

  • How Apple is Hurting the American Taxpayer   9 years 11 weeks ago

    Cook also said that in the future his company would be hiring most of their technical staff in China where young graduates are far more qualified than American graduates. He didn't include the fact that they will work for far less money and benefits. There is an enormous benefit for companies that have a highly qualified technical staff proficient in the language of the country where their manufacturing operations are located. More American technical jobs flushed down the drain ! Another American corporation hastening America's fall to 3rd world status, a prediction by several independent economists that is expected to occur within the next 10 years ! Passage of the T.P.P. will only accelerate this move to that predicted outcome !

  • More than half of Americans are flat broke.   9 years 11 weeks ago

    your article is very valuable, and I really like your article. Look forward to your next update, I will continue visiting.

  • Daily Topics - Friday December 18th, 2015   9 years 11 weeks ago

    Excellent site I have bookmarked your site. Keep It Up.

  • How Corporate America and the Republicans in Congress Blew It   9 years 11 weeks ago

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  • DEA officials conspired to hide NSA spying.   9 years 11 weeks ago

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