Saulys, I bet you were an Obama supporter as well. The problem with you and your ilk is the victim mentality ruling your life. In your mind the only path to success is provided by someone else. That way if you don't succeed, (which you won't) you can point your finger at the someone else and say he or she is the reason I can't's sad really. If I succeed it's because of me it's the same if I fail. Don't be scared Saulys try believing in yourself you'll be happier even if you don't succeed.
In capitalism they just gave that a fancy name to make it sound legit. They call it "profits" or production/gross revenue minus labor/production costs, which = profits.
Kend, the CEO's are making their own money? Could they make it without us slaving away for them?
It's we who make it for them! It's like feudal times when noblemen, searching around for a source of income, would look for rich peasants with good, fertile land to oppress. Then they could take everything away from them that's more than just what those peasants need for bare subsistence and keep the rest for themselves, essentially just feeding and maintaining the slaves, and make out pretty good or a lot better than if they were oppressing poor peasants working shitty land.
You see that as your due, don't you Kend? We are just the livestock, aren't we?
Ever consider a fair percentage of the profits for the workforce, Kend? And by that I don't mean as little as you can get away with paying them.
What relevance do you think that has, Ou812? Sure, it's a sportsman's paradise but I'll bet they hadn't heard about the water in Flint yet at Of course, Flint isn't the likely destination.
You know, a lot of starving countries are #1 tourist spots. You just gotta stay inside the compound if you don't wanna risk getting ripped off down to your skivvies.
I see all the liberals are ganging up on these guys. But wasn't the original motivation for this the injustice of sending those ranchers back to jail? It seems to have gotten lost in the ideological debate that the pundits are battling over. The thing is if you review the case you will see those ranchers may actually have been unjustly dealt with. At least from what I've read. The second arson count actually was brought against an action which was done to preserve their own property that abutted federal land -- to prevent a fire that had started there from moving into their grazing land. I think the original judge felt the mandatory sentence was too harsh. But the federal government went in and enforced the mandatory sentence. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think talking about ideology obscures the actual situation.
Kend! Nevertheless it would be good to know from where wealth came to these representatives of "we the people" you mentioned... like Ried, Clinton, Pelosi?
In the kindest possible way... it might appear they could have been provided their wealth by political means
Surely they will find excuse or reason... maybe?
Perhaps able to submit to validation?
Would that be too much?
Harry Reid 10 million
Hillary Clinton 45 million
Nancy Pelosi 100 million
- See more at:
Harry Reid 10 million
Hillary Clinton 45 million
Nancy Pelosi 100 million
- See more at:
Harry Reid 10 million
Hillary Clinton 45 million
Nancy Pelosi 100 million
- See more at:
It is the fed who likes it this way, CEO's pay 40-50% tax on those millions and the average working guy only pays 15%. If you take it from the wealthy and give it to the poor the Feds can't cash in.
At least CEO's are making their own money, it is none of my business what someone pays themselves in a private company. What I want to know is how did these guys accumulate soo much wealth working for the government
As long as the corporately controled sheep keep walking in the door every morning, there isn't much we can do about this. If all the workers stood just outside the property until the corporation either gave in or folded up, then things would change. But no, since Unions are BAD. JUst ask any Conservative.
I think you made a mistake on the ratio between the avg pd worker and & CEO. The book ii read is 850 times compared to 60 to 1 in 1969. Big change, and Ross Pero suggest this was going to happen in his presidential campaign. Didn't listen. I personally think this was planned by the corrupt ruling banker familes. Backed by the Federal Government.
Thank you for a well written article. I'm on the side of limited federal government and state ownership of public lands in the state, personally, so I really appreciate the way you did not take political shots at these protests and/or protestors, to further your own personal opinion, for whatever that may be. I found this video by a self-proclaimed constitutional attorney very interesting, even with some apparent flaws:
Once again we fail to recognize that corps are TAX COLLECTORS, NOT TAXPAYERS. All their wealth derives from their customers and the labor of their employees. There is no "fair share" of taxes as taxes are just a cost of doing business. We must find other ways to limit the greed of the corporate execs and wealthy individuals. The only path to a thriving and lasting economy is a society in which all segments have money to spend and the willingness to spend it. We must recognize that the insatiable thirst of a few to accumulate greater and greater wealth are sociopaths much in need of treatment. We must also recognize that our capitalistic society cannot survive without checks and balances to stop the greedy from overstepping reasonable limits. A rather draconian plan would be limiting the ratio of CEO salaries vs a federal minimum wage of $15 an hour to 25. Non-salary compensation (stock, bonuses etc) cannot exceed 100% of salary pay. Execs would have to lower their pay or pay greater than minimum wage to get a raise. Fat chance. IMO, like most things human nature will allow the problem to fester until it becomes a crisis and then we will act in panic mode to solve it. Seldom are these solutions effective in the long run.
I agree with Keith, except on one point: I'd lower the bar quite a bit more... like WAY lower, maybe half that... if that! Any family who can't subsist on four or five hundred thousand bucks a year oughta learn a few things about money management. "Normal hominids" don't need a $million a year to enjoy a comfortabe and carefree standard of living.
As for those greedy, psychopathicly selfish CEOs Thom is ranting about, oh well... pigs will be pigs!
Yes, Thom, you are correct, but several of our founding fathers (and many other concerned citizens) were concerned about and/or opposed to the centralization of government. In fact, that's exactly why they lobbied for the 2nd amendment. Additionally, prior to the constitution, land was turned over to the states, from what I understand. Many citizens, and I believe some of the founding fathers, were opposed to the federal government owning land, other than what was necessary for federal needs. They preferred the land to be owned and controlled by the states, as it was previously, before the US Constitution.
Regarding the Bundys and others protesting in Oregon, I like Ron Paul's view, since it's more in agreement with some of the founding fathers and other concerned citizens who opposed the federal government owning more land than needed for federal purposes. The way Ron Paul explains it: "Forget the media circus: The mess in Oregon is largely caused by a bullying Federal government and obscene mandatory minimum laws, where a minor offense like accidentally burning a bit of government land is punished like it was a terrorist act. The Feds should relinquish ownership of the massive amount of US land and stop hassling ranchers."
The framers of our constitution had this view: "At the first session of Congress in March 1789, the Second Amendment was submitted as a counterweight to the federal powers of Congress and the president. According to constitutional theorists, the Framers who feared a central government extracted the amendment as a compromise from those in favor of centralized authority over the states. The Revolutionary War had, after all, been fought in large part by a citizen army against the standing armies of England."
The idea of aliens using greenhouse and polluting gases to terraform Earth for themselves was already done 20 years ago in the Charlie Sheen movie The Arrival.
This is one of my favorite subjects. Out of 10,000 listed stock companies who have a minimum of 5 corporate officers (ceo, cfo, cio etc) earning an average of 5 Million dollars per year (this is far in excess of sanity). If they were limited to 1 million per year (and that should be sufficient for most normal hominids) that would redistribute $3000 to each American Family, who would spend it all and put our economy in high gear. How do you do it? Either change the laws of incorporation or use the Hartmann Rule and tax anything over a million @ 90%. OH MY GOD REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH...........THE COMMIES ARE COMING.
The health, wellness, fair wages, having laws to stop toxic chemicals dumped into our air & water, workplace safety regs are of NO import to GOP ...Thanks in great part to uninformed voters . US is no longer a Capitalistic system since competition is a necessary ingredient of Capitalism. US have almost NO competion due to powerful monopolies such as Comcast , Wall St banks & many others. Comcast is a massive , bought network TV stations like MSNBC. JP Morgan Chase / Citibank, Bank of America have become gigantic self serving monopolies. US laws no longer prevent that ...The Fairness Doctrine, Glass Stegal, labor unions , lack of regulations that once protected the rights of we the people have been wiped away by greedy politicians, courts, and billionaires who' own our political system & control US courts .
Saulys, I bet you were an Obama supporter as well. The problem with you and your ilk is the victim mentality ruling your life. In your mind the only path to success is provided by someone else. That way if you don't succeed, (which you won't) you can point your finger at the someone else and say he or she is the reason I can't's sad really. If I succeed it's because of me it's the same if I fail. Don't be scared Saulys try believing in yourself you'll be happier even if you don't succeed.
In capitalism they just gave that a fancy name to make it sound legit. They call it "profits" or production/gross revenue minus labor/production costs, which = profits.
Kend, the CEO's are making their own money? Could they make it without us slaving away for them?
It's we who make it for them! It's like feudal times when noblemen, searching around for a source of income, would look for rich peasants with good, fertile land to oppress. Then they could take everything away from them that's more than just what those peasants need for bare subsistence and keep the rest for themselves, essentially just feeding and maintaining the slaves, and make out pretty good or a lot better than if they were oppressing poor peasants working shitty land.
You see that as your due, don't you Kend? We are just the livestock, aren't we?
Ever consider a fair percentage of the profits for the workforce, Kend? And by that I don't mean as little as you can get away with paying them.
It's getting late for bullshit, 812, if we don't get somebody like Bernie soon we're ALL gonna die. No exception there for you or yours either.
What relevance do you think that has, Ou812? Sure, it's a sportsman's paradise but I'll bet they hadn't heard about the water in Flint yet at Of course, Flint isn't the likely destination.
You know, a lot of starving countries are #1 tourist spots. You just gotta stay inside the compound if you don't wanna risk getting ripped off down to your skivvies.
A rhyme that it won’t help much
to vote against the Far-Rightists:
… … … …
Entrenched in their Venue
{… 1.60 limericks …}
Regardless of this year’s election,
the Rightists’ predilection
for insurrection
and sanity-defection
will continue to Lefties’ objection.
They’re entrenched in their venue
enough to continue
despite even voters’ rejection.
The People have to wake up and quick .
Thom's panel's Rightists lower conversations' quality.
I see all the liberals are ganging up on these guys. But wasn't the original motivation for this the injustice of sending those ranchers back to jail? It seems to have gotten lost in the ideological debate that the pundits are battling over. The thing is if you review the case you will see those ranchers may actually have been unjustly dealt with. At least from what I've read. The second arson count actually was brought against an action which was done to preserve their own property that abutted federal land -- to prevent a fire that had started there from moving into their grazing land. I think the original judge felt the mandatory sentence was too harsh. But the federal government went in and enforced the mandatory sentence. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think talking about ideology obscures the actual situation.
Sorry! It was not my intent to include all those links in the mail above damit
Now it will make no sense... certainly not the sense intended
Kend! Nevertheless it would be good to know from where wealth came to these representatives of "we the people" you mentioned... like Ried, Clinton, Pelosi?
In the kindest possible way... it might appear they could have been provided their wealth by political means
Surely they will find excuse or reason... maybe?
Perhaps able to submit to validation?
Would that be too much?
Harry Reid 10 million
Hillary Clinton 45 million
Nancy Pelosi 100 million
- See more at:
Harry Reid 10 million
Hillary Clinton 45 million
Nancy Pelosi 100 million
- See more at:
Harry Reid 10 million
Hillary Clinton 45 million
Nancy Pelosi 100 million
- See more at:
Kend! Okay mate! According to what I read nobody pays 45% tax in the usa
Sorry Hep 39.5%. I am Canadian. 45% here.
Kend. Sorry! Please explain who are these CEOs paying ~45% tax in the usa?
It is the fed who likes it this way, CEO's pay 40-50% tax on those millions and the average working guy only pays 15%. If you take it from the wealthy and give it to the poor the Feds can't cash in.
At least CEO's are making their own money, it is none of my business what someone pays themselves in a private company. What I want to know is how did these guys accumulate soo much wealth working for the government
Harry Reid 10 million
Hillary Clinton 45 million
Nancy Pelosi 100 million
As long as the corporately controled sheep keep walking in the door every morning, there isn't much we can do about this. If all the workers stood just outside the property until the corporation either gave in or folded up, then things would change. But no, since Unions are BAD. JUst ask any Conservative.
I think you made a mistake on the ratio between the avg pd worker and & CEO. The book ii read is 850 times compared to 60 to 1 in 1969. Big change, and Ross Pero suggest this was going to happen in his presidential campaign. Didn't listen. I personally think this was planned by the corrupt ruling banker familes. Backed by the Federal Government.
Oh yes.
Thank you for a well written article. I'm on the side of limited federal government and state ownership of public lands in the state, personally, so I really appreciate the way you did not take political shots at these protests and/or protestors, to further your own personal opinion, for whatever that may be. I found this video by a self-proclaimed constitutional attorney very interesting, even with some apparent flaws:
Once again we fail to recognize that corps are TAX COLLECTORS, NOT TAXPAYERS. All their wealth derives from their customers and the labor of their employees. There is no "fair share" of taxes as taxes are just a cost of doing business. We must find other ways to limit the greed of the corporate execs and wealthy individuals. The only path to a thriving and lasting economy is a society in which all segments have money to spend and the willingness to spend it. We must recognize that the insatiable thirst of a few to accumulate greater and greater wealth are sociopaths much in need of treatment. We must also recognize that our capitalistic society cannot survive without checks and balances to stop the greedy from overstepping reasonable limits. A rather draconian plan would be limiting the ratio of CEO salaries vs a federal minimum wage of $15 an hour to 25. Non-salary compensation (stock, bonuses etc) cannot exceed 100% of salary pay. Execs would have to lower their pay or pay greater than minimum wage to get a raise. Fat chance. IMO, like most things human nature will allow the problem to fester until it becomes a crisis and then we will act in panic mode to solve it. Seldom are these solutions effective in the long run.
I agree with Keith, except on one point: I'd lower the bar quite a bit more... like WAY lower, maybe half that... if that! Any family who can't subsist on four or five hundred thousand bucks a year oughta learn a few things about money management. "Normal hominids" don't need a $million a year to enjoy a comfortabe and carefree standard of living.
As for those greedy, psychopathicly selfish CEOs Thom is ranting about, oh well... pigs will be pigs!
Yes, Thom, you are correct, but several of our founding fathers (and many other concerned citizens) were concerned about and/or opposed to the centralization of government. In fact, that's exactly why they lobbied for the 2nd amendment. Additionally, prior to the constitution, land was turned over to the states, from what I understand. Many citizens, and I believe some of the founding fathers, were opposed to the federal government owning land, other than what was necessary for federal needs. They preferred the land to be owned and controlled by the states, as it was previously, before the US Constitution.
Here is a good article regarding federal government land ownership:
Regarding the Bundys and others protesting in Oregon, I like Ron Paul's view, since it's more in agreement with some of the founding fathers and other concerned citizens who opposed the federal government owning more land than needed for federal purposes. The way Ron Paul explains it: "Forget the media circus: The mess in Oregon is largely caused by a bullying Federal government and obscene mandatory minimum laws, where a minor offense like accidentally burning a bit of government land is punished like it was a terrorist act. The Feds should relinquish ownership of the massive amount of US land and stop hassling ranchers."
And, here is another article which shows how the federal government has abused it's power and authority:
The framers of our constitution had this view: "At the first session of Congress in March 1789, the Second Amendment was submitted as a counterweight to the federal powers of Congress and the president. According to constitutional theorists, the Framers who feared a central government extracted the amendment as a compromise from those in favor of centralized authority over the states. The Revolutionary War had, after all, been fought in large part by a citizen army against the standing armies of England."
The idea of aliens using greenhouse and polluting gases to terraform Earth for themselves was already done 20 years ago in the Charlie Sheen movie The Arrival.
This is one of my favorite subjects. Out of 10,000 listed stock companies who have a minimum of 5 corporate officers (ceo, cfo, cio etc) earning an average of 5 Million dollars per year (this is far in excess of sanity). If they were limited to 1 million per year (and that should be sufficient for most normal hominids) that would redistribute $3000 to each American Family, who would spend it all and put our economy in high gear. How do you do it? Either change the laws of incorporation or use the Hartmann Rule and tax anything over a million @ 90%. OH MY GOD REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH...........THE COMMIES ARE COMING.
The health, wellness, fair wages, having laws to stop toxic chemicals dumped into our air & water, workplace safety regs are of NO import to GOP ...Thanks in great part to uninformed voters . US is no longer a Capitalistic system since competition is a necessary ingredient of Capitalism. US have almost NO competion due to powerful monopolies such as Comcast , Wall St banks & many others. Comcast is a massive , bought network TV stations like MSNBC. JP Morgan Chase / Citibank, Bank of America have become gigantic self serving monopolies. US laws no longer prevent that ...The Fairness Doctrine, Glass Stegal, labor unions , lack of regulations that once protected the rights of we the people have been wiped away by greedy politicians, courts, and billionaires who' own our political system & control US courts .