Recent comments

  • The Rise of 2016   9 years 10 weeks ago

    More people would back the action we need on climate change if they knew that the poor and middle class won't suffer a massive hit. Given that we have the best congress money can buy, many people believe if we do take serious climate action on climate it will hit them hard. Many fear losing their jobs or being taxed so much they can't afford to take the family to visit grandma anymore. The Republicans harp on these fears to avoid change.

    As a disabled vet an extra $50 a month, to keep the heat lights on is way too much (I walk everywhere). Many Americans are struggling but the top 1% an can afford a extra $500 a month to fuel their large homes and cars and pay for jet flights.

    The rich and especially the wealthy can afford carbon fees for heating, cooling, higher prices at stores. It takes energy to make and move goods and the cost will hit consumers. The well to do can upgrade to battery powered cars (building new cars emits greenhouse gases) their lives will remain unchanged.

    With so many people barely making it increasing the price of heat, transportation, goods and food would be devastating for many at the bottom, we need a carbon tax that looks at your wealth and total energy usage to set the proper fees. A baseline minimum should be tax free and those that use far above average amounts of energy should be highly taxed. Much of the carbon fees should be use to create jobs building better cites that don't require as much energy to power. People should be able to find affordable housing close to work, or a train station that can take them there quickly and efficiently.

  • Should Rick Snyder Be In Jail for Child Abuse?   9 years 10 weeks ago

    That would be great. Then we could finally hold any polluters accountable for abusing our children. Take for example the Gas company in CA that has been exposing our children to methane with unknown future consequences.

    Someone should be tracking the rates of asthma at the very least.

  • Should Angela Merkel have been named Time’s Person of the Year?   9 years 10 weeks ago

    I'm a big supporter of Bernie, but the Time person of the year is not chosen by a poll. And on an international platform Merkel had way more impact than Bernie. Outside of the US there are not that many people that know Bernie Sanders.

  • Full Show 12/31/15: The Big Picture Year-Ender Extravaganza Show   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Hopes for 2016

    {… 1.20 limericks …}

    Happy, the upcoming year.

    No problems will interfere.

    Trump’ll get trumped

    and Cruz’ll get thumped

    and Hillary’ll get bumped

    and Bernie’s bright star will appear.


  • Republicans try to derail Paris Climate Summit.   9 years 10 weeks ago

    i impressed by the quality of information on this website. there are a lot of good resources here. i am sure i will visit this place again soon.

  • Reclaim America's Moral High Ground by Prosecuting Bush & His Cronies   9 years 10 weeks ago

    If our nation's laws were propertly enforced, those high ranking Bush Administration torturers would still be serving life sentences in jail.

  • Should Angela Merkel have been named Time’s Person of the Year?   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Angela Merkel sems to be a great leader,although I real informed about her, and her policies, but Bernie won overwhelmingly in the polls, and should have got it.

  • Geeky Science on “Night" Milk   9 years 10 weeks ago

    As if dairy cows don't already lead a miserable enough existance, now they will be kept up at night, out of sync with THEIR circadian rhythms, in order to be of further service to humans. After many nights of disrupted sleep, the cows will probably stop producing the desired mix of hormones. Most likely, they would need to be rotated like shift workers, and we all know what a healthy schedual that is. Add more antibiotics. Inhumane, unsustainable.

  • The Big Lie on the War Against Drugs   9 years 10 weeks ago

    There is a lot more to the totally corrupt War on Drugs than just American politics. Even the UN bans member states from rational drug policy and is full-fledged particpant in the idiotic Drug War. And don't forget the massive profits of the giant criminal international Banks made on the International Drug Trade - #2 item in world trade next to Oil. Oil-Drugs-Weapons, #1-2&3, All Related and All Loved by the criminal Globalist Bankster Parasites.

    Funny how opiate production in Afghanistan went from 10% to 90% of World total after the US led war - ostensibly to "git them terrorists". Anyone who actually believes that is to stupid to pass a urine test.

  • Will Bernie be able to win over Trump supporters?   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Unfortunately my sister and her husband love him! That said if Trump drops out which I think he will, they could both be persuaded.
    I also think Trump is working for the Clintons, yes his two bestest friends! Please like my Facebook page BERN It UP

  • Full Show 12/29/15: No Charges Against Tamir Rice’s Killer Cop   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Here’s a rhyme that it’s the Plutocrats who are served both by far-Right mouthings and by party Establishments.

    … … … …

    The Kitchen where Bernie’s Goose is Cooked

    {… a rhyme …}

    Let me describe the kitchen, where there

    they cook Bernie’s goose for rich people’s fare, …

    … and deceive the folks if the sort who like Trump,

    and stack their cards to save Hillary’s rump. -

    - This kitchen serves the Plutocrats’ taste.

    All else is flushed down the dispose-all as waste.


  • Our Obsession with Having Strong-Man Leadership is Un-American   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Reply to post #13: seyorni- That's the Big Lie they taught us in grade school.

    Wolfhowl (post #6) sounds like a shill for the corporate fascist agenda. Good luck with that, Wolfhowl. We are everywhere.

  • The Big Lie on the War Against Drugs   9 years 10 weeks ago

    What all that proves is that fascism in America didn't start with Reagan. He just piggy-backed on it.

    Even with pot getting legalized in state after state, for recreational use as well as medicine, this form of tyranny isn't going away. The business class will maintain their stranglehold on people's lives, imposing those invasive little urine tests on employees, making it impossible to hold a job if you smoke the weed, thus controlling what employees do in their private lives as well as on the job. I don't know how anyone can tolerate living under such a suffocating arrangement as this, as if there was no part of your life that's yours alone. Even for those who don't smoke the weed, it's a degrading and humiliating ritual of power imbalance.

    Everytime I hear about a family invaded by a SWAT team of thugs, with no compensation availed them for loss of property (let alone the trauma) and no legal defense afforded them by our system of injustice, it fills me with rage.

  • Will Bernie be able to win over Trump supporters?   9 years 10 weeks ago

    He may be able to sway some, but many are too dumbed down.

  • Will Bernie be able to win over Trump supporters?   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Wish it were not so, but, indeed, they are too extreme and misinformed. Misinformed being the key reason due to all the dumbing down of the populace and fear-mongering. The happily entertained population has no idea of what really is going on. Let's not forget the 'Christian Right' which kind of is a misnomer. I call them the 'Christian wrong'. I am a 'leftie' Christian, myself. and can only hang my head at the disgusting stuff I hear. Good on ya', Thom. Thank you for all you do. Wish the major cable channels would broadcast FSTV. It's a travesty the media has forgotten its real purpose. I watch you and Amy online.

  • The Big Lie on the War Against Drugs   9 years 10 weeks ago

    The Federal judge, it seems, missed the purpose of the constitutional rights of the accused or rights of those accused of the commission of a crime. They are to protect the INNOCENT from wrongful conviction. The rights and conveniences of the police do not supercede, in their priority, those rights.
    There was a good story in the Village Voice in the late '80s, when anti marijuana hysteria was reaching an apex, about the scuttling of of the Supreme Court nomination of Reagan's nominee, David Ginsburg, because it was found out he smoked marijuana as a student in the late '60s and early '70s. It asserted that marijuana hysteria was the means for the new, Republican witch hunt. Just as in the McCarthy era previous Communist Party membership or expressed communist sympathies were the litmus test to get someone banned from government service or almost any public activity in society in order to purge the radicals of the '30s, so in the '80s, previous and current marijuana use as a litmus test to be banned from government service and essentially black listed from getting almost any job through drug tests and such in order to purge society of the radicals of the '60s. And if, in the '80s, you would have excluded from public life, and alnost ANY kind of life, everybody who ever smoked pot you would have effectively excluded, with few exceptions, all the radicals of the '60s.

  • The Huge Public Health Crisis That No One’s Talking About   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Here's one more to add to the list of people killed by police in 2015. This time it was a friend of a friend of mine, whose name was Will Raff. He was reportedly coming off of psych meds and the police were called when he started acting erratically at the halfway house where he was staying, on Christmas Day. Apparently he was such a threat, because he was holding a butter knife, that when the Palo Alto Police arrived, they shot him 6 times in the chest.

    R.I.P., Will.

  • The Huge Public Health Crisis That No One’s Talking About   9 years 10 weeks ago

    The mid-page graph here:

    illustrates the "cherry picking" involved with this study:

    '"While it is true that the murder rate in Missouri rose 17 percent relative to the rest of the U.S. in the five years after 2007, it had actually increased by 32 percent during the previous five years," author John R. Lott wrote. "The question is why the Missouri murder rate was increasing relative to the rest of the United States at a slower rate after the change in the law than it did prior to it."'

  • Which Side Are You On? Third Way (Hillary) vs. FDR (Bernie)   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Thom: I'm having trouble finding out if FSTV is available on Hulu. I am a monthly contributor to FSTV but I'm seriously thinking about cancelling our subscription to Direct TV. Could you have anyone contact me?

  • The Huge Public Health Crisis That No One’s Talking About   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Nice to see another Coloradan here, Ginny. Especially one in the Denver area.

  • The Huge Public Health Crisis That No One’s Talking About   9 years 10 weeks ago


    I think the number is 'only' 82 per day.


  • Full Show 12/28/15: Trump Fueling Islamophobic Attacks?   9 years 10 weeks ago

    See yourSelf’s Eyes and Face

    {… a Rhyme and a URL …}

    Find a photo which looks like Your face

    as you watch your nation in her abject disgrace.

    Find a photo which shows Your eyes

    as your nation dies in her abject demise:


  • The Huge Public Health Crisis That No One’s Talking About   9 years 10 weeks ago

    Thank you

  • The Huge Public Health Crisis That No One’s Talking About   9 years 10 weeks ago

    When Americans exercise meaningful democratic power OVER their government our gun laws will reflect majority will. VOTE. Demand a national referendum on this issue now. 

    (See example 8.)

  • Have we reversed the progress made by FDR & The Greatest Generation?   9 years 10 weeks ago

    And the GOP, more so than the Democrats, who work for the corporations and the one percent, can't wait until they finally get their hands on social security. Don't allow them to touch Social Security and never allow the most successful social safety program to be "privatized" on Wall Street.

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