I know at least that the top level of people in the Democratic Party consists of the Chairperson (currently DWS) and 5 vice chairs, but I don't know who they are.
So (according to Congressman Alan Grayson) the Republican primary system still uses the unit rule? The Democratic Party got rid of that after the messy 1968 prmaries. The Republicans will have their change after this, I'm sure.
Deca^6, you think Obama didn't have to lead people as a community organizer, and that he could do that job and not see where the problems are? That job was all about solving real people's problems, as opposed to a Fortune 500 CEO solving his own problem of having too few mansions.
If you raise the minimum wage to the point where no one feels it necessary to work a second job, those jobs can be freed up for the unemployed and underemployed. If anyone's looking for a natural happy medium (rather than snidely creating a strawman of $100,000 per year), I'd say that's it.
"There simply aren't enough good-paying jobs to go around..." TH
There could be if Obama would unleash and unshackle the American people and businesses from onerus rules and regulations.
The auto bailouts were touted by the Obama admin as a great success. They weren't. But what has been a boom for the auto industry has been cheap gas prices. Thanks to fracking, the US produces much of its own energy. Auto sales, including trucks and SUV's are flying out of dealerships. Good jobs are being supported by low gas prices. Get it?
"Many on the Right claim that earning more is all about working harder, and that those who struggle simply haven't pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. But, the fact of the matter is that there aren't enough bootstraps to go around." TH
Sure there are. But for the past 7 going on 8 years of total and complete failure of the Obama admin, it is little wonder why folks like Thom think this way. Remember, it was Obama who said this was the new norm. But what can you expect from a man who was no more than a community organizer.
The greatest thing we can do for our economic woes is to elect a POTUS who knows how to run a business and economy. Someone who knows where the problems are and has the where-with-all to correct them. In other words, a real leader. If you want to get this economy going again, let's elect someone who is beholden to noone. And I don't mean HRC.
I guess Thom has forgotten all about QE1, QE2, and QE3. The Obama admin has been giving money to Wall Street hand over fist and all Thom does is blame Republicans. You know, a one note song.
http://www.securtech.org There are a significant number of websites and blogs offering us latest tech news. We get to know about the latest gadgets, software and apps along with the right platforms to run them. Now we can travel faster and reach our desired destinations within a very short span of time.
http://www.windowsmoviemaker.orghttp://www.windowsmoviemaker.org As we are informed about the latest technological trends, we can make some changes in our operation and production process. Using latest tools and methodologies, we can cut down our production costs and execute a number of activities quickly and easily. This helps us save our time and money.
http://www.communitechdatabase.org We are living in a technology driven society. In this society, we should keep us updated with the latest technological inventions. We must try our best to get the latest tools, gadgets and software to execute multiple tasks with our least possible efforts. To make us aware of these tools, gadgets and software, many dedicated news portals, blogs, websites, magazine, tabloids, journals, and newspapers have appeared to the scene
http://www.lowcostmobile.org Apart from the fact that the refurbished iPhones save money because of their affordable prices, they have a number of other advantages that make them popular.
Sounds like greed and selfishness on steroids .Perhaps it's just the playing out of our culture .Get what you can and get out ? Rigg the system in your favour first ,create monopolies and keep the general public out of the loop .
Have they ever been interested in the wider common good ?.Probably not as the system only serves the interests of the few over the many .So the common good is ignored .
The problem being is the nature of the economy that is all about creating profit for a few individuals as in its the fittest that survive or profit survival mentality .
Sounds like greed and selfishness on steroids .Perhaps it's just the playing out of our culture .Get what you can and get out ? Rigg the system in your favour first ,create monopolies and keep the general public out of the loop .
Have they ever been interested in the wider common good ?.Probably not as the system only serves the interests of the few over the many .So the common good is ignored .
The problem being is the nature of the economy that is all about creating profit for a few individuals as in its the fittest that survive or profit survival mentality .
Thom you know what's the problem as well as I do. Its the federal reserve Act and no one in either of the two pareties, which is actually only one, have mentioned it and how they would rescind it.
So There is no way to solve the probelm which none of the candidates running for office is interested in solving. Please read them.
A book is available. Non of the candidates will have read it. It tells what they are doing to America. "The Creature From jekyll Island" 5th edition 37th printing March 2014 .You can find it in any library
Get someone to talk about it. It describes the destrcution of the United States.
America can't be helped if it ignores this subject any longer, But the reat of the world will put a stop to this totalitarian feudalism
In the absence of what i have written, the best hope for Americans for results is. No one shows up to vote for the elections. non cooperation is the only viable action at the moment.
I admire and respect you. Yourthree hour TV interveiw recently on Book review was extraordinarily impressive
@cccccttttt: There is a huge intellectual distinction between crime resulting from poverty & drug laws (gang turf wars) & people using the Koran to justify indiscriminate massacres. You understand perfectly well why one gets more attention, as it should.
Fear is the GOP 's Best Weapon ! Fear is primal It has NO logic or reason Thats why GOP uses it so well .... 'Mushroom cloud' Smoking gun ' WE have been here before under Bush Cheney Rice Rumsfeld ( known unknowns ) from 2000- 2008 / 2 long failed Wars - creating ISIS . 2008 global Crash / depression - TARP giveaway / Massive UN funded debt- good jobs gone overseas, Killing maiming, wasting trillions. GOP lead up to another world war must be stopped !! NO more far right wing pro wealth pro corp anti middle class Judges . Citizens United Must be repealed ! Bernie Sanders would be a great President as would Liz Warren.. if not Hillary is lots better than ANY GOP candidate !!
Oil companies will make oodles of money by shipping unrefined oil to other countries for processing which will be shipped back to our gas stations for sale at a higher price. We won't need all those pesky refineries and their high priced employees either. (Another industry shipped out of what is left of the good ol' USofA!) But hey, Nigeria and Venezuela already have the refining capacity sitting there ready to go.
SOPHISTS. Thom’s panels’ Rightists engage in what ancient Greeks detested as “sophism”, albeit in ways clumsier {less astute} than the sophists who were scolded by Socrates et al. … Google-ize the term. … Such sophistry has me fast-forwarding, - irritated that Thom books these panelists who interrupt the flows of conversation about important matters. ... {Thanks that you allow me to nag against these sophistic Rightists so often. I wish you'd deploy them sparingly, - or better, not-at-all.}
P.S. "...rolling back Reaganism and Clintonism"... Did Thom really say that?! (tsk tsk) Well Thom, I don't know about you but for me, that translates to a vote for Bernie notHillary.
I know at least that the top level of people in the Democratic Party consists of the Chairperson (currently DWS) and 5 vice chairs, but I don't know who they are.
All of these corporations need to be broken up, there are only 20 corporations that own every company that supplies everything we consume.
So (according to Congressman Alan Grayson) the Republican primary system still uses the unit rule? The Democratic Party got rid of that after the messy 1968 prmaries. The Republicans will have their change after this, I'm sure.
Deca^6, you think Obama didn't have to lead people as a community organizer, and that he could do that job and not see where the problems are? That job was all about solving real people's problems, as opposed to a Fortune 500 CEO solving his own problem of having too few mansions.
If you raise the minimum wage to the point where no one feels it necessary to work a second job, those jobs can be freed up for the unemployed and underemployed. If anyone's looking for a natural happy medium (rather than snidely creating a strawman of $100,000 per year), I'd say that's it.
"The middle class has been destroyed by the billionaires..." TH
No, the middle class is being destroyed by an incompetent Obama admin.
"There simply aren't enough good-paying jobs to go around..." TH
There could be if Obama would unleash and unshackle the American people and businesses from onerus rules and regulations.
The auto bailouts were touted by the Obama admin as a great success. They weren't. But what has been a boom for the auto industry has been cheap gas prices. Thanks to fracking, the US produces much of its own energy. Auto sales, including trucks and SUV's are flying out of dealerships. Good jobs are being supported by low gas prices. Get it?
"Many on the Right claim that earning more is all about working harder, and that those who struggle simply haven't pulled themselves up by their bootstraps. But, the fact of the matter is that there aren't enough bootstraps to go around." TH
Sure there are. But for the past 7 going on 8 years of total and complete failure of the Obama admin, it is little wonder why folks like Thom think this way. Remember, it was Obama who said this was the new norm. But what can you expect from a man who was no more than a community organizer.
The greatest thing we can do for our economic woes is to elect a POTUS who knows how to run a business and economy. Someone who knows where the problems are and has the where-with-all to correct them. In other words, a real leader. If you want to get this economy going again, let's elect someone who is beholden to noone. And I don't mean HRC.
I guess Thom has forgotten all about QE1, QE2, and QE3. The Obama admin has been giving money to Wall Street hand over fist and all Thom does is blame Republicans. You know, a one note song.
http://www.securtech.org There are a significant number of websites and blogs offering us latest tech news. We get to know about the latest gadgets, software and apps along with the right platforms to run them. Now we can travel faster and reach our desired destinations within a very short span of time.
http://www.windowsmoviemaker.orghttp://www.windowsmoviemaker.org As we are informed about the latest technological trends, we can make some changes in our operation and production process. Using latest tools and methodologies, we can cut down our production costs and execute a number of activities quickly and easily. This helps us save our time and money.
http://www.communitechdatabase.org We are living in a technology driven society. In this society, we should keep us updated with the latest technological inventions. We must try our best to get the latest tools, gadgets and software to execute multiple tasks with our least possible efforts. To make us aware of these tools, gadgets and software, many dedicated news portals, blogs, websites, magazine, tabloids, journals, and newspapers have appeared to the scene
http://www.lowcostmobile.org Apart from the fact that the refurbished iPhones save money because of their affordable prices, they have a number of other advantages that make them popular.
Sounds like greed and selfishness on steroids .Perhaps it's just the playing out of our culture .Get what you can and get out ? Rigg the system in your favour first ,create monopolies and keep the general public out of the loop .
Have they ever been interested in the wider common good ?.Probably not as the system only serves the interests of the few over the many .So the common good is ignored .
The problem being is the nature of the economy that is all about creating profit for a few individuals as in its the fittest that survive or profit survival mentality .
Sounds like greed and selfishness on steroids .Perhaps it's just the playing out of our culture .Get what you can and get out ? Rigg the system in your favour first ,create monopolies and keep the general public out of the loop .
Have they ever been interested in the wider common good ?.Probably not as the system only serves the interests of the few over the many .So the common good is ignored .
The problem being is the nature of the economy that is all about creating profit for a few individuals as in its the fittest that survive or profit survival mentality .
Thom you know what's the problem as well as I do. Its the federal reserve Act and no one in either of the two pareties, which is actually only one, have mentioned it and how they would rescind it.
So There is no way to solve the probelm which none of the candidates running for office is interested in solving. Please read them.
A book is available. Non of the candidates will have read it. It tells what they are doing to America. "The Creature From jekyll Island" 5th edition 37th printing March 2014 .You can find it in any library
here are most of the detailsin my blogs at http://Seekingalpha.com
Get someone to talk about it. It describes the destrcution of the United States.
America can't be helped if it ignores this subject any longer, But the reat of the world will put a stop to this totalitarian feudalism
In the absence of what i have written, the best hope for Americans for results is. No one shows up to vote for the elections. non cooperation is the only viable action at the moment.
I admire and respect you. Yourthree hour TV interveiw recently on Book review was extraordinarily impressive
@cccccttttt: There is a huge intellectual distinction between crime resulting from poverty & drug laws (gang turf wars) & people using the Koran to justify indiscriminate massacres. You understand perfectly well why one gets more attention, as it should.
Yes Hilary Clinton did call for a no-fly zone: http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/hillary-clinton-calls-no-fly-zones-syria
Fear is the GOP 's Best Weapon ! Fear is primal It has NO logic or reason Thats why GOP uses it so well .... 'Mushroom cloud' Smoking gun ' WE have been here before under Bush Cheney Rice Rumsfeld ( known unknowns ) from 2000- 2008 / 2 long failed Wars - creating ISIS . 2008 global Crash / depression - TARP giveaway / Massive UN funded debt- good jobs gone overseas, Killing maiming, wasting trillions. GOP lead up to another world war must be stopped !! NO more far right wing pro wealth pro corp anti middle class Judges . Citizens United Must be repealed ! Bernie Sanders would be a great President as would Liz Warren.. if not Hillary is lots better than ANY GOP candidate !!
'Ditto on the Medicare comment!
Re: oil exports in new budget
Oil companies will make oodles of money by shipping unrefined oil to other countries for processing which will be shipped back to our gas stations for sale at a higher price. We won't need all those pesky refineries and their high priced employees either. (Another industry shipped out of what is left of the good ol' USofA!) But hey, Nigeria and Venezuela already have the refining capacity sitting there ready to go.
Stupid tactic by far right to make the rest of the field look in their eyes somewhat sane. Of course it fails with anyone who has half a brain stem.
Power Flows to the Agenda-setter
{… a rhyme …}
Power is hers/his who sets the agenda
for topics inside one’s hacienda: -
- Is it husband or wife
who sets the topics for strife? …
… What wins in politics is {propaganda} propagenda.
SOPHISTS. Thom’s panels’ Rightists engage in what ancient Greeks detested as “sophism”, albeit in ways clumsier {less astute} than the sophists who were scolded by Socrates et al. … Google-ize the term. … Such sophistry has me fast-forwarding, - irritated that Thom books these panelists who interrupt the flows of conversation about important matters. ... {Thanks that you allow me to nag against these sophistic Rightists so often. I wish you'd deploy them sparingly, - or better, not-at-all.}
P.S. "...rolling back Reaganism and Clintonism"... Did Thom really say that?! (tsk tsk) Well Thom, I don't know about you but for me, that translates to a vote for Bernie not Hillary.
What more people need to grasp is that these Republicans ARE the terrorists.