I've tried to leave a comment on regulations.gov regarding TPP several times and it just keeps kicking my information. Maybe others have experienced this...could be the reason so few have left comments.
I'm coming in to the discussion late but I just had to respond. No wealthy person in the US pays 39.5. Don't believe me? Research it further. I'll give you a for instance.
In 2012 when Willard Romney, a VERY wealthy man, was running for President he strugged to raise his tax obligation to 14%. In order to do that he opted to forgo legitimate deductions he could have taken to increase his tax debt from the 13% it would have been. He knew that America would be angry at 13% for such a rich family. FUNNY that he thought 14% was any better!
That same year my husband and I made about 15k and we paid 24%. Seem off balanced to you? It sure did to us!
Saulys, I'm tired of this conversation and your insults. You are the quintessential washed up lefty. You 'know' all the answers, but somehow solutions evade you. Sad, there is so much more to life than pretending.
Well 812, what a desperate bullshitter you sound like! "Broad brushing" you, am I? Well, since you and G.W. are soulmates the logical conclusion is he's your boy. Wassa matter, he wasn't fascist enough?
That most people today, especially millenials, are somewhere left of center is simply a fact borne out by research.
I doubt you attained success without any help from the government - and I don't just mean public infrastructure and other ways that most people - and I'd bet you - take for granted.
I measure success a bit differently from you, but even so, I wouldn't want any success by the means I've no doubt you employed to gain yours - from everything you say about your objections to any of people's ethical considerations.
Apparently, you just hate anybody who cares about anybody but themselves - or "lefties" - and that's sick and warped.
Saulys, Where did I say G. W. was "my boy" for someone who pretends to be smart, you certainly make alot of assumptions and jump to a lot of conclusions. How do you expect to have credibility. When you make statements like "most people today, especially millenials are somewhere to the left of Center". Aren't you painting with the "broad brush" you accuse me of using. I'm very real, Saulys, and very successful without sucking at the government teat.
Nothing washed up about lefty, 812, you're living in the past. Your boy G.W. brought that about by not even bothering to be slick. He blatantly exposed the fallacies of conservative thinking and policy. Most people today, especially millenials, are somewhere to the left of center.
Try being for real once in a while. It'll scare the bejeezus out of you to find out what you've been ignoring while you've been bullshitting.
Yeah 812, just don't think about it, LOL, that's the solution. Head in the sand strategies are never profitable.
There very much IS something we can do about it. What you've really been expressing all along, that you just don't give a shit, clearly apparent as that always was, it just isn't an argument - or an option.
Kend, profit sharing - not the same as "merit pay" - especially in the form of employee ownership, is the best. Barring that, unions make a business compensate more fairly.
Down here employees are not looked after. Unions are not strong and everything is outsourced so that NOBODY claims responsibility for employees compensation and mistreatment. The rule is whatever you, as an employer, can get away with is fair game in a "free market" and, of course, in a competitive society the race is always to the bottom. Examples are minion, almost universal.
I don't know Hep. The world is so srewed up. The US rejects keystone and then funds a pipeline in Nigeria. Nothing makes sense anymore. I am too old to fight it anymore.
No utopia Hep but at least no one gets rich in politics. Here we are taxed more personally and less corporately. This way we lure more cooperations to come here.
I was listening to your program this week while driving to work. These new asbestos laws are outrageous! In Texas you have to be sick with mesothelioma before OSHA or anyone will help. I was working in El Paso at a refinery, and I stared to suspect that I was being overexposed to asbestos. I took some samples of the pipe insulation that was being removed in our work area and sent it to a lab on my own. It was 15% asbestos, so I brought it up at the morning safety meeting. They fired me that day. I reported it to OSHA, and they did nothing. I finally found an attorney to sue for lost wages, but in Texas there is a statute that says you have to be sick to sue for asbestos exposure. I guess the new trend is to allow everyone to get exposed. After all, the U.S. Government is paying $29 billion per year on cancer research.
Saulys, Saulys, Saulys--All I can do after reading your reply is shake my head. You pushed every washed up leftie hot button.:) Sorry you feel as good as dead. I don't worry about things I have no control over.
Profit sharing for employees is a great idea if it is incentive based. I do it all the time. Base plus commission, for example instead of a fixed salary or hourly wage. Most large companies can't do this though. Unions fight hard against incentive pay. Mark I can only speak for the big corporations up here but they pay the best. I can't remember when the last strike was. Utility, gas, phone, oil companies are the most desirable jobs with the best benifits. Where is it down their that employees are not looked after. Example?
A Las Vegas Chiropractic is a person trained in the field of holistic brain care. He can handle most of the neuro-musculoskeletal diseases. Medical conditions that the doctor treats include back pain, headaches, neck pain, as well as problems around joints Chiropractor Las Vegas. It is also preparing to offer advice on exercise and diet regimens program that is most appropriate for patients suffering from problems related to the spine.
Your doctor may order tests to check your symptoms personal injury. Blood is typically ordered, even if you have any problems, to evaluate the level of cholesterol and blood sugar levels. You will receive the results within a few days, and your doctor or nurse will call you if there are any problems.If your doctor finds you need further testing or more trials, they will refer you to a specialist weight loss for men. Many insurance plans, as well as many experts would need to see a doctor to avoid unnecessary costs first.
Kend, you're jumping into the line of fire trying to defend CEOs. What CEOs do affects all of us, it is our business and we can't stand by watching someone else get abused.
As for profits how about a fair percentage of them for the employees?
As to the other cop out, 812, I hope you aren't fallen for the false dichotomy that you must either be possessed of a victim complex or a just world complex. I am of neither. There is much injustice in the world and much of it of a very grevious sort.
I agree that victim complex is a great bane of left movements. It is a carrying too far of legitimate outrage and indignation at genuine injustice.
Going too far the other way is the "just world complex". That is when someone, usually someone who's had it made like a middle or upper class, white, male, heterosexual, gentile or member of some group that for all intents and purposes owns the world, doesn't acknowledge any injustice in the world - which usually favors them anyway so then for them it isn't any too big a problem - and believes we live in a just world.
Justice and privilege are like your health, you don't notice them until you don't have them.
812, that argument is a straw man of your own making. Seems like a knee-jerk stock phrase you trot out whenever you don't know what else to say. Might work with some people, not with me.
Broad brushing or stereotyping is a cop out, I'm not one of those people you know or like to imagine. I wasn't an Obama supporter for very long. Everybody was after Bush in 2008 except for some real warped frauds - present company excluded, of course ;^)).
Whatever little ad hominems you wanna resort to in your desperation, the fact is, climate change may already have us good as dead and if we don't get someone serious about it soon it will be a fait accompli.
Of coursed, its a fact they are being treated differently, if they were black,hispanic, or native they would have been out with Black Hawk hellicopters and all,and they would all be dead.
Come on Mark. Livestock, slaves. . By now you should know me better then that. I am not a CEO. I am a business owner who cares about my employees. Your right without them I am hooped. But with that said it was my idea, risk and money that started the business they work for. Together we make the business good or bad. What I meant was its the share holders that pay those over priced assholes not me through my tax dollars. So because I have no stake in those companies I have no right to judge the income they make. CEO's or employees it is none of my business. Only the share holders can do that. It's their skin in the game. Profit is not a bad word buddy. Without it no one gets a check. Good talking again. I miss you guys.
Thom this is some David Pakman best work, take a look at it
I've tried to leave a comment on regulations.gov regarding TPP several times and it just keeps kicking my information. Maybe others have experienced this...could be the reason so few have left comments.
I'm coming in to the discussion late but I just had to respond. No wealthy person in the US pays 39.5. Don't believe me? Research it further. I'll give you a for instance.
In 2012 when Willard Romney, a VERY wealthy man, was running for President he strugged to raise his tax obligation to 14%. In order to do that he opted to forgo legitimate deductions he could have taken to increase his tax debt from the 13% it would have been. He knew that America would be angry at 13% for such a rich family. FUNNY that he thought 14% was any better!
That same year my husband and I made about 15k and we paid 24%. Seem off balanced to you? It sure did to us!
Saulys, I'm tired of this conversation and your insults. You are the quintessential washed up lefty. You 'know' all the answers, but somehow solutions evade you. Sad, there is so much more to life than pretending.
Well 812, what a desperate bullshitter you sound like! "Broad brushing" you, am I? Well, since you and G.W. are soulmates the logical conclusion is he's your boy. Wassa matter, he wasn't fascist enough?
That most people today, especially millenials, are somewhere left of center is simply a fact borne out by research.
I doubt you attained success without any help from the government - and I don't just mean public infrastructure and other ways that most people - and I'd bet you - take for granted.
I measure success a bit differently from you, but even so, I wouldn't want any success by the means I've no doubt you employed to gain yours - from everything you say about your objections to any of people's ethical considerations.
Apparently, you just hate anybody who cares about anybody but themselves - or "lefties" - and that's sick and warped.
Saulys, Where did I say G. W. was "my boy" for someone who pretends to be smart, you certainly make alot of assumptions and jump to a lot of conclusions. How do you expect to have credibility. When you make statements like "most people today, especially millenials are somewhere to the left of Center". Aren't you painting with the "broad brush" you accuse me of using. I'm very real, Saulys, and very successful without sucking at the government teat.
Nothing washed up about lefty, 812, you're living in the past. Your boy G.W. brought that about by not even bothering to be slick. He blatantly exposed the fallacies of conservative thinking and policy. Most people today, especially millenials, are somewhere to the left of center.
Try being for real once in a while. It'll scare the bejeezus out of you to find out what you've been ignoring while you've been bullshitting.
Yeah 812, just don't think about it, LOL, that's the solution. Head in the sand strategies are never profitable.
There very much IS something we can do about it. What you've really been expressing all along, that you just don't give a shit, clearly apparent as that always was, it just isn't an argument - or an option.
Kend, profit sharing - not the same as "merit pay" - especially in the form of employee ownership, is the best. Barring that, unions make a business compensate more fairly.
Down here employees are not looked after. Unions are not strong and everything is outsourced so that NOBODY claims responsibility for employees compensation and mistreatment. The rule is whatever you, as an employer, can get away with is fair game in a "free market" and, of course, in a competitive society the race is always to the bottom. Examples are minion, almost universal.
I don't know Hep. The world is so srewed up. The US rejects keystone and then funds a pipeline in Nigeria. Nothing makes sense anymore. I am too old to fight it anymore.
K - Is Canada luring or being lured?
With money or influence?
It is patently obvious that politicians in the us and uk are rapidly being bought by corporate interests
Fascism against which 2 world wars were fought
No utopia Hep but at least no one gets rich in politics. Here we are taxed more personally and less corporately. This way we lure more cooperations to come here.
Canada is utopia by the sound of it... the best of all worlds!
I guess your saying your politics is not infested?
Hi Thom,
I was listening to your program this week while driving to work. These new asbestos laws are outrageous! In Texas you have to be sick with mesothelioma before OSHA or anyone will help. I was working in El Paso at a refinery, and I stared to suspect that I was being overexposed to asbestos. I took some samples of the pipe insulation that was being removed in our work area and sent it to a lab on my own. It was 15% asbestos, so I brought it up at the morning safety meeting. They fired me that day. I reported it to OSHA, and they did nothing. I finally found an attorney to sue for lost wages, but in Texas there is a statute that says you have to be sick to sue for asbestos exposure. I guess the new trend is to allow everyone to get exposed. After all, the U.S. Government is paying $29 billion per year on cancer research.
Saulys, Saulys, Saulys--All I can do after reading your reply is shake my head. You pushed every washed up leftie hot button.:) Sorry you feel as good as dead. I don't worry about things I have no control over.
Profit sharing for employees is a great idea if it is incentive based. I do it all the time. Base plus commission, for example instead of a fixed salary or hourly wage. Most large companies can't do this though. Unions fight hard against incentive pay. Mark I can only speak for the big corporations up here but they pay the best. I can't remember when the last strike was. Utility, gas, phone, oil companies are the most desirable jobs with the best benifits. Where is it down their that employees are not looked after. Example?
A Las Vegas Chiropractic is a person trained in the field of holistic brain care. He can handle most of the neuro-musculoskeletal diseases. Medical conditions that the doctor treats include back pain, headaches, neck pain, as well as problems around joints Chiropractor Las Vegas. It is also preparing to offer advice on exercise and diet regimens program that is most appropriate for patients suffering from problems related to the spine.
Your doctor may order tests to check your symptoms personal injury. Blood is typically ordered, even if you have any problems, to evaluate the level of cholesterol and blood sugar levels. You will receive the results within a few days, and your doctor or nurse will call you if there are any problems.If your doctor finds you need further testing or more trials, they will refer you to a specialist weight loss for men. Many insurance plans, as well as many experts would need to see a doctor to avoid unnecessary costs first.
Kend, you're jumping into the line of fire trying to defend CEOs. What CEOs do affects all of us, it is our business and we can't stand by watching someone else get abused.
As for profits how about a fair percentage of them for the employees?
As to the other cop out, 812, I hope you aren't fallen for the false dichotomy that you must either be possessed of a victim complex or a just world complex. I am of neither. There is much injustice in the world and much of it of a very grevious sort.
I agree that victim complex is a great bane of left movements. It is a carrying too far of legitimate outrage and indignation at genuine injustice.
Going too far the other way is the "just world complex". That is when someone, usually someone who's had it made like a middle or upper class, white, male, heterosexual, gentile or member of some group that for all intents and purposes owns the world, doesn't acknowledge any injustice in the world - which usually favors them anyway so then for them it isn't any too big a problem - and believes we live in a just world.
Justice and privilege are like your health, you don't notice them until you don't have them.
812, that argument is a straw man of your own making. Seems like a knee-jerk stock phrase you trot out whenever you don't know what else to say. Might work with some people, not with me.
Broad brushing or stereotyping is a cop out, I'm not one of those people you know or like to imagine. I wasn't an Obama supporter for very long. Everybody was after Bush in 2008 except for some real warped frauds - present company excluded, of course ;^)).
Whatever little ad hominems you wanna resort to in your desperation, the fact is, climate change may already have us good as dead and if we don't get someone serious about it soon it will be a fait accompli.
Of coursed, its a fact they are being treated differently, if they were black,hispanic, or native they would have been out with Black Hawk hellicopters and all,and they would all be dead.
Come on Mark. Livestock, slaves. . By now you should know me better then that. I am not a CEO. I am a business owner who cares about my employees. Your right without them I am hooped. But with that said it was my idea, risk and money that started the business they work for. Together we make the business good or bad. What I meant was its the share holders that pay those over priced assholes not me through my tax dollars. So because I have no stake in those companies I have no right to judge the income they make. CEO's or employees it is none of my business. Only the share holders can do that. It's their skin in the game. Profit is not a bad word buddy. Without it no one gets a check. Good talking again. I miss you guys.
Just about it Mark!
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