Before everyone starts cheering for the coming political revolution, it should be remembered that many political revolutions are quickly followed by violent and bloody revolutions. Let us hope and pray that it doesn't come to that, but I, personally, fear that, with the political tension and divisiveness that has gripped this country, it won't take much of a spark to turn political to violent and bloody.
A caller at the end of the 1st hour said TPP will cause our cancer rate to shoot up because of the uranium in coal burned by China. He is thinking qualitatively, not quantitatively. The amount of extra uranium that we in the U.S. would inhale would probably be tiny and not significantly affect cancer rates. Around 1900, skies were black with coal soot, and a species of moth changed colors because of the natural selection of camouflage, but I doubt you'd find a decent amount of uranium in the body of any person from that era.
There are plenty of much bigger reasons to reject the TPP: jobs, wages, environmental destruction, loss of sovereignty.
Responding to mathboy, in FDR's day, Wall Street was against free trade because they thought trade barriers protected American capitalism. Now the tables are turned. Democrats' support for free trade was an artifact of the 19th Century, when their historically agrarian base would have benefited from cheaper foreign manufactured goods and access to foreign markets.
Finally the Progressive Wing of the party is waking up and taking action to regain control of their party. I accessed the DLC's website ten years ago, before it was taken down, and found a list of it's charter members that included Hillary and Bill ! There was some evidence at the time that Billionaire George Soros was directly involved with this group. As a long time progressive Democrat, I've been writing and posting on this situation for years but long time Democrat voters continued to have a single image of the party that is directly tied to the New Deal. You would have thought that the average Democrat voter would have woken up after over twenty years of majority Neoliberal influence over their party !
To give a short, oversimplified definition: Neoliberalism is a small-state economic ideology based on promoting "rational self-interest" through policies such as privatization, deregulation, globalization and significant tax cuts for the wealthy.
Obama has proven to be just an extension of that influence. I would have thought that the Liberal Wing of the party would have responded by now but they remain fixated on their specific agendas that have had little to no real support from the moneyed interests who own Washington unless it can be manipulated and altered to directly benefit them. We've ignored the problem of private money controlling our government for way too long, surely someone had to be concerned over the rapidly declining standard of living that has been accelerating for over twenty five years ! Bernie is the first Democrat to risk his political career by pointing out that it's way past time to stop digging the hole we find ourselves in today !
Clinton is nothing but "Good Cop" for the plutocrats - notice that her strong preferrence for campaigning in opposition to the "Bad Cops", with as little discussion of actual policy as possible. Thom Hartmann - keep on attacking Mrs Clinton; Bernie HAS TO WIN.
Do not be afraid of criticizing CLinton - no valid criticism from a Progressive will ever be used against Clinton by a RepUblican, should the unthinkable happen. BERNIE MUST WIN THE NOMINATION!!!
Thom, your show suffers from painful cognitive dissonnance in this regard. Sit back and try to reconcile the forceful language you use in your blog above, with the "omerta" you recognize in regard to criticisms of Clinton, the crony of the DNC hucksters. We have to nominate Bernie Sanders, and that requires tough talk.
I think Bernie is going to spend more money, but he's going to spend it on us for a change. The money will simply be taken from our rich masters and returned to it's rightful owners.
Kend! What kind of bullshit are you on? It's the Republicans who spend us into bankruptcy, and they only do that to force privatization so they can put the people's resources into their own and their cronies' pockets.
In Doris Kearns Goodwin's biography "No Ordinary Time", FDR actually states free trade to be one of his goals for after the war. There's a little more overlap with him and the DLC than Thom realizes.
The corpse media won't mention it, but this needs to be said again and again. Polls indicate that a majority of citizens support almost all of Bernie's platform if you break it down item by item. Things like: strengthen social security, get money out of politics, a living wage, single payer health insurance, care for veterans, create decent jobs, etc. The vast majority want Democratic Socialism, they just don't realize it thanks to the Fascist demonization of the label/word Socialist.
Trump, the Fascist owned media, Teapublicans, even Clinton supporters, are smug about the ignorance surrounding this label, and are convinced all they need to do to defeat Bernie is call him a Socialist. We need to disarm this bomb now. Maybe it's time to normalize the label "Democratic Socialist" by attaching it to all of the popular items that poll so well. I've said it before, Bernie wins hands down if his message of economic and social justice reaches the masses.
Thom, you’re surprised that establishment Democrats are less than thrilled with Bernie’s success?! You apparently don’t need me to tell you that establishment Democrats = CORPORATE Democrats!! I could have predicted these dynamics eons ago. And Al From is obviously a sell-out like the rest of these establishment hacks.
You’re damn right we’re sick and tired of “Clinronite” corporatists running the country! I would think you would be tired of that bullshit too. Yet you’ve continued cutting off anyone who calls into your show, criticizing Hillary Clinton. Do you want a political revolution or not?!
I can't imagine Du Hillary winning anywhere. Far to much criminal history, unless Iowa's idiots vote against Sanders. If hillary does win, this should give Trump a boost for president. I would vote for Trump against Du Hillary.
I wonder how much of that conspiracy theory is left after you take out the myths of alien abductions. It seems obvious to me that they come from the rare physiological error in which someone wakes up in some ways but stays asleep in others.
During sleep your conscious mind is separated from your bodily control--you're paralyzed. If your eyes open and you become lucid while this is happening, it would certainly be terrifying and might seem like it must have been caused from without, since we have to be told how sleep works. Ignorance of one's own biology is detrimental.
With the dream still running and the eyes now gathering images, many people perceive the "aliens" as walking through the walls. This would be a common occurrence given the half-sleep state, since dreams often involve other people, and we rarely walk backward. Therefore, people in dreams approach. It's merely the double exposure (two overlapping streams of input) that makes these dream people appear to walk through walls. You can make similar optical illusions by giving your two eyes very different things to watch.
So why do the dream people seem to be aliens? First, they may appear grey because the low light at night removes the ability to see color. I'd have to presume that the dream then matches that, since dreams are easily influenced by exterior suggestion (e.g. I'm sure we've all had suffocation nightmares caused by getting into a bad posture in bed). Next, the aliens may appear to have large eyes, because the dream doesn't show us realistic images, but rather shows us what would be stored in memory, and eyes are what you pay attention to most on a person's face. Being half-conscious distorts this into perceiving stronger information as larger. The lack of hair, etc. may be due to the dream not filling in all the blanks--its version of a stick figure.
Sometimes "abductees" say they see a bright light, which has always been portrayed as a spotlight in reenactments I've seen. This may be a phenomenon similar to the tunnel vision experienced by people in high-g situations and people that nearly die (the "light at the end of the tunnel" that they misinterpret as the path to heaven). I'm not sure why this would happen, unless a re-disconnection of the pre-frontal cortex from the rest of the brain mimics this. Such a disconnection would happen after the dream of approaching people, which would likely mark the end of REM sleep, and therefore a deepening of sleep. Changing sleep modes (like rebooting a computer) could correct the error of semi-consciousness. And since the dream abruptly ends, the "abductee" feels like they've had their memories erased, when in actuality it's more like the end of a movie--there simply isn't any more story.
Clinton ran as a lefty and, once elected, ignored that and governed as a moderate Republican. Hillary's not as slick, not as artful. She's very obvious in her flim flam.
I think they'll go so far as do like Mexico did, ignore the primary results and declare who they want the winner.
We have to change the system where such a nowhere state has so much pull. I was working on the Illinois side but staying on the Iowa side in 2008 and it was madness.
So sad the Democratic establishment will not even see Senator Sanders. They just want to ignore him so they can protect their own interests. They may get a BIG surprise.
I think Thom might be on to something here. We just had a election in Canada and the Liberil Party won with a very left candidate, to a party that was always middle of the road. (we have more than two parties). He won by promising to out spend the other parties. Watching Bernie promise to spend, spend, spend I think you may have a winner in him. With the younger generation that grew up in a world of entitlement this is what they want and expect. I am very lucky I grew up at a time when the government let you keep most of your money. I sincerely believe those days are over.
812, everything you say is complete made up nonsense. Don't you talk about pretending, you are nothing if not the quintessential bullshitter. We have nothing but solutions and the ONLY viable ones but you don't like them because they wouldn't allow you to take more than your share of everything.
Again, try to be for real, once in your life, and not an odious fraud.
Before everyone starts cheering for the coming political revolution, it should be remembered that many political revolutions are quickly followed by violent and bloody revolutions. Let us hope and pray that it doesn't come to that, but I, personally, fear that, with the political tension and divisiveness that has gripped this country, it won't take much of a spark to turn political to violent and bloody.
The stupid is strong.
Hard to believe that Rupert Murdoch divorced the woman that defended him from a pie attack.
A caller at the end of the 1st hour said TPP will cause our cancer rate to shoot up because of the uranium in coal burned by China. He is thinking qualitatively, not quantitatively. The amount of extra uranium that we in the U.S. would inhale would probably be tiny and not significantly affect cancer rates. Around 1900, skies were black with coal soot, and a species of moth changed colors because of the natural selection of camouflage, but I doubt you'd find a decent amount of uranium in the body of any person from that era.
There are plenty of much bigger reasons to reject the TPP: jobs, wages, environmental destruction, loss of sovereignty.
Responding to mathboy, in FDR's day, Wall Street was against free trade because they thought trade barriers protected American capitalism. Now the tables are turned. Democrats' support for free trade was an artifact of the 19th Century, when their historically agrarian base would have benefited from cheaper foreign manufactured goods and access to foreign markets.
Finally the Progressive Wing of the party is waking up and taking action to regain control of their party. I accessed the DLC's website ten years ago, before it was taken down, and found a list of it's charter members that included Hillary and Bill ! There was some evidence at the time that Billionaire George Soros was directly involved with this group. As a long time progressive Democrat, I've been writing and posting on this situation for years but long time Democrat voters continued to have a single image of the party that is directly tied to the New Deal. You would have thought that the average Democrat voter would have woken up after over twenty years of majority Neoliberal influence over their party !
To give a short, oversimplified definition: Neoliberalism is a small-state economic ideology based on promoting "rational self-interest" through policies such as privatization, deregulation, globalization and significant tax cuts for the wealthy.
Obama has proven to be just an extension of that influence. I would have thought that the Liberal Wing of the party would have responded by now but they remain fixated on their specific agendas that have had little to no real support from the moneyed interests who own Washington unless it can be manipulated and altered to directly benefit them. We've ignored the problem of private money controlling our government for way too long, surely someone had to be concerned over the rapidly declining standard of living that has been accelerating for over twenty five years ! Bernie is the first Democrat to risk his political career by pointing out that it's way past time to stop digging the hole we find ourselves in today !
Clinton is nothing but "Good Cop" for the plutocrats - notice that her strong preferrence for campaigning in opposition to the "Bad Cops", with as little discussion of actual policy as possible. Thom Hartmann - keep on attacking Mrs Clinton; Bernie HAS TO WIN.
Do not be afraid of criticizing CLinton - no valid criticism from a Progressive will ever be used against Clinton by a RepUblican, should the unthinkable happen. BERNIE MUST WIN THE NOMINATION!!!
Thom, your show suffers from painful cognitive dissonnance in this regard. Sit back and try to reconcile the forceful language you use in your blog above, with the "omerta" you recognize in regard to criticisms of Clinton, the crony of the DNC hucksters. We have to nominate Bernie Sanders, and that requires tough talk.
I think Bernie is going to spend more money, but he's going to spend it on us for a change. The money will simply be taken from our rich masters and returned to it's rightful owners.
Evil’s Clients
{ … a rhyme and 2 photos …}
In this early morning’s silence,
I think ‘bout America’s violence
by Evil’s clients
who act in defiance
of civility’s reliance
on everyone’s compliance
with civility’s rules of good will.
The path to Peace is uphill.
… … … …
Among Clients of Evil:
So-called-“Christian” Militias,
for instance at the Bundy Ranch -,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/701030025094356912.jpg
Recall that Progressives opposed Bill Clinton’s “centrism” in the DLC’s early days {mid-‘80s}. A Wikipedia-page about it: .
This kind of predatory policy was written about by Dr. Charles McVety President of the Canada Christian College in 2013 in the "Canadian Times"
Then in November of 2014, the same horrendous and theft oriented policy was adopted at the G20 in Brisbane.
Kend! What kind of bullshit are you on? It's the Republicans who spend us into bankruptcy, and they only do that to force privatization so they can put the people's resources into their own and their cronies' pockets.
In Doris Kearns Goodwin's biography "No Ordinary Time", FDR actually states free trade to be one of his goals for after the war. There's a little more overlap with him and the DLC than Thom realizes.
The corpse media won't mention it, but this needs to be said again and again. Polls indicate that a majority of citizens support almost all of Bernie's platform if you break it down item by item. Things like: strengthen social security, get money out of politics, a living wage, single payer health insurance, care for veterans, create decent jobs, etc. The vast majority want Democratic Socialism, they just don't realize it thanks to the Fascist demonization of the label/word Socialist.
Trump, the Fascist owned media, Teapublicans, even Clinton supporters, are smug about the ignorance surrounding this label, and are convinced all they need to do to defeat Bernie is call him a Socialist. We need to disarm this bomb now. Maybe it's time to normalize the label "Democratic Socialist" by attaching it to all of the popular items that poll so well. I've said it before, Bernie wins hands down if his message of economic and social justice reaches the masses.
Sorry! Sadly! Any one that tried to change american politics got assasinated
What does that tell us all???
Who rules?
While the US voting system has in practice made viable third parties unlikely, one can see the US electorate cries for four parties!
Cruise, Rubio, etc.
As we must have two candidates, it begs the big question:
if the mainstream choice does become the party nominee,
how many of the Bernie or Trump supporters will be too disgusted to
transfer their support?
Thom, you’re surprised that establishment Democrats are less than thrilled with Bernie’s success?! You apparently don’t need me to tell you that establishment Democrats = CORPORATE Democrats!! I could have predicted these dynamics eons ago. And Al From is obviously a sell-out like the rest of these establishment hacks.
You’re damn right we’re sick and tired of “Clinronite” corporatists running the country! I would think you would be tired of that bullshit too. Yet you’ve continued cutting off anyone who calls into your show, criticizing Hillary Clinton. Do you want a political revolution or not?!
I can't imagine Du Hillary winning anywhere. Far to much criminal history, unless Iowa's idiots vote against Sanders. If hillary does win, this should give Trump a boost for president. I would vote for Trump against Du Hillary.
I wonder how much of that conspiracy theory is left after you take out the myths of alien abductions. It seems obvious to me that they come from the rare physiological error in which someone wakes up in some ways but stays asleep in others.
During sleep your conscious mind is separated from your bodily control--you're paralyzed. If your eyes open and you become lucid while this is happening, it would certainly be terrifying and might seem like it must have been caused from without, since we have to be told how sleep works. Ignorance of one's own biology is detrimental.
With the dream still running and the eyes now gathering images, many people perceive the "aliens" as walking through the walls. This would be a common occurrence given the half-sleep state, since dreams often involve other people, and we rarely walk backward. Therefore, people in dreams approach. It's merely the double exposure (two overlapping streams of input) that makes these dream people appear to walk through walls. You can make similar optical illusions by giving your two eyes very different things to watch.
So why do the dream people seem to be aliens? First, they may appear grey because the low light at night removes the ability to see color. I'd have to presume that the dream then matches that, since dreams are easily influenced by exterior suggestion (e.g. I'm sure we've all had suffocation nightmares caused by getting into a bad posture in bed). Next, the aliens may appear to have large eyes, because the dream doesn't show us realistic images, but rather shows us what would be stored in memory, and eyes are what you pay attention to most on a person's face. Being half-conscious distorts this into perceiving stronger information as larger. The lack of hair, etc. may be due to the dream not filling in all the blanks--its version of a stick figure.
Sometimes "abductees" say they see a bright light, which has always been portrayed as a spotlight in reenactments I've seen. This may be a phenomenon similar to the tunnel vision experienced by people in high-g situations and people that nearly die (the "light at the end of the tunnel" that they misinterpret as the path to heaven). I'm not sure why this would happen, unless a re-disconnection of the pre-frontal cortex from the rest of the brain mimics this. Such a disconnection would happen after the dream of approaching people, which would likely mark the end of REM sleep, and therefore a deepening of sleep. Changing sleep modes (like rebooting a computer) could correct the error of semi-consciousness. And since the dream abruptly ends, the "abductee" feels like they've had their memories erased, when in actuality it's more like the end of a movie--there simply isn't any more story.
Clinton ran as a lefty and, once elected, ignored that and governed as a moderate Republican. Hillary's not as slick, not as artful. She's very obvious in her flim flam.
I think they'll go so far as do like Mexico did, ignore the primary results and declare who they want the winner.
We have to change the system where such a nowhere state has so much pull. I was working on the Illinois side but staying on the Iowa side in 2008 and it was madness.
So sad the Democratic establishment will not even see Senator Sanders. They just want to ignore him so they can protect their own interests. They may get a BIG surprise.
I think Thom might be on to something here. We just had a election in Canada and the Liberil Party won with a very left candidate, to a party that was always middle of the road. (we have more than two parties). He won by promising to out spend the other parties. Watching Bernie promise to spend, spend, spend I think you may have a winner in him. With the younger generation that grew up in a world of entitlement this is what they want and expect. I am very lucky I grew up at a time when the government let you keep most of your money. I sincerely believe those days are over.
812, everything you say is complete made up nonsense. Don't you talk about pretending, you are nothing if not the quintessential bullshitter. We have nothing but solutions and the ONLY viable ones but you don't like them because they wouldn't allow you to take more than your share of everything.
Again, try to be for real, once in your life, and not an odious fraud.