The rich are getting richer because they have organized over decades to take over the government, and they now own it, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Executive Branch to some degree. The attempted coup led by Smedley Butler in the United States was not the end of their efforts to take control. the coup is ongoing.
Now that we have the power to organize and to express our will as one people, I would encourage all those who find the current oligarchy distasteful to join in and support the movement for a more democratic union. They have the money. We have the numbers.
Not surprising, then, that he is backing Hillary; more of those in the know, need to blow the cover off of Hillary's Wall Street/Corporate - driven agenda. Thanks, Thom, for doing your part but more in the Democratic Party need to show the courage to do so. It is not surprising that many voters are now non-affiliated. It is unfortuante that in some states, if you are non-affiliated, you can't vote in the primary election for a presidential candidate. Some of us will need to change back to Dem to take a stand by voting for Bernie.
She was never really for it. That was a front, while Bill was working with the health insurance companies behind closed doors to usher in the era of "managed care" which led to our current mess. I was one of the independent practitioners who was bankrupted by what the Clintons did, and I mean literally bankrupted, from which I have never fully recovered. Clinton lies and hypocrisy are the status quo. Rot in hell Hillary.
I signed the petition of support Rep. Grayson's proposed Constitutional amendment to ban gerrymandering a couple days ago, but it doesn't let you see the text of it. My best guess as to what it might say is: no person holding, or being a candidate for, a public office may take part in deciding the borders of electoral districts.
Quote Aliceinwonderland:By the way, has this anything to do with liquified natural gas, or LNG? I know methane is related to that, but don't know it this is LNG or some other gas. Anybody know the answer?
AIW - The primary constituant of naturtal gas IS Methane, followed by Propane and other compounds. Liquified natural gas is natural gas that has been compressed under high pressure and refrigerated to sub-zero temperatures until it condenses into a liquid, so that it may be stored or transported in a more "compact" form. The high pressures is what make LNG so dangerous. When an LNG storage tank exploded in Italy back in the mid '1970's, people over 50 km away were incinerated by the fireball, including those in a resort campground. LNG transport ships have been known to "disappear" from the face of the Earth, presumably because one of the storage tanks on the ship exploded (most LNG transport ships had three tanks). In fact, there was a fear that the entire eastern seaboard of the United States could be destroyed if a terrorist attacked just one of the hundreds of LNG storage tanks that lined the coast back in the 1970's. To my knowledge, that fear is no longer valid.
I would assume that the underground storage of natural gas is in a gas form, not as a liquid; the ground would be too warm and the pressures too high.
Long as we have Republicans and corporate Dems calling the shots, we can forget about the kinds of common sense remedies Thom has advocated here, because it just ain't gonna happen.
What will it take for the electorate to wake up and get active, and get rid of the Greedy Old Obstructionist Party and the corporate Dems?!!! They are literally KILLING us.
By the way, has this anything to do with liquified natural gas, or LNG? I know methane is related to that, but don't know it this is LNG or some other gas. Anybody know the answer?
But Thom, you don't understand! Long as someone is making a profit, that's all that counts. If a little methane is leaking, that's the price of progress and "growth"! If Planet Earth becomes uninhabitable we can always migrate to another planet... that is, long as you can pay the price of the ticket.
The entire energy sector should be under the control of "We the People." ...meaning regulated by a truly representative government. Remove absurd/arbitrary profits, and you remove carbon barons like the Kochs. Safety precautions and the pursuit of green energy then become a natural part of good government.
Bravo #11. Obama read the histories of both Lincoln and FDR and decided he couldn't be like them because he would lose campaign funding from the oligarchs who he would need to attack. So he crafted a middle of the road, appeasment strategy which, in the context of cutthroat republican strategies, was his road to mediocraty.
Hillary's attack on Bernie feels like when in 2008 she got frustrated and sarcastically said "The sky will open, the light will come down, celestial choirs will be singing, and everyone will know we should do the right thing and everything will be perfect!
Answering Rodney King's question from a few decades ago, no we all can't get along as long as the degree of personal wealth is the only determining factor !
The statement that maybe Lincoln and FDR could have done more ignores the historical conditions the previous presidents found themselves in. Roosevelt had the people behind him, giving workable suggestions for corrections in society. Obama had opposition from the beginning. He did not have the massive support that either Lincoln or FDR had. He should be recognized for what he has been able to do under these difficult political conditions. Under the present rules of rules for both the House and the Senate, Members of the parties can relax in their offices and the public never knows what they are doing. The House and Senate, time when an actual quorum is present, is minimal. Most of the negotiation is done outside the House and Senate chambers so speeches are only for political publication, not for discussion. In 1933 there was a powerful movement by people out of work, unions, and other politically active organizations pushing for positive changes. In 1861 we had actual armed aggression by one state against Federal defensive positions. After McKinley was shot, we had an active media pushing for social changes leading to the enforcement of the Sherman Anti Trust Act and the passage of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic act. Today the media is only interested in satisfying the needs of corporatism and members of Congress are doing the same. So Democracy goes down the drain and Fascism, American style, replaces democracy.
We're not getting what we're paying for. We're getting taxation without representation.
The rich are getting richer because they have organized over decades to take over the government, and they now own it, Congress, the Supreme Court, and the Executive Branch to some degree. The attempted coup led by Smedley Butler in the United States was not the end of their efforts to take control. the coup is ongoing.
Now that we have the power to organize and to express our will as one people, I would encourage all those who find the current oligarchy distasteful to join in and support the movement for a more democratic union. They have the money. We have the numbers.
This is why the police are being militarized.
Not surprising, then, that he is backing Hillary; more of those in the know, need to blow the cover off of Hillary's Wall Street/Corporate - driven agenda. Thanks, Thom, for doing your part but more in the Democratic Party need to show the courage to do so. It is not surprising that many voters are now non-affiliated. It is unfortuante that in some states, if you are non-affiliated, you can't vote in the primary election for a presidential candidate. Some of us will need to change back to Dem to take a stand by voting for Bernie.
I thought I heard Thom mention Benoit Mandelbrot in an article on stock markets, but I missed the relevance.
She was never really for it. That was a front, while Bill was working with the health insurance companies behind closed doors to usher in the era of "managed care" which led to our current mess. I was one of the independent practitioners who was bankrupted by what the Clintons did, and I mean literally bankrupted, from which I have never fully recovered. Clinton lies and hypocrisy are the status quo. Rot in hell Hillary.
I signed the petition of support Rep. Grayson's proposed Constitutional amendment to ban gerrymandering a couple days ago, but it doesn't let you see the text of it. My best guess as to what it might say is: no person holding, or being a candidate for, a public office may take part in deciding the borders of electoral districts.
Reply to #8: Thanks stecoop.
MyungSonn, Mowgli (not Moagly) is the human character in "The Jungle Book".
AIW - The primary constituant of naturtal gas IS Methane, followed by Propane and other compounds. Liquified natural gas is natural gas that has been compressed under high pressure and refrigerated to sub-zero temperatures until it condenses into a liquid, so that it may be stored or transported in a more "compact" form. The high pressures is what make LNG so dangerous. When an LNG storage tank exploded in Italy back in the mid '1970's, people over 50 km away were incinerated by the fireball, including those in a resort campground. LNG transport ships have been known to "disappear" from the face of the Earth, presumably because one of the storage tanks on the ship exploded (most LNG transport ships had three tanks). In fact, there was a fear that the entire eastern seaboard of the United States could be destroyed if a terrorist attacked just one of the hundreds of LNG storage tanks that lined the coast back in the 1970's. To my knowledge, that fear is no longer valid.
I would assume that the underground storage of natural gas is in a gas form, not as a liquid; the ground would be too warm and the pressures too high.
Reply to posts #13 & #14: Ken Duerksen — BRAVO.
Reply to #15: Right on, RLTOWNSFLY!
Long as we have Republicans and corporate Dems calling the shots, we can forget about the kinds of common sense remedies Thom has advocated here, because it just ain't gonna happen.
What will it take for the electorate to wake up and get active, and get rid of the Greedy Old Obstructionist Party and the corporate Dems?!!! They are literally KILLING us.
By the way, has this anything to do with liquified natural gas, or LNG? I know methane is related to that, but don't know it this is LNG or some other gas. Anybody know the answer?
But Thom, you don't understand! Long as someone is making a profit, that's all that counts. If a little methane is leaking, that's the price of progress and "growth"! If Planet Earth becomes uninhabitable we can always migrate to another planet... that is, long as you can pay the price of the ticket.
Beam me up.
Energy shoul be considered as part of our "commons"
Avaiable to us all
NOT just for those with money
OMG...lust for money and power on full display!
The entire energy sector should be under the control of "We the People." ...meaning regulated by a truly representative government. Remove absurd/arbitrary profits, and you remove carbon barons like the Kochs. Safety precautions and the pursuit of green energy then become a natural part of good government.
Who is required to enforce this?
Are methane gas leaks okay in the us?
If there is anybody there to control this situation then they need to be invoked
Myung Sonn appears to be addressing an animal pet matter... for some "off topic" reason best known to himself
Been many months since we heard your "Hartmann Zoo Update".
Did Wolfie ever warm up to pup?
Is Moagly a gangland name?
Which pet filled the Higgins vacuum.
Always amusing in your words.
I also dig the Science news - makes the furure bright against muggwumpy politics.
Bravo #11. Obama read the histories of both Lincoln and FDR and decided he couldn't be like them because he would lose campaign funding from the oligarchs who he would need to attack. So he crafted a middle of the road, appeasment strategy which, in the context of cutthroat republican strategies, was his road to mediocraty.
Comment moved to today's post.
Hillary's attack on Bernie feels like when in 2008 she got frustrated and sarcastically said "The sky will open, the light will come down, celestial choirs will be singing, and everyone will know we should do the right thing and everything will be perfect!
I'm starting to think she can't handle the kind of pressure that Obama has been under as President.
Lincoln ended up with comfortable majorities due to the absence of the Southerners after secession.
FDR had massive majorities, 5 to 1 at one point.
Answering Rodney King's question from a few decades ago, no we all can't get along as long as the degree of personal wealth is the only determining factor !
The statement that maybe Lincoln and FDR could have done more ignores the historical conditions the previous presidents found themselves in. Roosevelt had the people behind him, giving workable suggestions for corrections in society. Obama had opposition from the beginning. He did not have the massive support that either Lincoln or FDR had. He should be recognized for what he has been able to do under these difficult political conditions. Under the present rules of rules for both the House and the Senate, Members of the parties can relax in their offices and the public never knows what they are doing. The House and Senate, time when an actual quorum is present, is minimal. Most of the negotiation is done outside the House and Senate chambers so speeches are only for political publication, not for discussion. In 1933 there was a powerful movement by people out of work, unions, and other politically active organizations pushing for positive changes. In 1861 we had actual armed aggression by one state against Federal defensive positions. After McKinley was shot, we had an active media pushing for social changes leading to the enforcement of the Sherman Anti Trust Act and the passage of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic act. Today the media is only interested in satisfying the needs of corporatism and members of Congress are doing the same. So Democracy goes down the drain and Fascism, American style, replaces democracy.
Someone with the political “gifts” of Lincoln or FDR might have been able to do so, he said, but not him. - See more at: