WHAT 100% renewable exists that can produce electricity? There is NO "renewable" that can do that! NONE!
Only WOOD, FIRE, WATER WHEELS, MUSCLE & WIND ON SAILS are renewable, solar panels & wind turbines are a product of the FOSSIL FUEL AGE, they are made with & by OIL, they depend upon a functioning high energy, high technology civiliazation to exist & when those fossil resources become too expensive & difficult to extract, that will be the end of all those high technology "renewables" & it will be lights out forever.
I think it's time for us to start reconsidering exactly what it means to be human. We claim that our self-awareness and superior intelligence compared to the rest of the animal kindgodm makes us more "special," or supposedly more compassionate for our fellow human and for other species of living creatures. I don't see it. These billionaires that control the world's economy are actually less humane than most animals one would encounter in the wild. Many, if not most, politicians are less humane. Corporations are the exact opposite of humane. America's police force is less humane than most animals. One could argue that dolphins are consistently more humane than most humans. One might even aruge they are smarter than the average person! So if "superior" intelligence, compassion, empathy, self-awareness...If these things don't distinguish us from the rest of life on earth, what exactly does? What does it really mean to be human?
I recommend a Ted Talk by Yanis Varoufakis concerning the contest between democracy and capitalism. I think Bernie's campaign speaks to this same issue although on a less philosophical, more pragmatic level.
Additionally, if you think the Repugs might hate Bernie try how much they already hate Hillary. Talk about a continued gridlock.
You're right Thom, listeners should go out today and buy Jane Mayer's book 'Dark Money'. Thank you for having her on the show. Never have the dots been so convincingly and completely connected in this trail of radical right obstruction. Like a dark tunnel cut with many branches beneath our government, every dot along the way becomes a light bulb, illuminating the once invisible path of the vile conspiritors. Brava Jane!
More media bias. ABC's Good Morning America just aired a clip of Bernie Sanders saying that he would raise taxes to pay for National Health Care. They cut out the next sentence where he also said that neither you nor any business would have to pay any health insurance premiums or doctor bills. A net savings for you. I guess you're not suppose to know that.
I would add that establishment liberals, such as Krugman, have a stake in the status quo. A comfortable order exists inside the Beltway. The liberal class, as Chris Hedges has written about, long ago abandoned its role as a defender of the poor, middle and working classes. It has bought into the corporatocracy (or been bought into it). Liberal corporate media mavens such as Krugman, while they may deny it, are part of the problem; their opinions reflect differences that exist among the elite cadres of what is essentially the same political/economic establishment. Gore Vidal pointed this out when he wrote, "There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party . . . and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt – until recently . . . and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties." Sanders' political philosophy hearkens back to the Democratic Party of the New Deal. He's a social democratic along the lines of European-style social democracies. (He's not a socialist. Socialists believe in worker ownership and democratic control over the means of production.) Sanders opposes the rule of the wealthy and of large corporations, which is what exists now in America. That puts him at odds with the mouthpieces of Vidal's "Property Party".
Hillary is not electable, and it has nothing to do with her ability, or character, it has everything to do with the Fascist control of our media. There's a massive arsenal of crippling misinformation just waiting to be unleashed if she wins the primary. They only have the "Socialist" bomb to drop on Bernie, and he can defuse that at anytime if he simply explains that Democratic Socialism is already here in the form of all kinds of "We the People" programs such as Social Security. It's already being embraced by the vast majority, they just don't realize it.
Bernie will get things done and I'll tell you why....he'll call a press conference and explain to the American Public the truth as to why the Teapublicans are obstructing, or why the entire Republican House denies science. He'll use the pulpit to communicate economic and social truth because he's not owned by the Kochs, Wall Street, or big Pharma. Truth will rally the masses to demand change.....the Fascist controlled right wing will have no choice when millions are in the streets. Clinton like Obama wouldn't dare speak out like an FDR.....it would be business as usual, including the lack of will to catch up with the rest of the world with Single Payer. We need true revolution...it's long overdo...we thought we had it 8 years ago, we won't be fooled again.
Remember that author Paul Starr is a Hillary buddy .. In 1993, Starr was the senior advisor for President Bill Clinton's proposed health care reform plan. He is also the president of the Sandra Starr Foundation. He is in the Clinton's pockets. I am surprised that Starr has not done his homework but most likely he did and he knows better.. he just does not want to buck Hillary.. a future job in a possible administration looms perhaps? Beware of those who surround politicians. They often want something. Paul Starr of all people should see that Bernie is taking this to the next step. But he implies, "Bernie, why fight the system? And that he says makes Bernie wrong? Never buck the system? Sorry Mr. Starr - Look at America. We Need To Buck the System! Why just "go along" with the GOP blocking the ACA and we will be stuck for another 50 years and that is ok? Unless there is money to be made. Could Starr be more a neoliberal now for supporting insurance companies and the pharmas who may have given to the HC superPACs? This is another of his articles where he doubts that anyone should bother with single payer. Why is he so sour on What the Rest of the World Has? --> https://www.healthinsurance.org/blog/2012/11/27/why-obama-succeeded-why-clinton-failed-and-why-the-fight-over-health-reform-still-isnt-over/
That's really funny, Paul Starr says Bernie is a flawed candidate because he believes he can do something. Bet he has a lot invested in the status quo to put forth contorted logic like that.
The Democrats have shown themselves to be hyprotical wimps. Sanders unlike Obama but more like FDR would be able to push through progressive legislation. The Dems just want someone that is all talk but in the end nothing more than a protector of the corporatocracy, the MIC. Wall Street & big Pharma.
you are not going to hide from this or me----so you better face me and this situation ---you HAVE HELPED TO BE A 'BLACK OUT' REVOLUTION-----EVEN ON PROGRESSIVE TALK AND RADIO-----STRAIGHT SHAMEFUL OF YOU.....I AM EMBARASSED FOR YOU.....YOU ARE A GROWN ASS MAN AND YOU KNOW BETTER!!!
It seems that "only the ignorant despise education"- a problem noticed in the old Roman empire as it began to degenerate.
Genuine ecological science is still not heard on the main stream media. An ecologist could make a good case for taking better care of the planet by exposing the continuing drop in Net Primary Productivity (NPP or photosynthetic biomass production at the primary level) in the earths ecosystems but who in the main stream media would listen. As the NPP drops, the production in all the higher levels must also drop. You can't make predators like tuna at the top of the food chain if the production at the base of the food chain is going to hell.
So the corporate solution is not to ease up on the earth but to gain direct control over the food production by farming fish etc.. However, it takes at least 5 pounds of ocean caught forage fish (like sardines) to make a pound of farmed fish. It takes a lot of carbon rich fuel to run the boats to catch the forage fish, but who cares, its providing jobs for corporate boats and is still making oil companies happy -for at least little while.
Since stocks of traditional food fish and crustaceans are dwindling some fisherman are trying to get ahead of the depletion game by harvesting jellyfish. If you told a fisherman he'd have to harvest jellyfish 25 years ago, he would have thrown you overboard. But as an example, shrimp fisherman in Georgia have switched over to jellyfish because they are so plentiful and there is a good market for them in China. At 7 cents a pound it takes a lot of jellys to make a profit but jellyfish love warm water and low oxygenation and can stand a lot more pollution than other species. One fishing operation in Georgia caught about 5 million pounds of jellys in one year and made $350,000.
Thus it seems that no one with the power really wants to help our broken ecosystems but would rather sit by and allow business to take advantage of catestrophic changes in our planets systems.
So with no real change or regulation on the horizon mass starvation looms closer.
Take the words "relentless profit" out of the energy sector, hand over control to, "We the People," and witness a green revolution. The Carbon Fascists have a big pimp hand, and the power of their money can only be defeated with Democratic Socialism. It's do or die at this point, and Bernie understands more than anyone what time it is, unlike his big money, business as usual competition.
Bernie and Martin O'Malley should have their own debates, sponsored by the League of Women Voters or whoever,and boycott the DNC ones. Let Hillary talk to herself.
Course, DWS wants more debates now that Hillary's behind.
Willie, I agree with you 100%. If nuclear hadn't been made so politically unpopular, I believe we would be using it today. Small nuclear units like those used on aircraft carriers and subs would be able to power small to medium size cities. But the pro fossil fuel crowd doesn't want nuclear. They've managed to convince a bunch of vocal 'greenies' that nuclear is dangerous.
Good morning, or afternoon to you too, OU812. I'm still a big nuclear fan despite all the doom and gloom warnings. I think that all it's problems are caused by neglect, indifference and politics. The few remaining problems could be fixed to the benefit of all, if experts would just be given the time and money to sit down and figure things out. We're 90% there. Solving the waste problem would pave the road ahead for clear skies.
Could the richest 10% be planning for a catastrophe? Capital has been monopolized by the extraction class and they control most of it now. Our police have been militarized as if bracing for the disorder this will bring on. The media continues to give these developments their blessing. It looks to me like those with power and resources are using, this time, to consolidate their power and leave everyone else to the mercy of mother nature. That said, we, the 90% have done nothing to self-organize and defend our position, because in large part we are overly dependent on this fraudulent system of representative democracy, and we do not believe in our power any longer.
We can keep hoping that "the system" will correct itself in our favor, but it cannot.
The way we avert total disaster is simple. Call for a national referendum on James Hansen's Fee and Dividend Plan.
See Example 5. http://www.thenationalreferendum.org/proposed-laws-amendments/
WHAT 100% renewable exists that can produce electricity? There is NO "renewable" that can do that! NONE!
Only WOOD, FIRE, WATER WHEELS, MUSCLE & WIND ON SAILS are renewable, solar panels & wind turbines are a product of the FOSSIL FUEL AGE, they are made with & by OIL, they depend upon a functioning high energy, high technology civiliazation to exist & when those fossil resources become too expensive & difficult to extract, that will be the end of all those high technology "renewables" & it will be lights out forever.
I think it's time for us to start reconsidering exactly what it means to be human. We claim that our self-awareness and superior intelligence compared to the rest of the animal kindgodm makes us more "special," or supposedly more compassionate for our fellow human and for other species of living creatures. I don't see it. These billionaires that control the world's economy are actually less humane than most animals one would encounter in the wild. Many, if not most, politicians are less humane. Corporations are the exact opposite of humane. America's police force is less humane than most animals. One could argue that dolphins are consistently more humane than most humans. One might even aruge they are smarter than the average person! So if "superior" intelligence, compassion, empathy, self-awareness...If these things don't distinguish us from the rest of life on earth, what exactly does? What does it really mean to be human?
Fox news will take advantage of this little fued and string it along for as long as it suckers in viewers. Don't be one of the suckers.
I recommend a Ted Talk by Yanis Varoufakis concerning the contest between democracy and capitalism. I think Bernie's campaign speaks to this same issue although on a less philosophical, more pragmatic level.
Additionally, if you think the Repugs might hate Bernie try how much they already hate Hillary. Talk about a continued gridlock.
You're right Thom, listeners should go out today and buy Jane Mayer's book 'Dark Money'. Thank you for having her on the show. Never have the dots been so convincingly and completely connected in this trail of radical right obstruction. Like a dark tunnel cut with many branches beneath our government, every dot along the way becomes a light bulb, illuminating the once invisible path of the vile conspiritors. Brava Jane!
More media bias. ABC's Good Morning America just aired a clip of Bernie Sanders saying that he would raise taxes to pay for National Health Care. They cut out the next sentence where he also said that neither you nor any business would have to pay any health insurance premiums or doctor bills. A net savings for you. I guess you're not suppose to know that.
I would add that establishment liberals, such as Krugman, have a stake in the status quo. A comfortable order exists inside the Beltway. The liberal class, as Chris Hedges has written about, long ago abandoned its role as a defender of the poor, middle and working classes. It has bought into the corporatocracy (or been bought into it). Liberal corporate media mavens such as Krugman, while they may deny it, are part of the problem; their opinions reflect differences that exist among the elite cadres of what is essentially the same political/economic establishment. Gore Vidal pointed this out when he wrote, "There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party . . . and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt – until recently . . . and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties." Sanders' political philosophy hearkens back to the Democratic Party of the New Deal. He's a social democratic along the lines of European-style social democracies. (He's not a socialist. Socialists believe in worker ownership and democratic control over the means of production.) Sanders opposes the rule of the wealthy and of large corporations, which is what exists now in America. That puts him at odds with the mouthpieces of Vidal's "Property Party".
Hillary is not electable, and it has nothing to do with her ability, or character, it has everything to do with the Fascist control of our media. There's a massive arsenal of crippling misinformation just waiting to be unleashed if she wins the primary. They only have the "Socialist" bomb to drop on Bernie, and he can defuse that at anytime if he simply explains that Democratic Socialism is already here in the form of all kinds of "We the People" programs such as Social Security. It's already being embraced by the vast majority, they just don't realize it.
Bernie will get things done and I'll tell you why....he'll call a press conference and explain to the American Public the truth as to why the Teapublicans are obstructing, or why the entire Republican House denies science. He'll use the pulpit to communicate economic and social truth because he's not owned by the Kochs, Wall Street, or big Pharma. Truth will rally the masses to demand change.....the Fascist controlled right wing will have no choice when millions are in the streets. Clinton like Obama wouldn't dare speak out like an FDR.....it would be business as usual, including the lack of will to catch up with the rest of the world with Single Payer. We need true revolution...it's long overdo...we thought we had it 8 years ago, we won't be fooled again.
Great change will not occur until you elect the unelectable
Great change will never occur until you elect the unelectable
good comment but they are not wimps.. what has happened is more are becoming neoliberals wearing the Democrat brand.. they are in the money.
Regarding the Starr article
Remember that author Paul Starr is a Hillary buddy .. In 1993, Starr was the senior advisor for President Bill Clinton's proposed health care reform plan. He is also the president of the Sandra Starr Foundation. He is in the Clinton's pockets. I am surprised that Starr has not done his homework but most likely he did and he knows better.. he just does not want to buck Hillary.. a future job in a possible administration looms perhaps? Beware of those who surround politicians. They often want something. Paul Starr of all people should see that Bernie is taking this to the next step. But he implies, "Bernie, why fight the system? And that he says makes Bernie wrong? Never buck the system? Sorry Mr. Starr - Look at America. We Need To Buck the System! Why just "go along" with the GOP blocking the ACA and we will be stuck for another 50 years and that is ok? Unless there is money to be made. Could Starr be more a neoliberal now for supporting insurance companies and the pharmas who may have given to the HC superPACs? This is another of his articles where he doubts that anyone should bother with single payer. Why is he so sour on What the Rest of the World Has? --> https://www.healthinsurance.org/blog/2012/11/27/why-obama-succeeded-why-clinton-failed-and-why-the-fight-over-health-reform-still-isnt-over/
That's really funny, Paul Starr says Bernie is a flawed candidate because he believes he can do something. Bet he has a lot invested in the status quo to put forth contorted logic like that.
The public appears disgusted with both parties.
Sanders, Trump, or Bloomberg offer them hope for
a government that can solve problems.
Hillary does not.
The Democrats have shown themselves to be hyprotical wimps. Sanders unlike Obama but more like FDR would be able to push through progressive legislation. The Dems just want someone that is all talk but in the end nothing more than a protector of the corporatocracy, the MIC. Wall Street & big Pharma.
you are not going to hide from this or me----so you better face me and this situation ---you HAVE HELPED TO BE A 'BLACK OUT' REVOLUTION-----EVEN ON PROGRESSIVE TALK AND RADIO-----STRAIGHT SHAMEFUL OF YOU.....I AM EMBARASSED FOR YOU.....YOU ARE A GROWN ASS MAN AND YOU KNOW BETTER!!!
#AMothersRevolution #DomesticViolenceInSeattleCourts #MyChildStolen4SocialActivism△
It seems that "only the ignorant despise education"- a problem noticed in the old Roman empire as it began to degenerate.
Genuine ecological science is still not heard on the main stream media. An ecologist could make a good case for taking better care of the planet by exposing the continuing drop in Net Primary Productivity (NPP or photosynthetic biomass production at the primary level) in the earths ecosystems but who in the main stream media would listen. As the NPP drops, the production in all the higher levels must also drop. You can't make predators like tuna at the top of the food chain if the production at the base of the food chain is going to hell.
So the corporate solution is not to ease up on the earth but to gain direct control over the food production by farming fish etc.. However, it takes at least 5 pounds of ocean caught forage fish (like sardines) to make a pound of farmed fish. It takes a lot of carbon rich fuel to run the boats to catch the forage fish, but who cares, its providing jobs for corporate boats and is still making oil companies happy -for at least little while.
Since stocks of traditional food fish and crustaceans are dwindling some fisherman are trying to get ahead of the depletion game by harvesting jellyfish. If you told a fisherman he'd have to harvest jellyfish 25 years ago, he would have thrown you overboard. But as an example, shrimp fisherman in Georgia have switched over to jellyfish because they are so plentiful and there is a good market for them in China. At 7 cents a pound it takes a lot of jellys to make a profit but jellyfish love warm water and low oxygenation and can stand a lot more pollution than other species. One fishing operation in Georgia caught about 5 million pounds of jellys in one year and made $350,000.
Thus it seems that no one with the power really wants to help our broken ecosystems but would rather sit by and allow business to take advantage of catestrophic changes in our planets systems.
So with no real change or regulation on the horizon mass starvation looms closer.
Bon Appetit
Take the words "relentless profit" out of the energy sector, hand over control to, "We the People," and witness a green revolution. The Carbon Fascists have a big pimp hand, and the power of their money can only be defeated with Democratic Socialism. It's do or die at this point, and Bernie understands more than anyone what time it is, unlike his big money, business as usual competition.
Nor does Diabolical Debbie.
Hillary CLinton does not deserve to call herself a Democrat.
Bernie and Martin O'Malley should have their own debates, sponsored by the League of Women Voters or whoever,and boycott the DNC ones. Let Hillary talk to herself.
Course, DWS wants more debates now that Hillary's behind.
Willie, I agree with you 100%. If nuclear hadn't been made so politically unpopular, I believe we would be using it today. Small nuclear units like those used on aircraft carriers and subs would be able to power small to medium size cities. But the pro fossil fuel crowd doesn't want nuclear. They've managed to convince a bunch of vocal 'greenies' that nuclear is dangerous.
Good morning, or afternoon to you too, OU812. I'm still a big nuclear fan despite all the doom and gloom warnings. I think that all it's problems are caused by neglect, indifference and politics. The few remaining problems could be fixed to the benefit of all, if experts would just be given the time and money to sit down and figure things out. We're 90% there. Solving the waste problem would pave the road ahead for clear skies.
Could the richest 10% be planning for a catastrophe? Capital has been monopolized by the extraction class and they control most of it now. Our police have been militarized as if bracing for the disorder this will bring on. The media continues to give these developments their blessing. It looks to me like those with power and resources are using, this time, to consolidate their power and leave everyone else to the mercy of mother nature.
That said, we, the 90% have done nothing to self-organize and defend our position, because in large part we are overly dependent on this fraudulent system of representative democracy, and we do not believe in our power any longer.
We can keep hoping that "the system" will correct itself in our favor, but it cannot.
The way we avert total disaster is simple. Call for a national referendum on James Hansen's Fee and Dividend Plan.
See Example 5. http://www.thenationalreferendum.org/proposed-laws-amendments/