And yet the USA still has to import half of its oil needs and shale oil production in the US is rapidly declining, unsustainable at these low prices. Actually some shale oil producers are having to pay refineries 50 cents per barrel to take their high sulphur oil that they don't even want. The end result of this madness is most western nations, including the USA, will be on their knees licking the boots of terrorist Arab Petro-states so they will provide us with oil. Brilliant energy policy. These corrupt politicians deserve long prison terms, traitors is what they are.
NPP's outside of the totally corrupted Developed Nations have been and are being built in under 5 yrs, even without using modern assembly line production & factory construction methods that have yet to be applied to Nuclear tech. Only takes political will and volume. Both of which are seriously needed. Developing nations are where the bulk of emissions will come from.
Historically, nuclear build rates have far exceeded maximum solar & wind build rates, even though solar & wind both use maximized modern assembly line production, not done yet for nuclear. And solar & wind being severely geographically limited, have infeasibly low EROI, terrible intermittency issues and cannot be utilized without a mostly fossil economy. Nuclear doesn't need fossil.
Fastest national non-fossil build rates - 7 yr averages:
That is before our criminally corrupt politicians were bought by Banksters & Fossil Barons in order to stifle their only serious competitor.
Nuclear waste is a trivial issue, it is only an issue because our corrupt politicians, media & ENGOs are paid to make it an issue. A coke can of hard, solid, dense, easily stored nuclear waste that is 98% natural uranium and replaces 69 tons of forever, toxic coal solid waste & 2000 tons of toxic gaseous waste. It is obvious which is the real waste issue. Amazing how people claim they care about global warming but the best solution & in fact only solution is poo-poooed because of some trivial volume of extremely valuable & totally recyclable nuclear waste.
I don't know how we could possibly turn the Earth into a radioactive wasteland, maybe a global nuclear war caused by allowing totally corrupted politicians making decisions based on who stuffs the most $cash in their pockets rather than a rational & sensible policy that serves the 99% of Earth's population and the health of the world ecosystem.
There is no problem for the world carrying 10 - 20 billion at a high standard of living. UN projections are population leveling off at ~11 billion by 2100, worst case scenario is 25 billion. That is no real problem. Certainly it is impossible to sustain exponential population growth, and we should use diligent means to encourage family planning & zero population growth. The current environmental problems are directly caused by greed & corruption, has nothing whatsoever to do with technological issues.
The human species ain't a cancer, that is stupid talk. The problem is our entire political systems are totally corrupted so rational economic, environmental & energy policy is forbidden by vested interests. It is no accident that the top 62 plutocrats - the corruptors - have as much wealth as the bottom 50%. And in fact that is actually a gross underestimate of their wealth.
Resource limitations are not a major issue, easy to obtain the necessary resources. Mainly we need lots of clean energy, and there is no problem for nuclear power to supply that for the next billion years. You need to understand the basics of technology before you make wild, nonsensical statements about something you don't understand.
And ultimately all our resource needs can be obtained eco-friendly by space industrialization. A single Earth crossing asteroid can easily contain $trillions worth of valuable minerals that are not difficult to process and return to the Earth.
It is amazing how religious greenies - Malthusians - serve the interests of the super-rich parasites by blaming the Earth's problems on the 99%, instead of holding the criminal plutocrats to account for the direct effects of their unlimited greed. These greenie fanatics seem to relish in mass genocide of the 99% (funny how they are happy with the 1% being exempt) and yet you never see any of them volunteering to commit suicide to do their duty to "eliminate the human cancer".
Free trade is our so called government making it immensely profitable for the Fascists to go abroad to pollute, abuse, cheat, steal, lie, and enslave desperate workers because they can no longer get away with it here. It's bald faced greed!
Free trade is both immoral and Un-American, and the elected officials who support it are a bunch of god damn hypocrites.
It's the modern day version of crossing the picket line to break our unions!.....all so a few can bogart most of the worlds wealth.
I will never forgive President Obama for this. Pushing fascist crap like the TPP is an act of treason as well as a huge betrayal. It is hardly a secret that the TPP will rob us of our national sovereignty. It would render the governments of soveriegn nations impotent against corporate power. Corporate fascism du jour.
By the way, one of my senators, Ron Wyden of Oregon, has been among the TPP’s biggest cheerleaders. He’ll never have my vote again… NEVER!
Comparing this to the amount of effort Obama put into healthcare reform six or seven years ago is like night and day. Had he fought half this hard for single payer, we might not still be at the mercy of those same old extortionists (oh excuse me — health insurance companies), who continue ripping us off with impunity. The ACA forcing us to do business with these extortionists is simply outrageous. Under corporate fascist rule, we can kiss healthcare goodbye for us "ordinary" folks, along with environmental protections and consumer protections and workers' rights and everything else that makes life worth living for us "ordinary" folks.
It horrifies me to hear Thom suggest Obama has been a good president while Obama busies himself pushing for something this awful. It makes our current president a corporate fascist as well as a traitor to our country. And with Hillary Clinton's track record, I see no reason to assume she would be any better, if elected as our next president..
Corporate Democrats flat-out suck. They are not to be trusted. At least the other party lets it all hang out without false pretense, so that we get to see them for the psychopaths and toxic clowns they actually are. Like Thom himself has said, Bernie is the kind of candidate running for president that Obama only pretended to be. Let's not get fooled again, or we're toast.
Thom, like may faux progressives, Stephanie is so mis- and/or uninformed that it makes me cringe just watching her show. I only watch it while waiting for your show.
Even if we turn the earth into a radio active waste land it'll change nothing.........nothing, until there are far fewer people than we already have. Forty years is when this planet will have 10 billion plus humans. All of them will need food, all of them will need water, all of them will want something more and more. The planet is dieing now under the wieght of 7 1/2 billion and we don't even have the means to keep what we have at present without immediate major overhauls in life styles, political systems and realignments of expectations just to maintain. Who thinks 10 billion is going to fair better when there's going to be a whole lot less of limited resources and the planet is even more degraded than it is today?
Face it, the cancer, otherwise known as the human species, is way over due for a die back. This cancer has finally or certainly well into the process of killing it's host.
Bernie needs to make it clear that taxes only go up if you make more than $250,00.00 if I read his tax plan right. Also, he has said it, but perhaps not enough....he cannot put his policies into effect unless we vote for a Congress he can work with.
Tom - Thank you for all you do. I've learned so much about how government and banks work from you. Tom, can you or someone here on the site address how best to manage and protect ourselves when the Derivatives Bubble pops. I understand the economic global collapse believers and would like a less scaredy cat view. My belief is that an opportunity will arise for needed change and that the sun will shine again; I would like ot hear some ideas on how to Manage During this time. Thanks much.
Thom, please research the facts of Hillary's rumored trip to the Bilderberger Conference in 2012. Also last year's attendence by Bob Rubin, surely well-able to speak for and be the ears for the Clintons. And please stop repeating the canard that Hillary's platform is so like Bernie's as to make her an equally good candidate. You ignore the fact that Bernie will strive to enact the laws according to his long-held principles, while Hillary will say and do anything the masters of Davos tell her to. She is a slave to ambition who will strive to protect the interests of the ruling class, only trotting out her calculated and fake liberal conscience for the cameras. She will not act on principles because she has none..a lifetime of deceit. See Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's "The Secret Life of Bill Clinton" & Terry Reed's "Compromised"..she was right in the middle of the nexus of the Worthen Bank, the Rose Law Firm, Ollie North's CIA cocaine and laundering ring, Arkansas Development and Finance Authority, a Dixie Mafia candy store,skimming and handing out cash thru the criminal Lasater & Co., the looting and bankrupting of First American Savings & Loan, all handled by lawyers HRC, Vince Foster, and Webb Hubbell, often covering the illegal machinations of Seth Ward, Webb's father-in-law, whose POM Corp. Manufactured the replacement receiver-sections (with no serial numbers) on the M-16s for the Salvadoran death squads. The list goes on and on. The difference between her and Bernie's campaign? ..Bernie's will win because it's real, her's will lose because it's fake..all smoke & mirrors. Faint hearts who are scared GOP crazies might win take note..she is a sure loser. Bernie is the real thing, a sure winner.
Transparency could change so much of our dysfunctional world especially applied to the monetary system .Knowledge is power so a select few control vast wealth and resources .The more visible and transparent a system is ,the more decentralised and localised it can become and the better it is for the people .Producing greater freedom ,less dependence and a higher quality of life for everyone .Creating wealth and sharing the wealth has to be the goal of the economy not manufacturing poverty with the tools of greed .Hoarding astronomical amounts of money and making a system work for so few individuals .
We could make every single monetary transaction open to public scrutiny ,nothing breeds appropriate behaviour faster than the light of public scrutiny .Imagine knowing how the richest billionaires gained there vast wealth ,how much they made every day how and where and by whom .Would this not change everything ....Follow the Money is also the key to halting Climate Change .No one would put up with this ! We Are all being played like a fiddle .
People of power do not want you to know how they have accumulated there wealth and how they use it to create more .They certainly do not want visible transparent system as most people hide what they are ashamed off .Tell me why this wouldn't work .Its time for the tables to turn .Tranparency is another name for the truth .The truth shall set us free as had been said many times .Profit survival mentality does not have to be the norm anymore !
The illusion of seperation causes human beings to act in ways that go against its own higher interest .When we decide that this is the cause of our downfall everything will change .The resources of our planet belong to all of us it's crazy and nonsensical for individuals to claim ownership over the planets natural resources .Surely they belong to humanity to be used as common holdings for the highest benefit of all humankind .
Time to move from a primitive society to a more enlightened one that's what Thom is trying to do .He is helping us all get there but we need to wake each other up before things get really bad for most folks as if there not bad enough ? But it doesn't have to be this way .
A call for transparency is a start what are we afraid off .
Hillary’s “experience” has included much practice “INside the boxes” such as those of Wall-Streetism and of foreign-policy bureaucracies. Bernie seems handy “OUTside the boxes”. … This is among the issues: “INside” or “OUTside”? - {I tend “OUT”, although I’m aware that America has in-our-past performed best when proceeding “incrementally”, - which involves attention to the Smart things “INside” and building-further on Them.}
The effective corporate tax rate already stands at 0% for many of the big operators, and hovers near 10% for the average company.
Corporate Fascists own the souls of 3/4's of our Legislative and Judicial branch employees, thus "We the People," owe no allegiance to what in essence is a Fascist regime!
You are so right, Tom, but who is going to hold the billionaires to it? Bernie is my man but i doubt he can overcome a legislative branch packed with know and do nothings elected by the likes of Kochs, Dimons and Murdochs. The revolution in thinking is upon us and growing except for the low information folks that buy the swill they are fed by the media. The media is a special interest group itself, feeding from the trough of dollars the election system creates. It is a self perpetuating spiral.
"Sixty- two individuals own as much as 3.6 billion people" 2016!
I wonder how many of the 3.6 billion live in poverty? I'm willing to bet this concern doesn't cross the minds of the 62 individuals. What would Jesus think?
What would Jesus think about Falwell Jr. and Liberty University endorsing a billionaire bigot, a bigot who treats and goes through women like Henry the VIII????
Bottom line is, if we had good government, we wouldn't be dealing/suffering with individuals who equate ill-gotten wealth with an arbitrary right to rule.
If we fail to organize ourselves to govern with love and compassion, then we deserve to lose our "republic", and quite likely our future.
Who here believes WE are the answer AND the revolution?
Can YOU become the change? Thom, can YOU?
And yet the USA still has to import half of its oil needs and shale oil production in the US is rapidly declining, unsustainable at these low prices. Actually some shale oil producers are having to pay refineries 50 cents per barrel to take their high sulphur oil that they don't even want. The end result of this madness is most western nations, including the USA, will be on their knees licking the boots of terrorist Arab Petro-states so they will provide us with oil. Brilliant energy policy. These corrupt politicians deserve long prison terms, traitors is what they are.
Achieving Energy Victory, by Robert Zubrin:
NPP's outside of the totally corrupted Developed Nations have been and are being built in under 5 yrs, even without using modern assembly line production & factory construction methods that have yet to be applied to Nuclear tech. Only takes political will and volume. Both of which are seriously needed. Developing nations are where the bulk of emissions will come from.
Historically, nuclear build rates have far exceeded maximum solar & wind build rates, even though solar & wind both use maximized modern assembly line production, not done yet for nuclear. And solar & wind being severely geographically limited, have infeasibly low EROI, terrible intermittency issues and cannot be utilized without a mostly fossil economy. Nuclear doesn't need fossil.
Fastest national non-fossil build rates - 7 yr averages:
Fastest national non-fossil build rates - 4 yr averages:
That is before our criminally corrupt politicians were bought by Banksters & Fossil Barons in order to stifle their only serious competitor.
Nuclear waste is a trivial issue, it is only an issue because our corrupt politicians, media & ENGOs are paid to make it an issue. A coke can of hard, solid, dense, easily stored nuclear waste that is 98% natural uranium and replaces 69 tons of forever, toxic coal solid waste & 2000 tons of toxic gaseous waste. It is obvious which is the real waste issue. Amazing how people claim they care about global warming but the best solution & in fact only solution is poo-poooed because of some trivial volume of extremely valuable & totally recyclable nuclear waste.
I don't know how we could possibly turn the Earth into a radioactive wasteland, maybe a global nuclear war caused by allowing totally corrupted politicians making decisions based on who stuffs the most $cash in their pockets rather than a rational & sensible policy that serves the 99% of Earth's population and the health of the world ecosystem.
There is no problem for the world carrying 10 - 20 billion at a high standard of living. UN projections are population leveling off at ~11 billion by 2100, worst case scenario is 25 billion. That is no real problem. Certainly it is impossible to sustain exponential population growth, and we should use diligent means to encourage family planning & zero population growth. The current environmental problems are directly caused by greed & corruption, has nothing whatsoever to do with technological issues.
The human species ain't a cancer, that is stupid talk. The problem is our entire political systems are totally corrupted so rational economic, environmental & energy policy is forbidden by vested interests. It is no accident that the top 62 plutocrats - the corruptors - have as much wealth as the bottom 50%. And in fact that is actually a gross underestimate of their wealth.
Resource limitations are not a major issue, easy to obtain the necessary resources. Mainly we need lots of clean energy, and there is no problem for nuclear power to supply that for the next billion years. You need to understand the basics of technology before you make wild, nonsensical statements about something you don't understand.
And ultimately all our resource needs can be obtained eco-friendly by space industrialization. A single Earth crossing asteroid can easily contain $trillions worth of valuable minerals that are not difficult to process and return to the Earth.
It is amazing how religious greenies - Malthusians - serve the interests of the super-rich parasites by blaming the Earth's problems on the 99%, instead of holding the criminal plutocrats to account for the direct effects of their unlimited greed. These greenie fanatics seem to relish in mass genocide of the 99% (funny how they are happy with the 1% being exempt) and yet you never see any of them volunteering to commit suicide to do their duty to "eliminate the human cancer".
Free trade is our so called government making it immensely profitable for the Fascists to go abroad to pollute, abuse, cheat, steal, lie, and enslave desperate workers because they can no longer get away with it here. It's bald faced greed!
Free trade is both immoral and Un-American, and the elected officials who support it are a bunch of god damn hypocrites.
It's the modern day version of crossing the picket line to break our unions!.....all so a few can bogart most of the worlds wealth.
I will never forgive President Obama for this. Pushing fascist crap like the TPP is an act of treason as well as a huge betrayal. It is hardly a secret that the TPP will rob us of our national sovereignty. It would render the governments of soveriegn nations impotent against corporate power. Corporate fascism du jour.
By the way, one of my senators, Ron Wyden of Oregon, has been among the TPP’s biggest cheerleaders. He’ll never have my vote again… NEVER!
Comparing this to the amount of effort Obama put into healthcare reform six or seven years ago is like night and day. Had he fought half this hard for single payer, we might not still be at the mercy of those same old extortionists (oh excuse me — health insurance companies), who continue ripping us off with impunity. The ACA forcing us to do business with these extortionists is simply outrageous. Under corporate fascist rule, we can kiss healthcare goodbye for us "ordinary" folks, along with environmental protections and consumer protections and workers' rights and everything else that makes life worth living for us "ordinary" folks.
It horrifies me to hear Thom suggest Obama has been a good president while Obama busies himself pushing for something this awful. It makes our current president a corporate fascist as well as a traitor to our country. And with Hillary Clinton's track record, I see no reason to assume she would be any better, if elected as our next president..
Corporate Democrats flat-out suck. They are not to be trusted. At least the other party lets it all hang out without false pretense, so that we get to see them for the psychopaths and toxic clowns they actually are. Like Thom himself has said, Bernie is the kind of candidate running for president that Obama only pretended to be. Let's not get fooled again, or we're toast.
Bingo, ellyn.
Lenin was successful was culling over 4 million people which provided much needed resources for the most deserving.
Did my Dear Hillary Letter message to Thom post? I amnew to this site. Thanks
Faux progressive? You obviously don't pay attention during her show...
Thom, like may faux progressives, Stephanie is so mis- and/or uninformed that it makes me cringe just watching her show. I only watch it while waiting for your show.
Even if we turn the earth into a radio active waste land it'll change nothing.........nothing, until there are far fewer people than we already have. Forty years is when this planet will have 10 billion plus humans. All of them will need food, all of them will need water, all of them will want something more and more. The planet is dieing now under the wieght of 7 1/2 billion and we don't even have the means to keep what we have at present without immediate major overhauls in life styles, political systems and realignments of expectations just to maintain. Who thinks 10 billion is going to fair better when there's going to be a whole lot less of limited resources and the planet is even more degraded than it is today?
Face it, the cancer, otherwise known as the human species, is way over due for a die back. This cancer has finally or certainly well into the process of killing it's host.
This is very sad, because there is very little we can do, that will affect big change.
Bernie needs to make it clear that taxes only go up if you make more than $250,00.00 if I read his tax plan right. Also, he has said it, but perhaps not enough....he cannot put his policies into effect unless we vote for a Congress he can work with.
Septic Politics
{… a limerick …}
Politics gets ever more septic, -
- and we get ever more dyspeptic.
Our mood would improve
if voters would remove
the Right from the Left-Right {dialectic} dialeptic.
Tom - Thank you for all you do. I've learned so much about how government and banks work from you. Tom, can you or someone here on the site address how best to manage and protect ourselves when the Derivatives Bubble pops. I understand the economic global collapse believers and would like a less scaredy cat view. My belief is that an opportunity will arise for needed change and that the sun will shine again; I would like ot hear some ideas on how to Manage During this time. Thanks much.
Thom, please research the facts of Hillary's rumored trip to the Bilderberger Conference in 2012. Also last year's attendence by Bob Rubin, surely well-able to speak for and be the ears for the Clintons. And please stop repeating the canard that Hillary's platform is so like Bernie's as to make her an equally good candidate. You ignore the fact that Bernie will strive to enact the laws according to his long-held principles, while Hillary will say and do anything the masters of Davos tell her to. She is a slave to ambition who will strive to protect the interests of the ruling class, only trotting out her calculated and fake liberal conscience for the cameras. She will not act on principles because she has none..a lifetime of deceit. See Ambrose Evans-Pritchard's "The Secret Life of Bill Clinton" & Terry Reed's "Compromised"..she was right in the middle of the nexus of the Worthen Bank, the Rose Law Firm, Ollie North's CIA cocaine and laundering ring, Arkansas Development and Finance Authority, a Dixie Mafia candy store,skimming and handing out cash thru the criminal Lasater & Co., the looting and bankrupting of First American Savings & Loan, all handled by lawyers HRC, Vince Foster, and Webb Hubbell, often covering the illegal machinations of Seth Ward, Webb's father-in-law, whose POM Corp. Manufactured the replacement receiver-sections (with no serial numbers) on the M-16s for the Salvadoran death squads. The list goes on and on. The difference between her and Bernie's campaign? ..Bernie's will win because it's real, her's will lose because it's fake..all smoke & mirrors. Faint hearts who are scared GOP crazies might win take note..she is a sure loser. Bernie is the real thing, a sure winner.
Transparency could change so much of our dysfunctional world especially applied to the monetary system .Knowledge is power so a select few control vast wealth and resources .The more visible and transparent a system is ,the more decentralised and localised it can become and the better it is for the people .Producing greater freedom ,less dependence and a higher quality of life for everyone .Creating wealth and sharing the wealth has to be the goal of the economy not manufacturing poverty with the tools of greed .Hoarding astronomical amounts of money and making a system work for so few individuals .
We could make every single monetary transaction open to public scrutiny ,nothing breeds appropriate behaviour faster than the light of public scrutiny .Imagine knowing how the richest billionaires gained there vast wealth ,how much they made every day how and where and by whom .Would this not change everything ....Follow the Money is also the key to halting Climate Change .No one would put up with this ! We Are all being played like a fiddle .
People of power do not want you to know how they have accumulated there wealth and how they use it to create more .They certainly do not want visible transparent system as most people hide what they are ashamed off .Tell me why this wouldn't work .Its time for the tables to turn .Tranparency is another name for the truth .The truth shall set us free as had been said many times .Profit survival mentality does not have to be the norm anymore !
The illusion of seperation causes human beings to act in ways that go against its own higher interest .When we decide that this is the cause of our downfall everything will change .The resources of our planet belong to all of us it's crazy and nonsensical for individuals to claim ownership over the planets natural resources .Surely they belong to humanity to be used as common holdings for the highest benefit of all humankind .
Time to move from a primitive society to a more enlightened one that's what Thom is trying to do .He is helping us all get there but we need to wake each other up before things get really bad for most folks as if there not bad enough ? But it doesn't have to be this way .
A call for transparency is a start what are we afraid off .
Follow the money folks ....
Hillary’s “experience” has included much practice “INside the boxes” such as those of Wall-Streetism and of foreign-policy bureaucracies. Bernie seems handy “OUTside the boxes”. … This is among the issues: “INside” or “OUTside”? - {I tend “OUT”, although I’m aware that America has in-our-past performed best when proceeding “incrementally”, - which involves attention to the Smart things “INside” and building-further on Them.}
Electing Bernie Sanders is a step in overthrowing fascist rule.
The effective corporate tax rate already stands at 0% for many of the big operators, and hovers near 10% for the average company.
Corporate Fascists own the souls of 3/4's of our Legislative and Judicial branch employees, thus "We the People," owe no allegiance to what in essence is a Fascist regime!
Companies owe allegiance to no country.
If you want to see that 7.7 trillion come rolling into the US, then reduce the
corporate tax rates somewhere below 10%.
You are so right, Tom, but who is going to hold the billionaires to it? Bernie is my man but i doubt he can overcome a legislative branch packed with know and do nothings elected by the likes of Kochs, Dimons and Murdochs. The revolution in thinking is upon us and growing except for the low information folks that buy the swill they are fed by the media. The media is a special interest group itself, feeding from the trough of dollars the election system creates. It is a self perpetuating spiral.
"Sixty- two individuals own as much as 3.6 billion people" 2016!
I wonder how many of the 3.6 billion live in poverty? I'm willing to bet this concern doesn't cross the minds of the 62 individuals. What would Jesus think?
What would Jesus think about Falwell Jr. and Liberty University endorsing a billionaire bigot, a bigot who treats and goes through women like Henry the VIII????
Bottom line is, if we had good government, we wouldn't be dealing/suffering with individuals who equate ill-gotten wealth with an arbitrary right to rule.