Recent comments

  • Why This H-1B Visa Thing is Bulls**t   9 years 5 weeks ago

    I love your show and listen daily. Besides war not being moral, I resent spending most of MY TAXES to convert illiterate goat herders into terrorists.

    One comment on your show Feb 4th. The fact that Hillary has changed her position to follow what we the people want is exactly what we the people want, and frankly i expect ALL OF MY EMPLOYEES TO SUPPORT MY GOALS.

    Go Bernie, just wish you understood we the people don't want endless war.

    Best Regards,


  • Americans Are Running Away From the Corporate Media   9 years 5 weeks ago

    A Wikipedia definition of Neoliberalism: "Beginning in the 1970s and 1980s, its advocates supported extensive economic liberalization policies such as privatization, fiscal austerity, deregulation, free trade, and reductions in government spending in order to enhance the role of the private sector in the economy. Neoliberalism is famously associated with the economic policies introduced by Margaret Thatcher in the United Kingdom and Ronald Reagan in the United States".

    This is the philosophy that it's true believers brought with them when they took full control of the DNC leadership in the late eighties and where they remain in charge today as they continue to back the Clintonestas that rose to prominence at that same point in time !

    Considering the above definition, are we really expected to believe that there's a broad difference between today's DNC and the current GOP ? Bernie is the first Democrat in over two and a half decades to demand a return to the Progressive values that have long been suppressed by the Neoliberal inspired leadership of the DNC. No mystery as to why major Corporations and wealthy oligarchs have been so successful at expanding their dominance within our country given that both have had the full unquestionable cooperation of both major political parties !

  • Full Show 2/3/16: Bernie’s Political Revolution, Explained   9 years 5 weeks ago

    A Schmuck Stuck in Guck

    {a limerick and a multiple-choice question}

    Will NEVER we get un-stuck

    from the political-feces guck

    where floundering {amok} amuck

    in his septic-tank truck,

    this Rightist behaves like a schmuck?

    . . . .

    The above limerick refers to:

    ___ {a} Trump

    ___ {b} Cruz

    ___ {c} Rubio

    ___ {d} All of the above, plus Others

    ___ {e} Other response: _________ .


  • Americans Are Running Away From the Corporate Media   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Never underestimate the destructive power of the Fox propaganda network. I have close friends and family that have been totally brainwashed by the hogwash dispensed by this highly effective Fascist weapon. Professional intervention well beyond my ability will be required to bring them back to fact based political reality.

    I'm not trying to be funny here, I'm dead serious, they're really brainwashed, and I have an intense hatred for Fox and the corpse media in general for doing this to otherwise very nice but vulnerable people. There's nothing funny about watching those close to you vote themselves into poverty, while at the same time making extreme concentration of wealth easier for the Fascist few.

    I'd like to call attention to a recent propanganda maneuver committed by the corpse media . A few outlets were describing the lawless and well armed militia in Oregon as "Occupiers"????? This was an attempt to defame the very patriotic Occupy Movement. The Oregon Militia participants are the antithesis of the true Occupiers who participated in protests a few years ago.

  • Should football be banned from public schools because of injuries?   9 years 5 weeks ago

    They also need to stop having football coaches being paid more than teachers as well.

  • Americans Are Running Away From the Corporate Media   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Bernie has run a great campaign and used the alternative media to the max.

    But there are still large masses of voters who get their sense of reality from TV.

    Lets hope Bernie has a stratagy to reach them.

    Hillary has obviously invested a lot of energy into her appearance, and appearance

    counts for many votes in the TV medium.


  • Americans Are Running Away From the Corporate Media   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Excellent article but I would have to say at the opening -

    Win or lose - Monday night was a great night for Bernie Sanders and his supporters.

    I believe that this was a great night for the U.S. President Obama's first presidential campaign showed us that if we came together and stayed together, we could win. Bernie has harnessed that same power so now we're simply replicating what we did 8 years ago.

    Something like this happening once is a phenomenon. Happening twice we now know that we've returned to the roots of our political election system and how it was intended to be. Let's hope that we never forget again.

    Win or lose - Monday night was a great night for Bernie Sanders and his supporters. - See more at:

  • Americans Are Running Away From the Corporate Media   9 years 5 weeks ago

    I have attended countless Democratic meeting where they have bemoaned the absence of the youth and asked how can we attract them? How about giving them a candidate they believe in? Bernie brought out the voters the Democrats are looking for. If the Democrats ignore them and their interests, we'll go back to the 20% participation we've had for several decades. They want Bernie and don't want Hillary. The institutional Democrats believe they can substitute Hillary and it will all be good. They are wrong. Bernie will also get the cross over voters that Hillary won't. I have a Republican brother and an Independent brother. Both are going to register as Democrats so they can vote for Bernie in the NM Primary. They will not vote for Hillary. Though anecdotal, they represent those who will determine this election.

  • Americans Are Running Away From the Corporate Media   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Its impossible to communicate with Bernie by email. None of his daily messages to me offer to accept any my comments from anyone. Here is the everything important he is still missing.

  • Americans Are Running Away From the Corporate Media   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Way to go Bernie! .... Damn gald he's running .... thanks toThom Hartmann/ FSTV/Democracy Now and affiliates for the pump up.... It's refreshing and encouraging to see Amercias new generation of youth taking the helm.. They're not as stupid as their parents who bought the narratives of popular media and this narrative for constant war to steal the worlds resources for themselves in the name of American Interest, that the masses get no share of.

    Now we just need Americas new generation of youth to tune in too Professor Richard Wolff... Like in the Movie Terminator "Capitalism is the VIRUS", this is why it was forbidden by Divine in scripture as a financial tool for trade a.k.a USURY

    10 Atta-Boys to Bernie!

  • One Iowa Caucus Delegate Comes Down To Coin Toss   9 years 5 weeks ago

    I would like to know how many Delegate each GOP candidate got ? why should we have to wait and see later at the convention. and these

  • Americans Are Running Away From the Corporate Media   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Thom. You hit the nail on the media head. I can't imgine anyone voting for Criminal Hillaral. Government history is all about change when there exist a huge gap between the haves and have nots. There must me a change, even a radical change and Bernie is the only one that will make these changes. When I was in college in 1983, the gap between the wealthy and the poor was groing at 17% anually. As a country, we are way off balance.

    Change does not come easy for those who are used to buying politicians to get more wealth.

  • Flint isn't the only city Snyder screwed up!   9 years 5 weeks ago

    The name of the creator of Occupy Wallstreet, Michael Moore, Is not mentioned in a Google Search.

    People get the Government thye deserve. Americans have lost control of what used to be their Government

    Until the fiat dollar is collapsed by action of the government of the world other than the U.S. collapse of the dollar will continue to be inevitable

    Here are the details of what is happening and what is causing this


  • Daily Topics - Tuesday February 2nd, 2016   9 years 5 weeks ago

    If I had placed Flint water in a Michigan legislator's office water pitchers for the last year, where would my new residence be?

  • Flint isn't the only city Snyder screwed up!   9 years 5 weeks ago

    FOR republicans across the nation - people are cost savings per unit - and nothing more.

  • Flint isn't the only city Snyder screwed up!   9 years 5 weeks ago

    FOR republicans across the nation - people are cost savings per unit - and nothing more.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday February 2nd, 2016   9 years 5 weeks ago

    It occurred to me that while the corporate media have had a blackout on Bernie and multiple important Bernie issues, it is the young that are informed by online news sources largely outside our beloved, money-controlled electronic and print media. Think this might have something to do with the generational divide of Bernie's support?

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday February 3rd, 2016   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Thom: What most people don't know is that football IS getting safer. According to the National Federation of High Schools, there was a 40% drop in concussions in middle school and high school football players in 2015. The teaching of tackling has changed, and the punishments for targeting is changing the game for the better. As for safer games, soccer and rugby have much higher incidence of concussions than does football. Changing the rules is the way to go, not banning it. If one doesn't want to play a rough sport, then don't play it. Don't take away options for our young people.

  • What Really Happened In Iowa Last Night...   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Gotta' wonder how something as dysfunctional as the Iowa caucuses ever became the focus of national elections & news? How about.....goodbye Iowa caucuses! See you in the dustbin of history!

  • Flint isn't the only city Snyder screwed up!   9 years 5 weeks ago

    I'll NEVER understand the mindset of Racist white folks, who elected these Republican's into office, even after SUFFERING economic cuts to their state's education system, and City Services. What has taken place in Flint, is nothing short of what's happening all over America!

    Here in Oklahoma, Earthquakes have increased over 100%, because of FRACKING, yet they voted Fallon back into office, along with the Majority of Republican's controlling our State Legislature!

    I BELIEVE our votes are being MANIPULATED, because its mind boggling, to believe with all this suffering going on, these people go out to the polls and RE-ELECT these Robber Baron's, all while they are destroying our environment, and RAISING our Cost of Living, FORCING the citizens of this state, to PAY FOR the DAMAGE they have caused and created.

    I keep asking myself ... WHAT IS WRONG WITH AMERICAN'S whom elect these bums into office? I'll never understand this kind of stupidity!

  • Flint isn't the only city Snyder screwed up!   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Alice! I don't think most of us have electric chairs or gas chambers or any of that other stuff you mentioned

    My point is that since there appears to be no or little brain power applied

    The only option then is to shoot people because that's what we do best

    This is america and it's all in the movies and everything

  • Should the DNC release the raw vote count from the Iowa Caucuses?   9 years 5 weeks ago

    It's quite clear the corpse media and business as usual moneyed interests want a Clinton vs Rubio race for the White house, this knowing that Rubio will win. I think both the Dems and Teapublican Party manipulated the results in Iowa. The polls couldn't have been that far off on Rubio in particular. Trump is a loose cannon admitting to buying politicians and having out of control greed..he brags about it...his Fascist peer group won't stand for this admission which spotlights the immoral ways of the group as a whole, so it looks like they'll remove Trump early.

    Bush won twice with tbird world tactics. Rove got stopped by our friends at Anonymous, otherwise the dictionary definition of a Fascist, Mr Citizens United, "Mitt Romney," would have been in the White House. We need NATO to oversee our elections, and at the very least, eliminate digital/computer voting machines....a paper trail needs to always exist. Revolution is finally in the air! ....and Bernie will do it if the elections aren't rigged.

  • Flint isn't the only city Snyder screwed up!   9 years 5 weeks ago

    There's always the electric chair and the gas chamber, if you don't like guns. Or lethal injection. Or "drawing & quartering"... Take your pick!

  • Flint isn't the only city Snyder screwed up!   9 years 5 weeks ago

    So! All americans have guns...

    Why you don't shoot the oppressors?

    That's the american way

  • Free trade is the kiss of death for our economy.   9 years 5 weeks ago

    You're my hero, Alice!

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