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  • Should the DNC release the raw vote count from the Iowa Caucuses?   9 years 5 weeks ago

    I am hopeful that Mr. Sanders' message will be able to get out DISPITE the media. If voters would only listen without pre-conceived notions we would have the greatest President in a hundred years! I was so grateful that I saw the young voters showing up at last night's caucus. There is hope!

  • One Iowa Caucus Delegate Comes Down To Coin Toss   9 years 5 weeks ago

    There were six coin tosses, and somehow Bernie managed to lose ALL of them. What are the odds on that? This primary was a tie, and the delegates should be divided equally, not one candidate getting super-delegates, which should be eliminated from the system anyway. But the system will do anything to maintain the status quo, which means keeping Hillary.

  • Flint isn't the only city Snyder screwed up!   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Right on, Philip Henderson!! Anyone who thinks running a government is the same as running a business is a fuckin' IDIOT.

    Sounds like Darnell Earley is more the emergency creator than emergency "manager". Both he and Governor Snyder are not only political hacks; they are criminals who deliberately poisoned the population of an entire city, with lifelong conequences. I'd really like to see those guys lined up and shot.

  • Flint isn't the only city Snyder screwed up!   9 years 5 weeks ago

    This is what happens when a government attempts to run itself as if it were a business. The idea of running a government as if it were a business is pure nonsense. The purpose of government is to SERVE the public good. To serve. The purpose of business is to make a profit. They are the opposite of each other. We need both and we need business to be controlled by government and not the other way around. The government makes the rules under which businesses operate. However, when the government becomes involved in a PUBLIC UTILITY, the purpose of government is to SERVE the public good, not to make a profit. The moment that the "administrator" decided that he found a way to lower the cost, he should have realized that he was making a mistake. You do not sacrifice safety and health by lowering the cost of drinking water. I wonder where the "administrator" lived, was he drinking the water he provided for the people of Flint Michigan. The Governor and all his people ought to be investigated by the FBI. I smell corruption.

  • Flint isn't the only city Snyder screwed up!   9 years 5 weeks ago

    This is what the demonic fascist GOP wants to do with the entire country and people still vote for them. Unbelievable. With them in power nothing will be safe to eat or drink or breath. Democrats, progressives, and independents need to make sure we all get out and vote for a progressive democrat. That is America's only hope. Go Bernie!!!!

  • Should the DNC release the raw vote count from the Iowa Caucuses?   9 years 5 weeks ago

    I smell a Rat someplace on the Clinton side.

  • Flint isn't the only city Snyder screwed up!   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Snyder, like our governor here in Kansas, Brownback, do want to drive the government into the ground ("drown it in a bathtub"). First his administration slashed taxes on business and transferred the burden to sales tax while beginning to dismantle the government for the purposes of selling it. They are very single-minded and determined. Evidence around them doesn't sway them. Democrats here are seriously outnumbered and Republicans are clueless. I talk to them. I know them. I was one.

    They believe that they have the answer to how to save Kansas, but they're the ones the state needs to be rescued from. They are plunderers in the name of "liberty" with Orwellian terms like "efficiencies." They are forcing us into economic chains. This is the 21st century's "Iron Heel."

    At this moment, the legislators did not know how to remedy the revenue shortage after the Laffer tax cuts (less taxes = more revenue bull sputum), so now Alverez & Marsal, a global vulture takeover outfit, are stepping in to rob the state. I don't know if even Brownback knows how bad this deal is. They're going to demolish a state building and put the state workers in rented facilities. They're privatizing our government is what they're doing.

    Snyder's just ahead of us. And the proof of how the privatization project doesn't work is the poor in Michigan getting to drink poison. Thanks for everything you do, Thom. Good to see you on Real Time.

  • Flint isn't the only city Snyder screwed up!   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Looks like "DISASTER CAPITALISM " has reared its ugly head in Michigan via Governor Snyder!

  • Flint isn't the only city Snyder screwed up!   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Democracy has recently come to so many parts of the world, will it ever come to America?
    No! The business elites know better than the people! TPP, emergency managers, Hillary Clinton, etc. are all of examples of our betters thinking for us - for our own good, ostensibly.
    But really, they think for THEIR own good and to our detriment - or they readily sacrifice our own good for theirs. But, of course, they are our betters so it is their due. We deserve to work our lives out to make THEM rich and to live and die in poverty ourselves.
    Feudalism in different clothing.

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday January 27th, 2016   9 years 5 weeks ago

    My reply is to both you and the caller who is very frustrated because he doesn't understand why God lets children die in war or by starvation and other dire conditions.

    My response as the former Tucson Liberal Christian Examiner is this: it does not require divine intervention to put a stop to these things. God does not need to overrule human conditions when WE CAN STOP THESE THINGS OURSELVES.

    The problem is not God: it is simple human priorities. Should God make food rain down from the sky when WE can do that with helicopters full of food?
    We need to do our job as human beings.

    Another issue is this: in question form, do we live lives of consequence? In other words, do we matter? Does what we do matter? I think obviously it does, and otherwise, if God just steps in to end one thing, BUT NOT ANOTHER, does that make us puppets?

    Let's say that God makes magical food appear to feed children in Africa. But then why doesn't he cure AIDS? Why doesn't he just make everyone in the Islamic State die from a heart attack? And...why didn't he do that to keep Hitler from doing what he did?

    Obviously this is a slippery slope. Christians believe that human freedom is absolute, only to be restrained by our own civil law. So if your caller would like to do something about hunger, he ought to adopt a child through a rescue organization, or donate to his local food pantry. (In an interesting turn of events, many churches in every city have food pantry giveaway programs.)

    We need to elect people who put human need in priority. It's that simple.

  • Ted Cruz is Too Radical To Be President   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Trump has millions of angry supporters. Cruz supporters are indeed scary ... ( FORCED PREGNANCY ! VAGINAL PROBES - APPEALING TO NEO NAZI'S ) Why does this NOT terrify GOP voters ? Plus Cruz's wife is a Goldman Sachs fat cat , one of the Companies who led US to 2008 global crash / TARP taxpayer bailout.. GOP shows NO family values Ctuz sounds like a dictator in the making. I'm afraid for my country if GOP Trump or Cruz wins....The GOP is anti fair wage, anti women. They want to cut our hard earned SS benefit. GOP policies & Right wing Supreme court - greatly favor the super wealthy . Do not allow the GOP to appoint any more right wing pro corp Judges Citizens United will be just the beginning if they win.

  • Ted Cruz is Too Radical To Be President   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Tony, Germany long ago adopted a mandatory course on recognizing any regulatory changes that lean toward a re-emergence of national Fascism, that course is taught in all of their public schools.

    At one time we had a semi-mandated course in public schools that covered various subjects such as how our government is organized, the free election process, and the individual rights and responsibilities that our Constitution assigns to each citizen. That course was called Civics and it was eliminated in the sixties and replaced with subjects like adopting racial tolerance ! Racial tolerance is something that should have been installed in all of us by our parents and by our various religious institutions, it's clear from the ongoing struggle of Black Americans, fifty years after the signing of the equal rights amendment, that equality can not be achieved solely through government legislation and mandated propaganda in public schools. I agree with you that America is better than this because I'm old enough to remember when it really was !

  • Ted Cruz is Too Radical To Be President   9 years 5 weeks ago

    I have long dispised Trump, being from NYC, I've seen way more of him than I can handle. I do think he's a contol freak, if not a full-on fascist. But the one I FEAR the most is Cruz. To me, there is very little in the world that's worse than a self-righteous, intolerant religious zealot. One does not have to look very hard to see that the most heinous crimes against humanity are done in the name of one god or another. Cherry-picking scripture that supports (in their own minds) their destruction of any persons outside their world view, using scripture to bash others, they are evil incarnate.

  • Ted Cruz is Too Radical To Be President   9 years 5 weeks ago

    The Bible doesn’t support the extreme-Right’s so-called-“Christianity’s” politics. Believers-in-Christ are to advise individuals about the Gospel {about Christ before-during-after the Cross, and currently and into eternity}. The Evangelical Right’s politicking ESTRANGES people from the truths which Believers are to spread.

  • Full Show 2/1/16: The Iowa Caucuses, More Dem Debates, and Why You Should Fear Ted Cruz   9 years 5 weeks ago

    The Bible doesn’t support the extreme-Right’s so-called-“Christianity’s” politics. Believers-in-Christ are to inform individuals about the Gospel {about Christ before-during-after the Cross, and currently and into eternity}. The Evangelical Right’s politicking ESTRANGES people from the truths which Believers are to spread.

  • Ted Cruz is Too Radical To Be President   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Cable box fees

    On Monday's show Thom mentioned monthly fees being charged by cable companies for set-top boxes; and proposals that would allow boxes to be sold by other companies rather paying a fee to the cable company. The proposal is unnecessary and doesn't really address the real problem which is cable companies ---and some ISPs--- intentionally make their equipment proprietary/encrypt signals so as to make renting one of their boxes, modems, etc.; the only game in town. And cable companies under the guise of switching to all-digital channels; claimed that their set-top boxes would be necessary because of the switch. It's nonsense; VCRs, TVs, DVRs, etc. with digital tuners; could already receive digital channels and set-top boxes were not necessary --- until the cable company encrypted their signals. Congress and the FCC could have blocked the encryption, but I'm guessing the cable companies and ISPs have them in their back pocket.

    Dan, San Diego

  • Daily Topics - Monday February 1st, 2016   9 years 5 weeks ago

    To all you Bernie fans... Here's a factoid that I didn't hear in any of the media outlets. Where is the health insurance capital of the United States? Polk County, Iowa, which happens to also be the largest county in Iowa. If Bernie, the Medicare for all candidate, is even close to winning Iowa IT PUTS TO REST THE VIABILITY QUESTION! ? Strip away Polk County, Bernie wins big.

  • Ted Cruz is Too Radical To Be President   9 years 5 weeks ago

    In any society the most dangerous citizens are the ones who are allowed to amass wealth to a point where they have more power than the government itself. The will of the moneyed class/Fascists Trumps the will of the people.

    The second most dangerous, and much more numerous, are those who think God is on their side regardless of how delusional and wacked out they are, ISIS being a great example.

    The founders of our country recognized that throughout history this second group tended to be obsessive about forcing their beliefs on others often in a violent manner, and thus we have the the First Amendment and separation of church and state. It doesn't get anymore un-american than the impostion of ones religious belief on our government, but then again the Teapublican Party is already un-american, they support all out Fascism. What a dangerous partnership brewing.

  • Ted Cruz is Too Radical To Be President   9 years 5 weeks ago

    As long as our poorly educated population maintains it inability to comprehend anything other than simple logical threads, the obvious and almost perfect parallel of today's GOP to pre WW 2 Germany remains invisible.

    Fascism, taken as a filthy and scary word by our popular tabloids and media, has never been integrated, taught or understood publically.Most are afraid to use it anyway.

    America is better than this but it's use of classic denial has altered Sartre's Nausea stage and will soon need more than antiemetics.

  • Ted Cruz is Too Radical To Be President   9 years 5 weeks ago

    As long as our poorly educated population maintains it inability to comprehend anything other than simple logical threads, the obvious and almost perfect parallel of today's GOP to pre WW 2 Germany remains invisible.

    Fascism, taken as a filthy and scary word by our popular tabloids and media, has never been integrated, taught or understood publically.Most are afraid to use it anyway.

    America is better than this but it's use of classic denial has altered Sartre's Nausea stage and will soon need more than antiemetics.

  • Ted Cruz is Too Radical To Be President   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Americans seems to have lost their raison d'être as percieved by the founders

    Very, very sad

    Barmy stuff appears to be contagious

    Trump (uk slang for a fart) on the ascendancy is a prime example


  • Ted Cruz is Too Radical To Be President   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Since President Obama was elected, all the hate-mongers have felt empowered and have come out from under their rocks. We need to dis-empower them and push them back under their rocks, with crushing force.

    God save America from the hate-mongers!

  • Ted Cruz is Too Radical To Be President   9 years 5 weeks ago

    Mr. Cruz appears articulate, energetic, and a man of principle.

    What a waste of talent to have him pitching a failed set of ideas.


  • Ted Cruz is Too Radical To Be President   9 years 5 weeks ago

    I agree with all you've said here, Thom. Cruz is one of the most self-serving and destructive individuals I've ever seen in "public" service. God help us if he's elected, and before we ask for God's help in that vein, let's make sure he isn't!!

  • 2016 - the year we turn the climate around?   9 years 5 weeks ago


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