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  • Is Humanity On the Eve of Extinction?   9 years 7 weeks ago

    Good morning Willie W, (I'd call you W, but that letter is taken:)). I'm relaxing here in MD in 20°F, high winds, an 20+ inches of snow (and growing) covering my photo voltaic panels. I've had pv for over a year, with limited success, it doesn't work at night or when covered with snow and has limited output on cloudy days. One thing pv is good at though is making money. Because of all the government rebates, SREC's, and the utility company buying my exccess electricity. I have a 14% ROI--- pretty much impossible to achieve with normal investments. However, because of the intermittent generation of electricity, I would not be able to function without the fossil fuel burning utility company. In order to achieve a smooth, continuous output of non CO2 producing electricity there is only one answer.....Nuclear.

  • Is Humanity On the Eve of Extinction?   9 years 7 weeks ago

    The blizzard cometh. The global warming jokes out of DC will start. I was beginning to wonder if the deniers would be able to take a shot.

  • Is Humanity On the Eve of Extinction?   9 years 7 weeks ago

    Time again (as Governor Jerry Brown recited in Congress, that changed voting age) to pull out the lyrics (by the recently lost, and lamented, P. F. Sloan) to Eve of Destruction!

    (Barry McGuire's still with us, but older, NO Hair, and still energetic, BTW!)

    Not our skill at wars, but thirst for fuel, may be our ironic fate now in sight.

    Burning question of our century: Can we dodge this bullet in time?

  • Is Humanity On the Eve of Extinction?   9 years 7 weeks ago

    I have no doubt the ManKind is on the edge of extinction, but it won't be the result of climate change. While our continually changing climate has and will continue to play a key part with life on this planet, Man will eliminate himself long before Mother Nature gets around to it.

  • Is Humanity On the Eve of Extinction?   9 years 7 weeks ago

    The climate change deniers in Congress are about to get a personalized greeting card from Mother Nature in the form of 2 to 3 FEET of snow falling on Washington DC this weekend.

    The funny thing about this is that DC will be paralyzed for several days...and no one will even notice. Truly a do-nothing Congress.

  • Has your CEO already made more than you do in a year?   9 years 7 weeks ago

    What was the name of the book you read, Skiptothefuture? I was listening to Coast to Coast (last month I think) and a guy who wrote a book about this very "800%" subject was on...I cannot remember the guy or the book and a google search wasn't useful!! You are my last hope, lol! Thanks for the reply, in advance.

  • Daily Topics - Friday January 22nd, 2016   9 years 7 weeks ago

    For your pleasure, the link below is to a Bernie 2016 campaign song put online yesterday by a supporter in Olympia, WA.

  • Daily Topics - Friday January 22nd, 2016   9 years 7 weeks ago

    For your pleasure, the link below is to a Bernie 2016 campaign song put online yesterday by a supporter in Olympia, WA.

  • Is Humanity On the Eve of Extinction?   9 years 7 weeks ago

    Rule of thumb number 58,342:

    A tipping point is only seen in our rear view mirrors.

  • Daily Topics - Thursday January 21st, 2016   9 years 7 weeks ago

    Why do we not openly admit that the US is the only developed country on Earth with healthcare RATIONING? If you can afford it you can get it otherwise you're out of luck.

  • Wednesday 20 January '16 show notes   9 years 7 weeks ago

    We are offering learning material for 300-207 Implementing Cisco Threat Control Solutions (SITCS) exam by considering the real Cisco 300-207 exam criteria. Our highly educated experts are devoting their duties to prepare most relevant 300-207 exam questions for you. Try our free demo version which indicates real Cisco IPS Specialist/CCNP Security300-207 exam scenario including exam time, types of questions and other necessary details.

  • Is Humanity On the Eve of Extinction?   9 years 7 weeks ago

    Suicide by Policy-stupidity

    [re Earth-warming]

    {… a rhyme …}

    The Right is dumb,

    hurting even themSelves.

    Their brains are numb,

    as the Right-wing delves

    into policy-thinking

    which themSelves too is sinking: -

    - They’re committing su-i-cide,

    standing at their Right-wing altars

    where Reason is cast aside

    and hope for their future falters.


  • Full Show 1/21/16: The 170 Economists Feeling the Bern   9 years 7 weeks ago

    Suicide by Policy-stupidity

    [re Earth-warming]

    {… a rhyme …}

    The Right is dumb,

    hurting even themSelves.

    Their brains are numb,

    as the Right-wing delves

    into policy-thinking

    which themSelves too is sinking: -

    - They’re committing su-i-cide,

    standing at their Right-wing altars

    where Reason is cast aside

    and hope for their future falters.


  • Is Humanity On the Eve of Extinction?   9 years 7 weeks ago

    If the people who are refusing to change their industrial ways to move to non-polluting, renewable resources (especially if they persist purely out of greed), I see no reason NOT to accuse them of 'reckless endangerment' or 'attempted genocide' or other outrageous crime. After all, extinguishing mankind - and other forms of life that are here with us - is the supreme crime, greater than all others yet committed. Maybe civil unrest and resistance should continually be worded in terms of self-defense - since the situation IS actually that serious.

  • Is Humanity On the Eve of Extinction?   9 years 7 weeks ago

    But, don't you know that the 1% will be okay because of their wealth... they think (?)

    Whilst bleeding mother earth sending the rest of us into poverty, destitution and (hopefully) revolution al la 1789

    They have no idea do they?

    We have some education and communication now

    They never really wanted that

    Inhuman self-centred "black flag" bums

  • Should people be automatically registered to vote when they turn 18?   9 years 7 weeks ago

    The voting laws,rules should be the same nationwide also,same voting laws, and rules weather you are voting in NY, or Cal, also paper ballots, hand counted, if it takes 2 weeks to get the election results so be it.

  • Is Humanity On the Eve of Extinction?   9 years 7 weeks ago

    Hopefully, by now, the Universe has realized that Humanity was a bad idea; those of us alive today may well witness the correction of that mistake, however briefly. It's all the Universes' fault - bad Universe, bad, bad Universe...don't do it again!

  • The Most Disingenuous Attack on Bernie Yet   9 years 7 weeks ago

    This duplicity I'm Hillary's part is why many of us feel that there's not a hell of a lot of difference between Republicans and conservative Democrats. I am not motivated to vote for Hillary if she wins the nomination, because it would be like voting for Republican in either case.

  • The Most Disingenuous Attack on Bernie Yet   9 years 7 weeks ago

    I'm getting tired of the Clintons. All of them. All the generic promises made by both sides is so insulting to me. Save Social Security and Medicare. Create good paying jobs. Build a wall. Fight for me. Make America great ​again. There's the key word. "Again." They promise to give us back what was once ours. How generous. Explain why you took it in the first place. Bernie Sanders is the only candidate that comes across as truly sincere. Trump is starting to criticize him. A good sign.

  • Bob McDonnell gets SCOTUS Hearing, but not Don Siegelman   9 years 7 weeks ago

    It is SUCH a travesty about Gov. Siegelman!!

  • The Most Disingenuous Attack on Bernie Yet   9 years 7 weeks ago

    I am glad you are being more critical of Hillary and/or the Clintons for now. She's making it very hard not to be. I guess I can understand you not wanting it on record that you were for Bernie if she were the nominee, but think of it this way, if she were the nominee (she's not going to be because we need Bernie and I believe he can acheive something magical, but let's just say for the sake of argument...) it would be easier for you to really have a chance in hell of persuading Bernie supporters that they had to hold their noses, HARD, and vote Hillary because she's a few degrees better than a Republican I guess--we the Bernie supporters would be more likely to be swayed by that logic if we felt like you were one of us, that you had really supported him all out too.

    I don't want to think about all this scenario too much though because when I learned to ride a horse I was told not to look down or that's where you'll end up. You look, instead, in the direction you really want to go. So, I'm so glad you are asking Hillary supporters what exactly they are voting FOR! The only answer I've ever gotten on the rare occasion I have met a Hillary supporter is that it's because she's a woman.

    Anwits, keep up the good work!

  • Higgins faces off Goosalini   9 years 7 weeks ago

    Aw, so cute! A responsible cat owner who keeps his cat indoors, that's what I like to see. Wild birds everywhere thank you. I wonder if the cat's name comes from Magnum P.I. ?

  • The Most Disingenuous Attack on Bernie Yet   9 years 7 weeks ago

    I expect a Republican Fascist like Trump to use the weapon of misinformation to attack a Democratic Socialist like Bernie, however I find it very disturbing that the Clinton campaign has brought itself down to this anti- American level of Fox News like conduct.

    Wealth certainly fosters a supercilious attitude in many, Trump being a great example, he has a relaxed arrogance with a false sense of self importance only a taste of poverty could ever remedy. It appears that Clinton has this same sense of, my turn to hold the sceptor pomposity, and will go to any length to achieve it.

    Strange how the corpse media keeps comparing Trump with Bernie as outsiders with the same type of extreme malcontent supporters as their base. I see no such comparison, but I do see similarity in those who have massive wealth and thus think this arbitrary power qualifys them to sit in the White House, as if royalty.

    I'm willing to bet the Fascists are blowing out a nut over the very real possibility that an honest individual, a truth teller, a man who will represent the 99.9%, a man not impressed with wealth and the arbitrary power that comes with it, is likely to become the next leader of the free world. I'm certain they'd much rather have Clinton in the White House.....which tells me everything.

  • The Most Disingenuous Attack on Bernie Yet   9 years 7 weeks ago

    During Clinton's whole campaign people have avoided her because they don't trust her. Her dirty tricks against Sanders is just her m.o. She will continue with her best in lies and misrepresentation to come out on top of Sanders. Some of her unwavering backers will believe her. A large percentage of people already know what she is and a lot more will be disgusted and back Senator Sanders with even more support, money, and backing. If the msm was not bought and paid for the publicity would destroy Clinton in short order. Bernie's fight is twice the fight of any other candidate considering so many of the power players against his every move. Clinton should win hands down considering her backing but she won't. Senator Sanders will win with the backing of the working, and unemployed, masses that will back him and his honesty in bringing a political revolution. Keep up with the truth Thom Hartmann!

  • Progressive Roundtable - Hillary vs Bernie - Healthcare Bullsh**t   9 years 7 weeks ago

    Sorry Hillary, you are NOT our first woman President, because YOU and YOUR HUSBAND are OWNED by WALL STREET and all the other Big Businesses, whom have OUTSOURCED OUR JOBS and ECONOMY, because of your NAFTA BILL and KILLING OFF GLASS STEAGAL!


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