Recent comments

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    Thank you Deepspace for your time and effort.

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    Recounting the Wisconsin votes was like closing the barn door after the horse is gone. Never mind the obvious voter suppression and flipped touchscreen machines without paper trails. 830,703 completed absentee early votes sat around polling places in envelopes and were under the complete control of partisan county and district clerks for up to several weeks before being fed into the scanning machines on Election Day. They were alphabetized and available for adjustment well before they were fed in to the voting machines. The Wisconsin Election Commission even prevented voters from signing the voter lists during early voting so that there could be no comparison of the signatures on the absentee voter envelopes. Doing a recount merely diverted attention from the real fraud here. Other northern Midwestern states use the same absentee and early voter methodology. This is justified under the guise that voters can legally change their ballot prior to voting day.

  • How Trump Could Nuke the Iran Deal   8 years 7 weeks ago

    Well, I would judge in
    a site without verse
    by the old curmudgeon
    'twould be a lot worse.

    I'd say that each ditty
    keeps right to the point
    They're clever and witty
    And spice up the joint.

    Each labor of love
    that from your pen flowed
    is witness of
    the work in each ode.

  • How Do We Stop Kobach's Crosscheck System From Stealing More Elections?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    Continuing along the belief in "No Taxation Without Representation", I propose this basic citizens' initiative for the ballot of any state:

    If the state will not prove to me that my vote was counted correctly in the final tabulation, then I do not have to submit a state income tax return and property tax form.

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    A) File a lawsuit demanding the state prove to the voter that their vote was counted as cast in the offcial tabulation in the election.

    B) Put in on the ballot in states that allow voter initiated statutes or amendments: The state must prove to the voter that their vote was counted as cast in the official tabulation in the election.

    If they won't, then I feel compelled to demand, "trust me" when I report my income to the IRS! Of course the government would not stand for that. But connect these two issues together and you have the fundamental reason for our original revolution:

    "No Taxation Without Representation!"

    Here's some food for very serious thought on voting, which might spark an effort to change the "secrecy in our voting process": No one in American knows with certainty if their vote has EVER been counted correctly in the official tabulation. We are ordered by the government to "trust them" on this. Yet it is far from being too much to insist of our government this one small but essential function in each election: Prove to each voter that their vote was counted correctly in the final tabulation! Forbid "certifying the vote" until it's been proven that all votes have been counted as cast.

  • How Do We Stop Kobach's Crosscheck System From Stealing More Elections?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    A) File a lawsuit demanding the state prove to the voter that their vote was counted as cast in the election.

    B) Put in on the ballot in states that allow voter initiated statutes or amendments: The state must prove to the voter that their vote was counted as cast in the election.

    If they won't, then I feel compelled to demand, "trust me" when I report my income to the IRS! Of course the government would not stand for that. But connect these two issues together and you have the fundamental reason for our original revolution:

    "No Taxation Without Representation!"

    Here's some food for very serious thought on voting, which might spark an effort to change the "secrecy in our voting process": No one in American knows with certainty if their vote has EVER been counted correctly in the official tabulation. We are ordered by the government to "trust them" on this. Yet it is far from being too much to insist of our government this one small but essential function in each election: Prove to each voter that their vote was counted correctly in the final tabulation! Forbid "certifying the vote" until it's been proven that all votes have been counted as cast.

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    Deep space keep believing that and the Republicans will be in power for ever. My point with the LGBTQ was it was a huge election issue for the Democrats and they spent a lot of time and energy on what bathroom someone should use and that is important but when most families struggling to feed their families and they haven't see a raise for ten years it wasn't a priority for them. Also the biggest disconnect Democrats is with rural America. I understand they don't care as there isn't enough votes to worry about it but everyone eats and when food costs are skyrocketing it does become a issue. I think the biggest reason Trump won was he controlled the media, a media that was once owned by the left. Sorry that would be second, the Clinton's crooked past was the main reason they lost. Having a bunch of actors, people who make a living pretending they are someone else are not qualified to tell me who to vote for. I think it backfired with middle America.

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    The neoliberal/disaster capitalism takeover began in earnest in the early '70s with the Powell Memo as a set of guidelines. The basic formula was 1) cut taxes then 2) starve the beast and 3) sell the commons (privatization). Reagan was just an actor/oracle to popularize the message.

    By 2010, corruption was legalized with Citizens United and many Dems had or saw no choice but to join the club.

    By 2012, I thought Obama would transform into Teddy Roosevelt but he didn't. I love the man, but he was neoliberalism in Democrat clothes. Dems, like Republicans, had to wine and dine the army of corporate lobbyists and raise funds. The whole system is corrupt. Money wins. We are a plutocracy and Putin will have proxy power through Trump. Putin is basically a czar, a theocrat, and a nationalist.

    If the American people allow Trump's den of thieves to fulfill the Koch dream of total privatization of the Republic, the Powell Memo will have reached its apogee. Trump's generals and foxes guarding the henhouse will bankrupt the government, throw it into crisis and sell it off. The oligarchs will garner much of the proceeds from the fire sale. They will also create an economic depression (feudalism).

    As per the Citigroup study on "plutonomy," there will be a backlash. As per Eric Hoffer's studies in "The True Believer" on movements, movements come not from the poor but from disenfranchised middle-class disgust. None of these things bode well for America. That's why we are in mourning. Trump isn't "making America great again"; he's flushing us down the toilet.

  • On the Way - Make America Sick Again?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    Ok, now suddenly post election, I am hearing more news about polls that say now Americans are wanting to keep Obamacare. What??? This is the reverse of the impression given by MSM following the enactment of ACA. Is this the Republican machine gearing up to say, well, Americans have changed their minds and we don't know what to do anyway, so we're not actually going to do anything at all???

    For me personally, a victim of Chronic Lyme Disease (aka CLD), the Affordable Care Act has ravaged my finances with overwhelming, skyrocketing premiums amplified by the fact that I have to wait an extra year to get Medicare. The Infectious Disease Society of America who very wrongly informs protocols insurance companies use for treatment, has historically stated the infection is no longer there following short term treatment BY DECREE. I became infected in 1984 in Colorado (hey, no one was looking for Lyme then in the west). There was no bull's eye rash so I was deemed depressed and a good candidate for antidepressant mixed protocols with antiseizure meds (which was frankly disastrous). I can't remember how many doctors I saw until I was finally diagnosed in 2013 with deadly Babesia and Lyme and got the standard short term treatment, just like someone with a fresh tick bite would get. The treatment was useless. I was so tired of being lied to, I bought my own microscope and saw my own living, dancing spirochetes in my blood POST TREATMENT.

    Here in MIchigan (with a history of de-licensing treating Lyme docs in the past and a burgeoning tick population) any treating doc is hard to find, of unknown efficacy, and wildly expensive. If you are just a millionaire, I would suggest, you still can't afford treatment, as insurance doesn't cover long term treatment for Lyme. ACA is preventing me from accessing treatment because it sucks out my income and fails to cover anything effective, and because it impoverishes me, I can't afford more realistic long term treatment. See films Under Our Skin, Lyme Cryme, and many many others on YouTube. Let's see: CDC says upwards of 300,000 new borrelia burgdorferi, the Lyme spirochete, infections per year, multiplied by congenital and sexual transmission (Men's Fitness Magazine re: the new std) yields millions of newly infected persons estimated, in five years time, many of which will fail the 40% accurate ELISA first tier diagnostic test required by insurance protocols. Gee are they using it so people will deliberately fall through the cracks and suffer?

    This is an infectious disaster for America and worldwide with mindblowing consequences for everyone, and ACA as it is currently configured has its head in the sand regarding this tragic vector-borne illness. Lyme Disease will destroy your useful life and cause you to pray for death at some point due to severe pain and organ destruction (brain, heart, GI tract, and more) if you are unfortunate enough to get no prophylactic treatment (at least 20 days) upon being bitten or are one of the 68% (figure received this week from Lyme group survey for early and late treatment outcomes) for whom early treatment fails or you are unaware of a bite or have no identifying rash.

    Dr. Alan MacDonald has done wonderful work showing borrelia burgdorferi in Alzheimer's victims and many other revelations. Did that person die of a heart attack or was it really Lyme Carditis? Without a diagnosis, you don't know you're at risk. These spirochetes have serious effects on the human body including permanent immunosuppression, a non-HIV AIDS. Prevention is essential to save your quality of life and that of your family.

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    Yeah, the whole mess is reaching levels of ridiculousness that no one could possibly have imagined just thirty years ago, when we thought Reagan, a B-rated actor, was the epitome of a depraved, out-of-touch buffoon, who sold out to the wealthy elites and shifted power far, far away from the people. Then there was H. Bush and W. Bush and Darth Cheney, igniting the Middle East conflagration, lusting after black gold. And now ... Trump.

    To be honest, it's not just Republicans; it's the whole stinking power structure that used to be our democracy. Clinton and Obama didn't, couldn't, or wouldn't stop the inevitable carnage of too much power in the hands of too few.

    We hear a lot about how bad things are going to get. The sad fact is that things are already really bad, on all fronts, and have been for a long, long time, regardless of who sat or sits on the throne.

    We're about to derail the whole damn train, and most of the passengers are totally oblivious -- blank stares at little flickering screens. The insanity is no longer contained within individual parties, or even individual countries. Humanity as a whole is nearing the end of it's ability to mitigate looming disaster.

    The love of money is truly the root of all evil! Hope and positivity are wearing mighty thin these days!

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    Essentially I agree, yet despite all the 2.8 more. As I just posted I think the major influence is the gamemanship picking specific states they have control over. They decide who votes, who they can target to knock off the rolls, what type of ID, number of machines, hours... etc.

    As bad as the constant barrage was she still won the popular vote. And as far as all the "scandals" go I always say that if they really had something she would be in jail then prison. Hell, they almost kicked her husband out because he answered a question correctly. (Hence the "meaning of 'is.'") They've never been shy about pushing it as far as it can go, which to me proves they knew they had sqaut, but mere accusation could egt them what they wanted. Even then... back to the EC tac tic backed up by their own appointees. Blackwell and Harris were only the start.

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    @ DHBranski:

    You're missing the whole point about how millions of Democratic votes were stolen, and you're glossing over and confusing two separate, very serious issues, which do not support your conclusion: "Whether the information released to the public had any impact on voting decisions is highly unlikely, for a number of reasons."

    The "reasons" that you allude to but fail to present can only be assessments based on nothing but the partisan personal opinions and wishful thinking of those who are afraid that a stolen election might delegitimize their candidate in the eyes of the public. While it's okay to have opinions, that alone does not lend credence to declarative statements, such as: "... it had no impact on the election results."

    Actual evidence outside your hypothetical arena indicates quite the opposite. According to extensive aggregate polling, voters were very much influenced by the steady drip, drip, drip of negative stories, hacked and leaked by the Russian government and completely slanted in favor of Trump over Clinton.

    There was a constant barrage over the email non-scandal -- but, no criminal charges, no breach of sensitive secrets, regardless of how many false allegations were hurled at her.

    There were endless headlines about the inner machinations of the DNC -- but, isn't it strange that the Russians withheld their GOP hacks (I'm sure the Republican operatives behind the scenes were perfect little angels.)

    There were gross, absolutely false portrayals of the Clinton Foundation -- but, again, no criminality whatsoever, and it was rated the top philanthropic organization in the world by the three main watchdog agencies. Isn't it funny (outrageous) how there was very little equivalent coverage of the actual crimes of the jokes that are the Trump Foundation and the Trump University?

    All this Clinton crap was kept on the front burner relentlessly by the salacious corporate media empire, helped along not only by Putin, but James Comey as well, the underhanded, immoral, partisan FBI director. Meanwhile, the very real ongoing scandals of a clinically narcissistic pathological liar, sexual predator, and self-dealing billionaire were largely normalized and excused as, "Oh, that's just the way Trump is; it's no big deal. He's just your average locker-room guy who's not a politician. The contemptible double standard and deplorable hypocrisy is astounding!

    A foreign power -- a very real potential economic and military enemy -- meddling in our election process is one of the very serious issues that you have so cavalierly downplayed. The other one, which you are equally and sadly misinformed about, is not just about the simplistic hacking of voting machines or the tampering with the count; those are not the real issue, as likely as that potential may be with such outdated software. No, the all-out assault on the beating heart of democracy, which Thom has briefly outlined in today's blog, is by far the gravest threat we have ever faced as a supposedly "free" people in our 240 history.

    The Secretaries of State in nearly two thirds of our states, especially the swing states, have engaged in a predacious, long-term campaign that has purged millions upon millions of Democratic voters from the registration rolls without good cause, using a bogus program algorithm called "Interstate Crosscheck."

    Not only that, they have also passed numerous, unwarranted voter suppression ID laws targeted at Democrats -- some so crude that the courts shot them down. They have cut the number of polling places, early voting days, hours of operation, poll workers, and voting machines in heavily populated Democratic districts in key states, creating long discouraging lines. Then, for good measure, they have palmed off old, poorly maintained, error-prone machines and scanners onto those same, mostly minority neighborhoods, while the wealthier, whiter Republican districts enjoyed newer machines, shorter lines, and more reliable results.

    This all adds up to one-party rule -- a fascistic oligarchy with an authoritarian strong man, as illegitimate as any third-world tin-pot dictator. Stupid people elect, well, stupid people, and this time they've really outdone themselves.

    And none of this concerns you? Wow!

    Finally, I dare you to post any credible, on-the-record evidence of wrongdoing (don't bother with all the usual ubiquitous, ridiculous, unsubstantiated falsehoods) by Hillary Clinton in her entire career. You can't, because there is none -- nada, zero, zilch!

    Sure, she may not have been all that inspiring as a politician, (I was for Bernie in the primary but was more than glad to support Hillary in the general.) Yes, she made errors in judgment (Please name one politician who hasn't.) But she is a smart, experienced, dedicated, and sincere human being who has done a lot of good in her life, and the world is a better place for it. I know that drives Hillary haters nuts to hear that. Too bad; that's the record -- the real one!

    No matter how long and loud right-wing swamp toads in La La Land scream and holler to the contrary, all the idiotic conspiracy theories surrounding this woman remain just that -- the worthless currency of truly stupid people. Repeating huge lies over and over may influence low-information voters and even swing elections now and then; however, the truth always comes out sooner or later.

    So, yeah, It is the record, stupid.

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    "What are Dems waiting for?" I've been asking that since 2000.Apparently they'd rather go extinct. Just flooding the election with votes doesn't work. In 2000 they brought it down to one state. In 2014 two states. Now three. This is NOT going to get better. This WILL get worse.

    Here's my take on it...

  • On the Way - Make America Sick Again?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    I agree. Thank you, sally7 (#25) for reminding us that the real health care debate starts with life care - what serves fundamental health in the first place. The questions of who pays for what, and how in monetary terms, pertain more to the health of insurance and conventional consumer industries and have been driven into the ground - still no relevant solutions.

    If I recall, back in the 70's it was illegal to practice homeopathic/naturopathic medicine ((probably associated with witchcraft by those oh-so-enlightened experts of the up and coming modern era.))

    When it finally did pass legal muster, many traditional (alternative) approaches to health and healing became available, only, as so many of us know, payment still has to come out of pocket, as insurance generally will not cover those practices.

    The good news is, a lot of good-hearted, well-meaning people are employed in the industries. Those folks deserve a chance to serve life without useless industry/economic constraints that obstruct health and effective life care, just as wee people will better serve health for ourselves, and the world we share ... if we can learn to live in peace and harmony with the body of life, to which we are born.

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    I found research on this at Rolling Stone: Inference from the article would go way beyond the 7 million Crosscheck strikes. It could be ten times that much if all the Crosscheck states released data instead of falsely claiming there are "criminal investigations" involved in "voter fraud."

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    I agree with turbineguy, actually. "It's the record, stupid." People were pointing out from the start that if Clinton were selected, a Republican would be elected -- because of H. Clinton's own record.

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    It has repeatedly been stressed that voting machines, etc., were not hacked. The vote count was not tampered with. In other words, whether there was a leak or a hack (and this is certainly a point of debate) of the DNC email server, it had no impact on the election results.

    Whether the information released to the public had any impact on voting decisions is highly unlikely, for a number of reasons. In the end, Clinton did win the majority of the popular vote, but Trump won the majority of the Electoral College vote -- and that's how the system works.

    What bothers me a great deal is the outrage that amounts to people wanting to shoot messenger because they didn't like the message. Would it be better to have more secrecy, keeping vitally important information from the public?

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    @ turbineguy #27:

    Although there is a large element of truth in what you say about shadowy, nefarious factions within the military-industrial-Congressional complex lobbying for a more robust military stance toward Russia, why are you pointing the big fat finger of blame exclusively at Democrats with no mention whatsoever of Republican culpability?

    In fact, the individual members of these hawkish factions -- the generals, lobbyists, and politicians -- almost always are members of the Republican Party, as are most of the influential players in the FBI and the CIA.

    "Neoconservative" (aka "neocon") is a label traditionally applied to a faction within the Republican Party that believes in aggressively furthering American interests (read, corporate interests) anywhere in the world by any means necessary. (Damn the treaties!) It's a mindset left over from decades of cold war with Russia, but also extends to any other country within the United States' perceived sphere of (corporate) influence. These are the same warmongers who brought us the illegal oil wars in the Middle East during "Dubya's" reign of terror, hardly a Democratic initiative.

    Furthermore, your accusation against the DNC that "Keeping a negative focus on Russia really serves two purposes; One to deflect criticism of their inept handling of the campaign, the other to further that neoconservative agenda." is just flat out false with absolutely no evidence at all to back it up -- because there is none!

    It's the corporate media "keeping a negative focus on Russia" because our intelligence services have presented the conclusions of their investigations to the White House, Congress, and the public. How is that in any way being orchestrated by the DNC to "deflect criticism" or to "further that neoconservative agenda?"

    You are really out there in whack-job Crazyland, turbinguy. For your own sake, you need to recognize that. Two recommendations: First, get your head out of the asses of the right-wing liars; second, ask your shrink either to increase your medications or to decrease them, because the current dosages are clearly not working for you.

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    how on earth did they get away with doing all these voter cancellations? a group needs to be established to watch out for GOP trouble making! what happened to all these people who were unable to vote, are they usually non-voters? we can no longer trust the GOP to do the right thing.

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    @ Carol Jones #26:

    Watch "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy" by Greg Palast. You can find it on Amazon. It's definitely worth the three or four bucks! Palast also has published several books on vote-stealing by Republican Secretaries of States and the various shenanigans of billionaires over the last decade and a half or so. He has a wonderful sense of humor and presents his extensive fact-finding excursions in an entertaining way. He's a highly qualified and seasoned former FBI investigator, but still comes across as a rather humble ordinary Joe with many funny stories to tell. Hope this helps a little. :)

  • On the Way - Make America Sick Again?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    Thanks for that! Very well thought out, informative, and inspiring. A joy to read!

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago


    Well done! This concise synopses of misinformation has condensed reams of right-wing propaganda into a quick, easy to digest blurb. It reflects a streamlined command of rapid-fire talking points that seems well-honed, almost routine, like it just slips off the tongue without much thought. Evidently, years of practice sitting glued to Faux "News," or the equivalent, absorbing vacuous lies and half-truths with large, trusting cow eyes has paid off well, developing into a special talent, devoid of bothersome critical thinking, to very smoothly itemize each canard.

    Karl Rove coined the phrase "dump-trucking," whereby so many big lies are dumped into a sound bite that it's virtually impossible to adequately respond. I won't even bother to try, other than to list each one -- your preferred method -- and leave it up to you to do the research. You probably won't, of course, but on the off chance that you do, here's some really good advice: Stay away from the fool's paradise of wing-nuts.

    #1 Lie: "...they lost touch with middle America." (Truth: If all the votes were counted, the Democrats won middle America overwhelmingly.)

    #2 Lie: "Average working Americans are tired of watching their good paying jobs leave the country," (Truth: Historically, legislation allowing corporations to profitably offshore jobs was always initiated by Republicans from the very get-go and always opposed by large majorities of Democrats in Congress. Presidents Clinton and Obama were very much out of step with the rest of their party when they so foolishly adopted corporate-Republican so-called "free" trade agreements.)

    #3 Lie: "...they are sick of watching illegals pour into their country driving down wages and taking their jobs." (Truth: Obama deported more undocumented immigrants than all the other Presidents put together, down to and including Reagan. Also, during his eight years, more people have moved to Mexico than have moved to the United States. Finally, it's not an illegal immigrant problem; it's an illegal employer problem -- mostly Republican businesses deliberately hiring undocumented workers to discourage unions and better pay for American workers.)

    #4 Lie: "...although LGBTQ rights are extremely important they don't feed their families." (Truth: That's just crazier than hell, making no sense whatsoever ... and terribly bigoted!)

    #5 Lie: "...they have been told the oceans are going to rise for 30 years ... New York is still above water." (Truth: No, wrong! Such a misinformed statement grossly misconstrues what qualified scientist are actually warning us about. Go to the I.P.C.C. website for accurate information on anthropological climate disruption.)

    #6 Lie: "...they where forced to watch Al Gore in school..." (Truth: Nobody was ever forced to watch Al Gore in any school in America or anywhere else.)

    #7 Lie: "...the sitting government was going into debt almost trillion dollars a year..." (Truth: Saint Reagan tripled the national debt, and every Republican president since has increased deficit spending and the national debt much more than any Democratic presidents have ever even dreamed about. George W. Bushed never put his trillions in war debt on the books. Obama did it for him upon assuming the presidency in 2009, therefore taking the blame in right-wing media. Both Presidents Clinton and Obama have resided over periods of very significant reduced deficit spending. In fact, Clinton handed W. Bush a fairly well-balanced budget and a roaring economy, which the village idiot quickly squandered, sending the U.S. into a spiraling cycle of debt to the tune of trillions. Check out the Republican "Two Santa Claus" strategy.)

    #8 Lie: "Clinton gave them no hope. She said nothing to make them feel better about their future." (Truth: Yes, she did! On her website and in most of her campaign speeches she repeatedly offered a better and brighter future for America -- much more realistic than whatever nightmares rapacious Republicans and their head clown and sexual pervert have in store for us. In the general campaign she adopted, rightfully so, eighty percent of Bernie's platform. It wasn't her fault that corporate media and the right-wing swamp only adopted the more sensational -- and more profitable -- negative narratives and lies of omission. And, it wasn't her fault that people like you never paid any attention to what she was saying, other than through the opaque filters of false news.

    Bonus Lie And Truth: The Russian hacking scandal is not perpetrated by Democrats looking for excuses; it is the solid conclusion of all of our major intelligence agencies. Take up the issue with them.

    Conclusion: Passive consumers of right-wing propaganda will believe almost any anti-Democratic spin that emanates from the mesmerizing screens of their devices, no matter how absurd. The pertinent question they must ask their inner selves is, "Why is it so easy to believe the lie and so hard to believe the truth?"

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    The DNC seems to be dominated by a neoconservative base that has strongly backed the Clintons' and the Obamas' hawkish stance towards Russia. There seems to be a faction within our military and government that is pushing hard for military conflict with Russia. Keeping a negative focus on Russia really serves two purposes; One to deflect criticism of their inept handling of the campaign, the other to further that neoconservative agenda. A focus on election fraud would necessarily dilute that agenda and may be unnacceptable to the monied interests, to which the DNC is beholden, that run our electoral system.

  • Does No One Care That 7 Million Votes Were Not Counted?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    Thom, Could you explain how the votes are eliminated. I called the local Elections Director for Pima County, AZ and was told that there is no way to identify a absentee ballot to a specific person after they have voted. They submit the county ballot totals to the AZ Secretary of State after they have been accepted and approved. Yet when I check the status of my specific absentee ballot at the SOS for AZ website, it shows my vote was not found and tells me to check with my County Elections Office. I did and they said my vote was tabulated. I have a common name so wonder how cross check eliminates votes. I checked my husbands ballot also at the SOS for AZ website and received the same response, which indicated his absentee ballot vote was not found. When I called them (the AZ Secretary of State) directly to check my vote they put me on hold and researched, came back and told me they did not find my ballot. I am baffled. Could they eliminate votes at the state level even though accepted and counted by the county I live in? The Election Director in our county was unfamiliar with Interstate Cross Check and I had to explain it to him. That was unbelievable. He could not tell me how votes are eliminated by this program. He didn't know about the program. I encouraged him to read the Rolling Stone article. I asked him to check into it and call me back, which he didn't do.

  • On the Way - Make America Sick Again?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    Thank you Thom for your article. While I am a progressive on most issues, I do not support the so-called Affordable Health Care Act. It has many good provisions such as not allowing people do be denied coverage, allowing children to stay on their parents plan. Yet are also multiple areas of serious problems: lack of price controls on medications and diagnostic tests, over reach and often criminal behavior on part of insurance companies and lack of coverage for complementary therapies which are often extremely effective.

    My biggest area of opposition is the mandate. Universal, single-payer coverage is the only viable option in my mind. For people like me, basically healthy, on no medication of any kind, who lives a lifestlye free of risk factors for disease...i.e. (exercise, weight ideal; no fast food, no alcohol, no smoking etc) this is a huge hit on my very tight budget. Secondly, while I am basically healthy, I did have spinal fusion surgery at a teen due to severe scoliosis. I discovered very effective means of dealing with stifness and pain and none of them are covered by insurance. Regular bodywork (therapeutic massage, acupuncture), yoga, meditation keep me pain free and with high mobility. Meditation and herbs work for stress. I am in my 50's on no medication, weight, energy sleep all very good. In order for me to pay for insurance I would have to take the money from my wellness budget which includes high quality healthy food and the above named services. I am unwilling to exchange a sytem of self care which works extremely well for one which only treats disease after it has set in. I am unwilling to take my limited budget and pay for medical insurance which I need only ocassionally when the cost of such a choice would rob me of the option to pay for what works well and which I absolutely must maintain in order to stay well.

    The entire conversation in this country needs to shift. It can't only be how to pay for chronic disease, although it must include that. It must also include what cultivates wellness: healthy diet, stress reduction skills, movement, bodywork etc. Our system is riddled with conflicts of interests of "making a killing" off diagnosing and treating disease and doing little to prevent it; junk food is cheaper than healthy food; meditation and yoga for stress related symptoms are not covered but suppressing those things with meds are covered, often for decades. In reality our system has little to do with health and no incentive for moving in that direction. Until we face this unpleasant truth and find the moral courage to not allow such flagrant conflicts of interest, we will never solve the crisis we are in.

    This topic is one of my greatest passions. As a practitioner of Chinese Medicine and yoga, as one of many who have found other ways to keep myself healthy and as a daughter/sibling of those with very serious illness and do require the protections offered by Obamacare I am looking at this through a very wide lens. The issue of healthcare for a nation must begin with several assumptions: the foundation must be Health Itself (not just treating disease); It must be universal; it must be free of conflict of interest which includes unfair cornering of markets by those with vested interests. It must include education toward this end... paid for universally. Health itself must be seen as a value worth investing in, for only that will birth an empowered, healthy society.

    Many Thanks!

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