Recent comments

  • Can America Survive the Trump/Corporate Media Industrial Complex?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    not me, but it is way of the world now....

  • Can America Survive the Trump/Corporate Media Industrial Complex?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    Too many people believe what they hear in 30-60 second soundbites. Many have never given thought to looking at the source! I am 80 years old and I only believe what I see with my own eyes, and question most of that! hahaha.

    Like many I rely on Thom and Democracy Now, and the actual radio/TV interviews with individuals tells a lot about them and their beliefs.

    Bless you and your team, Thom. We really need you as a voice of reason and truth.

  • Can America Survive the Trump/Corporate Media Industrial Complex?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    HOpe you have read the DailyKos report today.....interesting, if true, that Russia bailed out trump in 2008, and that there was money laundering going on through the non-existen Russian Chamber of Commerce!

  • Can America Survive the Trump/Corporate Media Industrial Complex?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    Hi. we the people should begin a class action case and sue the federal government. Is this a possibility? We are all in this together....It may be the only way... I am sick and disgusted, but I am not by any means policitally knowledgeable. However, I am aware that the best way to justice is to remove money out of politics and give government and our personal freedoms back to the people. Money is NOT the answer, nor is it the solution....

  • Can America Survive the Trump/Corporate Media Industrial Complex?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    If media is not driven by profit, then there only remains state owned media.

    As both have their downside, we will just have to live with both.

    However, Trump won the presidency because Hillary was corrupt and out of touch with unemployed workers.


  • Can America Survive the Trump/Corporate Media Industrial Complex?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    "We"- meaning the US populace can only blame ourselves...not the media, not Trump. Don't pay attention to the Tweets from the Tweeter-in-chief and they both dry up. We got ourselves into this mess.

  • Can America Survive the Trump/Corporate Media Industrial Complex?   8 years 7 weeks ago
  • We Don't Need The Trump Wall - But We'll Be Paying For It   8 years 7 weeks ago

    The low-intelligent, self-absorbed, juvenile Twitter troll about to soil the seat in the Oval Office is an old sweaty, puffy, out-of-shape, puss-gut man-child with the putrid stench of Tic Tacs and Kentucky Fried chicken on his breath, who openly loves to walk in on half-naked teenage girls in their locker room, to push married women up against the wall against their will, to stick his slimy tongue in their mouths, to grab pussies and fondle tits at will because that's his privilege as a wealthy white man, and to sexually rate his own daughter with the desire to date her.

    This is the damn fool who can send armies anywhere in the world with his conflicted business interests at stake or launch nukes within minutes without any countervailing oversight whatsoever. This is the Commander in Chief who surrounds himself with "advisors" who tiptoe around, afraid of damaging his fragile ego.

    This is the smarmy creep that Republican grannies -- who love to mock others, who maybe are only rated 2 or 3 at best on Trump's scale, who like their phalanx-symbol AR's, who probably secretly wish big-daddy Trump would grab their pussies, who are undoubtedly deluded by their own self-righteousness and false religious hypocrisy -- think is the great Saviour of the free world and God's gift to humanity.

    This is the predatory sexual pervert they and their like-minded compatriots voted for, someone who sits in his underwear at three in the morning eating junk food, pounding on his greasy keyboard, insulting celebrities or anyone else who mocks or tries to constructively criticize him, tweeting inane, childish, misspelled comebacks that he thinks are sooo clever.

    The 2016 election says more about the starry-eyed sycophants who voted for this degenerate than it does about him.

    Or is all this a little too descriptive and overly politically incorrect for the delicate sensibilities of right-wingers who get (sexually?) energized by other people crying? Sorry, these are just the facts, ma'am. I report; you decide.

    Happily, there's a helluva lot more fodder in the right-wing swamp ripe for irreverent mockery than there is in the real world. The Usurper to the Toy Throne and his naive blind followers should keep comedians and truth-tellers humming for the next four years, certainly not eight.

  • We Don't Need The Trump Wall - But We'll Be Paying For It   8 years 7 weeks ago

    1. I heard the exact comments from the looney right when Obama was elected.

    2. Trump resigns. Who becomes president?

    Be very careful what you wish for.

  • We Don't Need The Trump Wall - But We'll Be Paying For It   8 years 7 weeks ago

    @ 2 Hephaestus:

    You verify my conclusion that progressives are racists. There are thousands of reasons someone could oppose Obama. Maybe they don't like his ideas, maybe it's because he's from Illinois, maybe, because he's a democrat, etc. etc. But you choose to pick the color of his skin as the reason for the opposition. Interesting, how it all comes down to skin color with you lefties.

  • Did Trump Win Because.....?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    The term "politically correct" was originally derogatory. We need a new party, Peace and Freedom, Populist or Socialist, that is anti-war, anti-empire, pro-education, dedicated to the general welfare, willing to take down fascist traitors, pro-human rights, pro-New Deal, willing to dismantle the police state and that will not tolerate political rectitude. Note that PantSuitonFire's whole campaign was that Combover was and is politically incorrect; hell, everyone knows that, and that is why many supported him. Most Americans are fed up with political rectitude. So pointing out that Trump is a rude asshole is no match at all for Combover pointing out that the Democrats did nothing to get their jobs back.

    Now is the time to start a new party; the Democrats have dug themselves into a deep hole and continue to dig deeper with all their sour grapes. And by Labor Day the Repugs will be in big trouble that will just get worse as the economy sinks.


  • Did Trump Win Because.....?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    What hack? The emails were leaked by a staffer who was horrified by the sleeze of the New DNC. He could tell us more, but PantSuitonFire had him whacked. Still, the wailing about Russian hacking did successfully supress any discussion of the contents of those emails. And now Babykiller McCain and Co. are too eager to show how outraged they are and go to war with the Russians.


  • Did Trump Win Because.....?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    The Democrats lost big because they chose the most despised woman in the world as their candidate. RIP DNC!


  • We Don't Need The Trump Wall - But We'll Be Paying For It   8 years 7 weeks ago

    Why do so many people refer to Trumps term in office as "eight years"; a presidential term is only four years. And I don't think he'll last that long. I honestly believe ONE of THREE things will happen to Trump:

    1. He'll be assassinated be extreme leftists.

    2. He'll be impeached by extreme rightists.

    3. The stress of the job will kill him or drive him to resign.

    As for that border wall, what would be the point? Mexican drug runners have proven they have excellent tunneling technology. :-)

  • We Don't Need The Trump Wall - But We'll Be Paying For It   8 years 7 weeks ago

    k.allen: Why mock them? What does it accomplish?

    Easy answer. The hundreds of excuses for their losses in the election aside, they won't stop telling anyone who will listen that the sky is falling. By that I mean scaring seniors with 50% cuts in their SS benefits, the total elimination of Medicare, etc. All BS and all made to divide and delegitimize the incoming Trump presidency. The more crying I hear the more energized I become.

    I realize it accomplishes little but it gives many a punching bag and diverts their eating potato chips in their parents basement to key pounding.

    You being off grid makes good sense. Peaceful and in control. Good for you.

  • Did Trump Win Because.....?   8 years 7 weeks ago

    trueblue313 -- I do not disagree with what you say, but I have a hard time seeing any evidence that this factor had any more bearing than the hacking of the DNC emails. However, my only joy from the outcome of this election is that "the third way" lost. That joy pales in comparison to the terror of an autocratic oligarchy.

  • We Don't Need The Trump Wall - But We'll Be Paying For It   8 years 7 weeks ago


  • We Don't Need The Trump Wall - But We'll Be Paying For It   8 years 7 weeks ago

    I had to share that - not to be clever - up all night working, that's what I saw when I glanced at the page ... I picked my jaw up off the floor, did a triple-take, and realized I had misread. Still, that was my reaction (( couldn't believe you actually said _that_ !! ))

    I have _no_ doubt "that Trump's Supreme Court nominees, the 14 Federal Appeals court appointments, and the 90 or so appointed Federal Judges will 'spare not the rod' - in the extreme.

    I wonder how they will decide around the obstruction of all those unconfirmed Supreme Court nominees, Federal Appeals court appointments, and appointed Federal Judges nominated by President Obama over the last 8 years?

    Oh, it probably won't come up ....

    I really don't want to see judges that can be relied on to take one side or another in controversial cases. I want them to exercise conscience and integrity, and judge fairly, according to _all_ the facts pertaining to any one decision.

    I know it doesn't always work that way, but hey, what can I say ... I'm off the grid, and out of the loop ... my only choice is to stand on the truth in my own life, and trust the wisdom that guides - full spectrum.

    Still, I trust many are earnest individuals, sincere in their beliefs who have put in their time in the field and will do their best to hold the line in these changing times. I suspect this won't be easy for anyone - even those smooth operators who make it look so good (they think.)

    I can't get into all these arguments. I have other work to do. I agree, the excuse making on one hand, and blaming on the other is like a dog chasing its tail.

    It goes nowhere.

    Still, far be it from me to cap a volcano. It's better to get it out of your system ... once the lava cools, it will fertilize the landscape of today.

    Anyway, I can see why people are upset, and scared.

    Why mock them? What does it accomplish?

  • We Don't Need The Trump Wall - But We'll Be Paying For It   8 years 7 weeks ago

    k. allen
    "It appears this is going to be a eight year boom for the rapists."
    ..., odd, I was thinking the same thing ....

    Very clever, but I suspect that Trumps Supreme Court nominees, the 14 Federal Appeals court appointments, and the 90 or so apointed Federal Judges may not be as lenient as those Obama put on the bench.

  • We Don't Need The Trump Wall - But We'll Be Paying For It   8 years 7 weeks ago

    (Dianereynolds - #14)

    "It appears this is going to be a eight year boom for the rapists."

    ..., odd, I was thinking the same thing ....

  • We Don't Need The Trump Wall - But We'll Be Paying For It   8 years 7 weeks ago
  • We Don't Need The Trump Wall - But We'll Be Paying For It   8 years 7 weeks ago

    It appears this is going to be a eight year boom for therapists. It is interesting how every sentence uttered by yet to take office Trump is being explained and interpreted by the leftie/socialist media, that same group of talking heads that claimed Trump got elected by too much coverage by the leftie/socialist media.

    Go Donald, turn twitter into short fireside chats followed only by those idiots who are too stupid to turn their twitter account off.

  • We Don't Need The Trump Wall - But We'll Be Paying For It   8 years 7 weeks ago

    @ Kend #10 & dr818dr #11:


    FYI: Obama deported more undocumented immigrants than all the other presidents put together, going all the way back to Almighty Saint Reagan, who granted amnesty. Today, after eight years of a Democratic administration, more people are moving from the U.S. to Mexico than from Mexico to the U.S.

    (Hey, dr818dr, punch that into your old "Texas Instrument" pocket calculator -- which evidently needs a new battery. Your numbers are wildly off into the weeds. What, did you flunk out of remedial math class? Put the moonshine down, son, and step slowly away from the keyboard.)

    So ... it seems that Obama has turned the tide. Yea! Any loud hoorays or glowing accolades? Knock, knock ... hello? Nope ... just crickets.

    I do agree, however, that it's not an "illegal" immigrant problem as much as an "illegal" employer problem. Most of these reprobates are Republicans, by the way, who hate unions, livable wages, and American workers -- par for the course.

    They hate those little brown bastards too; that is, unless they can employ them as slaves. Another corrective action that Ronnie Raygun took was to throw a bunch of the Republican big-bad-boss-men into the poky, which significantly reduced the number of illegal crossings. Go figure.

    So, there ya go; quit taking it out on the already victimized working slaves and go after your own "illegal" Republican butt-buddies! For instance, like Trump, the fake-hair clown who loves to employ the "rapists and murderers" for low wages in his exclusive hotels and golf courses to serve his wealthy clients (and lien holders) their caviar and martinis.

    And, please, find it in your heart to stop referring to people as "illegal aliens." Like the rest of us, most of them are just struggling souls living on a harsh planet trying to support their families. They should be accorded the dignity that all fellow human beings deserve.

    Somebody's life should not be thought of as "illegal" -- their actions, perhaps, but not the person. "Undocumented immigrant" is an accurate enough term, and not so denigrating. Yes, a humane approach is also politically correct, regardless how much Republicans seem to hate that phrase these days.

    Unless, of course, some damn libtard disrespects one of their sacred cows. Then they're all about political correctness -- as indignant as a four-year old shamed by Alec Baldwin on national TV. Not funny!

    Empathy is a virtue in actual everyday life, not just an abstract concept preached from your pulpit on Sunday morning, only to be forgotten by Sunday afternoon.

  • We Don't Need The Trump Wall - But We'll Be Paying For It   8 years 7 weeks ago

    I run guns south and drugs north in an old Willys Jeep, so a wall is really gonna suck big league! It's already hard enough trying to crawl through the damn arroyos! Although, just barbwire would be cool -- an Army jeep can get through that, no problem. Surveillance cameras? Easy -- just shoot 'em out. Might have a few extra guards to shoot at too, but that's normal nowadays, no big deal. Hey, I ain't no rapist though!

    Republicans and billionaires ... always screwing with small businesses and hard-working little people!

    Could be some advantages, I suppose. If it's made out of cement, can you imagine the miles and miles of really cool gang graffiti? And maybe it'll make it harder to move factories and such. Trying to tow a big 'ol factory building down south and -- WHAM -- a gawdam wall! That rascally Trumpy dummy dude might be just a tad bit smarter than the whole entire world gives him credit for.

    Of course, I'll probably lose my Odamnbamacare, Medi-aides, Medi-scare, and Socialism Suckurity, and what not, to pay for the head twit's wall/fence/whatever. But then, hell, ya don't live all that long in this business anyway. At least my taxes won't be paying for the stupid thing -- ha ha, because I don't pay any f--king taxes! Just like my man, Trumpster the Dumbster.

    He's got a really good sense of humor too. Get this ... he said ... no wait, let me get the punch line out before you start laughing. He said ... ha ha ... he said ... damn this is funny! He said ... MEXICO is gonna pay for it! Hotdamn, that's good!

    He needs to go on SNL. Oh wait ... Alec Baldwin already has that gig. Too bad, Trump would be super funny playing himself.

  • We Don't Need The Trump Wall - But We'll Be Paying For It   8 years 7 weeks ago

    Regardless of whether it's a "great" wall, double fencing or electronic monitoring - probably a combination of all - there is still a very high need for better border security. Just because Mexicans may be crossing in smaller numbers they and many others now even those from Africa and Asia are crossing that border. Wait for the next recession in Mexico and the numbers will climb again.

    Border crossings were up 15% this year and the estimated costs whatever the solution(s) of 38 billion is a third of what illegal aliens cost American taxpayers. What cost can you put on those killed by these people?

    While you are right that we should be cracking down on those who hire illegal aliens that is only a part of the solution as many are hired by local businesses that fall under the radar. Deporting most who have come here illegally, no matter how long it takes, also sends the message that if you come here when/if you are caught regardless of if you committed any other crimes you will not be allowed to stay.

    For those who cry, "Are you going to rip their families apart" don't worry. Their citizen children are also citizens of the country of one of their parents. For those who want to put them on a pathway to citizenship rewarding bad behavior (illegal in most of these cases) is the exact wrong message to send. If these people are legalized to work they will look for better jobs from companies that won't hire them now, they will work for less (although it will be a raise for them) and the jobs they left will just look for more illegal aliens who will work for less than minimum wage, no benefits and no overtime.

    Just one number for those who think these people contribute more than they take. In California according to State Senator Ricardo Lara (his parents came here illegally) they pay 2.2 billion a year in all taxes and fees. According to the California Department of Education there are 1.4 million K-12 students who need ESL courses. Some are legal immigrants but some children born here of illegal parents don't need ESL. So lets estimate that 1 million are either children here illegally or citizen children. Not counting local funds, federal funds, breakfast and lunch programs and special state allocations the state pays 13K to educate each of these kids. That's 13 billion a year vs 2.2 billion in all payments. Add in health care,all the infrastructure costs, police, fire, judicial and the list goes on and on and the state runs a deficit of over 30 billion a year paying for illegal immigration.

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