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  • The Donald Ducks Conflict Of Interest Issue   8 years 6 weeks ago

    Were your criticisms there with all the overblown allegations and name calling of Hillary Clinton and frankly even other GOP primary candidates. Trump seems to have absolutely no problem engaging in infantile name calling, rants, and bragadoccio (sp?). When I watched Obama's farewell speech, he spoke intelligently of the things he had tried to accomplish on behalf of the American people, pitfalls facing this country, and heartfelt thanks to members of his staff and his family. When I watched Trump, all I heard was "I, I, I, I, me, me, me" etc. He has a tragically inflated view of himself; refuses to accept intelligence from experts, insists Putin is a "friend", etc. He is a danger to our country and all it stands for. And while I'm at it, I am disgusted by Republicans trying to destroy the Ethics Committee (right before vetting Trump's picks), Ryan's attempt to ban TV cameras from the House floor so they can push through their attacks on Social Security and Medicare without the public being wiser, and now passing laws at midnight also to circumvent public scrutiny. Perhaps they should buy an island somewhere and just establish their own Banana Republic--and please, take Donald Trump with you!

  • The Donald Ducks Conflict Of Interest Issue   8 years 6 weeks ago

    Last night I watched PBS Newshour and they interviewed the ethics advisors for both former President George W. Bush and President Obama, both agreed this is a major conflict of interest. Trump seems to think he was made dictator not president. Also I believe he keeps his family so close around him because he is on the verge of senility and they are there to sort of hold the line. He has backtracked on virtually everything he previously said and I trust him as far as I can throw him. He said he wouldn't touch Social Security and Medicare, yet Sen. Sam Johnson of Texas has written H.R. 6489 which wants to raise retirement age to 69, used the already disproved chained CPI for COLAs and make both programs part of sequester and subject to automatic cuts.

  • The Donald Ducks Conflict Of Interest Issue   8 years 6 weeks ago

    Is Kenneth Starr still there?

    This is the eleventh hour

    Where is the man?

  • The Donald Ducks Conflict Of Interest Issue   8 years 6 weeks ago

    Anybody got the testicular fortitude to impeach?

  • The Donald Ducks Conflict Of Interest Issue   8 years 6 weeks ago

    Eight days to Trumpocolypse.

  • The Donald Ducks Conflict Of Interest Issue   8 years 6 weeks ago


    You nailed it!

    The real danger to 'We the People," and the original intent of the Founders that all power is invested with the People, are the antics not so much of the foolish clown soon fouling the Oval Office (unless he twitter-storms us into more war, pray not nuclear), but the whole circus of really scary clowns in Congress, who are scrambling to turn over what little is left of our democracy to the truly evil puppet masters, who have already stolen most of the wealth -- and principles -- of our nation.

    Lest we forget:

    Preamble to the Constitution:

    “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

    Preamble to the Declaration of Independence:

    "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."


    Your entire (confrontational and partisan) perspective is entirely naive and suffering from contradictory logic. Please look in a mirror as you type.

  • The Donald Ducks Conflict Of Interest Issue   8 years 6 weeks ago

    ​Much of which is true about Trump, but mistaking all this ranting as a constructive point forward, just seems so counterproductive. I can see it from the public, but the MSM, analysts, commentators... they're all about the Trump doom and gloom, can you imagine a respected journalist like Amy Goodman referring to him as Donald Duck? With all I've heard and seen from the media this past year, I believe they've lost their way, people listen to these journalists, they influence public opinion and we can hear it echo everywhere. I think the media may be one our biggest stumbling blocks to fair elections. I believe there are far more constructive ways to interact with Donald Trump, despite all of his shortcomings.

  • Will Sessions Double Down On The Racist War on Drugs?   8 years 6 weeks ago

    Hi Rollin,

    "Tom, do you really believe that I should spend my life behind bars just because I treat a medical condition with a substance that I know to be (speaking drug dangers) relatively safe?"

    I think you may have misread Thom's point above. He believes just the opposite and has spoken many times in favor of full legalization of both medical and recreational use for adults in a responsible manner.

    You made some really excellent points, though, that show how such ridiculous laws negatively impact society. Thanks!

  • The Donald Ducks Conflict Of Interest Issue   8 years 6 weeks ago

    For Republicans, the liberal concern about Trump's conflict of interest doesn't matter. They have a lot of what they want: control of the Hose, nearing 60 seats in the Senate, will appoint 1-3 Supreme Court justices in the next four years, appoint 105 federal judgeships, control of the governorships and legislatures in thirty states and a very energized base. Trump is a distraction the GOP will use to gain more power; because, the Democrats will spend too much time, money and energy fighting him. Meanwhile, THE GOP will whittle away at downsizing government to be small enough to flush down a toilette, privatize Social Security and Medicare, reduce corporate taxes, increase the military and provide for more religous freedoms to be expressed in public, business, schools and governments.

  • The Donald Ducks Conflict Of Interest Issue   8 years 6 weeks ago

    Trump has promised us many good things, but his one repeated statement casts a shadow on all that might be...​"I like winning".​ Naturally, we would assume that he was including us. But I don't think that's the plan. Sharing prosperity is not the corporate way. He's old and set in his business ways. He will throw us the occasional bone, but, his business will come first.

  • The Donald Ducks Conflict Of Interest Issue   8 years 6 weeks ago

    You are calling Thom UNPROFESSIONAL??? He can't begin to compare with the unprofessionalism of the big orange man (now we know how he got that peculiar color). He is a disgrace not just to the office, but to business, to the United States as a whole. How can a man who has become a laughingstock govern?

    It is not partisan to say so; it's simply the truth.

  • The Donald Ducks Conflict Of Interest Issue   8 years 6 weeks ago

    You SHOULD care about his taxes. They would tell us where and how he got his money, if he really does owe billions to a foreign government, about his many, huge foreign investment entanglements and the like. You think he's not going to favor a country to whom he owes money -- or give perks in his D.C. hotel to some foreign business person he's making deals with. This is important.

  • The Donald Ducks Conflict Of Interest Issue   8 years 6 weeks ago

    Hey we had movie stars before as the front man for Team Oligarch, this is the first total con man "entrepreneur" Uncle Donny the Drumpfster mob-boss gone Bollywood head-tilt looney, he wins.

    GOP has got the super gerrymander & vote-count fraud crew to feed into dead people voting in the Electoral College, oh they were alive? ... anyway likely that's filled with lobbyists a thought ...

    Can we fire him, hmmm.

    Enjoy the show, suggest organic popcorn to be safe.

  • The Donald Ducks Conflict Of Interest Issue   8 years 6 weeks ago

    Thom, Your entire perspective is confrontational and partisan, I dont really care about things like his taxes. I do care about reasons why he won, like not escalating our military activity in the mid east, the corruption of our politicians by outside interests, which to me is not the same as Trumps conflicts of interests. He's here to work in our government, if he can put his business on hold to focus on that, I really dont care. These are the reasons Hillary lost. I'm just tired of hearing all of this negative bs about Trump, we spend more time working against each other than anything. There are some upsides to Trump. All this reminds me of how the R hated and obstructed Obama. I would have preferred a different outcome in this election, but continuous ranting does more harm than... Calling him Donald Duck says it all, I find it ​unprofessional.

  • The Donald Ducks Conflict Of Interest Issue   8 years 6 weeks ago

    I think we should refer to the president elect as "Dicky Trump".

    His supporters would surely respond with "His name is Donald!"

    Our response would be, "No.. he's definately a dick."

  • The Donald Ducks Conflict Of Interest Issue   8 years 6 weeks ago

    Donald Trump seems to truly believe he is above any law that governs the presidential seat in the White House. My take on this is that he and his family want to be America's Royal Family...his kids sit in with his meetings with international leaders, his son-in-law is his #1 advisor, and he does not think he has to release any of his private business or tax papers. I guess he doesn't really have any idea what the UK's Royal Family does or doesn't do. He just likes the titles of King, Queen, Prince and Princess. I also believe that because he is such a loony tune his children are afraid to leave him alone.

  • Will Sessions Double Down On The Racist War on Drugs?   8 years 6 weeks ago

    Tom, do you really belive that I should spend my life behind bars just because I treat a medical condition with a substance that I know to be (speaking drug dangers) relatively safe? I suffer from seziures (service connected, I might add) restless leg syndrome, glaucoma, insomnia, and I have had a bout of cancer. I have smoked marijuana for nearly 50 years to get some comfort through all of this. Pharma's drugs have so many side effects. They give you meds to treat the side effects of the meds they give you for the side effects of the meds you "need" for your treatment. I do not concider that as "safe" drugs. Pharma has no interest in curing you because if they did, you wouldn't need more drugs and that would cut into their bottom line. The problem with it being illegal is that I have to go underground and deal with "shady" people to get my meds. This supports the drug cartels and fuels the "drug war". Here in Montana, medicinal use is legal, but we just had a run in with state senators who limited the "pot shops" to THREE clients. Many went out of buisness. By that line of thinking, doctors should only have 3 patients and if all of the doctors were "taken", where would YOU get your health care? It was crazy but the Montana people spoke and had that law repealed, it goes into effect by the end of the month. I will be able to get my meds "legally" again. I have no objection to recreational use, anyone that sits in a bar, smoking cigarettes and drinking alchohol, has NO room to object, NONE! They drive to the bar, get drunk and become invincable behind the wheel. Pot smokers are usually home raiding the fridge. You tell me who is more dangerous to society, pot smokers or drunks. Yes, this is a public health issue, not because pot is "dangerous" or "illegal" but because drunks kill people every day and there has NEVER been a death by overdose or any side issue (I.E. DUI's, accidents or whatever), absolutely NONE! I am NOT a crimminal, I am a patient. I have never been arrested (that bites private prisons), I am not a liar or a thief. Ronnie's "war on drugs", (marijuana mainly), has been a huge drain on the resources of this country and it is past time to end it!

  • Will Sessions Double Down On The Racist War on Drugs?   8 years 6 weeks ago


    The anti-death penalty left? Is your world really that black and white? Most issues have a gray area to consider. One size does not fit all.

  • Will Sessions Double Down On The Racist War on Drugs?   8 years 6 weeks ago

    Nobody "cheers" for abortion, you despicable liar. Although, a loud cheer would have certainly erupted from the crowd, even from religious hypocrites, had your mother done the right thing and aborted your dumb ass, fool!

  • Did Trump Win Because.....?   8 years 6 weeks ago


    The press did not give anything to Trump. Trump made himself available to the press every chance he got. Trump did not care if it was MSNBC, FOX, CNN etc. That was being smart.

    Sanders was never going to get the nomination. Then we find out that the DNC stacked the deck against Sanders.

    Clinton, on the other hand, evaded the press for the most part.


  • We Don't Need The Trump Wall - But We'll Be Paying For It   8 years 6 weeks ago

    @ Dianereynolds

    "...yesterdays press conference where he called out the phonies that pushed known BS stories onto the front page or lead story..."

    Unbelievable! Does your hypocrisy have no bounds, ma'am?

    How convenient that you've forgotten that your favorite Big Daddy pervert is the immature liar who earned his political bones with like-minded white bigots and racists by constantly hyping the "known BS" birther conspiracy theory every chance he got, keeping it on the front page of corporate media for years.

    For a so-called "master" manipulator of promotional press coverage, your self-absorbed pathological narcissist sure seems awfully thin-skinned when asked the hard questions. Virtually everyone in the world with a brain knows your sexual predator with stunted emotional and mental development has no business being in that job.

    Putin's poodle is completely out of his depth on the world stage, and his fragile ego melts away under the bright klieg lights for all to witness. That's why he doesn't like to hold press conferences, preferring instead to sit in his underwear at three in the morning, tweeting out disjointed, juvenile musings. It would all be quite laughable, if it weren't so sad.

    This bigoted knucklehead and his groupie losers deserve the same respect that they have accorded Obama and the Democrats for the last eight years ... and every bit of name-calling that they themselves so adeptly heap on anyone who dares to challenge their pitiable idiocy.

    Don't mistake a proper disgust for liars and hypocrites for despair and depression, as you so often do. Those are the projections from your own subconscious awareness, as the truth of who this man-child really is slowly dawns on you. Putin figured out your fool a long time ago, as have most other sentient beings. You and your fellow clueless trolls are way behind the curve.

  • Will Sessions Double Down On The Racist War on Drugs?   8 years 6 weeks ago

    Yeah Willie,

    Just like the anti-death penalty left who cheer for every abortion. Hypocrisy cuts both ways.


  • Trump's Recipe for Kleptocracy   8 years 6 weeks ago

    p.p1 {margin: 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px 0.0px; font: 18.0px Helvetica}

    TRUMPISM VIEWED ASKANCE {1.60 limericks}

    Trumpism takes its stances

    and Trumpism makes its advances.

    We view this askance.

    This won’t enhance

    our nation’s circumstances.

    Trumpism lubes

    our slide down the tubes

    to the nether region’s expanses.


  • We Don't Need The Trump Wall - But We'll Be Paying For It   8 years 6 weeks ago


    Your post is wonderful. Get that off your chest yet?

    It will be interesting to see the level of respect given to President Trump from the leftie/socialist crowd. I noted Thom's comment that it is not his style to resort to name calling. Ya riggght. Rush Limpballs, Mitch McTurtle, small hands Trump, etc.

    With your attitude,Trump's terms will be your worst nightmare. Exhibit A, yesterdays press conference where he called out the phonies that pushed known BS stories onto the front page or lead story, our host here no exception.

    Fire away but I suspect you will only push yourself deeper into dispair and depression.

  • Did Trump Win Because.....?   8 years 6 weeks ago

    Unfortunately not only did the press give all it's attention to Trump but they ignored Bernie. So for me it was the DNC promising Hilary to make her their canidate (not giving us a choice) and also the press so all emcompassed with Trump, what a mess up they all did. Now we pay for their decissions.

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