ErinRose #6: "But the public should be fully awake by then and ready to go to work to take the country back and build it from the ground up to be the Camelot of our father's dreams."
From your lips to God's ears.
"I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability." --Oscar Wilde
Regarding Trump's reaction to the Mayor of London. Isn't it obvious that Crooked Donny is your typical foxmerized, easily programmed, lazy thinking, out of shape, selfish, misinformed, arrogant, greedy, self puffed, bigoted, ugly American? The rest of the world sure sees it this way.
BTW: Putin and Trump's collusion makes the election invalid. When you get caught stealing a car you don't get to keep it. When you steal an election a new one needs to be held. I don't give a damn it has never happened before, there's a first time for everything. NATO and The United Nations need to step in and help us out of this mess. These are extreme times. Hello, we're on the eve of global disaster.
#giraffe: I agree. I keep looking at his pictures and seeing someone who is psychologically unbalanced. But, I'll say it again: It took this man to wake this country up and get people to turn off the TV, put down the beer, and start thinking about something other than the sports results. By the time he finishes up, this country should be squarely on its knees. But the public should be fully awake by then and ready to go to work to take the country back and build it from the ground up to be the Camelot of our father's dreams.
The questions you keep asking are pretty light weight. Wouldn't a better question be whether or not the young woman who has been arrested for treasonous leaking is really guilty, or is she being framed as a distraction so no one will look into the nefarious doings of the DNC and the Deep State? In the first place, this contractor was a low level agent and didn't have access to documents of that caliber. And in the second place, all of the leaked documents carried IP addresses that traced back to HOMELAND SECURITY, and not Russia. The whole Russian narrative is a put up job, and so is this. I feel sorry for this agent. This government is withoug conscience and she is just another sacrificial lamb, like Chelsea Manning, on the alter of egos and corruption.
Trump is without doubt mentally ill - he has a textbook narcissistic paranoid personality - and should probably be locked up in solitary confinement so he can't harm anyone.
What will it take for the stubborn trolls on this blog, especially Hotdog Lady, DianeyWorld, and K-2 Killasquid, to at last come clean and display even a germ of intellectual honesty? How long will they make phony excuses for this juvenile manboy, who is so obviously unqualified to represent this great nation (which won't be for long), while he remakes it in his own sick image? How about if he signs an executive order to have his fat face sewed onto every American flag? When will Trump troglodytes finally admit that they majorly efed-up "big-league" by voting for this crude and embarrassing fool, who has no principles whatsoever? Never?
As investigations into Russia connection continue on. It seems that more and more GOP Congress members names popup as to taking money from Russian sources. This heavily implies that their true alligence is with Russia. Thus they have all sold their political souls to Putin and will not counterdict his main man Trump.
Thus we need to keep following the money so we can round up these putinpuppets and evict them out of office.
Radical is dead on; Pense absolutely needs to be revealed for who he really is! An in-depth exposé of his history as an ideological extremist, truly bizarre, Christianist nutjob, hypocrite, and smarmy, slick-tongue liar of the highest order -- in ways many times worse than the Liar in Chief -- would also have the added benefit of adding at least a modicum of variety to MSM's obsessive yet shallow barrage of day-in-day-out coverage of everything Trump, Trump, Trump, with his unhealthy, puffy-eyed, fat face constantly plastered all over every page of news ad nauseam. Then again, Pense's hollow-eyed countenance and false-religious stench would wear really thin really fast too, like the cheap, empty suit that he is.
Let it be shouted from the rooftops that these two sad clowns are not an aberration; they are the true representatives of the Republican Party and its paucity of morality. Maybe gorging on daily lies and corruption until their thick heads explode is exactly the right remedy for low-information voters to finally wake up in 2018, and help wrestle our country away from the one percent.
Speaking of clueless, bald-faced liars, it is very fitting that DianeyWorld's latest paranoid-delusional jabber ended up sandwiched between the posts of Bob Hearns and Legend, as if to prove both of their points. She is a troll through and through, whose only function on this blog is to regurgitate the Goebbels-esque, billionaire-funded, fossil-fuel propaganda perpetually programmed into the gullible targeted audience of the susceptible and way "too many stupid, ignorant and uneducated voters." (It's impossible to debate someone who only offers direct lies as counterpoints.)
FYI: Kerry and Gore are not the faces of the world's climate-change great awakening. They are only minor players in a cast that includes over seven billion -- excluding the miniscule faction of fools who exist in the Billionaires' alternate reality, where up is down, black is white, and DianeyWorld actually makes the effort to research simple truths before spouting off run-down, right-wing talking points.
Yes, that is awesome reading! I should try it for me too. By the way, I need essay writing service nursing now. Thank you so much and keep posting things like this.
I think it has been well established how much of an abomination Trump is. The problem is that with the trashing of Trump there has been an elevation of Pence. Mike Pence is the personification of evil. He is human garbage . It should be remembered that that was the deal Trump becomes President and leaves within a year and Pence who the right-wing really wants takes over. This deal was made in approx March of 2015. I received the information in April of 2015 from someone who heard the conversation. I have already heard Progressives speak of Pence as the adult in the room. This is insane. There has to be a concerted effort beginning right now to expose Mike Pence for the right-winf fascist koch Brothers whore that he isand always has been . He should have no credibility and should be attacked constantly and without letup.
I think it has been well established how much of an abomination Trump is. The problem is that with the trashing of Trump there has been an elevation of Pence. Mike Pence is the personification of evil. He is human garbage . It should be remembered that that was the deal Trump becomes President and leaves within a year and Pence who the right-wing really wants takes over. This deal was made in approx March of 2015. I received the information in April of 2015 from someone who heard the conversation. I have already heard Progressives speak of Pence as the adult in the room. This is insane. There has to be a concerted effort beginning right now to expose Mike Pence for the right-winf fascist koch Brothers whore that he isand always has been . He should have no credibility and should be attacked constantly and without letup.
Did you not listen to your own link that you posted in #12? He is saying that we cannot do it without all 197 countries in Accord and working together on this problem. Al Gore is simply stating that it is not strong enough and that we need to cut more. I agree with that. So what does Trump do? Pulls out and ruins the whole thing. pollution control is now voluntary.
Gore on symbolic UN Paris Pact, Fox News Sunday (6/5/2017): CHRIS WALLACE: “You would agree that even if all 195 nations, now 194, met their targets, it still wouldn’t solve the problem.” AL GORE: “That is correct. However, it sends a very powerful signal to business and industry and civil society, and countries around the world.”
Under his breath,
"Not to mention multiplying my personal wealth hundreds of times over" Italics Cheerfully added by Diane Reynolds
Beliefs are reflected in our actions. Trump is saying that he is not concerned about climate change. Americans have shown by electing a grossly unqualified president that there are too many stupid, ignorant and uneducated voters. You have put the world in peril. We are in a crisis with climate change and this is the US response.
Hi, It nice to inform you all that I have done Chemo and Radiation 2 times for my Breasts. My battle with Breast cancer started 5 years ago, after so many Chemo, Radiation and other natural therapy treatment that i took just to cure my Breast cancer, it all didn’t work for my condition. I have been treating this disease for the past 5 years, but today i am here telling the world about my final victory over Breast cancer with the help of Rick Simpson Hemp Oil or cannabis Oil that I bought from Mr Rick Simpson Email Address:ricksimpsoncannabishempoil16@gmail This is a breakthrough in my family with so much Joy in our life today, i do really appreciate all the help and contribution from every member of my family for all they did for me and much love to my caring and loving husband. My love, you gave me the strengthen. Let Stop Breast Cancer, Go for your test and save your life, but if you have any cancerous diseases, there is no need to waster money on Chemo or Radiation, go get your Rick Simpson medication from Mr Rick Simpson Email Address, this is a medication that should be legalize worldwide, for those who wish to purchase the medication, just contact Mr Rick Simpson Email Address for purchase of medication. what a wonderful living with Cannabis Oil
BTW: Putin is using Trump and the Teapublicans like a massive time bomb. It's going to end very very ugly....put your money in a safe place asap. It's going to end very bad for Putin too.
Well I guess we now know how freaked out the citizens of ancient Rome must have been when Caligula was emperor. I wonder if Trump will order soldiers to gather up sea shells as trophies for his conquest of the climate?
I think we must start telling the world we have to stay in the Paris Agreement. Der Furor can't take us out of it. It will be up to the President in 2021 to do that or not!!!!
I think ErinRose is spot on. I don't think Donzilla ever thinks about anything or is capable of thinking about anything. He's like a Komodo Dragon that smells his prey, tracks it down and attacks. It's really as simple as that for him. He could really care less who or what that prey is as long as he can devour it dead or alive.
Your are so right!!!! I have been saying the same well before the election. Greed has no boundaires. With Rump, he will never have enough, ever. Rump on climate change: I don't care....He has been very active in scaling back anti-pollution efforts by his appointment to the EPA that Obama initiated. Rump: Kill the planet, just give more, more money.
Who is the rich man: One that is satisfied with what he has.
I'm at a loss to know why people are incessantly agonizing over what Trump thinks about climate change. The answer is where it has always been; in your face. Even if Trump does believe in climate change, he's a business man and too many of his billionaire buddies are vested in fossil fuels (Koch frothers, Bush Crime Family, Peabody Energy, etc.) And does everyone have selective amnesia? Trump himself is an investor in DaPL and other sludge-for-China projects going on all over this country. Trump is NOT a stateman; he's a graduate of the Wharton School and his mind is programmed to think in terms of money first; life afterwards. C'mon people, wake up.
ErinRose #6: "But the public should be fully awake by then and ready to go to work to take the country back and build it from the ground up to be the Camelot of our father's dreams."
From your lips to God's ears.
"I think that God, in creating man, somewhat overestimated his ability." --Oscar Wilde
Regarding Trump's reaction to the Mayor of London. Isn't it obvious that Crooked Donny is your typical foxmerized, easily programmed, lazy thinking, out of shape, selfish, misinformed, arrogant, greedy, self puffed, bigoted, ugly American? The rest of the world sure sees it this way.
BTW: Putin and Trump's collusion makes the election invalid. When you get caught stealing a car you don't get to keep it. When you steal an election a new one needs to be held. I don't give a damn it has never happened before, there's a first time for everything. NATO and The United Nations need to step in and help us out of this mess. These are extreme times. Hello, we're on the eve of global disaster.
#giraffe: I agree. I keep looking at his pictures and seeing someone who is psychologically unbalanced. But, I'll say it again: It took this man to wake this country up and get people to turn off the TV, put down the beer, and start thinking about something other than the sports results. By the time he finishes up, this country should be squarely on its knees. But the public should be fully awake by then and ready to go to work to take the country back and build it from the ground up to be the Camelot of our father's dreams.
The questions you keep asking are pretty light weight. Wouldn't a better question be whether or not the young woman who has been arrested for treasonous leaking is really guilty, or is she being framed as a distraction so no one will look into the nefarious doings of the DNC and the Deep State? In the first place, this contractor was a low level agent and didn't have access to documents of that caliber. And in the second place, all of the leaked documents carried IP addresses that traced back to HOMELAND SECURITY, and not Russia. The whole Russian narrative is a put up job, and so is this. I feel sorry for this agent. This government is withoug conscience and she is just another sacrificial lamb, like Chelsea Manning, on the alter of egos and corruption.
Trump is without doubt mentally ill - he has a textbook narcissistic paranoid personality - and should probably be locked up in solitary confinement so he can't harm anyone.
What will it take for the stubborn trolls on this blog, especially Hotdog Lady, DianeyWorld, and K-2 Killasquid, to at last come clean and display even a germ of intellectual honesty? How long will they make phony excuses for this juvenile manboy, who is so obviously unqualified to represent this great nation (which won't be for long), while he remakes it in his own sick image? How about if he signs an executive order to have his fat face sewed onto every American flag? When will Trump troglodytes finally admit that they majorly efed-up "big-league" by voting for this crude and embarrassing fool, who has no principles whatsoever? Never?
As investigations into Russia connection continue on. It seems that more and more GOP Congress members names popup as to taking money from Russian sources. This heavily implies that their true alligence is with Russia. Thus they have all sold their political souls to Putin and will not counterdict his main man Trump.
Thus we need to keep following the money so we can round up these putinpuppets and evict them out of office.
They're pin head, Nazi's. They don't think, they bully.
Radical is dead on; Pense absolutely needs to be revealed for who he really is! An in-depth exposé of his history as an ideological extremist, truly bizarre, Christianist nutjob, hypocrite, and smarmy, slick-tongue liar of the highest order -- in ways many times worse than the Liar in Chief -- would also have the added benefit of adding at least a modicum of variety to MSM's obsessive yet shallow barrage of day-in-day-out coverage of everything Trump, Trump, Trump, with his unhealthy, puffy-eyed, fat face constantly plastered all over every page of news ad nauseam. Then again, Pense's hollow-eyed countenance and false-religious stench would wear really thin really fast too, like the cheap, empty suit that he is.
Let it be shouted from the rooftops that these two sad clowns are not an aberration; they are the true representatives of the Republican Party and its paucity of morality. Maybe gorging on daily lies and corruption until their thick heads explode is exactly the right remedy for low-information voters to finally wake up in 2018, and help wrestle our country away from the one percent.
Speaking of clueless, bald-faced liars, it is very fitting that DianeyWorld's latest paranoid-delusional jabber ended up sandwiched between the posts of Bob Hearns and Legend, as if to prove both of their points. She is a troll through and through, whose only function on this blog is to regurgitate the Goebbels-esque, billionaire-funded, fossil-fuel propaganda perpetually programmed into the gullible targeted audience of the susceptible and way "too many stupid, ignorant and uneducated voters." (It's impossible to debate someone who only offers direct lies as counterpoints.)
FYI: Kerry and Gore are not the faces of the world's climate-change great awakening. They are only minor players in a cast that includes over seven billion -- excluding the miniscule faction of fools who exist in the Billionaires' alternate reality, where up is down, black is white, and DianeyWorld actually makes the effort to research simple truths before spouting off run-down, right-wing talking points.
Tom you need to cover the biuldgerger meeting
Yes, that is awesome reading! I should try it for me too. By the way, I need essay writing service nursing now. Thank you so much and keep posting things like this.
I think it has been well established how much of an abomination Trump is. The problem is that with the trashing of Trump there has been an elevation of Pence. Mike Pence is the personification of evil. He is human garbage . It should be remembered that that was the deal Trump becomes President and leaves within a year and Pence who the right-wing really wants takes over. This deal was made in approx March of 2015. I received the information in April of 2015 from someone who heard the conversation. I have already heard Progressives speak of Pence as the adult in the room. This is insane. There has to be a concerted effort beginning right now to expose Mike Pence for the right-winf fascist koch Brothers whore that he isand always has been . He should have no credibility and should be attacked constantly and without letup.
I think it has been well established how much of an abomination Trump is. The problem is that with the trashing of Trump there has been an elevation of Pence. Mike Pence is the personification of evil. He is human garbage . It should be remembered that that was the deal Trump becomes President and leaves within a year and Pence who the right-wing really wants takes over. This deal was made in approx March of 2015. I received the information in April of 2015 from someone who heard the conversation. I have already heard Progressives speak of Pence as the adult in the room. This is insane. There has to be a concerted effort beginning right now to expose Mike Pence for the right-winf fascist koch Brothers whore that he isand always has been . He should have no credibility and should be attacked constantly and without letup.
Did you not listen to your own link that you posted in #12? He is saying that we cannot do it without all 197 countries in Accord and working together on this problem. Al Gore is simply stating that it is not strong enough and that we need to cut more. I agree with that. So what does Trump do? Pulls out and ruins the whole thing. pollution control is now voluntary.
Ponderable admissions on this scam,
"John Kerry admits at COP-21 that US emissions cuts accomplish nothing for climate"
Gore on symbolic UN Paris Pact, Fox News Sunday (6/5/2017):
CHRIS WALLACE: “You would agree that even if all 195 nations, now 194, met their targets, it still wouldn’t solve the problem.”
AL GORE: “That is correct. However, it sends a very powerful signal to business and industry and civil society, and countries around the world.”
Under his breath,
"Not to mention multiplying my personal wealth hundreds of times over" Italics Cheerfully added by Diane Reynolds
Beliefs are reflected in our actions. Trump is saying that he is not concerned about climate change. Americans have shown by electing a grossly unqualified president that there are too many stupid, ignorant and uneducated voters. You have put the world in peril. We are in a crisis with climate change and this is the US response.
Hi, It nice to inform you all that I have done Chemo and Radiation 2 times for my Breasts. My battle with Breast cancer started 5 years ago, after so many Chemo, Radiation and other natural therapy treatment that i took just to cure my Breast cancer, it all didn’t work for my condition. I have been treating this disease for the past 5 years, but today i am here telling the world about my final victory over Breast cancer with the help of Rick Simpson Hemp Oil or cannabis Oil that I bought from Mr Rick Simpson Email Address:ricksimpsoncannabishempoil16@gmail This is a breakthrough in my family with so much Joy in our life today, i do really appreciate all the help and contribution from every member of my family for all they did for me and much love to my caring and loving husband. My love, you gave me the strengthen. Let Stop Breast Cancer, Go for your test and save your life, but if you have any cancerous diseases, there is no need to waster money on Chemo or Radiation, go get your Rick Simpson medication from Mr Rick Simpson Email Address, this is a medication that should be legalize worldwide, for those who wish to purchase the medication, just contact Mr Rick Simpson Email Address for purchase of medication. what a wonderful living with Cannabis Oil
BTW: Putin is using Trump and the Teapublicans like a massive time bomb. It's going to end very very ugly....put your money in a safe place asap. It's going to end very bad for Putin too.
Well I guess we now know how freaked out the citizens of ancient Rome must have been when Caligula was emperor. I wonder if Trump will order soldiers to gather up sea shells as trophies for his conquest of the climate?
I think we must start telling the world we have to stay in the Paris Agreement. Der Furor can't take us out of it. It will be up to the President in 2021 to do that or not!!!!
I think ErinRose is spot on. I don't think Donzilla ever thinks about anything or is capable of thinking about anything. He's like a Komodo Dragon that smells his prey, tracks it down and attacks. It's really as simple as that for him. He could really care less who or what that prey is as long as he can devour it dead or alive.
What is it about the rich who appear to believe they are beyond extinction simply because they have money?
We all become extinct rich or poor
Tell you what... rich are definately not beyond death!
What sort of thinking leads to a belief that demise of those humans that gave you weath is in any way sustainable?
It would be kind if the power of office was merely confined to the US (less)
Sadly it is not!
Mericun tentacles wrap and engorge the lesser
Trump can never possess the interests of a nation in the sense of your founding fathers
His inluences are entirely opposite just engaging tyrany of business
Greed is good
Your are so right!!!! I have been saying the same well before the election. Greed has no boundaires. With Rump, he will never have enough, ever. Rump on climate change: I don't care....He has been very active in scaling back anti-pollution efforts by his appointment to the EPA that Obama initiated. Rump: Kill the planet, just give more, more money.
Who is the rich man: One that is satisfied with what he has.
I'm at a loss to know why people are incessantly agonizing over what Trump thinks about climate change. The answer is where it has always been; in your face. Even if Trump does believe in climate change, he's a business man and too many of his billionaire buddies are vested in fossil fuels (Koch frothers, Bush Crime Family, Peabody Energy, etc.) And does everyone have selective amnesia? Trump himself is an investor in DaPL and other sludge-for-China projects going on all over this country. Trump is NOT a stateman; he's a graduate of the Wharton School and his mind is programmed to think in terms of money first; life afterwards. C'mon people, wake up.