Recent comments

  • Will Donald Trump Eventually Get Impeached?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    Democrats divided and conquered their own voting base in the 1990s, middle class vs. poor, and the past eigfht years confirmed that this split is permanent. This is why Democrats are probably over for the foreseeable future.

    On voting, for whom would you vote if no candidate, no party, represented you or your greatest concerns? For 2016, the two parties in power selected candidates who were deeply opposed by much of their own voting bases, for some of the same reasons. This is why roughly half of all US voters either voted third party or withheld their votes In the end, Clinton got the most votes, the Electoral College vote went to Trump.

  • Will Donald Trump Eventually Get Impeached?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    One can't be impeached on the basis of mere allegations. If there is any substance to the allegations, Congress can decide to move forward with a formal investigation, and for a range of reasons, I think there is zero chance of this happening with the Trump administration.

  • Will The "Pay Trump Bribes Here" Lawsuit Succeed?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    Well I sure hope it leads to tRump's impeachment. If electing tRump is the best this country can do for a president that buys this seat, like all presidents do from Big Money, Wall Street, and all money interest, we need to dismantle the presidents seat altogether. I know there are those who disagree as for eons this country has built it's so called democratic form of government around a president. I suggest a commision instead of a president. Members elected by the We the People, not billionairs who run everything. Oh what a wonderful world this would be.......No more Citzens United.

  • Will The "Pay Trump Bribes Here" Lawsuit Succeed?   7 years 36 weeks ago


    p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }a:link { }

    Say what?

    Let's take this: “Simply state that all people should be treated equally. Native Americans need education and jobs, etc. All people support this.” Absolutely untrue and even naïve!

    There's a great article that recently appeared in “The Nation” Anyone interested in the nature of the real Trump base can read that article here: It isn't Joe Sixpack that put Trump over the top. It's the “petit bourgoise”, the guy with a small business who has been doing just fine. Someone who's had enough success that he views himself as a “millionaire in waiting”, identifies with the GOSG, Trump, and detests the “welfare state”. Read the article.

  • Will The "Pay Trump Bribes Here" Lawsuit Succeed?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    Doubtful. But the New York and D.C. Clintonistas who are all in on the "Get Trump" Corleone vendetta are barking up the wrong tree. The white working class living in trailor parks instead of red brick houses just don't care. Focus on economics, jobs and forget about Trump and tone down the diversity stuff. The Democrats have already become a black party in most of the South. An egalitarian society where no one is excluded is fundamental to the Party of the People, but relentless focus on bathrooms instead of trade, whether or not white men are mysogynists who cost Clinton the election instead of raising the minimum wage and not fighting for union rights is another electorial massacre in the making. Unfortuanately not all people are educated, sensitive and informed. Many are racsist, mysoginist and don't like Muslims for emotional reasons, i.e. gut response to the terror. But the Democrats still want their vote, this is what you are forgetting. The unions were filled with people who were not perfect but they still pulled the blue lever because their leaders said these are the guys who are on your side economically. Don't make this election about culture wars, to devisive. Simply state that all people should be treated equally. Native Americans need education and jobs, etc. All people support this. When Bill Mayer and his Hollywood friends have a great time putting down the rubes in the midwest it costs votes. Time to stop hating the white work class. Also on your program a guest revealed that falling down in class is a great stress. As a Dr. I can tell you stress does things to the brain. Cut some slack to the victims of NAFTA and Obama, the endless wars and the regressive taxes. How do think a guy feels when he comes home and looks around and sees his kids can't go to the good schools, he can't afford to stop for a beer with his buddies and his red brick home is now a double wide? He feels like crap and is angry. Anger is not rational.

  • Will Donald Trump Eventually Get Impeached?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    That is the plan to have Pence take over the Presidency within the first year. The Republicans hate Trump he is a big Weight around their neck I don't want him going anywhere. Maybe 3 months before his term ends we can get rid of him. Pence is a Koch Brothers Whore and this was planned in either April or March of 2015. It was told to me by someone who heard it in person. Pence is one of the most evil men in America. Don't impeach Trump. It is a Koch Brothers trap.

  • The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    Dear ErinRose : Thank You for your incredibly accurate comments on how people are taught not to Question their bettors. This is one of the tenants of our Ayn Rand Moussolini Fascist run society. I would make some adjustments but your comments are right on the money. i reccomend listening to Chris Hedges whenever you can on Rt network 4.30 pm pacific time. Tuesdays.

  • The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    ErinRose -- I am going with lazy. As Thom points out, "democracy is not a spectator sport". He should continue and say autocracy is a spectator sport. Autocracy seems to be a very seductive spectator support. One of the more obvious examples is Brian Williams blathering about the bombing of Assad's air base. Obama went through the excruciating process of democracy and could not get congress approval. On the liberal side the left loves the SCOTUS for its Roe vs Wade and Brown vs. Board of Education decisions. SCOTUS is not a democratic process.

    I think Thom needs to spend more time pointing out the shortcomings of autocracy, whenever he points out the desire for democracy. It seems the main appeal of autocracy is that we get some short time relief without having to think about the long term implications.

  • The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    The largest brothel on teh planet is the US Congress. Elected officals are "pimped out" by thier money backers.. we know that.. but gets lost in the opposing discourse is that prostitution a more honest profession.. at least in the pay for sex trade... the "cunsimer" gest a "happy ending" in politics, dealing with Republicans is like going to a wife swapping party and coming home alone. As life-long democraft.. now in my 70's... I despsie elected officials like Al Franken.. he is Jeff Sessions "Biothch" and thinks it's funny... I don't. Our Congress.. like the President.. needs a "high colonic." That will make "America (feel) great again"

  • The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    When Reagn sat on the "Throne" our oppostion was found on two popular DC area bumper stickers: "Give Hinckley Another Chance" and the other one "Don't trickle Down on Me"... Aas you point out now and then,,, John Calvin lives! (vis-a-vis his "Chosen" AKA Republicans. Recall that peace march song Give peace a chance? We the oppresed at EPA used to sing ".. all we are saying .. is give Give Hinckley a chance..." (We called Ann Gorsuch "Anne Nonesuch" as she over stated no pursuit of environmental ussues.. it was her version of "Don't ask and don't tell" borrowed from gay rights movement. In her espoused narrow views.. environmentalists were mostly gay liberals. Global warming was a "gender preference" issue.

  • Is It OK For a US President to Demand Personal Loyalty?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    well said

  • The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    1) The American public, for all of its rallies and marches, is still asleep at the switch. They really don't get what is going on (too complicated) and it hasn't hit deep enough... yet.

    2) The biggest transfer of wealth has also been the biggest heist the world has ever seen and they are setting us up for it to go again. Why not? It has worked so well for them thus far.

    3) There is a formula to this just like what they have been doing to innocent countries, like Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, etc., for quite some time: Take a country, bomb the heck out of it (9/11) to frighten the populace and legitimize a regime, create total chaos (be afraid, be very afraid,) because in chaos they can steal all they want; it is the quintessential dust storm that hides what they are doing and covers their tracks afterwards. And because they control the MSM, they get to blame anybody else (Russia, people of color, US citizens who do subversive things like form unions,) etc..

    All of this is just the 99th re-run of Wagon Train coming at us one more time. But people are so resolved to be comitose where all this is concerned. It's imperialism turned on America, but no one wants to come out of denial and deal with it. We are just going to get our teeth kicked down our throats again; one more time. It's like the nerd in the schoolyard who is too afraid to fight being had by the schoolyard bully once again. Being afraid is the excuse people give themselves so they don't have to do anything. MAYBE one of these times; cycles of abuse, people will find their backbone and finally eject the evil doers out of office and rip the face of decency off of the industrialists (Koch brothers, Waltons, Bushes,) and banksters (Rothschilds) who finance this insanity.

    I've been racking my brain to account for this, what? Lazy behavior? No, I think it is very well planned and implement cultural norms that plays a big part in all of this. What I'm talking about are social values; particularly held by the English (descendants) in this country, and obvious among Southerners. They have been line-bred not to say anything or do anything against "their betters". I've heard this from childhood. Anyone with roots in Great Britain is familiar with this. You pull the forelock and bow to the better judgment of those in higher stations unquestioningly. Remember "question authority" back in the 1960's, and the Flower Children? IMHO the CIA is the culprit that introduced drugs into that movement to kill off "peace and prosperity" and the questioning of authority and they did it with force back then, too, (Kent State and the New Paltz Student Union). The CIA did the same thing down in East L.A., by introducing drugs down there and derailing that citizen effort, also.

    English society still operates off of the notion that wealthy (landed) people are better than everyone else and that ordinary people, "commoners" must "do their duty" and be "obedient". The English who settled this country brought this zeitgeist with them and it's still operating in present days society. I live in the Deep South and I see it all around me all the time. The Republicans came into the South and took it over because the populace were already programmed with an agenda that lends itself to being subjugated. The flag waving and religous fervors are just the hooks that simple minds can latch onto; the flying buttresses to the walls between the classes and the servitude it represents.

    So, for me, this is what is causing America to stand still and take the raping. Somewhere in our fundamental psyche it is programmed in that the rich are better than the rest of us, that they have the right-of-rule no matter how awful that shakes out for the citizenry, and that we owe our duty, loyalty, and servitude to our betters, unquestioningly and under any and all circumstances. Aren't these the very same things Trump was demanding out of Comey before he fired him? Aren't these the very things the corporate community (modern nobility) are demanding out of us (Standing Rock)?

    And realize, education that teaches critical thinking has been judiciously excised from America in a pre-emptive strike against us that insures going into battle half witted. So, put together dumbed down, religious subjugation, a bigoted patriotism that requires a heavy hand and the loss of civil rights, fear and chaos (9/11), together with a monied uber class of corporate nobility, and you have one group (A) raping group (B), and group (B) programmed (by media, church, and culture) to think that this is the way things are supposed to be; so they take it without question.

    I see this in the South particularly. Any time I try to talk about going against the Established Order, they treat me like I am a pariah, they walk away and sever all ties. Pre-programming of the societal kind.

    People don't realize how Medieval this thinking is, why it was put in place, and who it best and only serves. Like I keep saying, have done all along: It won't be until people wake up, shake off their brain fog and get on with what must be done will anything be different. "Nothing changes if nothing changes," and people are too wilfully uninformed, misinformed (MSM), and afraid of change to elicit those things that would radically change what is, has, and will be going on here.

    All this being said, I see a glimmer of hope after seeing what happened in GB with the Labor Party recently. Maybe if England can wake up, America can, too. Here's hoping...


  • The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    Quick, someone write a book, only this time leave the date off the title so it will remain somewhat relevant when following historical patterns and the inevitable happens, you can spout "see, I told you so".

  • Why Won't the Media Push Back Against Liar Think Tanks and Experts?   7 years 36 weeks ago
  • The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    No, much has changed in recent decades. We appear to now be at the point where the rich do to the middle class what the middle class already did to the poor. The US itself has slowly been transitioning into just another third world labor state that discards those who aren't of current use. Our more just just didn't notice yet.

  • The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    Americans do have a sense of the dramatic. What the middle class fears, is what the poor have already adjusted to. Most survive. You find new ways to do that. It's humbling, sometimes brutal, and you adjust. You gain a dramatically new perspective of America, and of your place within this beast.

  • The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    I think the bottom line is that it's out of our hands. We can sign truckloads of petitions, but we might just as well sign our names in the fog on our bathroom mirrors. I guess we could wage a revolution, as long as we make sure to punch back in at work on time. That we have single party government now is a fact. After all these years, the "masses" are too deeply divided and subdivided to do a whole lot about it.

  • The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    This time around the banksters are in for a big surprise. The Teabaggers will block any government intervention, and to make matters worse, interest rates are already to low to have any stimulative potential. The Teapublicans will be clueless. It will be a Hoover shhht show all over again.

    A giant foreign policy mistake will trigger the crash long before Trump's deregulation has a chance to screw things up. The entire world is on edge right now....couldn't be a worse time for a numbnut to be commander -in- chief of the largest military in world history. I'm sensing massive death along with massive's the Trump way, go for broke and go broke.

  • How Much Danger Is Net Neutrality In Now?   7 years 36 weeks ago

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  • The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    Everybody seems to miss the larger picture: A crash is what the people at the very top actually want.

    Why? Volatility creates profits for the Wall Street 'casino' investors, and it always comes out of the pockets of those who in relative terms don't own a controlling stake in anything.

    The market goes up, they profit.

    The market goes down, they profit. (Or get bailed out if they screwed that up.)

    Either way, because they hold all of the cards and influence the people who make the laws and approve the bailouts, the very wealthiest still win. And the more of it that comes from you and I, the better it is for them.

  • The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    the owners of the republican party expect only two things, one is tax cuts for the rich, and the other is corporate welfare. the republican goal is increasing wealth inequality to make america great once again, in the feudal sense of the word.

  • The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    Thom asks the rhetorical question: "Do Republicans just not read their history or they so fanatically committed to helping out their oligarch backers that they just don't care that every attempt at deregulation in modern history has been followed by a crash?"

    The answer is: They don't know, and they don't care AND they don't care that they don't know.

    Here's another quote: "Stupid is as stupid does."

  • The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    I think I finally figured something out:

    Trump and Putin....Pinky and the Brain.

  • Will Donald Trump Eventually Get Impeached?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    The flight of liberals from the GOP basically ended democracy in this country. The end result is that, instead of fearful authoritarians being present (and their voices diluted) in both parties, we now have an authoritarian party, a neoliberal party, and fragmented groups of liberals, "libertarians", and true conservatives. Today's Repub voter is not conservative, he is frightened and he has a huge ego investment in the myth of American "rugged individualism". Authoritarianism makes him feel safe. So, not only will Trump not be impeached-his crimes will be called "minor"- he will be re-elected. Why? The Texas Tribune ran a great article about the Texas vote. Texas is a state where the Latino vote already equals the white vote. Only 40% of eligible Latinos voted in 2016. In contrast, 800K MORE whites voted, compared to 2012. Our democracy is lost as long as millions of liberals do not vote. We bemoan the 8 million who were disenfranchised. What about the millions more who could care less? Unlike many here, I remember Nixon, Watergate, and the stories about coverups. I can tell you exactly where I was when I heard Nixon resigned. Political pundits were convinced the GOP was finished. Less than 6 years later, Reagan was sworn in. America is not a different country than it was then. Repub voters can be amazingly progressive when you talk to them. It's just that they refuse to take responsibility for the consequences of their vote.

  • The GOP Just Laid the Foundation for the Next Financial Crisis?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    Thom, why have you stopped including links to share these posts? The Facebook link at the top of the page is to your page, not for sharing & not to the specific posts.

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