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  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    You got all the rhetoric right, but the Russian Tale doesn't hold water. The leading claim is that Russia somehow hacked into voting machines to ensure that Trump got the most votes. Well, that didn't happen. Google the 2016 election results. Clinton got the most votes, and Russia had nothing to do with it. Trump got the Electoral College votes, and Russia had nothing to do with that, either.

    The fact is, both candidates were strongly opposed by much of their own voting bases -- a point that truly does need further public examination. In the end, roughly half of all voters rejected both, and voted third party or withheld their votes. And again, Clinton won the most votes.

    Natasha and Boris went back home, and it's time to finish this episode of Rocky and Bullwinkle.

  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    We spent most of the Bush administration right on the brink of, preparing for, on the very verge of... At this point, I would urge people to first read what constitutes an impeachable offense. Then weigh the odds of this Congress moving forward with the impeachment process.

  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    Salacious scandals are never short-lived in the D.C. circus town. Trump is a great recruitment poster for getting out the Democratic vote and should be juiced for all he's worth. Whether or not he's actually impeached isn't the point; people won't soon forget the corrupt party that gave us a corrupt leader who clearly should be impeached.

    No worry, if he actually does get impeached by some miracle change of heart by Republican leadership (Yeah right!); Pense, the religious-whackjob hypocrite, should be just as vulnerable as Trumpinski, the unwitting Russian stooge, as far as being a worthless liar and bigot with a long and sordid history. There's a good reason Pense was largely an ineffectual Teapublican Representative (none of his bills passed) and a good reason he was one of the most hated governors in Indiana's history. He is just not the big-bad, right-wing superman/bogeyman that he is sometimes portrayed as.

    And, if the press and the Democrats would do their efing jobs, he should be dragged through the mud of the Russian scandal and its accompanying obstruction-of-justice crimes as much as Trump. Remember, Mike Dunce was heading the campaign's transition team and had to know that Flynn was an unregistered, paid foreign agent of Turkey and closely allied with Russian interests (since they were told about it ahead of time), yet hired him anyway, green-lighted his security clearance, and then lied "big-league" about what he knew and when he knew it.

    Democrats don't have the power to pass an Articles of Impeachment bill anyway. However, they certainly have the power to keep offering the bill to publicly shame Republican fascists, who more than deserve it -- much like what McConnell and Ryan had in store for a Clinton presidency, and much like how they repeatedly offered anti-abortion and repeal-Obamacare legislation during the Obama years, even though they knew these symbolic bills had zero chance facing a veto pen. It was all about the optics.

    If Democrats can learn from Republicans how to play the game as a minority party, perhaps enough oxygen can be sucked out of the news cycle and legislative process that much of the Republican's destructive agenda can be bogged down. That would be a boon for the nation's working people and families, which would seem to be the main point with elections less than 18 months away.

    Liberals and progressives of all stripes need to hold Republicans accountable for their spectacular failures, while at the same time reframe their own positive agenda, with Medicare-for-all front and center. The contrast between the nation's two biggest parties needs to be a bright-yellow fluorescent line, instead of a fuzzy-gray, corporate paint job that bleeds onto both sides of aisle.

  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    I don't there's enough there yet, but the more he tweets or opens his mouth the worse things will get for him. I think the deeper they dig the real truth will come out and he will be gone.

  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    Let's be honest, shall we? The Cheeto-in-Chief could commit murder in the middle of a press briefing, with the cameras rolling, and the Republicans -would- =still= find an excuse =not= to do a damn thing!! They don't give a tinker's damn -what- he does or has done, as long as he allows them to continue pulling the crap they've done to =further= destroy our country! They =literally= don't care a wit about this country or its people .. AND .. they're no longer even -pretending- to be subtle about it! Sheesh.

  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    BTW: I hear that Putin is hiding Trump's name on all of his investments in Russia. He's using a temp anonymous ID on all financial connections. That from Eastern Europe.

  • Will Donald Trump Eventually Get Impeached?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    Impeachment is a political act. Congress won't impeach 45; he is a useful distraction. While the media and public are obsessed monitoring 45, the Repubicon Congress is doing what suits IT--rather than what helps ordinary people. Republicons seem uninterested in preserving our democracy and sharing governance with Democrats. Republicons want to do what suits them without transparency and oversight. To hell with the future; they just don't concern themselves with the long term impact of their actions and policies.

  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    How do we know Comey isn't now trying to install Pence?

  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    What if Crooked Donnys own party decides to impeach him to install Pence? Should the Dems block the impeachment? They could. I say, let the rightie bastards suffer with their Comey/Putin installed numbnut until after the 2018 election.

  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    YEA! Impeach!

    Trump the Don committed a high crime by firing the FBI Director to impede a serious investigation into an underlying crime that is orders of magnitude more consequential to this nation, and to the rest of the so-called free world, than the investigation into a third-rate burglary, which Nixon ("I'm not a crook.") tried to obstruct, ultimately forcing that low-life scum to resign or face certain impeachment.

    Never one for subtlety, the latest Republican scoundrel, an immature child playing a fake president, had the audacity to deliberately lie directly into the incredulous faces of the American people when caught red-handed with his hand in the cookie jar, even while stupidly contradicting himself by admitting it on several occasions, including during an exclusive meeting with top Russian officials/spies immediately after firing Comey. What else does Congress need? This wannabe mob boss has established a consistent pattern of guilty behavior with an extensive public record of his inner thinking process, intention, and motive.

    By every definition, the actions of Boy King Joffrey have resulted in a clear obstruction of justice case, which would land any mere mortal in Federal prison for a long time. According to the Constitution, to which members swear an oath to "support and defend," Congress has a mandated, separation-of-powers duty to begin the impeachment process.

    Everyone knows without a doubt they would do no less if it was Hillary! Right? Shortly before Christmas in 1998, Republicans gleefully initiated impeachment proceedings against her tacky husband for a much lesser charge -- lying under oath about sex, for chrissake! The only conceivable reason these unprincipled hypocrites wouldn't do so now is that they're putting the crass interests of their billionaire-funded party above the good of the People's nation.

    Since polling averages show a large majority of the electorate -- including some honest Republicans -- believe that Trump fired Comey to protect his own fat ass. Democrats would be damn fools not to call for impeachment and to keep it on the front burner for as long as possible. Not only is it the right thing to do for the health of our weakened democracy, by serving as a warning to future presidents with authoritarian tendencies, it is a winning issue as well for 2018 and 2020. John Nichols was absolutely correct when he stated that impeachment is not a constitutional crisis; it is the cure for a constitutional crisis already underway.

    Similarly, Democrats would be even bigger fools not to clamor for Medicare for all, for rejoining the world's coordinated efforts to reduce carbon emissions, and for reducing our oversized military footprint, which is squandering so much blood and treasure, and which is only serving as the main recruitment advertisement for terrorists and as a rapacious get-rich-quick scheme for Wall Street billionaires. Now is the time! These are very popular and critical issues, and Republicans are floundering badly on all of them. The Democratic Party needs to stiffen its spine and learn how to fist fight without gloves, to take the offense instead of always playing defense, to play hardball -- like Republicans surly would if the table was reversed!

    Of course, even after John F. Kennedy showed them the way, when have week-kneed Democrats ever been accused of being too tough on their opponents, or of displaying too much courage and resolve? Their constituents bumper-sticker message should be clean and simple: Stand up and fight or keep on losing!

  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    I don't see obstruction of justice. I think the fact that Comey didn't stop Trump from asking means he was interested in what Trump had to say. Not forced to listen.

    I think what will be Trumps downfall will be when he is asked to testify under oath and produce tapes. He can't do either so he'll resign, ala Nixon style. Then he'll tell everyone he resigned to help the country.

  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    Well here is the legal definition of obstruction of justice from the federal code:

    Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, endeavors to influence, intimidate, or impede any grand or petit juror, or officer in or of any court of the United States, or officer who may be serving at any examination or other proceeding before any United States magistrate judge or other committing magistrate, in the discharge of his duty, or injures any such grand or petit juror in his person or property on account of any verdict or indictment assented to by him, or on account of his being or having been such juror, or injures any such officer, magistrate judge, or other committing magistrate in his person or property on account of the performance of his official duties, or corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b).

    It seems to me that Trump "endeavored to influence" by use of "threatening communication."

  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago









    RESPECTFULLY, mike d. marlowe

  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    There is no there there. Time to let Trump stumble forward and make a fool of himself rather than the Democrats make complete idiots of themselves frothing over this false narrative of Russian collusion.

    I do not support forced regime change in foreign countries and certainly don't tolerate it here. I don't want Pence as president for the same reasons I didn't want Clinton. We need to change direction and Clinton and Pence are two opposite sides of the old status quo. I want the change that Obama promised and never delivered.

  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    Of course, it was obstruction of justice. When Comey did not come to heel and dispense with the Russian investigation that includes Trump's son in law (and by extension his daughter) and his cronies and the Don himself, Trump fired him for insubordination of something Trump illegally wanted. Real simple, doesn't take a Sherlock to understand that. Any person with an ounce of honesty knows Trump is a liar. Gimme a break. Trump is a chronic habitual liar, everything from Obama not being American to thousands of Muslims cheering the fall of the Twin Towers, to Obama tapping his line to Mexico paying for the wall. A consummate liar that will now attempt to lie out of this and Ryan and McConnel plus most of the Republican party will all be lying their asses off.

  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    I do, but I'm not a lawyer. As Comey said, it's Mueller's call.

    What do you think, Thom?

  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    We need to impeach tRump first, before we charge him with anything.

  • Is Trump's "Obstruction of Justice" Enough For Impeachment?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    Hell, yes! Thanks, Thom!

  • Is It OK For a US President to Demand Personal Loyalty?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    We are SUPPOSED to be a democratic republic. In reality, America is a violent empire that is raping the world for its dwindling resources, an evil oligarchy controlled by the greediest and most immoral klan of white men ever to breathe our air since the dark days of slavery. Trump, McConnell, Ryan, their congress of constitutional traitors, and the false-religious corporatists on the Supreme Court are nothing but wooden puppets on strings.

    The world is burning, and our new slave masters are responsible. Rather than being a beacon of hope for the downtrodden, we have become the United States of Billionaires and the tip of a bloody sword, exporting weaponry and hate to everyone everywhere.

  • Is It OK For a US President to Demand Personal Loyalty?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    Of course it's wrong for Trump to demand loyalty. Our elected officials and Trump himself swore an oath to uphold the constitution not any specific individual. We are a democratric republic not an autocracy.

  • Is It OK For a US President to Demand Personal Loyalty?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    While the leftie/socialists are whining over the anonymous, unnamed sources leaking non stories to the fake news media, behind the curtain where real shit goes down,

    the first one is especially for legend.

    Trump to Announce Slate of Conservative Federal Court Nominees

    House Passes Bill Aimed At Reversing Dodd-Frank Financial Regulations

    McConnell Backs Obamacare’s Pre-Existing Illness Protection, Source Says

    Oh well, back to the "Russians"

  • Is It OK For a US President to Demand Personal Loyalty?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    While this is distracting us the Senate is ready to take healthcare away from 24 million.

  • Is It OK For a US President to Demand Personal Loyalty?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    What Democratic Republic? We haven't had that since they assassinated Jack Kennedy.

  • Is It OK For a US President to Demand Personal Loyalty?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    Outback. Lady Godiva. Maybe that would help boost her taxpayer-funded commercial brand with the Chinese. (8P)

  • Is It OK For a US President to Demand Personal Loyalty?   7 years 37 weeks ago

    This sick feeling in my stomach won't go away until this freak is impeached.

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