Hi, It nice to inform you all that I have done Chemo and Radiation 2 times
for my Breasts.
My battle with Breast cancer started 5 years ago, after so many Chemo,
Radiation and other natural therapy treatment that i took just to cure my
Breast cancer, it all didn’t work for my condition.
I have been treating this disease for the past 5 years, but today i am here
telling the world about my final victory over Breast cancer with the help
of Rick Simpson Hemp Oil or cannabis Oil that I bought from Mr Rick Simpson
Email Address:ricksimpsoncannabishempoil16@gmail
This is a breakthrough in my family with so much Joy in our life today, i
do really appreciate all the help and contribution from every member of my
family for all they did for me and much love to my caring and loving
husband. My love, you gave me the strengthen.
Let Stop Breast Cancer, Go for your test and save your life, but if you
have any cancerous diseases, there is no need to waster money on Chemo or
Radiation, go get your Rick Simpson medication from Mr Rick Simpson Email
Address,ricksimpsoncannabishempoil16@gmail.com this is a medication that should be legalize worldwide, for those
who wish to purchase the medication, just contact Mr Rick Simpson Email ricksimpsoncannabishempoil16@Gmail.com
Address for purchase of medication.
what a wonderful living with Cannabis Oil
As the oceans rise Mar-A-Lago will be one of the first to go. A good hurricane at high tide will take it down. It will start with beach erosion. Key Largo all ready has streets flooded at high tide.
C'mon now, you can do better than kindergarten taunts. Add some color. Perhaps a touch o' Irish will help sharpen your tongue a wee bit, cailleach: "You're as thick as manure but only half as useful."
DianeyWorld: "When 'scientists' are shoveled mountains of money to provide 'research' to those leftie/socialists that have a vested interest...blah,blah,blah ...poop."
That you put scientists and research in quotes followed by poop says everything, óinseach.
Doo Doo Di seems to have some kind of kinky fetish with the bodily functions of animals and with upside down and backwards positions-- no, no, don't explain ...way too much information! Don't really wanna know what's going on in do ol' noodle!
In keeping with your favorite metaphor, methinks something was "shoveled" alright, but it certainly wasn't green:
Congratulations dianereynolds, You've uncovered the great leftist/socialist plot to promote the "climate change" hoax.
I was a climatologist working long hours every day, pouring over endless charts, crunching infinite mathematical formulas, struggling just to maintain a middle class standard of living, when one day, this leftist/socialist guy came up to me and said, " how would you like to never have to do all this hard work ever again?" How would you like to live in the lap of luxury for the rest of you life?" Sounds to good to be true I thought. What do I have to do?
He replied, " all the poor leftist/socialists around the country have secretly pooled together all the money they get from welfare, social security, pensions and savings, to payoff all of the thousands of climate scientists to say that man is causing climate change."
Personally, I thought common sense would have the fitly rich .01% that have 90% of the wealth, pay off a few scientists just to say the opposite. And for the life of me, I can't figure out what's in for these leftists/socialists to promote climate change. But what do I care now that I'm living in the lap of luxury in my upscale gated community, playing golf everyday with all my climatologists buddies. "What's that honey?" "You're tired of the Lexus and want a Mercedes." "Don't worry, I call up the leftist/socialist guy and tell him we need more money."
Hard to imagine that these leftist/socialists can get together enough money to satisfy our newly riche climatologists demands, even here in the US. Imagine what it must be like for those leftist/socialists in poor third world countries to pay off all those scientists there.
But again, what do I care? I'm thinking that I might need my own private plane. "Honey, get the leftist/socialists guy on the phone again." These lefty/socialists will just have to dig deeper into their life savings if they want to keep this hoax going.
The Koch brothers, Rex Tillerson and the other energy billionaires got what they want out of this. No limits to their pollution. Keystone tar sands polluting what is all ready called chemical alley. But Billions more in their pockets at the expense and health of the 99%. When you talk about "vested interest" who do you think really has a "vested interest"?
The Treaty of Paris ended WW1. It is the Paris Agreement or Paris Accord. In the French language Accord is Agreement. If you spent a little time researching and less time watching Fox News and right wing websites you would learn something. If that is possible. If your right wing website are calling it the Paris Treaty they are wrong.
When "scientists" are shoveled mountains of money to provide "research" to those leftie/socialists that have a vested interest in the outcome and typing multiple paragraphs of pony poop deflection won't change the fact that the Paris treaty, oops! I mean accord is a scam.
Why is it an accord in the US but a treaty everywhere else? I never get a straight answer on that question.
deepspace, As always, another absolutely brilliant post.
The fact that Donzilla and his bloviating hordes, finds a non-binding agreement with voluntary standards, supported by 195 countries throughout the world such as the Paris Accords, so threatening to their very existence on the planet speaks volumes about the extremes of their paranoia. That even this largely symbolic, small baby step towards bringing the world together to confront its most critical problem is way beyond even their most minimal level of tolerance and must be squashed…tells us all we need to know about who they are. Greed and bigotry and paranoia are the only feelings they truly possess. They are completely void of empathy. In fact they regard empathy as profanity and those that have empathy must be mercilessly thinned from the herd.
For Donzilla of course, the fact that a Black Democratic president helped lead to a historic coming together of nearly all the countries on the planet for such a profoundly symbolic agreement was nothing short of blasphemy. It could not be allowed to stand! To Donzilla and his xenophobic supporters this was an action of the antichrist in league with all of the satanic evil-doers of the world plotting against them.
They literally seem to spiritually nourish themselves on and draw such heavenly ecstasy from undoing any and all of his achievements. To them the consequences of such undoing are mere insignificant formalities that they cannot be bothered with. This is their religious crusade... get back at the black guy that dissed their thin-skinned, vengeful Dear Leader.
Diane's summation: "America and the 'rich' nations would inflict 'carbon taxes' on their citizens and give the money, ultimately, to 'poor' nations -- a classic demonstration in transfer-of-wealth economics... one of the primary engines of Leftie/Socialism."
Typical, her synopsis is upside down, backwards, inside out, fragmented, inconclusive, and exclusive -- hell, some "leftie/socialist" must have planted a cherry bomb in her stack of research papers! Here's a quick video of an actual "classic demonstration in transfer-of-wealth economics ...one of the primary engines of " ...poorly-regulated, runaway, crony capitalism (It's dated 2013; today in 2017, wealth distribution is even more skewed to the top one percent.):
"When you mash all the air bubbles out of" their heads and carefully pick out the sparse dollops of mushy protein from their carbohydrate-heavy word salads, the naive and gullible "useful idiots," who gorge on right-wing, billionaire-sponsored propaganda as their spoon-fed daily diet, invariably reduce all the momentous issues of our times and all the world's vast complexities into three basic, oversimplified categories that, in a black and white world, are easily digestible and just enough to provide minimal nourishment for the energy requirements of their surviving neurotransmissions:
A. The Great War between capitalism and socialism.
B. The Great War between religions. (In Meerkkka, that would be radical extremist Christianists against all of Islam.)
C. "Leftie-DumbocRAT-libtard-losers -- they're all a bunch a wicked, evil, heathen assholes ...because every single one of 'em are filthy, sissy, socialist bastards who wanna take mah money and guns, love Muslim sand monkeys, and hate JEEEsus and the USA, USA, USA! Yes indeedy, Ah even hate them worthless sonsabitches worse 'n all them fockin' n----rs, sp-cs, ch-nks, and f-gs, who 'r votin' ileegul!"
Never mind that these contrived, zero-sum, ideological battle royals coincidentally happen to reward very handsomely their already obscenely wealthy promoters. Never mind all those other pesky side issues too hard to process in a Foxmerized brain stuffed with "alternative facts." Never mind the real topics actually threatening the world.
Another strange coincidence is that the only two solutions to every single problem always seems to be: CUT TAXES ...on the wealthy and GUT REGULATIONS ...on their cash cows, the transnational mega monopolies, duopolies, triopolies, oligopolies, or whatever. Easy-peasy, such a simple world, the sun comes up, birds sing, poor people are moochers -- don't complicate it, gawdammit!
Here's a partial list of the billionaire purveyors of propaganda responsible for nearly all of the misinformation, half-truths, and big lies inflating the right-wing bubble of true-blue believers, who worship the God of Money, and of bubble-brain airheads, who deny the critical importance of anthropogenic climate disruption:
Koch bros, Wilks bros, Bradley Foundation, Mercer, Luckey, Anschutz, Coors, DeVos, Dunn, Howard, Pope, Scaife, Searle, and Seid, et al. (These are the worst financiers of Big Lies; there are many more lesser demons also worming into the foundation of the First Amendment.)
Here's the 8 men with as much wealth as the 3.6 billion dirt-poor people, or half the planet's entire population (Liberal and conservative finer distinctions are evidently meaningless when it comes to raping the world's economies.):
Bill Gates ($75 billion); Amancio Ortega ($67 billion); Warren Buffett ($60.8 billion); Carlos Slim Helu; ($50 billion); Jeff Bezos ($45.2 billion); Mark Zuckerberg; ($44.6 billion); Larry Ellison ($43.6 billion); Michael Bloomberg; ($40 billion).
Lest our eyes glaze over with big numbers and we lose perspective, just one billion is a thousand million, and a mere one million is a thousand thousand. Raise your hand if you have a pittance in your retirement account yet, beyond social security or a company pension, say a couple hundred grand or so. Do you have your house paid off, your car, college, your kids' colleges? Can you afford weekend golf junkets to Mar-a-Lago yet ...if ever? Oh well, watered-down tap beer is still cheap ...kinda. LOOOSER!
And remember, we live in the richest country on Earth. As Ted Kennedy, the "Lion of the Senate," once roared from the Floor, "When does the greed stop?!" Answer: it doesn't.
Summation: Wealth has already been radically redistributed ...upwards! The richest nations are by far the worst polluters (China #1; USA #2). The poorest nations are by far the victims suffering the most from both wealth disparity and pollution. (By the way, utility rates would not "skyrocket" -- if cooperatives and private companies convert to green energy sources. In fact, utility rates would go down, if clean energy could compete fairly with dirty energy, which is heavily subsidized by taxes, fees, and predatory pricing sucked out of low-paid workers, who would have a helluva lot more good-paying jobs in an economy based on renewable energies rather than last century's fossil-fuel conglomerates, who are grabbing us all by the short hairs.)
Short of thermonuclear annihilation (which is still a huge threat -- even more so with Generalissimo Trumpnino's little bitty finger wagging over the big red, pulsating button!), the looming climate nightmare is humanity's most urgent crisis. Even our top military planners, as well as Russia's and China's, who game out future threat scenarios, consider the deleterious effects of our rapidly changing climate one of the most crucial factors to consider, calling global warming an "accelerant of instability" (e.g. Syria), "threat multiplier," the "mother of all risks."
Note: All the so-called climate talks are only the first baby steps in approaching a daunting problem of such magnitude that it staggers the imagination. Finding pragmatic solutions that are feasible for everyone affected is no small task; it won't happen quickly. But we have to start somewhere, don't we? The Paris Accord, the I.P.C.C., the U.N., and all the various committees, panels, symposiums, working groups, etc., who are negotiating one of the most complex problems ever to face civilization, are populated by not only scientists but also by politicians, economists, human rights groups, business interests, and many other deeply concerned representatives of various interests of every flavor from all over the world. Anyone who thinks the United States can go it alone is a damn fool!
Of course it's complicated! Why wouldn't it be? Of course one can always cherry pick various credentialed members who may editorialize their own personal perspectives, which at first glance would seem to lend a veneer of credibility to preconceived partisan notions, such as Diane's.
The IPCC and NASA are good jumping off points for serious research; however, even to begin to comprehend the truly immense totality of the problem of anthropogenic climate disruption and how thoroughly intertwined it is with just about every other major issue, one must also range far outside the twin bubbles of partisan politics. It is helpful to read what actual climate scientists have to say, especially since their work -- from whence all data is derived -- is, or should be, the most integral part of the negotiation parameters of the climate talks.
One particular compilation that promises to focus in on the bigger picture and bring together the various elements, is a book just published by the widely respected science writer, Julian Cribb: "Surviving the 21st Century: Humanity's Ten Great Challenges and How We Can Overcome Them."
BTW: Putin is using the Teapublican party as a weapon to destroy our country from within. Word is out that he has many enemys close to him and they want to end his Fascism and establish a true democracy. They want to do this one way or another soon.
Former President Kerry did a fine job speaking out on behalf of climate justice this AM on Meet the Press. It's unfortunate however that NBC is giving Putin propaganda time tonight at 7PM EST. He's being interviewed by a Foxaganda person.
It looks like NBC is trying to cash in on the misinformation business.....as if citizens need to be more confused.
Hey, wait a minute Kilosgrd. Turns out that exhaust from your car can actually be fatal. So when you say, "Please by all means, retire to your garage, start your Hummer and close all the doors. You'll be doing us a huge favor" you were actually trying to get me to kill myself…and your telling me that I'm supposed to regard you as a paragon of truth. Frankly, I'm beginning to have my doubts!
But I was lying a bit too! I don't really have a Hummer, nor a garage either. But at least now, I know how you feel.
I guess conservatives think that those they perceive to disagree with should kill themselves. If not, conversatives will find more painfully sadistic ways to dispatch with them.
Darn it Comrade Kilosgrd, I'm sorry to report that my nice long nap did not go so well. After reading your posts yesterday I ran out an bought that big red Hummer that I've always been dreaming about. So, I pulled it into the garage, closed all the doors, turned off all the lights and settled into what I though would be a wonderful nap.
And sure enough, I was sawing logs in dreamland when the next thing I knew, I was laying out on the driveway with the fire department holding me down and covering my face with an oxygen mask. Turns out some nosey, interfering neighbor heard my Hummer, humming away, in the garage, opened all the doors and called the 911.
They told me that in another minute or two, I would have been dead. I just laughed in their face. I said, talk to my good buddy Comrade Kilosgrd. He and his friends on the right have informed me that burning fossil fuels is virtually harmless and infact, the more you burn, the better.
At that point, they just shook their heads, packed up their stuff and left. I do have to admit though, being woken up so suddenly from such a deep sleep gave me a terrible headache.
Another case of the "nanny state" run amok.
I'm sorry that my posts are not as funny as yours. Believe me, we all get a good laugh out of your razor sharp wit.
Legend yes you are right 195 out of 197 did sign up for this but everyone one of those 195 know they have to to get re elected and this sells well, it doesn't matter if it's good or not. Trump could care less. He is doing what he sincerely believes that this is in the best interest of America. Good for him for putting country first. In Trump's own words "I am running for President of the United States not the President of the world". America buys half of the worlds products, the world needs America, America doesn't need he world. As a Canadian lie many other countries this scares the hell out of us. Americans are not going to pick up the tab for anything any more. Agree with him or not at least he is putting Tax paying Americans first.
Stopgap, your attempts at sarcasm all fall way off the intended mark. You know, the secret to good humor must have an element of the truth within. None of which was in your reply. Your rebuttal was nothing short of stupid. Please by all means, retire to your garage, start your Hummer and close all the doors. You'll be doing us a huge favor.
Sometimes we talk past each other. Never have I stated that I am against clean energy or a clean environment. I am glad to see someone on the left acknowledge that fossil fuels will not be eliminated.
I read a lot of left wing material. There is a significant percentage of progressives (liberals) who say we must cease all uses of fossil fuels. The "leave it in the ground" bunch. You know, the Bill McCibben types. "Alice in Wonderland" was one of those types.
There is no disagreement between all of us wanting a clean world. I believe the USA has led in this effort. Exiting the Paris Agreement in no way changes that. We will continue to work towards that goal even without a "Paris Agreement" because that's what we do. American ingenuity has always been that way. We will get there but let us do it on our own terms. Peace.
Gee Kilosgrd, I don't know why you're jumping on my case. Didn't you see where I thanked you for setting me straight. In fact, you've emboldened me so much, I now feel free to drive on any side of the road that I want to. Never mind stopping at all those annoying stop signs. Never again!
Incidentally, I've been negotiating with your neighbor to open either a radioactive dumping site or an outdoor rock & roll venue. We didn't bother with the permit process because it's his property and he can do whatever he wants. Glad you are OK with it.
I'm sorry to say that I won't be firing my Mexican gardner though, even though he might have came here illegally. Living in the desert southwest, it's virtually impossible to find anyone else to get out there and do that work. Especially when the temperature gets above 110 degrees.
Kilosgrd old buddy, if all those government weather forecasts are so bad, why do you bother checking them anyway. Just hop in the plane and take off and fly wherever you like. By the way, use whatever runway you want and no need to put in a flight plan either. That kinda stuff just humors the government anyway!
I've already notified all my friends throughout the U.S. that my good friend Kilosgrd says ignore the weather forecasts. I told my friends in Florida to ignore hurricane warnings. Don't bother evacuating…go about your business as usual. I called my friends in the midwest and told that I have it from a reliable source to ignore tornado warnings…go ahead with your picnic.
Since you've straightened me out that there is no danger from burning fossil fuels, I plan to take a nice nap this afternoon. I'll pull the o'l Hummer into the garage, close all the doors so it will be nice and dark and keep the engine running. The purring of the engine is like a nice sedative. I should be able to take the most relaxing nap ever. If I don't respond to your next post, it's probably because I'm still enjoying my nice long nap. Thanks again.
"Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection, says the German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated". – Ottmar Edenhofer (Ottmar Edenhofer is the co-chair of the IPCC Working Group III.)
"At a news conference last week (3/2016) in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism. "This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution," she said. Referring to a new international treaty environmentalists hope will be adopted at the Paris climate change conference later this year, she added: "This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history."
When you mash all the air bubbles out of this "Paris Accord" BS, it boils down to this: the internationalist 'community' wants to tax the living hell out of the world's "rich" countries to subsidize air purification initiatives of various sorts in "poor" countries. And actually cutting toxic emissions? Nobody would be required to do anything except on a volunteer basis. Utility rates especially would skyrocket in the United States, which today has next to no air pollution problems except occasionally in places like Los Angeles and Phoenix.
America and the "rich" nations would inflict "carbon taxes" on their citizens and give the money, ultimately, to "poor" nations -- a classic demonstration in transfer-of-wealth economics... one of the primary engines of Leftie/Socialism.
Sorry Al Gore, you should have stopped getting rich from your royalties for inventing the internet.
Hi, It nice to inform you all that I have done Chemo and Radiation 2 times
for my Breasts.
My battle with Breast cancer started 5 years ago, after so many Chemo,
Radiation and other natural therapy treatment that i took just to cure my
Breast cancer, it all didn’t work for my condition.
I have been treating this disease for the past 5 years, but today i am here
telling the world about my final victory over Breast cancer with the help
of Rick Simpson Hemp Oil or cannabis Oil that I bought from Mr Rick Simpson
Email Address:ricksimpsoncannabishempoil16@gmail
This is a breakthrough in my family with so much Joy in our life today, i
do really appreciate all the help and contribution from every member of my
family for all they did for me and much love to my caring and loving
husband. My love, you gave me the strengthen.
Let Stop Breast Cancer, Go for your test and save your life, but if you
have any cancerous diseases, there is no need to waster money on Chemo or
Radiation, go get your Rick Simpson medication from Mr Rick Simpson Email
Address,ricksimpsoncannabishempoil16@gmail.com this is a medication that should be legalize worldwide, for those
who wish to purchase the medication, just contact Mr Rick Simpson Email ricksimpsoncannabishempoil16@Gmail.com
Address for purchase of medication.
what a wonderful living with Cannabis Oil
As the oceans rise Mar-A-Lago will be one of the first to go. A good hurricane at high tide will take it down. It will start with beach erosion. Key Largo all ready has streets flooded at high tide.
Pony poop? Ouch! I'm so insulted.
C'mon now, you can do better than kindergarten taunts. Add some color. Perhaps a touch o' Irish will help sharpen your tongue a wee bit, cailleach: "You're as thick as manure but only half as useful."
DianeyWorld: "When 'scientists' are shoveled mountains of money to provide 'research' to those leftie/socialists that have a vested interest...blah,blah,blah ...poop."
That you put scientists and research in quotes followed by poop says everything, óinseach.
Doo Doo Di seems to have some kind of kinky fetish with the bodily functions of animals and with upside down and backwards positions-- no, no, don't explain ...way too much information! Don't really wanna know what's going on in do ol' noodle!
In keeping with your favorite metaphor, methinks something was "shoveled" alright, but it certainly wasn't green:
"You're as mad as a box of frogs and as sharp as a beach ball."
Pigeons don't make great climatologists but like ponys, they do poop a lot of nonsense.
Congratulations dianereynolds, You've uncovered the great leftist/socialist plot to promote the "climate change" hoax.
I was a climatologist working long hours every day, pouring over endless charts, crunching infinite mathematical formulas, struggling just to maintain a middle class standard of living, when one day, this leftist/socialist guy came up to me and said, " how would you like to never have to do all this hard work ever again?" How would you like to live in the lap of luxury for the rest of you life?" Sounds to good to be true I thought. What do I have to do?
He replied, " all the poor leftist/socialists around the country have secretly pooled together all the money they get from welfare, social security, pensions and savings, to payoff all of the thousands of climate scientists to say that man is causing climate change."
Personally, I thought common sense would have the fitly rich .01% that have 90% of the wealth, pay off a few scientists just to say the opposite. And for the life of me, I can't figure out what's in for these leftists/socialists to promote climate change. But what do I care now that I'm living in the lap of luxury in my upscale gated community, playing golf everyday with all my climatologists buddies. "What's that honey?" "You're tired of the Lexus and want a Mercedes." "Don't worry, I call up the leftist/socialist guy and tell him we need more money."
Hard to imagine that these leftist/socialists can get together enough money to satisfy our newly riche climatologists demands, even here in the US. Imagine what it must be like for those leftist/socialists in poor third world countries to pay off all those scientists there.
But again, what do I care? I'm thinking that I might need my own private plane. "Honey, get the leftist/socialists guy on the phone again." These lefty/socialists will just have to dig deeper into their life savings if they want to keep this hoax going.
The Koch brothers, Rex Tillerson and the other energy billionaires got what they want out of this. No limits to their pollution. Keystone tar sands polluting what is all ready called chemical alley. But Billions more in their pockets at the expense and health of the 99%. When you talk about "vested interest" who do you think really has a "vested interest"?
The Treaty of Paris ended WW1. It is the Paris Agreement or Paris Accord. In the French language Accord is Agreement. If you spent a little time researching and less time watching Fox News and right wing websites you would learn something. If that is possible. If your right wing website are calling it the Paris Treaty they are wrong.
When "scientists" are shoveled mountains of money to provide "research" to those leftie/socialists that have a vested interest in the outcome and typing multiple paragraphs of pony poop deflection won't change the fact that the Paris treaty, oops! I mean accord is a scam.
Why is it an accord in the US but a treaty everywhere else? I never get a straight answer on that question.
Proof that the debate is over. Except in DianeyWorld, as her mind argues with itself. 8-P
In the end, it's about morality.
deepspace, As always, another absolutely brilliant post.
The fact that Donzilla and his bloviating hordes, finds a non-binding agreement with voluntary standards, supported by 195 countries throughout the world such as the Paris Accords, so threatening to their very existence on the planet speaks volumes about the extremes of their paranoia. That even this largely symbolic, small baby step towards bringing the world together to confront its most critical problem is way beyond even their most minimal level of tolerance and must be squashed…tells us all we need to know about who they are. Greed and bigotry and paranoia are the only feelings they truly possess. They are completely void of empathy. In fact they regard empathy as profanity and those that have empathy must be mercilessly thinned from the herd.
For Donzilla of course, the fact that a Black Democratic president helped lead to a historic coming together of nearly all the countries on the planet for such a profoundly symbolic agreement was nothing short of blasphemy. It could not be allowed to stand! To Donzilla and his xenophobic supporters this was an action of the antichrist in league with all of the satanic evil-doers of the world plotting against them.
They literally seem to spiritually nourish themselves on and draw such heavenly ecstasy from undoing any and all of his achievements. To them the consequences of such undoing are mere insignificant formalities that they cannot be bothered with. This is their religious crusade... get back at the black guy that dissed their thin-skinned, vengeful Dear Leader.
Diane's summation: "America and the 'rich' nations would inflict 'carbon taxes' on their citizens and give the money, ultimately, to 'poor' nations -- a classic demonstration in transfer-of-wealth economics... one of the primary engines of Leftie/Socialism."
Typical, her synopsis is upside down, backwards, inside out, fragmented, inconclusive, and exclusive -- hell, some "leftie/socialist" must have planted a cherry bomb in her stack of research papers! Here's a quick video of an actual "classic demonstration in transfer-of-wealth economics ...one of the primary engines of " ...poorly-regulated, runaway, crony capitalism (It's dated 2013; today in 2017, wealth distribution is even more skewed to the top one percent.):
"When you mash all the air bubbles out of" their heads and carefully pick out the sparse dollops of mushy protein from their carbohydrate-heavy word salads, the naive and gullible "useful idiots," who gorge on right-wing, billionaire-sponsored propaganda as their spoon-fed daily diet, invariably reduce all the momentous issues of our times and all the world's vast complexities into three basic, oversimplified categories that, in a black and white world, are easily digestible and just enough to provide minimal nourishment for the energy requirements of their surviving neurotransmissions:
A. The Great War between capitalism and socialism.
B. The Great War between religions. (In Meerkkka, that would be radical extremist Christianists against all of Islam.)
C. "Leftie-DumbocRAT-libtard-losers -- they're all a bunch a wicked, evil, heathen assholes ...because every single one of 'em are filthy, sissy, socialist bastards who wanna take mah money and guns, love Muslim sand monkeys, and hate JEEEsus and the USA, USA, USA! Yes indeedy, Ah even hate them worthless sonsabitches worse 'n all them fockin' n----rs, sp-cs, ch-nks, and f-gs, who 'r votin' ileegul!"
Never mind that these contrived, zero-sum, ideological battle royals coincidentally happen to reward very handsomely their already obscenely wealthy promoters. Never mind all those other pesky side issues too hard to process in a Foxmerized brain stuffed with "alternative facts." Never mind the real topics actually threatening the world.
Another strange coincidence is that the only two solutions to every single problem always seems to be: CUT TAXES ...on the wealthy and GUT REGULATIONS ...on their cash cows, the transnational mega monopolies, duopolies, triopolies, oligopolies, or whatever. Easy-peasy, such a simple world, the sun comes up, birds sing, poor people are moochers -- don't complicate it, gawdammit!
Here's a partial list of the billionaire purveyors of propaganda responsible for nearly all of the misinformation, half-truths, and big lies inflating the right-wing bubble of true-blue believers, who worship the God of Money, and of bubble-brain airheads, who deny the critical importance of anthropogenic climate disruption:
Koch bros, Wilks bros, Bradley Foundation, Mercer, Luckey, Anschutz, Coors, DeVos, Dunn, Howard, Pope, Scaife, Searle, and Seid, et al. (These are the worst financiers of Big Lies; there are many more lesser demons also worming into the foundation of the First Amendment.)
Here's the 8 men with as much wealth as the 3.6 billion dirt-poor people, or half the planet's entire population (Liberal and conservative finer distinctions are evidently meaningless when it comes to raping the world's economies.):
Bill Gates ($75 billion); Amancio Ortega ($67 billion); Warren Buffett ($60.8 billion); Carlos Slim Helu; ($50 billion); Jeff Bezos ($45.2 billion); Mark Zuckerberg; ($44.6 billion); Larry Ellison ($43.6 billion); Michael Bloomberg; ($40 billion).
Lest our eyes glaze over with big numbers and we lose perspective, just one billion is a thousand million, and a mere one million is a thousand thousand. Raise your hand if you have a pittance in your retirement account yet, beyond social security or a company pension, say a couple hundred grand or so. Do you have your house paid off, your car, college, your kids' colleges? Can you afford weekend golf junkets to Mar-a-Lago yet ...if ever? Oh well, watered-down tap beer is still cheap ...kinda. LOOOSER!
And remember, we live in the richest country on Earth. As Ted Kennedy, the "Lion of the Senate," once roared from the Floor, "When does the greed stop?!" Answer: it doesn't.
Summation: Wealth has already been radically redistributed ...upwards! The richest nations are by far the worst polluters (China #1; USA #2). The poorest nations are by far the victims suffering the most from both wealth disparity and pollution. (By the way, utility rates would not "skyrocket" -- if cooperatives and private companies convert to green energy sources. In fact, utility rates would go down, if clean energy could compete fairly with dirty energy, which is heavily subsidized by taxes, fees, and predatory pricing sucked out of low-paid workers, who would have a helluva lot more good-paying jobs in an economy based on renewable energies rather than last century's fossil-fuel conglomerates, who are grabbing us all by the short hairs.)
Short of thermonuclear annihilation (which is still a huge threat -- even more so with Generalissimo Trumpnino's little bitty finger wagging over the big red, pulsating button!), the looming climate nightmare is humanity's most urgent crisis. Even our top military planners, as well as Russia's and China's, who game out future threat scenarios, consider the deleterious effects of our rapidly changing climate one of the most crucial factors to consider, calling global warming an "accelerant of instability" (e.g. Syria), "threat multiplier," the "mother of all risks."
Note: All the so-called climate talks are only the first baby steps in approaching a daunting problem of such magnitude that it staggers the imagination. Finding pragmatic solutions that are feasible for everyone affected is no small task; it won't happen quickly. But we have to start somewhere, don't we? The Paris Accord, the I.P.C.C., the U.N., and all the various committees, panels, symposiums, working groups, etc., who are negotiating one of the most complex problems ever to face civilization, are populated by not only scientists but also by politicians, economists, human rights groups, business interests, and many other deeply concerned representatives of various interests of every flavor from all over the world. Anyone who thinks the United States can go it alone is a damn fool!
Of course it's complicated! Why wouldn't it be? Of course one can always cherry pick various credentialed members who may editorialize their own personal perspectives, which at first glance would seem to lend a veneer of credibility to preconceived partisan notions, such as Diane's.
The IPCC and NASA are good jumping off points for serious research; however, even to begin to comprehend the truly immense totality of the problem of anthropogenic climate disruption and how thoroughly intertwined it is with just about every other major issue, one must also range far outside the twin bubbles of partisan politics. It is helpful to read what actual climate scientists have to say, especially since their work -- from whence all data is derived -- is, or should be, the most integral part of the negotiation parameters of the climate talks.
One particular compilation that promises to focus in on the bigger picture and bring together the various elements, is a book just published by the widely respected science writer, Julian Cribb: "Surviving the 21st Century: Humanity's Ten Great Challenges and How We Can Overcome Them."
BTW: Putin is using the Teapublican party as a weapon to destroy our country from within. Word is out that he has many enemys close to him and they want to end his Fascism and establish a true democracy. They want to do this one way or another soon.
Former President Kerry did a fine job speaking out on behalf of climate justice this AM on Meet the Press. It's unfortunate however that NBC is giving Putin propaganda time tonight at 7PM EST. He's being interviewed by a Foxaganda person.
It looks like NBC is trying to cash in on the misinformation business.....as if citizens need to be more confused.
Hey, wait a minute Kilosgrd. Turns out that exhaust from your car can actually be fatal. So when you say, "Please by all means, retire to your garage, start your Hummer and close all the doors. You'll be doing us a huge favor" you were actually trying to get me to kill myself…and your telling me that I'm supposed to regard you as a paragon of truth. Frankly, I'm beginning to have my doubts!
But I was lying a bit too! I don't really have a Hummer, nor a garage either. But at least now, I know how you feel.
I guess conservatives think that those they perceive to disagree with should kill themselves. If not, conversatives will find more painfully sadistic ways to dispatch with them.
More mindless baseless facts?
Proof that dangling a carrot hung from a stick in front of a stuborn donkey will make the cart move ever so slowly forward.
Darn it Comrade Kilosgrd, I'm sorry to report that my nice long nap did not go so well. After reading your posts yesterday I ran out an bought that big red Hummer that I've always been dreaming about. So, I pulled it into the garage, closed all the doors, turned off all the lights and settled into what I though would be a wonderful nap.
And sure enough, I was sawing logs in dreamland when the next thing I knew, I was laying out on the driveway with the fire department holding me down and covering my face with an oxygen mask. Turns out some nosey, interfering neighbor heard my Hummer, humming away, in the garage, opened all the doors and called the 911.
They told me that in another minute or two, I would have been dead. I just laughed in their face. I said, talk to my good buddy Comrade Kilosgrd. He and his friends on the right have informed me that burning fossil fuels is virtually harmless and infact, the more you burn, the better.
At that point, they just shook their heads, packed up their stuff and left. I do have to admit though, being woken up so suddenly from such a deep sleep gave me a terrible headache.
Another case of the "nanny state" run amok.
I'm sorry that my posts are not as funny as yours. Believe me, we all get a good laugh out of your razor sharp wit.
Legend yes you are right 195 out of 197 did sign up for this but everyone one of those 195 know they have to to get re elected and this sells well, it doesn't matter if it's good or not. Trump could care less. He is doing what he sincerely believes that this is in the best interest of America. Good for him for putting country first. In Trump's own words "I am running for President of the United States not the President of the world". America buys half of the worlds products, the world needs America, America doesn't need he world. As a Canadian lie many other countries this scares the hell out of us. Americans are not going to pick up the tab for anything any more. Agree with him or not at least he is putting Tax paying Americans first.
Stopgap, your attempts at sarcasm all fall way off the intended mark. You know, the secret to good humor must have an element of the truth within. None of which was in your reply. Your rebuttal was nothing short of stupid. Please by all means, retire to your garage, start your Hummer and close all the doors. You'll be doing us a huge favor.
Sometimes we talk past each other. Never have I stated that I am against clean energy or a clean environment. I am glad to see someone on the left acknowledge that fossil fuels will not be eliminated.
I read a lot of left wing material. There is a significant percentage of progressives (liberals) who say we must cease all uses of fossil fuels. The "leave it in the ground" bunch. You know, the Bill McCibben types. "Alice in Wonderland" was one of those types.
There is no disagreement between all of us wanting a clean world. I believe the USA has led in this effort. Exiting the Paris Agreement in no way changes that. We will continue to work towards that goal even without a "Paris Agreement" because that's what we do. American ingenuity has always been that way. We will get there but let us do it on our own terms. Peace.
Gee Kilosgrd, I don't know why you're jumping on my case. Didn't you see where I thanked you for setting me straight. In fact, you've emboldened me so much, I now feel free to drive on any side of the road that I want to. Never mind stopping at all those annoying stop signs. Never again!
Incidentally, I've been negotiating with your neighbor to open either a radioactive dumping site or an outdoor rock & roll venue. We didn't bother with the permit process because it's his property and he can do whatever he wants. Glad you are OK with it.
I'm sorry to say that I won't be firing my Mexican gardner though, even though he might have came here illegally. Living in the desert southwest, it's virtually impossible to find anyone else to get out there and do that work. Especially when the temperature gets above 110 degrees.
Kilosgrd old buddy, if all those government weather forecasts are so bad, why do you bother checking them anyway. Just hop in the plane and take off and fly wherever you like. By the way, use whatever runway you want and no need to put in a flight plan either. That kinda stuff just humors the government anyway!
I've already notified all my friends throughout the U.S. that my good friend Kilosgrd says ignore the weather forecasts. I told my friends in Florida to ignore hurricane warnings. Don't bother evacuating…go about your business as usual. I called my friends in the midwest and told that I have it from a reliable source to ignore tornado warnings…go ahead with your picnic.
Since you've straightened me out that there is no danger from burning fossil fuels, I plan to take a nice nap this afternoon. I'll pull the o'l Hummer into the garage, close all the doors so it will be nice and dark and keep the engine running. The purring of the engine is like a nice sedative. I should be able to take the most relaxing nap ever. If I don't respond to your next post, it's probably because I'm still enjoying my nice long nap. Thanks again.
She makes more money than you ever will.
Diane, 195 of 197 countries signed it. The 2 that did not are embroiled in civil strife.
"Climate policy has almost nothing to do anymore with environmental protection, says the German economist and IPCC official Ottmar Edenhofer. The next world climate summit in Cancun is actually an economy summit during which the distribution of the world’s resources will be negotiated". – Ottmar Edenhofer (Ottmar Edenhofer is the co-chair of the IPCC Working Group III.)
"At a news conference last week (3/2016) in Brussels, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of U.N.'s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists is not to save the world from ecological calamity but to destroy capitalism.
"This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution," she said.
Referring to a new international treaty environmentalists hope will be adopted at the Paris climate change conference later this year, she added: "This is probably the most difficult task we have ever given ourselves, which is to intentionally transform the economic development model for the first time in human history."
When you mash all the air bubbles out of this "Paris Accord" BS, it boils down to this: the internationalist 'community' wants to tax the living hell out of the world's "rich" countries to subsidize air purification initiatives of various sorts in "poor" countries. And actually cutting toxic emissions? Nobody would be required to do anything except on a volunteer basis. Utility rates especially would skyrocket in the United States, which today has next to no air pollution problems except occasionally in places like Los Angeles and Phoenix.
America and the "rich" nations would inflict "carbon taxes" on their citizens and give the money, ultimately, to "poor" nations -- a classic demonstration in transfer-of-wealth economics... one of the primary engines of Leftie/Socialism.
Sorry Al Gore, you should have stopped getting rich from your royalties for inventing the internet.