Recent comments

  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago

    "This all leads to the absolute absurd notion the liberals (true believers in agw) that humans will abandon fossil fuels for some pie-in-the-sky dream that wind and solar can solve all of our energy needs. You climate change belivers just cannot accept the truth. We, as human beings, will be pumping fossil fuels from the earth for many, many generations to come. Just look around. My advice; start getting used to it." From Kilosquared post 15

    The idea is that Fossil fuels will not be eliminated but replaced where possible. While you are talking about pie in the sky ideas the world of technology is passing you by. The island of Kauai is now 100% solar eletricity. Battery banks charged during the day supply the island at night. Replacing the expensive diesel generators. Tucson Electric recently purchased 24 hour a day solar power for 20 years at 4.5 per kilowatt hour. Cheaper than any other source. Trains in Denmark are 100% solar. You say that you work in Aviation. Every airport should be 100% solar. With panels on the roof and in between taxi ways. Battery storage for the operation of LED landing lights at night. The west has vast open space for solar panels. The mid-west has Continuous wind for wind energy because the east sucks. Have you driven an electric car? They are awsome. You have said that they will never replace diesel rigs but they all ready have started. Most of the world uses electricity for trains rather than the diesel belching ones that we use. The world will be vastly different in 20 years. Remember what computers were like 20 years ago? You sound like a senile old man that does nothing but complain all day. Get those kids off of your damn lawn.

  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago


    Your response to my post is rather interesting. It reveals quite a lot about the hypocrisy the left wallows in everday.

    Whether or not you carry homeowners insurance and how much is entirely up to you. Not the government.

    Lock your doors at night do you? Why? Never had your home broken into? I submit that everyday for the past untold number of years your home has been broken into. Illegals are crossing the border everday. They are breaking into your home. You may not seem to care but this is my home too.

    Health insurance? At 71? I figured you are on medicare. Go ahead, drop it.

    Then you tell me you drive a car? Oh, you nasty polluter. What? It needs an OIL change? New tires? Can't make tires without using OIL.

    Finally we get to the weather. I work in the field of aviation. I deal with weather forecasts everyday. If weather forecasts are so accurate, why do they change 6 times a day? Yes, TAF's (terminal area forecats) are updated 6 times a day. Current conditions are updated once an hour, sometimes more. Why? I have seen weather forecasts claiming it will be a beautiful day only to find an hour later visability has dropped to 1/8 mile and heavy overcast at 100 ft. How did the forecasters miss that?

    Well, as I type, this just popped up: IAH (that's Houston Tx) TAF:

    KIAH 040912Z 0409/0512 VRB02KT P6SM VCSH FEW020 SCT028 BKN250
    FM041500 20005KT P6SM -RA VCTS SCT020CB BKN035

    Issued today, the 4th, at 0912Z Visibilty greater than 6 statute miles thru 1500Z.

    Now notice the current conditions issued at 0957Z:

    KIAH 040957Z 02005KT 1SM R27/P6000FT BR SCT004 BKN012 BKN024
    24/23 A2982 Visibilty at 1 statute mile.

    So much for accurate weather forecasting, right? Comparing the current conditions to the forecast, the forecasted visability is wrong and the cloud cover is wrong. The only thing right is the rainshowers in the vicinity (within 10 miles of the airport). But we can see that on the radar.

    That leads us to this. Can someone on the left please answer the question as to why Pres Obama did not send the Paris Agreement to the Senate for ratification?


  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago

    Stopgap - I would suggest that "they do not know it!"

    Sociopathic comes to mind

  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago

    Haha, good one! I was thinking her handle was a play on Disney World, i.e., living in fantasy land. She and Hotdog Lady do provide cheap entertainment though. What wingers consider amusing is serious, and what they consider serious is amusing.

  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago

    Deepspace, You do realize that Dianereynolds is reportedly a pseudonym used by Chelsea Clinton when checking into hotels. I've long thought that Di-nold is not really a woman at all, but a male of sorts, that thinks using Dianereynolds is some kind of right-wingers inside joke, that he/she finds cynically amusing. You know, like when they say Democrat Party instead of Democratic Party.

    To quote Pee Wee Herman: "that's so funny, I forgot to laugh."

  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago

    stopgap: Ha, very entertaining read! ...Real-life objective lessons and tongue-in-cheek wisdom. Excellent response; you nailed it!

    It's less than a week after Memorial Day, and already the stumbling herds of zombie science deniers have risen from the dead...

    Kilosqrd: Deny, deny, deny, get sick, laugh all you want, stick your head in the sand, whistle past the graveyard, compare apples to oranges, (pick your metaphor), jump to conclusions, invent your own "scientific" theorems, assume real scientists are all conspirators in some goddamn worldwide "librul" plot to reduce your standard of living (Oh, the humanity!), accept runaway pollution and short-sighted, self-centered human behavior that is destroying the environment at an ever-accelerating, unsustainable rate ...and, you know, just "start getting used to it."

    Although, the "many, many generations to come" for whom you so smugly speak may not share your own "pie-in-the-sky" optimism. Please take to heart the old Native American proverb that Njabulo (#4) shared with us: "Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children."

    BTW, the Paris Agreement is just the beginning of a long journey to morality and responsibility. If you do nothing, nothing will change. If you don't take that first important step, you won't reach the final destination. It takes time and commitment. Americans are addicted to fast food, instant gratification, and myopic vision. Your "Orange Sphincter" superhero serves you well. Thank god for the other 194 countries that are willing to face reality.

    Kend: (In fairness, you're not a zombie denier and do bring up thoughtful points.) Trump has ceded leadership to China, which is planning to spend billions in green energy technologies -- because the populations in her industrial cities are literally choking on smog (a thick, greasy blanket from the view of the international space station)! That infrastructure investment alone will spawn up to 14 million new, high-paying jobs that could be ours -- and, when factoring in the "multiplier effect" of job creation, a return on investment in the trillions for many decades to come.

    That makes Trump's paltry, wildly exaggerated "savings" pale in comparison. In fact, his GDP and job numbers sink deeply into negative territory when estimating the full, long-term, economic impact of the coming (You know it!), full-on deregulation of the fossil fuel industry (a lumbering dinosaur from last century). This is the consensus assessment from the majority of leading, non-partisan economists, who have issued many reports on green energy compared to dirty energy in the last several years.

    So, why did Trump not really put America first in finally making up his lamebrain mind about the Paris accord? Or, does he just hoot and holler about "jobs, jobs, jobs" for political expediency, as a cover to enrich his billionaire oil buddies at the expense of American workers? These are not just rhetorical questions, since his failure of leadership will affect millions here at home and billions worldwide.

    You are correct that climate change is science (the denial of which borders on religion), why should anyone, regardless of their political strip, not study the actual research and heed the warning of the top climate scientists? That one is rhetorical.

    Diane: ...oh, never mind. Refer to the previous comments in the last blog. Savor once more the morsels from me arse.

  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago

    Based on Kilosgrd's #15 reasoning, I might as well drop my homeowners insurance. Hell, I woke up this morning and the roof was over my head and all the windows and doors were intact. What am I paying for?

    Why do I bother to lock the doors at night? I've never had my home broken into. I woke up this morning and I was alive and well and all my possessions were still there.

    Might as well get rid of my health insurance. Even though I'm about to turn 71, I woke up this morning, walked a mile and swam 60 laps. What could possibly ever go wrong?

    While I'm at it, I might as well get rid of my auto insurance. I haven't had an accident in over 40 years. I woke up this morning and my car was out in the carport just the way I left it. In fact, why do I bother having the oil changed and getting new tires. I woke up this morning and that was all fine too.

    Thanks Kilosgrd. You're gonna save me a ton of money.

    However, I do have to disagree with you about weather prediction. I get up every morning and watch the weather and they tell me almost exactly how hot and cold it will be that day, and the rest of the week for that matter with amazing accuracy. In fact, they tell me how hot it will be at every hour of the day. They tell me if I should expect wind or rain and they even tell me when to expect it and what direction it will come from so accurately I can almost always count on it. In fact I do count on it! They even tell me when there will be unusual dips in the temperature or other unusual meteorological events such as frost freezes so I know to cover the plants. And I find all of that to be extremely accurate too.

    No doubt, they are not as accurate as grandpa's arthritic bones and bunions or the old barometer on the wall, but they often have a very attractive lady reporting the weather, so it kinda makes it OK that they are not as accurate as the old fashioned methods. All in all, weather prediction is one of the few things in the modern world that I can count on.

  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago

    That is a problem when people post what they consider to be fact without references. Most of it is faIse facts. I call people out on it. Diane and OU812 are among the worse for it.

  • How Many Ways Can Trump Do Serious Harm To The Planet?   7 years 38 weeks ago

    LMAO again! Such fragile snowflakes!

    The arrogance of ignorance is your department, ice-cube-in-a-glass lady/Granny, and it is on full display in this thread. Go back and read your own empty words, circular logic, condescending attitude, and paucity of thought before lashing out, thou hypocrites. You and your like-minded Trump troglodytes constantly name-call, insult, and lie to all who disagree. In fact, those are "crooked" Donnie's only leadership qualities, and he sucks at it. So do you.

    Superficial schoolyard bullies usually can't take it when someone gives them a taste of their own medicine. You just proved it, yet again, sub-teach/Granny.

    Willful ignorance is arrogance on steroids -- the stubborn refusal to listen to reason, to laughably elevate one's IQ above nearly everyone else in the world, and to utterly and repeatedly fail to defend untenable positions despite all evidence to the contrary, which is Einstein's definition of insanity.

    Anyway, climate science is not about attitude and opinion, or all that other psycho-subjective ego-mumbo-jumbo in which you and Diane love to wallow. It's about discovering facts. Go back and finish middle school, as you so condescendingly "advised" Legend to do. This time, pay closer attention to your science teacher; you might actually learn something, you "washed-up rightie."

    In the serious, non-partisan, scientific community of adults and real teachers, the debate is over about whether or not the planet is, in fact, experiencing the beginning stages leading up to a no-going-back "tipping point" of a geologically historic, severe, human-induced, global-warming trend. The leading-edge question now is whether or not humans can somehow muster the collective will (which, at this point, is primarily an international, all-hands-on-deck, political leadership problem) to reverse our inexorable march on this catastrophic path before time runs out and we pass the tipping point -- or, at the very least, try to work together to mitigate the most dire consequences of today's failure to address the root cause, which will ensure that very dark future, about which scientists are loudly tolling the bell.

    Can you not see the monumental absurdity and utter foolishness of Trump's decision to pull the plug on the nascent multinational climate agreements, especially since the United States is the second biggest emitter of greenhouse gases and the most influential world power? Can you not see how meaningless and useless the polemic contrariness of mere opinion is in the face of overwhelming evidence of humankind's paramount dilemma? If you cannot or will not open your eyes to objective reality, then we are truly done here, and it is absolutely the end of any further discussion of the matter.

    This is not about you and me individually or one's level of intelligence. But if you doggedly continue to refuse to recognize the simple and obvious truth laid out in front of you, and every other living being on Earth, beyond one's subjective opinions and attitudes, then what is the point of dialogue? It would be, and is, a classic exercise in futility, a total waste of time and energy, better spent educating oneself.

    Peel away the layers of the onion, and there at the center is the primary cause of global warming: the human mind -- your mind!

  • How Many Ways Can Trump Do Serious Harm To The Planet?   7 years 38 weeks ago

    When the leftie/socialists want their way no greater words were ever spoken then "the debate is over"

    I never knew so many words could come out of a geldings rear end.

  • Is Trump Normalizing Hate?   7 years 38 weeks ago

    Kathy Griffin was a self described comedian that has turned herself into a punch line. Your version of excellent must require that one spends their time getting naked to attract any attention. Griffin makes the Kardashians look legit.

  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago

    ErinRose #14

    "I recently read that The Donald has been offered 20 billion dollars, upon leaving office, if he serves the interests of the military-industrial complex. This same article also said that Al Gore accepter 100 million dollars if he would not challenge the Florida count and allow Dubya to become POTUS. If this is true, it would explain a lot of things."

    Let's ask Legend about this fact. He seems to have a handle on the duckduckgo machine.

  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago

    Of course none of you deniers would look up a fact or post a reference. That is something that right wingers cannot seem to do.

    Kend you a dead wrong that under Obama CO2 emissions went down by zero.

    Both China and India have been cancelling coal plants since the Paris Accord was signed. In fact coal plant construction is described as in a free fall.

  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago

    So, let's review. Trump dumps the Paris Accords. Maybe he should have sent the agreement to the US Senate for ratification. Oooops, Obama could have done that, but he didn't. We all know why.

    The Paris Agreement did NOTHING for the climate. Yet, as I read these posts and if I didn't know better, I might think the world was going to end tomorrow. Ohhh, the sky is falling, woe is us, we are doomed, etc. I have been hearing these things for most of my 60 years. (ref Paul Erlich; The Population Bomb)

    Yet, when I got up this morning, the sun was still shining, the birds were all chirping, the flowers were blooming, the grass was still growing (evidence the sound of lawnmowers).

    I am so sick of hearing these phony outrages that mankind (esp the US) is destroying the planet simply by our mere existance and trying to improve everyone's lot in life. We are constantly improving mankind's standard of living, and by doing so, somehow we are endangering the earth. Hogwash.

    I also laugh at the notion that human beings can control the climate. We (as humans) can't predict the weather 24 hrs in advance and yet people are predicting what the climate will be in 20, 50 or 100 years from now. And don't feed me this bs about how weather and climate are two different things. Climate is measured by averaging weather conditions over a specified period of time. It stands to reason, if we can't control the weather, then we certainly can't control the climate.

    This all leads to the absolute absurd notion the liberals (true believers in agw) that humans will abandon fossil fuels for some pie-in-the-sky dream that wind and solar can solve all of our energy needs. You climate change belivers just cannot accept the truth. We, as human beings, will be pumping fossil fuels from the earth for many, many generations to come. Just look around. My advice; start getting used to it.


  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago

    I recently read that The Donald has been offered 20 billion dollars, upon leaving office, if he serves the interests of the military-industrial complex. This same article also said that Al Gore accepter 100 million dollars if he would not challenge the Florida count and allow Dubya to become POTUS. If this is true, it would explain a lot of things.

  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago

    Legend. China and india are building thousands of coal fired power plants. China is devastating the earth by mining earth metals for solar panels and batteries. My point is the Paris agreement does nothing to stop this or help you with your utility bill it is worthless paper. Climate change is not a religion it is a science. It is about time a world leader used some common sense instead of emotion to make the right decision and get out of this and start in the right direction and clean the planet up. Trump has already reduced CO2 levels as much as Obama, both have reduced them by zero.

  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago

    Not at all Kend. My electric utility restructured how they charge for electricity. They now charge based on your peak usage, which totally discourages going solar. Your peak usage will be at night. This is in one of the sunniest states in the nation. FL is doing similar. This is legal and supported by corporate right wingers. China and India are both doing a lot to lower carbon output. Both would be severly hurt by rising sea levels. As one of the leading carbon output per capita country setting an example for others to follow is important. 195 countries signed onto this plan. I do not know of any other plan that has had such support. We join Syria and Nicaraqua in not being in it. Suggest that you truth check Trumps speech. This is not a left or right wing problem. It is a world problem.

  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago

    I don't understand the how this changes anything. Solar panels, electric cars and wind turbines will still be built. This agreement meant nothing. China and India didn't have to do anything for the environment for 15 and 20 years. Trump just saved Americans 100 billion dollars that can be used for healthcare or education. Now let's renegotiate a agreement that actually cleans the planet up.

  • How Many Ways Can Trump Do Serious Harm To The Planet?   7 years 38 weeks ago

    On display here is the one of the main reasons Donald Trump was elected President. The condescending, arrogant attitudes, the I'm smarter than you, the name calling, the unwillingness to even listen to anyone with a different opinion. Deepspace summed it up with "So, nope, not up for discussion. We're done here". Wrong Ryan, the washed up lefties may be done, but those of us who elected Donald Trump President have only just begun.

  • How Many Ways Can Trump Do Serious Harm To The Planet?   7 years 38 weeks ago

    Compare Dianes link in post 15 to mine in post 21. The right obviously does not care about its sources, a retired TV weatherman vs NASA. It just has to back their agenda. The right likes Fox News and Rush Limbaugh even if both are known source of lies (politifact). They both say what they want to hear and it is comforting to them. It does not matter if it is lies, comfort is more important,

    You would think that OU812 would be embarrassed about posts such as #16. How many times can you be put down without an ounce of effort. Are you really a teacher OU812?

  • How Many Ways Can Trump Do Serious Harm To The Planet?   7 years 38 weeks ago

    LMAO! Stupidity defining non-stupidity! Ou812 and Diane are about as hard to understand as toilet paper and much less useful. As usual, Hotdog Lady missed the salient point entirely -- whoosh, right over Michele Bachmann's pretty little pinhead, sucking the big one.

    Don't flatter yourself, ice-cube-in-a glass sub-teach, I know exactly what ol' Granny was trying to communicate nonverbally through the fog of her addled mind. She is such a sarcastic little biddy, neither clever nor subtle. We've all heard that sophomoric meme a thousand times from climate deniers: "Snort, first 'they' say the Earth is cooling, then 'they' say it's warming ...and, well, golly gee willikers, there's yer proof right thar that it's all a pile of hooey from those gaddamn libruls!"

    Again, I'll repeat the one and only logical response using simpler words this time, in an attempt (no doubt futile) to slice through the thick fog of willful ignorance: Why would any sane person, possessing even an inkling of common sense and the most basic ability to calculate mathematical odds, readily believe the one percent and not the 99 percent? "Does not compute, Will Rogers!"

    The one percent includes the disseminators (left or right) of incomplete information, half-baked theories, and wild speculations derived from random, outdated, out-of-context, second-hand articles, splashy MSM news bulletins, and/or other highly questionable sources -- whether it's the gullible (left or right) who may have once believed in imminent global cooling and a new ice age or the gullible (left or right) who may still deny the seriousness of this current and unique period of human-caused global warming, which is already triggered by our relatively rapid release of carbon into the atmosphere, and which will subsequently trigger the rapid release of methane that is much worse than carbon by magnitudes.

    The 99 percent includes the highly educated, dedicated, and disciplined scientists who are experienced experts in their respective fields related to climate change, and who have been for decades (and still are -- scientific research is an ongoing process of discovery) methodically and meticulously building up a large body of irrefutable hard evidence that clearly indicates a radical increase in the mean temperature that will lead to dire consequences for all life on Earth, unless humans quit belching out copious amounts of carbon as soon as possible before the tipping point of no return.

    The debate is over ...except on Fux News and other wing-nut outlets, wearing their heavy blinders and hopelessly committed to the cartoonish science fiction of their ideological positions. Beyond the politics, it's an issue that is neither liberal nor conservative, nor any other flavor of rhetorical posturing; it's just the outside reality of how the laws of physics dictate climate change, independent of what clueless lay people, or less-disciplined researchers and conspiracy theorists, may or may not think about it. So, who ya gonna believe? Put it on a scale: one percent against 99 percent. Mmmm... taking odds, anyone?

    Puh-lease! No serious climate scientists ever tried "to convince the world and [sic] ice age was eminent [sic again]" or that "we weren't going to see the new century." WTF is wrong with you?! For Chrissake, listen to yourself! Quit arguing ignorant, right-wing talking points and educate your dumbass at the IPCC website. You're supposed to be a teacher (Ha!), and you don't even comprehend geological timeframes and tipping points?! Seriously, sub-teach, it is way past the time for you to put down the chalk and retire to the happy farm. "Hey! Teachers! Leave them kids alone!"

    Don't even bother responding. There is no need to further expound upon your fake thesis and false narrative; we all get it. You and Granny and all your fellow Fux News trash compactors are convinced that science is a vast liberal conspiracy to destroy capitalism and befuddle the masses with that insidious germ of evil socialism, and you two are here to enlighten the uneducated with esoteric knowledge gleaned from Wall Street billionaires and fossil-fuel-industry propagandists. "...washed up lefties; leftie/socialists; washed up lefties; leftie/socialists; washed up lefties; leftie/socialists; na nah na nah na nah nuh..."

    You say that you are disappointed that people don't want to exchange ideas and don't respect your different perspective. Aw, you poor little snowflake. Get real! When the stakes are so damn high, ideas must have merit. Denying the science of global warming is not a legitimate stance; it is pure lunacy. So, nope, not up for discussion. We're done here.

  • How Many Ways Can Trump Do Serious Harm To The Planet?   7 years 38 weeks ago

    Climate Science is relatively new in the science world. The 70's is about when the computer truly took off and allowed true computation. You might want to look at this site before the POTUS has it removed:

  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago

    I'm really sick of these shit-head lowlifes that call into talk shows and suggest that climate change is "unsettled science." What the fuck does that mean? What is unsettled science? What is settled science?

    There are no absolutes!

    Everything is relative!

    Be that as it may, there are universal phenomena that are observable and can be tested and regarded as fact. Also, we create standards that are accepted as fact. For instance, there are 12 inches in a foot, 36 inches in a yard and so on. We also regard as a fact that if we walk out in the rain unprotected, we will get wet. We regard it as a fact.

    Knowledge and use of such facts make it possible to function. Period!

    And yet all of these facts are still relative and not absolute. If a twelve inch ruler is accelerated at close to the speed of light, it will change in size and time will slow. These theories have been tested and proven to be accepted facts.

    Yes, nature affects the climate, but if lightning (a natural phenomenon) strikes your house and sets it on fire, you don't put it out by pouring gasoline on it. Just as if nature puts too much carbon in the atmosphere, you don't solve the problem by adding more carbon.

    One astronaut observed that the earth's atmosphere is like an onion skin when seen from outer space. To think that humans dumping billions of tons of pollutants into this relatively thin layer since the dawn of the industrial age and that all life on the planet depends on, does not affect the climate, is pure insanity.

    Just because rich corporations can pay a few scientists to muddy the water does not make the science "unsettled." It only makes it possible for the greedy, immoral lowlife trash of the world to rationalize their lack of caring for what happens, to even the future of their own children, while they smugly pursue their wasteful and wanton ways.

    Therefore, when someone tells you that climate change is "unsettled science." They are just some despicable, rotten, lying, selfish asshole!!! And they know it!

  • How Many Ways Can Trump Do Serious Harm To The Planet?   7 years 38 weeks ago

    Deepspace @18

    I realize you're not real bright. I'll try real hard to make you understand what Diane is saying. Back in the 70's, you lefties (you weren't washed up yet, that didn't happen until this century) were trying to convince the world and ice age was eminent. That didn't happen. Next came global warming, we weren't going to see the new century. That didn't happen. Now, that you are washed up, and running out of options, the new doomsday day scenario is climate change. I guess you are trying to cover all the bases. If the temperature goes up---climate change, if it goes down---- climate change. What's next, come on tell me, I'm dying to know

  • Trump Says Drop Dead To Planet   7 years 38 weeks ago

    Uh, Thomm,

    When you say 'America First'. Is that the same as cutting in front of someone in a line? Ya know, the 'me first, screw you.. No - I don't have an respect for you' attitude.

    We are either losing more friends, or do we have any left to lose??

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