Thom and the rest all make good points. I am one that will not entertain anything Teflon Don da Con does as serious; unless he advocates violent tax increases on the rich, eliminating tax loopholes and is for the philosophy: "All men are created equal"...all mean should have equal economics. People on SSDI cannot even afford a used vehicle. How is it that trump a teenage bully, goes on to be a bully sleazy businessman and now as a LOSER sElected by his cronie illuminati is a bully POTUS stealing childrens school lunch money? I know you guys want to talk about his NAFTA and climate change decisions...go for it. I'm all for impeaching him and all of the GOP losers. By the way marijuana is not a drug. It's an herb that freely grows out of the ground and is a gift to mankind from ALIMIGHTY GOD. Please tell trump and the rest of rich people are not getting into heaven. By hoarding wealth they prove to God....trump and rich people "Hate their neighbors". The get rich prosperity (fake) gospel is leading and sending millions to an eternal seperation from love...Jesus is GOD!
I wonder if Comey realizes the impact of his propaganda release now? None of this would be happening without his help. Comey has changed the entire future of human habitation on this planet. Welcome to the 21st century Dark Ages. Putin thanks Comey!
I can't help but think about all those red state trailer parks that will get totally annihilated in the unfolding Dark Ages of extreme weather. Crooked Donny is their man....he's gonna make "Merica" great again.
BTW: Putin is using Trump and the Teapublican Party like a weapon of mass economic destruction. Put your money in a safe place asap, no joke.
True, kind of. The ideas (the half-baked ones anyway) that you regurgitate on this blog are no different than the ridiculous ideas programmed into the gullible minds of all the rest of the Fux News zombies living in Lie Lie Land. They are painfully accepted ... then thoroughly debunked, happily ridiculed, and completely rejected, as they should be. I love the person, not the ideas.
At this crucial stage of anthropogenic climate disruption (ACD), that unfortunate collection of sad, complacent hominids denied scientific reality in the middle of the North American continent's intellectual desert, who are enslaved by a two-party system caught in the clutches of corporate group-think brought about by an astronomical amount of wealth concentrated in the greedy little fingers of an infinitesimally tiny class of sociopathic landlords, are faced with a sobering binary decision, the most consequential in history: Do they vote for corporate, mealy-mouthed Democrats and (yawn) drag out the inevitable final collapse of civilization and life on Earth in excruciatingly painful slow motion (Sooo boooring!); or, do they vote for corporate, butt-breath Republicans and get treated to an exciting and stupendous grand finale that is quick and spectacular, like the final barrage of Fourth of July fireworks?
In the timeframe and immensity of the universe, either choice and the lives affected on this "pale blue dot" will be but a flash in the night, barely registrable and hardly noticeable. Hell, may as well choose the latter, grab some beer, some weed (Fock you, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III), and enjoy the Republican shit show!
JULIO HAS BEEN DROPPED ON HIS HEAD A FEW TIMES TOO MANY. Talk about an ideologue. It's impossible to even find the smallest patch of agreement about anything with him. The minute Thom begins to speak his head starts shaking as he discounts what is being said from the moment it is uttered. Doesn't really make for any kind of interesting debate. Largely the same with Horace though he is capable of conceding points once in a blue moon if those points happen to fall somewhere on his ultra-libertarian scale.
Thom, you and I were with a group of wise and good people 11 years ago where we addressed the issue of species extinction and how to bring that concept into mainstream awareness. At that time the understanding in the room was that we humans are an endangered species. In effect, saving the planet means saving our own skins.
So the term "harm to the planet" is rather superfluous because the planet will do just fine if, with the onslaught of climate change, we humans disappear from the earth.
That's really Trump's legacy, as well as the invite for his billion-dollar buddies to drill for oil in the Arctic.
As to what we can say, or do, all we have is keeping on what we're doing.
Jonathan Frieman San Rafael, CA 94901 c: 415-845-1371
"In fact, if the truth be told, flying-monkey knuckle-draggers require ridicule and shame, until they are beaten down and slink back into their fetid swamps, far away from civilized society!"
The above is washed up lefty code for "I love you"....I think. If I were to take it literally, it would be my ideas are not accepted, because the are different than most. And since Deepspace just took seven paragraphs to tell me that isn't true, it has to mean "I love you". I love you too Deepy :):)
Uh oh, hide the old ladies and the babies -- the trolling duo is baaaaack...!
It's been four days since Diane's previous post, in which she gleefully cheered on Gianforte body-slamming a "...classic pain in the ass 'journalist'..." and "refused to acknowledge" Christianist hypocrisy. And it's been several blogs since Hotdog Lady has refused to acknowledge any basic reality at all.
It's only been eight hours since Granny Di's last post, in which she lied about Thom (again). Both of her points are factually incorrect (again), and her conclusion is a non sequitur fallacy based on cobwebs in her mind (again).
1. If memory serves correctly, he referenced "Nazi" twice in nearly two months of blogs (hardly "many" or "most"): above, in the context of Trump's neo-nazi base; about two weeks ago, in the context of Trump promoting a Joseph Goebbels type of "Big Lie." (So "many" big lies are "most" of your fake president's crazy talk, it's easy to forget which).
2. On his radio show and The Big Picture, he has talked about Manchester (as he just did in the previous blog); although, discussions with his guests (right and left) and many of his call-in listeners usually delve deeper into the scourge of terrorism beyond the shallow, wall-to-wall, violence-pornography that is the mainstream media, especially Fux News, an addiction and a sickness of which you can't seem to get enough.
Furthermore, the phrase "[radical] Islamic extremist" is nothing but transparent, radical-Christian-extremist code (It takes one to know one.) for hating on all Muslims -- the 99 percent who are not extremists. Please don't insult everyone's intelligence further by denying this blanket bigotry that permeates Trump's white-supremacist base and oozes out of every pore of his and their skins. Even the federal courts have repeatedly, in effect, said as much vis-à-vis his infamous "Muslim ban."
BTW, Hotdog Lady, your false-equivalency argument is a lie within a lie within a lie. It's not a matter of merely "attacking those who think different[ly] [sic]." When someone dares to point out right-wing extremist hate, that is not normalizing hate; it is normalizing truth-telling. In fact, if the truth be told, flying-monkey knuckle-draggers require ridicule and shame, until they are beaten down and slink back into their fetid swamps, far away from civilized society!
Openly expressing repugnance and disgust of the wingnuts' bigoted ideology and abhorrent behavior as often as possible is the anecdote to Trump's glaring lies, deep-seated hatred, and numerous emotional pathologies, and to those of his dazed admirers. You should try it sometimes, Teach, instead of closing your own coffin lid. (Wow, talk about projection!) Go ahead, eat some crow ...and so should corporate MSM.
Well, hate is normalized on this Site!!! There was a time ideas were presented here. No more, only name calling, blame and attacking those who think different. I find myself visiting less and less. It's your funeral.
Outback. Haha, the original orange man. At least wino and crybaby Boner had the good sense to stay drunk and shed a tear or two now and then over his political malfeasance and corporate servitude, which betrayed a wee bit of guilty conscience anyway, however inadequate. That's (slightly) more than can be said for the teetotaler Shit Gibbon and the holier-than-thou religious hypocrites on the teabagger right, who could care less about the poor and the sick -- or their inbred cousins: the gutless cowards in the dirty-money wing of the Democratic Party, who talk the talk with furrowed brows and concerned expressions then sell us out to the highest bidder when nobody is looking.
mdswvguy25526. Or, good ol' Uncle Vlad might be face-palming. He is no doubt gobsmacked over just how incredibly stupid his pet dog turned out to be. "Nyet, nyet, nyet, nobody can be that much of a fockink pridurok -- not even crazy Amerdican sheethead!"
Absolutely! Trump is following the AGENDA of #HATE & #Division!
What he has done for a sad minority in our Nation of those still clinging to a sad HATRED of those different from themselves is EMPOWER them to inflict their Hatred on us ALL! Where it is headed, befoe Trump, I'd have said it will pass, but if the Violence continues, its pushing people, namely we who have been proud of our Civility and Tolerant spirtis, to be pushed to an extreme. All I think every day is, Vladamir Putin is smiling today from ear to ear!
Corbyn is right. The start of terrorism from the middle east began with Usama Bin Laden. He never got over our sending troups to Saudi Arabia as a show of force in support of the King to help quell civil discord in which Osama supported. Then we began to interfere and invade other middle eastern countries. (it was all for their oil and other resources.) Although it is probably too late, we should get out of the middle east entirely. As long as so called conservatives and big oil control our Executive and Legislative Branches, I doubt it will happen. In the interim, we should start spending some our defense budget on rebuilding those areas we have help to destroy with hospitals, clinics, schools, farming equipment and humanitarian aid.
I believe tRump will resign before he is impeached. I also believe that the GOP for the most part will have a very hard time getting any repubs in office due to their support for tRump's draconian policies. I also don't believe there as many Rumptards as the pole show. I know there are a lot of stupid folks out there, but 39% approval rating is a far stretch.
The killer is probably one of Bannon's disciples. Had he simply body slammed the victims, Trump would be praising him big league.
BTW: Putin is highly confident the Teapublican Party will destabilize and rip apart our country. He stands behind his strategy 100%. This is how modern warfare is conducted.
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters." Trump on January 23, 2016. That says a lot about Trump and his view of law and order and the value of human life.
"The violent attacks in Portland on Friday are unacceptable. The victims were standing up to hate and intolerance. Our prayers are w/ them." A pathetic belated excuse for condemnation and not even from the "Precedent" ('sic' joke) himself.
Footnote, deepspace: Word on the street is that The Great Cheeto Faced Ferret Wearing Shit Gibbon paid a really great, unbelievable, fantantistic sum of money for the authentic orange formula from former Speaker John Boehner....
Thom and the rest all make good points. I am one that will not entertain anything Teflon Don da Con does as serious; unless he advocates violent tax increases on the rich, eliminating tax loopholes and is for the philosophy: "All men are created equal"...all mean should have equal economics. People on SSDI cannot even afford a used vehicle. How is it that trump a teenage bully, goes on to be a bully sleazy businessman and now as a LOSER sElected by his cronie illuminati is a bully POTUS stealing childrens school lunch money? I know you guys want to talk about his NAFTA and climate change decisions...go for it. I'm all for impeaching him and all of the GOP losers. By the way marijuana is not a drug. It's an herb that freely grows out of the ground and is a gift to mankind from ALIMIGHTY GOD. Please tell trump and the rest of rich people are not getting into heaven. By hoarding wealth they prove to God....trump and rich people "Hate their neighbors". The get rich prosperity (fake) gospel is leading and sending millions to an eternal seperation from love...Jesus is GOD!
I wonder if Comey realizes the impact of his propaganda release now? None of this would be happening without his help. Comey has changed the entire future of human habitation on this planet. Welcome to the 21st century Dark Ages. Putin thanks Comey!
I can't help but think about all those red state trailer parks that will get totally annihilated in the unfolding Dark Ages of extreme weather. Crooked Donny is their man....he's gonna make "Merica" great again.
BTW: Putin is using Trump and the Teapublican Party like a weapon of mass economic destruction. Put your money in a safe place asap, no joke.
True, kind of. The ideas (the half-baked ones anyway) that you regurgitate on this blog are no different than the ridiculous ideas programmed into the gullible minds of all the rest of the Fux News zombies living in Lie Lie Land. They are painfully accepted ... then thoroughly debunked, happily ridiculed, and completely rejected, as they should be. I love the person, not the ideas.
"Covfefe" - the name of the alien overlord who controls Trump, and is anxiously awaiting the extinction of the Human race.
Mystery solved.
At this crucial stage of anthropogenic climate disruption (ACD), that unfortunate collection of sad, complacent hominids denied scientific reality in the middle of the North American continent's intellectual desert, who are enslaved by a two-party system caught in the clutches of corporate group-think brought about by an astronomical amount of wealth concentrated in the greedy little fingers of an infinitesimally tiny class of sociopathic landlords, are faced with a sobering binary decision, the most consequential in history: Do they vote for corporate, mealy-mouthed Democrats and (yawn) drag out the inevitable final collapse of civilization and life on Earth in excruciatingly painful slow motion (Sooo boooring!); or, do they vote for corporate, butt-breath Republicans and get treated to an exciting and stupendous grand finale that is quick and spectacular, like the final barrage of Fourth of July fireworks?
In the timeframe and immensity of the universe, either choice and the lives affected on this "pale blue dot" will be but a flash in the night, barely registrable and hardly noticeable. Hell, may as well choose the latter, grab some beer, some weed (Fock you, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III), and enjoy the Republican shit show!
JULIO HAS BEEN DROPPED ON HIS HEAD A FEW TIMES TOO MANY. Talk about an ideologue. It's impossible to even find the smallest patch of agreement about anything with him. The minute Thom begins to speak his head starts shaking as he discounts what is being said from the moment it is uttered. Doesn't really make for any kind of interesting debate. Largely the same with Horace though he is capable of conceding points once in a blue moon if those points happen to fall somewhere on his ultra-libertarian scale.
He has declared war on humanity, the planet and mankind!
Once liveaboard and climatologist
Trump should hence be known as DONZILLA!
Thom, you and I were with a group of wise and good people 11 years ago where we addressed the issue of species extinction and how to bring that concept into mainstream awareness. At that time the understanding in the room was that we humans are an endangered species. In effect, saving the planet means saving our own skins.
So the term "harm to the planet" is rather superfluous because the planet will do just fine if, with the onslaught of climate change, we humans disappear from the earth.
That's really Trump's legacy, as well as the invite for his billion-dollar buddies to drill for oil in the Arctic.
As to what we can say, or do, all we have is keeping on what we're doing.
Jonathan Frieman
San Rafael, CA 94901
c: 415-845-1371
"In fact, if the truth be told, flying-monkey knuckle-draggers require ridicule and shame, until they are beaten down and slink back into their fetid swamps, far away from civilized society!"
The above is washed up lefty code for "I love you"....I think. If I were to take it literally, it would be my ideas are not accepted, because the are different than most. And since Deepspace just took seven paragraphs to tell me that isn't true, it has to mean "I love you". I love you too Deepy :):)
Uh oh, hide the old ladies and the babies -- the trolling duo is baaaaack...!
It's been four days since Diane's previous post, in which she gleefully cheered on Gianforte body-slamming a "...classic pain in the ass 'journalist'..." and "refused to acknowledge" Christianist hypocrisy. And it's been several blogs since Hotdog Lady has refused to acknowledge any basic reality at all.
It's only been eight hours since Granny Di's last post, in which she lied about Thom (again). Both of her points are factually incorrect (again), and her conclusion is a non sequitur fallacy based on cobwebs in her mind (again).
1. If memory serves correctly, he referenced "Nazi" twice in nearly two months of blogs (hardly "many" or "most"): above, in the context of Trump's neo-nazi base; about two weeks ago, in the context of Trump promoting a Joseph Goebbels type of "Big Lie." (So "many" big lies are "most" of your fake president's crazy talk, it's easy to forget which).
2. On his radio show and The Big Picture, he has talked about Manchester (as he just did in the previous blog); although, discussions with his guests (right and left) and many of his call-in listeners usually delve deeper into the scourge of terrorism beyond the shallow, wall-to-wall, violence-pornography that is the mainstream media, especially Fux News, an addiction and a sickness of which you can't seem to get enough.
Furthermore, the phrase "[radical] Islamic extremist" is nothing but transparent, radical-Christian-extremist code (It takes one to know one.) for hating on all Muslims -- the 99 percent who are not extremists. Please don't insult everyone's intelligence further by denying this blanket bigotry that permeates Trump's white-supremacist base and oozes out of every pore of his and their skins. Even the federal courts have repeatedly, in effect, said as much vis-à-vis his infamous "Muslim ban."
BTW, Hotdog Lady, your false-equivalency argument is a lie within a lie within a lie. It's not a matter of merely "attacking those who think different[ly] [sic]." When someone dares to point out right-wing extremist hate, that is not normalizing hate; it is normalizing truth-telling. In fact, if the truth be told, flying-monkey knuckle-draggers require ridicule and shame, until they are beaten down and slink back into their fetid swamps, far away from civilized society!
Openly expressing repugnance and disgust of the wingnuts' bigoted ideology and abhorrent behavior as often as possible is the anecdote to Trump's glaring lies, deep-seated hatred, and numerous emotional pathologies, and to those of his dazed admirers. You should try it sometimes, Teach, instead of closing your own coffin lid. (Wow, talk about projection!) Go ahead, eat some crow ...and so should corporate MSM.
Thanks for visiting. Y'all come back now.
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Good post Obat aborsi Would be great if you visit the web Due to the web Aborsi provide information Cara menggugurkan kandungan Sought by people
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Well, hate is normalized on this Site!!! There was a time ideas were presented here. No more, only name calling, blame and attacking those who think different. I find myself visiting less and less. It's your funeral.
And it's been ten days and Thom Hartmann has refused to acknowledge the Manchester bombing by an Islamic extremist.
The fact many, if not most posts by Thom drag the word Nazi into his daily blog.
Who is the one actually promoting hate radio?
Outback. Haha, the original orange man. At least wino and crybaby Boner had the good sense to stay drunk and shed a tear or two now and then over his political malfeasance and corporate servitude, which betrayed a wee bit of guilty conscience anyway, however inadequate. That's (slightly) more than can be said for the teetotaler Shit Gibbon and the holier-than-thou religious hypocrites on the teabagger right, who could care less about the poor and the sick -- or their inbred cousins: the gutless cowards in the dirty-money wing of the Democratic Party, who talk the talk with furrowed brows and concerned expressions then sell us out to the highest bidder when nobody is looking.
mdswvguy25526. Or, good ol' Uncle Vlad might be face-palming. He is no doubt gobsmacked over just how incredibly stupid his pet dog turned out to be. "Nyet, nyet, nyet, nobody can be that much of a fockink pridurok -- not even crazy Amerdican sheethead!"
Absolutely! Trump is following the AGENDA of #HATE & #Division!
What he has done for a sad minority in our Nation of those still clinging to a sad HATRED of those different from themselves is EMPOWER them to inflict their Hatred on us ALL! Where it is headed, befoe Trump, I'd have said it will pass, but if the Violence continues, its pushing people, namely we who have been proud of our Civility and Tolerant spirtis, to be pushed to an extreme. All I think every day is, Vladamir Putin is smiling today from ear to ear!
Corbyn is right. The start of terrorism from the middle east began with Usama Bin Laden. He never got over our sending troups to Saudi Arabia as a show of force in support of the King to help quell civil discord in which Osama supported. Then we began to interfere and invade other middle eastern countries. (it was all for their oil and other resources.) Although it is probably too late, we should get out of the middle east entirely. As long as so called conservatives and big oil control our Executive and Legislative Branches, I doubt it will happen. In the interim, we should start spending some our defense budget on rebuilding those areas we have help to destroy with hospitals, clinics, schools, farming equipment and humanitarian aid.
I believe tRump will resign before he is impeached. I also believe that the GOP for the most part will have a very hard time getting any repubs in office due to their support for tRump's draconian policies. I also don't believe there as many Rumptards as the pole show. I know there are a lot of stupid folks out there, but 39% approval rating is a far stretch.
ErinRose, Why do you not tell us what is really going on? Factless non referenced posts go in the waste can.
Not tRUMP words--someone else wrote it. Impeachment can't come too soon!
The killer is probably one of Bannon's disciples. Had he simply body slammed the victims, Trump would be praising him big league.
BTW: Putin is highly confident the Teapublican Party will destabilize and rip apart our country. He stands behind his strategy 100%. This is how modern warfare is conducted.
"I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters."
Trump on January 23, 2016.
That says a lot about Trump and his view of law and order and the value of human life.
"The violent attacks in Portland on Friday are unacceptable. The victims were standing up to hate and intolerance. Our prayers are w/ them."
A pathetic belated excuse for condemnation and not even from the "Precedent" ('sic' joke) himself.
Footnote, deepspace: Word on the street is that The Great Cheeto Faced Ferret Wearing Shit Gibbon paid a really great, unbelievable, fantantistic sum of money for the authentic orange formula from former Speaker John Boehner....