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  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    You go along with the Clinton wing's claims that Putin somehow "interfered with" the election to ensure that Trump got the most votes? Then how did Clinton end up with the most votes? Check the 2016 election results.

    Clinton 48.5% votes - 65,853,516 - 232 electoral votes
    Trump 46.4% votes 62,984,825 306 electoral votes

    There would be no way for Russia (or China, or...) to manipulate the electoral college vote, and over the past seven months, no such claims were attempted. So tell me, what magic did Putin perform?

  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    The bottom line is that a list of allegations -- no matter how long or how often they are recited -- isn't enough to result in impeachment. People should have learned something from the years that were spent calling for Bush's impeachment.

    If it could be shown that Trump commited an impeachable offense, Congress would need to act on it. Republicans won't, and I get the impression that Democrats never returned from their Thanksgiving break.

    And if Trump were impeached...? Bill Clinton was impeached, and remained in office to finish out his term.

  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    He called it during the campaign. Said he could shoot someone on Main Street and still get elected. He's Golden.

  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    The republicans would be foolish to rid themselves of trump while he serves the purposes of distraction and signs what they tell him to! trump would be easier to control then pernce. They might even make him the new fearless leader of the American Facist party.

  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    First of all, why would anybody obstruct an investigation if you're innocent to begin with? Obstruction is admission of guilt. Is Crooked Donny finally realizing Putin suckered him in? It's too late now, treason is a big freaking deal. Putin installed a totally incompetent individual to destabilize our country, and boy did he succeed. The god damn CIA knows all about this.

    Now the Kochs want Pence installed. He's the perfect Fascist puppet...and much much much more dangerous than Crooked Donny, and that includes Trump making a terrible foreign policy mistake very soon.

    I've been saying this on here for weeks....The Dems need to block any impeachment until after the 2018 elections.

  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    You're dancing, blindfolded, on the edge a cliff. Are you familiar at all with HISTORY of the next people who are going to replace him at all?? Obviously not.

  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    As stecoop01 correctly states above, impeachment is just the leveling of charges (by the House). If impeachment is achieved, removal is doubly difficult, requiring a super majority in the Senate (2/3 majority). Considering that the senate is split roughly 50/50, I seriously doubt removal is possible. Let's say the Rep's decide they would prefer Pence and went 100% for removal, that would mean that roughly 1/2 of the Dems would need to go along with that. And as joebhed has said, Trump is probably the best bet for the Dem's at least thru 2018. Even the Democratic party isn't that stupid. So no, impeachment is a moot point, even if it were to happen. And removal of Trump, even if impeached, is highly doubtful.

  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    No they won't impeach him. It's all smoke and mirrors. Trump is the distraction in the candy store while all the kids are robbing the owners (us).

    It's really sad that our country has come to this. How a person like Trump could be elected by a minority vote is shamefull. I'm not sure how this will turn around or end.

  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    I am no fan of Thrump, but Pence or Ryan in his place is a horror story I don't want to see (and I usually love horror stories).

    Even if he is impeached, he would still have to be removed from office, a separate, more difficult process. I wonder if the Repugs could muster enough power to accomplish both steps.

    And Deepspace: I would still prefer a thorough bred horse in the White House over the mule-headed jackasses we've been putting there. Maybe you can get someone from your bloodline to run for president? We really need those good "thinking" genes running the country.

  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    As usual, Trump is mistating the facts. Rosenstein recommended that Comey be terminated because of poor performance with Hillary. On the other hand, Trump terminated Comey because of the Russia issue and THAT is why he's supposedly being investigated for obstruction. It wasn't for following Rosenstein's reasoning, it was because of Trump's reasoning.


  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    I can not believe you guys are buying into this. Trump has had the Democrats and main stream media chasing a ghost since the election in stead of focusing on rebuilding their party or reporting on the little things Trump is doing. Just when the whole Russian thing was fading away Trump yells out "they are investigating ME" and all the attention goes back to the ghost. Slowly all the coal mines are reopening, Keystone is going ahead, Obamacare is slipping away etc. Keep chasing Casper. Two years from now you will all regret it. Trump is dumb like a fox. Now I know where the orange color hair comes from.

  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    What's the matter with you people ?

    Drumpf is our agent for change.

    He disempowers Republicans, and scorns the Hillarians.

    Who stole the election from us.

    The Dems just might be capable of neutralizing, slightly, one or the other legislative bodies. More power to 'em.

    But they're not gong to change anything . They might prevent the Repugs from changing EVERYthing.

    But NOT IF you get the Drumpf headed to MarLago.

    Then, it's gonna be full friggin speed Right-ward.

    Then you got the same deep, disgusting Repug agenda, without the only idiot-brat capable of rendering them politically impotent.


    As long as possible.

    (No, I voted for Bernie and Jill. )

  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    I'm going to be the first to say this....think Trump is insane, and his family is using him for there means. As is the GOP. He is mentally incompetent. Needs mental help.

  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    too many commercials now on Thom Hartmann radio program.

    I get a headache listening to all of them.

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  • Is Trump dumb enough to fire Mueller?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Diane...LMAO.... So you actually think Trump has control over the situation. Are you slow or something?

  • Is Trump dumb enough to fire Mueller?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Maybe better, rephrase the question,

    is President Trump dumb enough to keep leftie/socialists on the edge of a cliff with their hair on fire?

  • Is Trump dumb enough to fire Mueller?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Russia and America united under Oligarchy. The world will soon folllow. Peace at last!

  • Is Trump dumb enough to fire Mueller?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    Bruce: Here's the link to Mikel Jollett's (6-15-17) tweet storm. Also, it was too good not to copy in its entirety. (To save space, it's organized into paragraphs; otherwise, it's verbatim.) Feel free to spread it around:

    Mikel Jollett: Ask yourself: Is the guy who got a Purple Heart then served 5 presidents the one hurting America? Or is it the guy who admires dictators?

    Newt Gingrich: Mueller is now clearly the ti[p of the deep state spear aimed at destroying or at a minimum undermining and crippling the Trump presidency.

    Mikel Jollett: Let's just talk for a moment about how far-fetched @newtgingrich's claim is here. He's saying the entire IC community is out to get Trump. So one of two things is true. Either: 1. They are. or 2. Trump is lying, the FBI/CIA/NSA know it and Republicans are covering for him.

    Both Mueller and Comey are lifelong Republicans. Between them,they served under Reagan, Bush HW, Clinton, and Trump.

    These are the guys that went to the bedside of Richard Ashcroft in 2004 & said if unlawful wire-tapping didn't stop IMMEDIATELY they'd quit. To be clear: unlawful wiretapping would have made them MORE POWERFUL given what their jobs as Deputy Attorney General and head of FBI. But it was unlawful and stretched the limits of privacy and these guys BELIEVE IN THE CONSTITUTION. So they threatened to quit over it.

    Mueller was a marine. In Vietnam he received the Bronze Star, two Commendation Medals and the Purple Heart. He went to law school and became a US Attorney prosecuting financial fraud, terrorism and public corruption cases, and money laundering. He became head of the FBI the week before 9/11, served through W. Bush's terms & was then asked by Obama to stay on for TWO ADDITIONAL YEARS.

    Comey was on the WHITEWATER COMMITTEE investigating that Clinton scandal. As US attorney he also investigated Clinton's pardon of Marc Rich. IOW, this guy is hardly a Clinton hack. As his reputation spread, he was on the short list for the Supreme Court to replace Souter. This pissed off Left activists bc so many saw him as a W Republican He later signed an amicus curiae brief in support of same-sex marriage.

    The big take home point: there is NOTHING in the careers of either Mueller or Comey that suggest corruption or thirst for power. So if Gingrich is right, these guys, after decades of public service, along w the ENTIRE Intelligence Community, turned against rule of law.

    Now let's consider the other possibility: Trump is lying.

    Trump LIED about Obama being a U.S. citizen. He LIED when he said he'd release his taxes. He LIED about his inauguration crowd. Trump LIED saying 3 million "illegals" voted. He LIED saying he had a secret 30 day plan to defeat ISIS. He LIED saying Obama founded ISIS. He LIED saying global warming is a hoax created by China. He LIED saying Ted Cruz’s father killed JFK. He LIED saying Sanders wants a 90% tax. He LIED saying he didn't know David Duke. He LIED saying his father wasn't arrested at a Klan rally. He LIED saying crime was on the rise. He LIED saying black people kill 81% of white homicide victims. He LIED when he said he saw Muslims celebrating after 9/11.

    And most importantly to this discussion, he LIED ABOUT HIS RELATIONSHIP TO VLADIMIR PUTIN.

    So far these members of Trump's inner circle have close ties to Russia: Paul Manafort; Michael Flynn; Jeff Sessions; Carter Page; Jared Kushner.


  • Is Trump dumb enough to fire Mueller?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    Tom read an amazing post about Mueller and his history vs Trump and his lies.

    Does anyone know where that exists?

  • Republicans Are Trying To Repeal Obamacare In Secret   7 years 36 weeks ago

    The problem is that even so-called, alleged progressives like Sherrod Brown, senator from Ohio, only vote according to the money they receive for their campaign funds. For example, he voted against Sanders' proposed bill to allow generic pharmaceuticals to be imported from Canada, which would seem like a benefit for many Americans. Why, because Big Pharma has contributed more than $700K to his campaign coffer. Ninety percent of the bleeping bleepers in high political office are corrupted by this pay for play situation. Things won't change much until we end private funding for politicians.

  • Lessons From the Shooting?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    These crazy wack job right wingers cannot be reasoned with. Trump and the republicans could gang rape a school of nuns and the first words out of their mouth in defense of them would be Hillary.

  • Is Trump dumb enough to fire Mueller?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    Never mind Trump dumping Mueller, more importantly, the Kochs want Trump dumped in order to install Pence. The fix is in, so the Dems need to block any attempt to impeach until after the 2018 elections. The only other option is to demand the election be declared invalid.

    We were attacked by Putin's cyber infantry plain and simple, we are at war. Is Reality Winner the only patriot willing to fight back? The CIA has intel that will bring down the entire Teapublican Party. We need more patriots to step up with these leaks.

  • Lessons From the Shooting?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    Is this “Trump Care Quotes” website legitimate?

    Trump Care Quotes []

    C. Currie

  • Is Trump dumb enough to fire Mueller?   7 years 36 weeks ago

    Who cares? I'm sick of stupidity.. And stupid voters.

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