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  • The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out   7 years 35 weeks ago

    I regularly visit your site and find a lot of interesting information.
    Not only good posts but also great comments.
    Thank you and look forward to your page growing stronger. stickman

  • The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out   7 years 35 weeks ago

    They are only able to pull this off with the supprot of long time fake news viewers, gun nuts, and evanglical faith healing ~evangelical~ lalalalal Christians who care less about the most important teachngs of thier, amount many others who do care, savior Jesus Chriist.

  • The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out   7 years 35 weeks ago

    The Republicans are servants of Satan. It is easier to get a Camel through the eye of a needle, then to get a rich man into Heaven. Who is the rich man? One that is satified with what he has. Greed is never satisfied.

  • The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Are the Teapublicans hedging their bet on the immediate massive tax breaks for billionaires by not decreasing funding to the ACA right away? In other words, the full misery of Teapublican for-profit health insurance won't kick in for several years. Then Fox News idiots can blame whoever is in power at the time....that along with the massive increase in debt.

  • The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Regarding yesterdays posts: Diane, I'm so sorry I overwhelmed you with such a "difficult" math problem. Next time go real slow and count on both hands if you have to. I mean really, believe me, I'm not the kind of guy who would do that on purpose. Believe me, I'm also not the kind of guy who would grab your private part and then brag about it to a big league TV personality.

    Your talking points are total Foxaganda, so don't give us the bull that you aren't glued to that garbage all day......or do you get paid to humiliate yourself on this blog???? I doubt that though, you're much too dull.

    You're better off just focusing on Benghazi and Hillary's emails. All that Russia election interference stuff, you know that stuff that all of our intel agencies point out as fact, well that's just too much for you righties to wrap your tiny foxmerized heads around.

  • The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Your last paragraph before your name sums up the heartlessness of the Republican mind. People with a lot of money also have this mental disease of endlesss greed. -- And you are right - IT'S NOT A HEATHCARE BILL... Seems like it more a throw out the Ill in the cold to die bill.. Elizabeth got the blood right. -- 900 billion, just short of 1 trillion and nobody in the White House screams out, unfair! If this is not a time for the Republicans with a conscience to stand up, when is it??

  • Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Agreed - we have a social democracy here but it is being destroyed. I'd like the economy to be guided by professor Richard Wolff. The Democratic Party is too far gone to save. We need a replacement as others have suggested.

  • The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out   7 years 35 weeks ago

    And the money they're not spending on healthcare will be used to create "Death Squads" to go around killing healthy poor people...and other "undesirables".

  • Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    C'mon flyguy Free shit is good. Somebody should pay for it. Anybody but me of course.

    I sat in my bunker all day and communicated with people that know and the debate is over. In Georgia, the Russians did it and that's a fact. I heard Handel was up by 11pts. and after Putin adjusted the final count she only won by five. Where are the missing 6 points?

    Inquiring minds need to know.

    #resist until I turn Blue.

  • Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Added Comments to consider:

    75 percent of Americans poll support fair trade that protects American workers, the environment, and jobs. - But are not willing to pay for it
    - 71 percent support giving all students access to a debt-free college education. - Who pays for this?
    - 71 percent support a massive infrastructure spending program aimed at rebuilding our broken roads and bridges and putting people back to work. - Where will the $$ come from? China, India, Iran????
    - 71 percent support expanding social security. - Simple answer - Remove the CAP on SSA
    - 59 percent support raising taxes on the wealthy so that multi-millionaires pay the same 74% rate in taxes as they did in 1980. - Sounds good but is not going to solve the problem. If you TAKE ALL their $$ it is just a sliver of dent in the budget
    - 51 percent support single payer healthcare. - Medicare for all - HAVE TO increase medicare tax in a sliding scale based on real income. Medicaide needs to be incorporated into Medicare for All. Means testing as well. ​Make all private insurance companies non-profits.

    Nice ideas, not going to happen unless we are willing to fight $$ in politics. Remove the profit motive and corruption, (Clinton, Bush, Trump types). Break up banking to local and global entities. Separate investing banks - like it was in the late 40's

    Yikes - sounds like a revolution is necessary after all....Non-violent hopefully and an understanding this will take several generations to accomplish. Good target however.

    Good luck to you all who are under 45. It is up to you, our generation, (boomers), screwed you all over very well. My personal apologies.

  • Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    My oh my how we all can name the issue - We are governed by the "Oppo-Sames", it is clear that we have corruption on both sides of the asile, equally by the way. Until the "Progressives" stop with "idenity politics" and the GOP stops with it's lack of understanding the entire electorate and these two factions can stop hating each other and get the MONEY out of Politics. Noting will change. Short of a full revolution - (think Venezulea!), our only hope is to start at the ground level and regain the importance of teaching Civics. I really like what Professor Dodson proposed as well. It is a cultural and full society shift. Not to Democratic Socialism but to the American Exceptional Society we are but have lost our way by not focusing on education of our youth. We have brought up our youth to believe that the Federal Government is there to give out "free-stuff" for votes. That is why we/lefties, keep electing the same Pelosi/Trump types to office. The voters want all this "free-stuff" but do not want to pay for it.

    There is a very simple solution - IF you take free stuff then expect and be "forced" to work for it by volunteering. We can no longer afford the nanny state culture. There are thousands of opportunities to not only take but to give. Put the takers to work wherever there is work to be done. Clean streets, work in a child care facility so our single parents can volunteer, work in a clinic and yes, start to move to Medicare for All by taxing consumption and yes, get the 1% to pay more. Not pay it all, just add a sur-tax to stock options, bonuses, etc. It will take a number of years to move to this but we must pull together and stop fighting each other. Take the $ out of our politics, reduce the number of days allowed by candidates to run and stop private funding of campagins. Like in UK.

    Simple to talk about, extremely challenging to implement. I will be dead by the time it happens but at least my grand kids will not have to deal with the "Opposames" and may be able to avoid becoming a third world country.

    In the words of Graham Nash - "Teach your children Well" - they are the only hope for the USA


  • Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    When Democrats help the Tories out with their campaign against Labor, I have questions about this Democratic Party.

  • Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Not only was there a tremendous amount of kicking voters off the voter registration, what if, Ossoff actually won but due to massive vote fraud it appeared he lost. It won't matter how well the democrats present themselves unless this country exposes and corrects the amount of vote fraud going on.

  • Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    I will tell you what I see but you will not like it.

    I'm from Puerto Rico and I went into politics for a while. What I saw were people who got into the movement intent on changing it's purpose, to drive us into extremism and some of those people worked openly for the federal government.

    I saw people come into the movement because they failed to gain a position with the mayor parties and saw in us an oportunity to get in on the ground floor so that they could be the ones making the big bucks. Corruption is widespread in the island.

    What I saw was a game between the three mayor parties that was very similar to the way wrestling functions. There is the "good guy" and the "bad guy" and while they fight before the public eye, in private, they are friends and partners in corruption.

    The same thing is happening in the US. In the last elections, it did not work. The "good gal" had so many problems that she did not win people in the opposition over. She was so despicable that people saw hope in the guy who was supposed to be the "bad guy". So Trump won.

    It might be that Ossoff lost because he was supposed to lose. He is a Republican playing at being a Democrat. He certainly did not try to win.

    If the people that control the US have enought monye to invest getting their candidates into office, if they had enought money to get the Supreme Court to dictate in favor of Citizens United, you think they would allow a candidate that they own lose? They wont. They already lost enought when a guy they can't control got elected president.

    It's all a show created to make us think that we have a functional democracy when we don't. The evidence is right in front of our eyes and we refuse to see it. Isn't it true that when the Democrats control everything, like it happened when Obama won the first time, nothing happens to change the course of the USA? Do they do anything worth mentioning or do they continue what the Republicans started and widen it's scope a little.

    There is no such thing as a Democratic party. Al gore said it. The Democratic Party is the left wing of the Republican party. They are members of the same wrestling team and their purpose is to entertain the masses.

  • Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Uncle Draggi,

    "Every election recounted and investigated for possible illegal and unethical activity..."

    I suggest you begin with the only known illegal/unethical election actiivty from last year. That would be the DNC and DWS and its unethical behavior in shafting Bernie Sanders.


  • Can The Democrats Blockade TrumpCare?   7 years 35 weeks ago


    While adding Dems you failed to remember to blame evangelicals and prosperity gospel types and all other religious kooks that led their sheeple into herd mentality, and you failed to add to those you say are betraying this nation all the delusional trump supporters.

  • Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Since the last actor President, our Dear Country has had its political steering wheel wrenched 115% to the right and once in a while someone, instead of going along with it complains and ends up with a right turn compromise. YES it is TIME for the DEMS TO TURN LEFT.

  • Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    The Democrats have let the oppostion ruin their name. Just saying "Democrat", yet voting "Democrat " is revolting to many Americans. Democrats need a new name and a new image. I suggest the party be call "The People's Party". And that the members and representatives of The People's Party act like their name!

  • Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    1) Yes, if the Dems want to stay in the 'game', they need to quit acting like .. 'mice'. However, since neither the Democrats nor the Republicans seem to give a rat's ass about "We the People" any longer, we need to stop pretending like we give a rip about them, too. Stop screwing around and present "progressive" ideas -as- -they- -are-! Either get serious or just admit that Americans have become wimps & cowards, and be done with it.

    2) It has become =plainly= obvious that Republicans will do =any=thing they can to disenfranchise voters they even suspect won't vote the way the Repubs want them to do. Illegal? Unethical? The Repubs =literally= don't care. After all, who the hell do the voters think they are, anyway? Did the Dem lose in Georgia? Maybe, and =maybe= =not=! Frankly, until and unless the Dems start screaming bloody murder to have =every= election recounted =and= investigated for possible illegal and unethical activity -- during/after each and every single one -- they :deserve: to be treated like 'doormats'! You know damn good and well the Republicans wouldn't hesitate a nano-second to scream if the shoe were on the other foot! So, either grow/find "a pair", or wimp on home and shut up, period, full stop. I'm sick and tired of the cowardice of the Dems!

  • Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120%; }

    It comes down to this: identity affiliation. Some of us have spent a lifetime relating to the propaganda distributed by our respective parties. It's simpler that way. A binary weighting of values that ring our personal bell. To no small extent we are influenced by the rhetoric pervading family, community or class. How deeply do we examine these “truths”? About half of the American electorate are self described “independents”. Free thinkers, or so we would have others believe. But how free are we from the constant drum beat of the propaganda that washes across the masses? Do we ever really analyze divisive issues in depth, or do we operate on a visceral level? Until we reach a certain level of awareness, through education (self or formal), we can never aspire to be a free and truly democratic society. And it seems that the powers that be are hell bent on preventing exactly that. We need to lose the terms “Democrat” and “Republican” and establish a new direction for the betterment of all, not those afflicted with the “greed gene”.

  • Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    On health care, what would be the logic of providing anything more than emergency room services to the poor, just to dump them back on the streets? Lack of adequate food and shelter take a very heavy toll on human health. In fact, since the Clinton admin. ended actual welfare aid, the overall life expectancy of the US poor already fell below that of every developed nation. We're stuck with reality: Not everyone can work (health, etc.) and there aren't jobs for all.

  • Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    People have been saying this about the younger generation for decades. Your post gives no clue about what direction you think the country should take, what the leading priorities should be.

  • Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Many have pointed out the problem all along. It's not complicated. The Dem voting base had long consisted of the poor and middle class, for the common good. The Clinton wing split this base wide apart 20-some years ago. As the overall life expectancy of the US poor fell below that of every developed nation, liberals maintained a rousing pep rally for the middle class. Many knew that the years of the Obama administration marked our last chance to bring the "masses" together, for the common good. We're more divided, pitted against each other by class and race, than we were eight years ago. Democrats divided and conquered their own voting base, and are probably over for the foreseeable future.

  • Another Special Election Loss - Is It Time for Democrats To Move Left?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    it seems that the democrats need to get back to the basics so that they can move the fuck along. i believe that the direction of the democratic admitinstration has to be the creation of relationships with everyone in country through strong education of their main goals. some of the more conservative folks are completely shut down; just waiting for them to die has to be enough. the younger generation knows value of education and can be taught about the directions and solutions that the democrats will have (if they get their shit together and agree on a few). these 45 supporters are more open to measured clear communication, possible facts too, delivered in a language that they can understand. it won't be hard to do,

    unfortunately, this direction necessitates the democrats to get off of their "high horses", pulling their heads out of their asses, and relating to their roots. this may be hard for the entrenched, entitled. free thinking (sic), crats. welcome to the new world!

  • Is This Any Way To Run A Democracy?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    We're watching Greg Palast's documentary.
    Thank you for making us aware of it.
    Contrary to Fox News Palast exhibits no
    phony ourage. He tells a dark story with
    humor and irony.

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