Recent comments

  • The New Privatization Nightmare Coming Soon…   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Relax the cacks, ya uppity geebag. Jaysus! Yer a real skanger, a thicko scundered for a hundred, and don't even know it.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    I'm leaning toward the 'shell game' keep your eyes on my (small) hands...ooops, wrong shell.

    While we obsess about his sociopathic rants we used up a bit of the time we could be watching Congress to make sure they don't ram/sneak through a repeal of Health Care.

    All in all, I don't see a shift in right wing, conservative, tea party attitudes. There may need to be a shift in how the msg. is presented to get the majority of people at the table in agreement.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    I hate to repeat myself but I posted this on the last thread but it's relevant to this thread.

    I think this dust-up between the Morning Joe anchors and Trump is fake. They've been friends for years. As they say: "Any press is good press." My guess is they are colluding in this scam, Joe and Mika for ratings and Trump for a diversion from the Russia investigation.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    The tweets prove we have a president with the mindset of a 2 year old. I wonder who changes his diapers?

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Here's a slightly altered saying. "Tweets don't build character. Tweets reveal character." He's more transparent than he thinks. Not just for what he tweets, but also for what he chooses not to tweet. The media has been constantly ripping Trump Care apart and yet he doesn't defend it. He's suppose to hit back "ten times harder", and yet..... Nothing.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Granny Di -- Feckin' gobshite, mamó, pull up ye manky clackers! Ye bleedin' growler is leapi' wi' benjy dingleberries! Jaysus, may Good God Almighty have mercy on me bruised eyeballs!

    Have ye seen mango sap's latest tweets? Twas feckin' cla wa'nt it? 'Cause Pussygrabber F*ck Face tis some kind o' strategic genius ... Einstein all chubbed up. And a ball o' dose it was, with ass juice drippin' out his hole. Now clean up the floor there, me love.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    I just don't care. I don't believe in regime change in foreign countries and I don't believe in it here. I didn't like the Arkansas Project when it was used to disrupt Bill Clinton's presidency nor the Caucus Room conspiricy to destroy the Obama presidency. The media needs to stop paying attention to idiocy and stop speculating whether or not Trump is unbalalanced or unfit for the presidency.

    The bottom line is Donald J. Trump is the legally elected President of the United States. The alternative, Mike Pence, is much worse. I don't care what the man tweets, I want the media to do their job and pay attention to issues that matter to the American people.

    For the past 15 years, the mainstream media infotainment megaphone has reported on anything in order to avoid discussion or debate concerning war and peace or what are the concerns that affect average Americans. The president is under unprecidented attack, worse that anything even Clinton or Obama experienced.

    We have been treated to the permanent campaign when a president gets into office since Clinton and now we have the opposition research of the Democratic 2016 presidential campaign following the victor into office. Give it up. He's president and we need to start discussing important issues. The relentless attacks from the media need to stop and the anonymous sources need to stop feeding allegations to media thirsting for web clicks and ratings.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Off topic: U.S. citizens are finally paying attention to healthcare financing. Every Democrat who can drag themselves in front of a news camera should be shouting that the U.S. should have 'Medicare-For-All' and get the price gouging insurance companies out from between ourselves and our doctors. National and State Democratic legislators can contrast themselves as good guys by pounding on a popular solution while the Republicans are putting forward something with a 16% popularity. (Great setup for gains in '18 & '20 and the census prep.)

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Sorry but I still blame the voters...he did everything in his power to demonstrate he is the definition of trash...and yet..."I just don't like Hillary...there's just something about her...I don't trust her...I just can't vote for her" And, we know that was fueled by Russian influencing the election...combined with voter repression...but we should have OVERCOME those obstacles...we the people, even those of us who voted for her...we needed to do more, and we need to do more NOW

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    This is just a diversionary tactic to give the pundits something to talk about other than the "so-called" health care bill.


  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    The good thing about Trump's tweets is that we know what he, the Republican Party and their Christian followers really think. Trump, please keep tweeting!!!

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    You have a good point. Lunatic, maniac Rump is doing what he knows best: distract, intimidate and coerce to keep from operating on any cylinders. The Rupubs are reaping their rewards while the Demos are distracted by Rump's insane tweets. Yes, he is not fit to be a janitor, much less president of the US. Question is, if Rump stays as president, will we have a country left to defend?

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    What President Trumps tweets actually prove is the fact that in 140 characters or less he can play leftie/socialists like a cat following a laser dot on the wall. While you all are spending your time chasing nothing, the senate, house, and his cabinet are passing legislation (Kate's Law prime example) that you fools completely miss.

    Jesus, no wonder you lost the election and 1000 democrat party seats, you can't focus on anything but the unimportant.

    Keep the tweets coming President Trump, their almost over the cliff.

  • The New Privatization Nightmare Coming Soon…   7 years 34 weeks ago


    How many billions is Trump planning to kill off Randolph?

    a. One billion?

    b. Two billion?

    c. Three billion?

    4. All of the above?

    Sounds like a plan to contain glowbull warming.

  • The New Privatization Nightmare Coming Soon…   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Since society is regressing, peasants may have to revive medieval survival strategies independent of strip malls and corporate box stores.

    For instance, convert all those useless, resource-sucking, subdivision lawns into productive gardens. When the goddamn compost piles get too big and stinky, well then, start fermenting vegetable matter toward a greater purpose. For the truly inspired, there is an abundance of ancient wisdom: berries. grains, hops, dandelions, you name it. Bad water? Problem solved!

    Mead is also easy and cheap; although nowadays, of course, pesticides are wiping out the bee populations. But hell, since regulations evidently no longer matter, there are lots of great alternatives: fruit wines, cider, godale, moonshine, bathtub gin...

    Whatever grog grabs your fancy and makes you forget your miserable lot in life, drank in enough quantities, you might even find the courage in the bottom of that mug to become politically active. Hanging the king in effigy, storming the castle, drawing and quartering, lobbing off their heads, impaling on pikes ... alas, the kings and queens and lords and ladies always seem to forget the dark side of stealing all the power and wealth from the disaffected rabble.

  • The New Privatization Nightmare Coming Soon…   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Off topic but I think this dust-up between the Morning Joe anchors and Trump is fake. They've been friends for years. As they say: "Any press is good press." My guess is they are colluding in this scam, Joe and Mika for ratings and Trump for a diversion from the Russia investigation.

  • The New Privatization Nightmare Coming Soon…   7 years 34 weeks ago

    It's apparent that Trump really likes to eat. Someone should explain to him that clean water is necessary for agriculture.

  • The New Privatization Nightmare Coming Soon…   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Wherever clean drinking water is accessed it will be God's blessing for providing.

  • Thursday 29 June '17 show notes   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Great conversation about Medicaid with Thom and Keith. It needs to be said that “Nearly two million veterans across the country rely on Medicaid, and for as many as 365,000 of them, it is their only source of health coverage. Without it, they'd be uninsured.” Over the past few months, we have heard from thousands of veterans who stand to lose so much if this trump Health Care/Insurance bill passes.

    Please repeat this statement and ask or tell our Reps and Senators to do the same. Repetition seems to be the key!!!

    Thank you,

  • The New Privatization Nightmare Coming Soon…   7 years 34 weeks ago

    I have a well. Pure water. No chlorine. In an area with no industry etc. to pollute.

  • The "Morally Bankrupt" GOP   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Deepspace, You were wondering why I was not commenting. Spent 2 weeks deep in the Rockies off of the grid. It was great to get away from the madness for awhile. Opened my eyes and cleared my head. This winter I am planning on another country for awhile. Need the break.

  • The New Privatization Nightmare Coming Soon…   7 years 34 weeks ago

    #bolliar: Tests show that these bottle water companies are just usiing regular tap water and who knows what that means in terms of contamination or microbes? Better to get a BERKEY and filter your own water (costs less than purchasing bottled water in the long run, too.) You can get a BERKEY on Amazon, or just google "Berkey water filters". Then you are sure of what you are drinking. They have filters for both microbial life and heavy metals, etc.. I have a small "Travel" size and I use mine every day. It gives me peace of mind, if nothing else, and I only change out my filters once a year on my b-day.

  • The New Privatization Nightmare Coming Soon…   7 years 34 weeks ago

    What do I think? I think this country should have voted Green Party.

  • The New Privatization Nightmare Coming Soon…   7 years 34 weeks ago

    I learned in Junior High, back in the 60"s, that the "free market" was the enemy of our economy and that it would only benefit the rich. Everything I was taught happened just as our social studies teacher taugh us but stupid is as stupid does.

    That is why our educational system was privatized and now, it dumbs down people. It's on purpose. You see, in the same manner that you can awaken a mind, you can knock it out. That is what is being done to us. Fear, uncertainty, lies and violence, those are the elements that destroy a minds capacity to think an analize things rationally. I would think that you know this.

    Today, politics are controlled by the obsenely rich. They have enough money to buy every politician out there and to smear anyone they don't want in power. They have the money to control the Democratic Party and turn it into a useless group of people incapable of developing a clear path that people could recognize. Now the Democratic Party is the "left" of the Republican Party, as Ossoff demonstrated. We are controlled like puppets and there is no one out there talking about it.

    Free speech is a joke. All groups hinder communication because all the political groups out there want their followers to follow blindly. That is the reality that will destroy the US and bring us into the next world war, one that will be nuclear and that will desimate Europe and the US.

    Think about it. The world already know that the US has nuclear weapons and that the US has no problems using them. We showed our hand when we bombed Japan. So, if there is a war, how long do you think that it will take the enemy to figure out that they must hit the US first before the US hits them? How long do you think that a country like Korea would take to use it's bombs on anyone it considers an enemy? If I know I'm not going to survive, I will take my enemies with me, recognize that?

    So, here we are with Trump as our president. A man that has shown that he has no problems using our weapons arsenal, particularly when he has a vested interest in the replacement of the weapons used. Today there's a group of people pushing for a war with Rusia and those people are using every trick in the book to convince people that Russia is the enemy and that it must be stopped. They are doing a wonderful job and there is no one out there moving a finger to stop it. Heck, the Democratic Party is part and parcel of the effort. They are pushing all those investigations, supposedly because they want to put a nail in Trumps coffin.

    Heck, I think that if Hillary had won, we would already be at war with Russia. Good thing she lost.

  • The New Privatization Nightmare Coming Soon…   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Gotta go where the big money is. Our elite visionaries have gutted all the low hanging American fruit. Our rust belt environment has expanded from coast to coast. And so, the only big money left up for grabs belongs to big government.

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