Recent comments

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 33 weeks ago


    'He' is (and was during the campaign) unfit to be president, as well as a member of the human race. Unfortunately with this Republican controlled Congress, and their almost complete lack of integrity regarding doing what's best for the country, they will never do anything about 'Him' and his behavior.

    If these people were in power back in the early 1970's, Nixon would have served a second complete term. Unfortunately I find the situation hopeless.

    Bill (Portland, OR.)

  • The New Privatization Nightmare Coming Soon…   7 years 33 weeks ago


  • The New Privatization Nightmare Coming Soon…   7 years 33 weeks ago

    I enjoy the song by Green Day called know your enemy. And there's something everyone can learn from the basic thought of knowing your enemy. Our enemy is the royal class. When we defeated England in a Revolutionary War, they did not quit, the royal class stayed in power in England and Royal classes in the rest of the world we're still in power. They are our enemy. Today we have a new royal class, when they privatize something profits don't go to the working people. The monies goes to the royal class. They're buying up buildings where you have to lease them to start a business they steal our pensions they own Wall Street,and our government The royal class is our enemy and we should stop calling them an oligarchy.. let's say what it actually is ,its royalty in the United States ! The Revolutionary War never ended

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 33 weeks ago

    Dear Thom,

    Donald J. Trump. A truly detestable man. This progenitor of hate and vitrol goes

    way beyond the pale. I truly fear for us as a nation. In my gut, I see not a spark of

    decency in this man. I'm afraid we'll all be veiwed in the world as ugly American's !


    Mike Marlowe

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 33 weeks ago

    If you did not learn from the Bush/Cheney regime about how bad our country could be run. You are in for much worse this time. It is all setting up for a major disaster. The fascists are in control.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 33 weeks ago

    Speaking of zombies, seems that this place has a left over from a zombie movie.

    "Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction." Timothy 6:9

    Go colonize Mars and take all the billionaires with you. We must demand that the commonwealth provide for all people not worship and idolize money.

    "Run to the light" Diane... "Go into the light...there is peace and serenity in the light. " Poltergeist

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 33 weeks ago

    Increase spending for war; decrease spending for peace; lie to the public -- and then brag about it! Nice!

    WTF is wrong with you!

    Is there any doubt who the most dangerous terrorists in the world are, who is perverting their religion, dividing our nation, propagating hate, escalating violence, proliferating weapons, spreading death and destruction everywhere -- all for profit, increasing and consolidating even more wealth for American oligarchs, drunk on power and blood?

    The "minions, zombies, and lemmings" being played are the ignorant fools who voted for this unpatriotic mob of Republican thugs and their useful idiot, who pretends to be smart and fails miserably, like everything else he has ever done in his sad little life.

    None of this has gone "unnoticed" by the civilized people in the world. This immature boy king, in a fat old man's body, is only "diverting the attention" of those dumber than him, the butt of every joke.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 33 weeks ago

    Looks like President Trump taught Nikky Haley a thing or two about using social media as a tool for diverting the attention of leftie/socialists. While the minions were obsessed with Mika and Joe this went completely unnoticed by the zombies. More fodder for the lemmings.

    Nikki Haley‏Verified account @nikkihaley Jun 28
    "Just 5 months into our time here, we've cut over half a billion $$$ from the UN peacekeeping budget & we’re only getting started.”

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 33 weeks ago

    I wonder what other scripted theatrical reality television has in store for us Moron Joke Joe? Oh the drama just in time for the tax cut AHCA. I updated the original post for dearest Diane.

    What 'his' tweets actually prove is the fact that in 140 characters or less he can play gun nuts, long term fake news viewers, and so called Evangelical Christians, like a cat following a laser dot on the wall. While they all are spending thier time ignoring science and reality, the senate, house, and his cabinet are passing legislation laughing at the stupidity and ignorance of his constituency.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 33 weeks ago

    Legend #15:

    The Rocky Mountains are an awe-inspiring, priceless national treasure! I hope you found much peace, beauty, and solitude to charge your spirit. The Canadian Rockies are even more expansive with tens of thousands of square miles of untouched wilderness. People forever penned in by glass, steel, and concrete grow slowly insane with constant exposure to artificiality.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 33 weeks ago

    ...Like the hundreds of thousands of ghosts Trump saw at the National Mall during his inauguration.

    DianeyWorld proudly wallows in Big Daddy Pussygrabber's endless lies, abuse, and corruption. She, like all right-wing groupies and Fux News sock puppets, will blindly stick by her man no matter what he says or does, as in Battered Person Syndrome. (Seek help!)

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 33 weeks ago

    Dianie you seem so anxious to stroke his ego. Like him, the wicked witch who looked into the mirror and saw a beautiful woman must have had a fan club too.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 33 weeks ago

    Gobshite #19:

    Not worth the crack of yer arse of boiled snow. Téigh trasna ort féin.

  • GOP Is Going To Pull A Reagan On Healthcare… I'll Explain   7 years 33 weeks ago

    Does Mitch accommodate the image of a heterosexual male?

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 33 weeks ago

    Diane, If you want a latin American country of solitude and good health visit the west coast of Costa Rica or Panama. Extremely beautiful, and good food. Costa Rica spends zero on a military.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 33 weeks ago

    I want to thank Deepspace for his comment I couldn't have said it better myself.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    The lesson the people of the US are learning is the difference between a statesman and a businessman. People thought that the office imbues the personality and once in office Trump would turn into a stateman. But businessmen are a breed unto themselves. We should take the time that he is in office to study him carefully so we understand what we get when we put a businessman into office. The other side of this coin is Pence. He's a lawyer and a Right-wing fundaMENTAList. If he ever got into the actual presidency, he'd make The Donald look positively balanced. As much as I don't like the Trump's Right-wing agenda, he's still the lesser of two evils given Mike Pence in the equation.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    The lesson the people of the US are learning is the difference between a statesman and a businessman. People thought that the office imbues the personality and once in office Trump would turn into a stateman. But businessmen are a breed unto themselves. We should take the time that he is in office to study him carefully so we understand what we get when we put a businessman into office. The other side of this coin is Pence. He's a lawyer and a Right-wing fundaMENTAList. If he ever got into the actual presidency, he'd make The Donald look positively balanced. As much as I don't like the Trump's Right-wing agenda, he's still the lesser of two evils given Mike Pence in the equation.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Cuba, so tempting and so close with great healthcontrol to boot. A leftie/socialist's virtual wet dream.

    Why not give it a try for a decade or two?

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    It is beyond obvious: that Trump is a pathetic, self-centered, sociopathic, cartoonish autocrat, too emotionally immature and simpleminded to adequately undertake the complex and weighty responsibilities of president; that a clearly out-of-touch, one-party-rule Republican Party is deliberately ignoring the overall interests and essential needs of ordinary citizens to do the bidding of a tiny faction of aristocrats, whose only mission is to hoard most of society's wealth and power; that the Supreme Court has degenerated into an exclusive, all-powerful star chamber of robed Masters of the Universe, far exceeding their original constitutional power; that the United Sates is a ruthless military/economic vampire/empire sucking dry the blood and riches of a dying planet; that our registration and voting systems have been hopelessly corrupted by partisan extremists in state legislatures, unscrupulously purging rolls, passing draconian voter-suppression laws, gerrymandering districts to permanently tilt elections to maintain an unaccountable supermajority in the House, relying on faulty and inaccurate voting machines with no paper trails in minority and/or Democratic districts; that the corporate-controlled press has utterly failed to inform their mesmerized audience of dumbed-down escapists, hooked on cheesy fiction and cheap thrills, about these critical issues, turning the First Amendment into nothing more than fodder for late-night comedians and a tool for religious zealots who seek to establish a Christian theocracy.

    What is not so obvious: why the People curled up in the fetal position and let all this happen; why such large segments of eligible voters consistently fail to inform themselves of objective reality, don't take their duty as citizens seriously, or think their votes don't count (which, sadly, in too many cases they don't); why most passive consumers of shallow corporate media can't recognize that, in effect, we have already lost our democratic republic, for which our forefathers bled and died -- not that we might lose it at some vague future date; why they believe any action short of total revolution -- in our spirit and mindset -- will change anything!

    Happy, hollow, Fourth of July...

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Has it ocurred to you that this president craves attention and that is what you are giving him? He, the president, is either insane or he is playing with the public as he played when he ran for office. He did announced many years ago that someone could reach the presidency doing what he is doing.

    He plays with us, occupies our attention with bunk and while he is doing so, his people does what he really wants to do. His tweets are the Colliseum of our modern Rome.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago


  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    I went deep into the Rockies and was off of the grid for 2 weeks. I would not have known if healthcare passed or not. Try it, you will feel better after not listening to this non sense.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    That statement by a "Reichstadt" surrogate that no stopping them now as they now control all three beanches iof Government is very troubling since US Government was designed from inseption to maintain a balance of power among legislative, administrative and judicial branches. I have no faith that any Constitutional "loyalists" will ever emerge and take back the Government I served by enlisting in the US Army so many years ago. It is unlikely that the original frameworks will ever be restored. We have become what the founders feared..a single party ruling as they see fit without checks and balances. Again, putting Trump in the oval office was like putting fecal matter in the punch bowl at your daughter's wedding reception. All the "perfumes of Arabia can never cleanse" the stench.

  • What Trump's "Tweet Storm” Proves...   7 years 34 weeks ago

    trump is doing his job, as described by the republican leadership.

    He is to provide the smoke screen to give cover to the disspeciable destruction of america the corrupt poiticans are doing, and that the propaganda media restricts the reporting on!

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