This is why the educational system stinks. It's designed to create obedient workers, not analitical, intelligent people. The dummer the people, the more hogwash they will accept.
The sad part is that there's no one out there doing anything to open people's mind to reality. What we have is people enclosed in defined spaces that can't move freely because, if they do, they would be ostracized from the group. So we got liberals and we got conservatives. Two extremes that can't see reality.
Has anyone explained to people how their cost of living went up as they voted for politicians that lowered their taxes? I mean, since we don't have public hospitals, we have to buy health insurance, we have to pay to get our garbage picked up, our property taxes get's higher and higher and we end up expending money on the lotto to get out of misery because there are no jobs out there that can help us do so. So, if we add all those expenses to what we pay in taxes, how would what we pay compare with what we used to pay when we had public hospitals and we didn't live in fear?
Has any politician explained to people how free trade affects their jobs? You hear about it but no politician points it out clearly. They don't becaus all politicians rely on money from the rich to run their campaigns. Without that money, there's no campaign and no possibility of getting elected.
Lookat he campaign between Ossoff and Handel. Both candidates received millions but who gave them those millions? It's all a farse.
So politicans play with words. They say one thing but mean another. They appear to defend our interests but are burying us slowly. Who listen to them any way?
No problem, just tell me how you are going to finance the program. I am on board if you can convince me the existing jobs in the insurance world, the hospitals, doctors, those idiots in congress, and the American public will all be content with your suggestion.
Real numbers not wild guesses based on the babbling of leftie/socialist radio bobbleheads who make their living keeping you ginned up.
There are a lot of smart folks posting here. Great work.
I sure that I've heard it discussed on the program before but it seems to get lost in the shuffle in the MSM, most likely on purpose. Along with adding real choice to healthcare by adding single payer, we must remind ourselves of the lucrativeness that one could find for all those who do not want to choose single payer. It would drastically increase their choices in plans. By adding single payer it would accelerate competitiveness in the pool of insurers which drive the health insurance market, resulting in todays Cadillac plans being outshone by the ones what would be offered then, making them within reach of a lot more people once single payer has been added as one of our healthcare choices.
While the moral turpitude of the Republican healthcare debacle shines a bright light on the callous, unsympathetic nature of the sociopathic mindset of present-day, so-called conservatives, it is merely one symptom of a deeper psychopathy wreaking destruction across the planet on a singular, truly unimaginable scale.
Today, a new study was published in a journal of the National Academy of Sciences detailing an epic cataclysm of biblical proportions that human greed has unleashed. Here are a few excerpts from the study's discussion summation and conclusion:
..."Humanity will eventually pay a very high price for the decimation of the only assemblage of life that we know of in the universe."
" Earth’s sixth mass extinction episode has proceeded further than most assume."
"...they suggest that as much as 50% of the number of animal individuals that once shared Earth with us are already gone, as are billions of populations."
..."Much less frequently mentioned are, however, the ultimate drivers of those immediate causes of biotic destruction, namely, human overpopulation and continued population growth, and overconsumption, especially by the rich. [emphasis mine] These drivers, all of which trace to the fiction that perpetual growth can occur on a finite planet, are themselves increasing rapidly. Thus, we emphasize that the sixth mass extinction is already here and the window for effective action is very short, probably two or three decades at most (11, 48). All signs point to ever more powerful assaults on biodiversity in the next two decades, painting a dismal picture of the future of life, including human life."
The founders set up government to be our servant and I want elected officials to use my taxes to help pay for Medicare for all! ...a "we the people" takeover of health insurance.
Trump said, "Australia's universal health care program beats the US's"....for profit system.
Crooked Donny's idol continues to allow universal health care for his Russian citizens .
Tom Perez never bothered to mention single-payer on Meet the Teapublicans last Sunday. Sanders remains the only Democrat with a pair of balls...he talked about it on that same program a couple weeks ago.
If a third party suddenly formed calling itself the Medicare for all Party, they'd win hands down...well they'd win in an election where fascist election fraud didn't exist. Hasn't been one of those in quite some time though.
BTW: The Bundy armed standoff Teabaggers are not being convicted in recent trials. Yet, unarmed anti fascist protestors face decades of prison time for turning over a couple garbage cans. Make Fascism great again.
Seems to me humankind started to lose it's "humanity" about the same time we evolved beyond the small hunter-gatherer groups in which everyone's actions were litteraly within everyone else's view. A sense of community is necessary to maintain a mutually beneficial society. Look at today's world, with life and death decisions being made with complete anonymity in board rooms, in the cloistered halls of political power, in the basement of the Pentagon. The only solution to this tragic spiral is transparency, the rebirth of the Fourth Estate, and the active engagement of the masses. Sorry to say, none of this is going to happen until the level of social pain reaches some critical level. Twenty five more years? Five? Stay tuned.
Yea, yea! Dr. Miklashek is a wise and moral human being. Thank you!
Perhaps those of us in the bottom 90% who incur the most debt and the least benefit from out-of control, deregulated, monopolistic, crony capitalism should have the freedom not to pay our fair share of taxes either, most of which only subsidize the selfish interests of obscenely wealthy elites anyway.
"The love of money [i.e., greed] is the root of all evil." The glutinous hypocrites and false religionists who hoard the wealth of society by profiting on war, the destruction of the environment, and the misery of others -- by stealing from their captive consumers, the workers, the poor, the sick, the children, and the elderly -- ignore 1 Timothy 6:10 at their own peril. In that moment after the last breath when all earthly possesions are lost, they realize their wickedness too late.
To Gregg Miklashek, MD Well said, sir! I applaud your stance. With greetings from Brisbane, Australia, where the overall political trend is sadly in the same direction as in the US. Bernie Williams (who would have liked to see another Bernie in the White House).
Freedom of choice eh? Fine! Single Payer. Done! --- I also would like to know how they made giving employment earned money from the poor to the rich? How is that legal?
"They" (insurance companies, for-profit hospitals and medical groups, and medical technology comporations, as well as drug companies) are truly the "moneychangers in the temple"! It is past time to throw them out. Yes; it is immoral to interject greed into the equation of healthcare. And that is exactly what "for profit" is; prima facia!
I'm a retired physician, who believes that making a profit, beyond a fair salary to compensate providers for the many years of education necessary to achieve a healthcare profession degree, is immoral, which includes most insurance companies, for-profit hospitals and medical groups, and medical technology comporations, as well as drug companies. It's really just that simple. Not-for-profit Single payer is the ONLY moral method of healthcare provision, as opposed to our current "healthcare industry". However, the dark money from that "industry" will prevent any such solution, until a Sander's style Grassroots revolution among an enlightened and emboldened electorate takes place. Thank you, Thom for your efforts! Gregg Miklashek, MD (retired)
Excellent! A "corporate serfdom" is not off topic, ckrob.
"Redistributing wealth" (Legend's link in #36): Enter the theatre of the absurd filled with row after row of wide-eyed mannequins staring vacantly, reciting over and over in lifeless monotone unison the same preprogrammed script, as little wooden puppets dressed in little suits and ties dangle from strings and click-clack around the stage flailing their arms.
Meanwhile, outside on the mean streets of the real world, our actual constitutionally-limited, representative, democratic republic of the serfs, by the serfs, for the serfs shall perish from the Earth, as it rapidly decays into a fascist oligarchy ruled by the modern-day reincarnation of Dark Age gilded puppet masters ensconced in opulent palaces.
Off topic: I suggest coinage of the term "corporate serf." The medieval serf was tied to the Laird who owned the land on which the serf lived and to whom tribute was owed. The serf had no rights except those granted by the Laird. The corporate serf is tied to the corporate owners and have absolutely no rights except those the owners grant (a paycheck) or government regulations require. The corporate serf can be banished (fired) just as the medieval serf could have been exiled from home, friends, family and livelihood.
Let's call capitalism what it is -- serfdom for today. <search YouTube for rd wolff>
The oligarchs believe in divide and conquer. They have us at each others' throats. Every time you attack each other, you are doing their work. Please have a civilized discussion - it is a form of resistance.
I find it interesting when leftie/socialists become so completely unhinged they fail to read and understand the difference between a university study and the one of a dozen media outlets reporting the published results.
Maybe because the older ones, instead of worshiping money, seem more tired since it was they who have been fighting for the rights that you now enjoy . Shame shame shame Diane. Shame your type. Why do paid shills working for the billionaires need to relentlessly pilfer from the commonwealth of the country?, dismantling the republic as we know it.
Diane, Come on???? You really need to research your sources before you post them and make an ass of yourself. Do you not get tired of looking like a fool?
This is why the educational system stinks. It's designed to create obedient workers, not analitical, intelligent people. The dummer the people, the more hogwash they will accept.
The sad part is that there's no one out there doing anything to open people's mind to reality. What we have is people enclosed in defined spaces that can't move freely because, if they do, they would be ostracized from the group. So we got liberals and we got conservatives. Two extremes that can't see reality.
Has anyone explained to people how their cost of living went up as they voted for politicians that lowered their taxes? I mean, since we don't have public hospitals, we have to buy health insurance, we have to pay to get our garbage picked up, our property taxes get's higher and higher and we end up expending money on the lotto to get out of misery because there are no jobs out there that can help us do so. So, if we add all those expenses to what we pay in taxes, how would what we pay compare with what we used to pay when we had public hospitals and we didn't live in fear?
Has any politician explained to people how free trade affects their jobs? You hear about it but no politician points it out clearly. They don't becaus all politicians rely on money from the rich to run their campaigns. Without that money, there's no campaign and no possibility of getting elected.
Lookat he campaign between Ossoff and Handel. Both candidates received millions but who gave them those millions? It's all a farse.
So politicans play with words. They say one thing but mean another. They appear to defend our interests but are burying us slowly. Who listen to them any way?
It's a waste of time.
Dianereynolds • 1 week 5 days ago
Dianereynolds • 7 weeks 3 days ago
No problem, just tell me how you are going to finance the program. I am on board if you can convince me the existing jobs in the insurance world, the hospitals, doctors, those idiots in congress, and the American public will all be content with your suggestion.
Real numbers not wild guesses based on the babbling of leftie/socialist radio bobbleheads who make their living keeping you ginned up.
There are a lot of smart folks posting here. Great work.
I sure that I've heard it discussed on the program before but it seems to get lost in the shuffle in the MSM, most likely on purpose. Along with adding real choice to healthcare by adding single payer, we must remind ourselves of the lucrativeness that one could find for all those who do not want to choose single payer. It would drastically increase their choices in plans. By adding single payer it would accelerate competitiveness in the pool of insurers which drive the health insurance market, resulting in todays Cadillac plans being outshone by the ones what would be offered then, making them within reach of a lot more people once single payer has been added as one of our healthcare choices.
While the moral turpitude of the Republican healthcare debacle shines a bright light on the callous, unsympathetic nature of the sociopathic mindset of present-day, so-called conservatives, it is merely one symptom of a deeper psychopathy wreaking destruction across the planet on a singular, truly unimaginable scale.
Today, a new study was published in a journal of the National Academy of Sciences detailing an epic cataclysm of biblical proportions that human greed has unleashed. Here are a few excerpts from the study's discussion summation and conclusion:
..."Humanity will eventually pay a very high price for the decimation of the only assemblage of life that we know of in the universe."
" Earth’s sixth mass extinction episode has proceeded further than most assume."
"...they suggest that as much as 50% of the number of animal individuals that once shared Earth with us are already gone, as are billions of populations."
..."Much less frequently mentioned are, however, the ultimate drivers of those immediate causes of biotic destruction, namely, human overpopulation and continued population growth, and overconsumption, especially by the rich. [emphasis mine] These drivers, all of which trace to the fiction that perpetual growth can occur on a finite planet, are themselves increasing rapidly. Thus, we emphasize that the sixth mass extinction is already here and the window for effective action is very short, probably two or three decades at most (11, 48). All signs point to ever more powerful assaults on biodiversity in the next two decades, painting a dismal picture of the future of life, including human life."
The full study:
The founders set up government to be our servant and I want elected officials to use my taxes to help pay for Medicare for all! ...a "we the people" takeover of health insurance.
Trump said, "Australia's universal health care program beats the US's"....for profit system.
Crooked Donny's idol continues to allow universal health care for his Russian citizens .
Tom Perez never bothered to mention single-payer on Meet the Teapublicans last Sunday. Sanders remains the only Democrat with a pair of balls...he talked about it on that same program a couple weeks ago.
If a third party suddenly formed calling itself the Medicare for all Party, they'd win hands down...well they'd win in an election where fascist election fraud didn't exist. Hasn't been one of those in quite some time though.
BTW: The Bundy armed standoff Teabaggers are not being convicted in recent trials. Yet, unarmed anti fascist protestors face decades of prison time for turning over a couple garbage cans. Make Fascism great again.
Seems to me humankind started to lose it's "humanity" about the same time we evolved beyond the small hunter-gatherer groups in which everyone's actions were litteraly within everyone else's view. A sense of community is necessary to maintain a mutually beneficial society. Look at today's world, with life and death decisions being made with complete anonymity in board rooms, in the cloistered halls of political power, in the basement of the Pentagon. The only solution to this tragic spiral is transparency, the rebirth of the Fourth Estate, and the active engagement of the masses. Sorry to say, none of this is going to happen until the level of social pain reaches some critical level. Twenty five more years? Five? Stay tuned.
Yea, yea! Dr. Miklashek is a wise and moral human being. Thank you!
Perhaps those of us in the bottom 90% who incur the most debt and the least benefit from out-of control, deregulated, monopolistic, crony capitalism should have the freedom not to pay our fair share of taxes either, most of which only subsidize the selfish interests of obscenely wealthy elites anyway.
"The love of money [i.e., greed] is the root of all evil." The glutinous hypocrites and false religionists who hoard the wealth of society by profiting on war, the destruction of the environment, and the misery of others -- by stealing from their captive consumers, the workers, the poor, the sick, the children, and the elderly -- ignore 1 Timothy 6:10 at their own peril. In that moment after the last breath when all earthly possesions are lost, they realize their wickedness too late.
To Gregg Miklashek, MD
Well said, sir! I applaud your stance. With greetings from Brisbane, Australia, where the overall political trend is sadly in the same direction as in the US.
Bernie Williams (who would have liked to see another Bernie in the White House).
Freedom of choice eh? Fine! Single Payer. Done! --- I also would like to know how they made giving employment earned money from the poor to the rich? How is that legal?
"They" (insurance companies, for-profit hospitals and medical groups, and medical technology comporations, as well as drug companies) are truly the "moneychangers in the temple"! It is past time to throw them out. Yes; it is immoral to interject greed into the equation of healthcare. And that is exactly what "for profit" is; prima facia!
I'm a retired physician, who believes that making a profit, beyond a fair salary to compensate providers for the many years of education necessary to achieve a healthcare profession degree, is immoral, which includes most insurance companies, for-profit hospitals and medical groups, and medical technology comporations, as well as drug companies. It's really just that simple. Not-for-profit Single payer is the ONLY moral method of healthcare provision, as opposed to our current "healthcare industry". However, the dark money from that "industry" will prevent any such solution, until a Sander's style Grassroots revolution among an enlightened and emboldened electorate takes place. Thank you, Thom for your efforts! Gregg Miklashek, MD (retired)
Diane got one thing right. The most obese states support Trump. The least obese states supported Hilary.
Excellent! A "corporate serfdom" is not off topic, ckrob.
"Redistributing wealth" (Legend's link in #36): Enter the theatre of the absurd filled with row after row of wide-eyed mannequins staring vacantly, reciting over and over in lifeless monotone unison the same preprogrammed script, as little wooden puppets dressed in little suits and ties dangle from strings and click-clack around the stage flailing their arms.
"...We-are-a-republic-because-that-sounds-Republican. We-are-not-a-democracy-because-that-sounds-Democrat..."
Meanwhile, outside on the mean streets of the real world, our actual constitutionally-limited, representative, democratic republic of the serfs, by the serfs, for the serfs shall perish from the Earth, as it rapidly decays into a fascist oligarchy ruled by the modern-day reincarnation of Dark Age gilded puppet masters ensconced in opulent palaces.
Off topic: I suggest coinage of the term "corporate serf." The medieval serf was tied to the Laird who owned the land on which the serf lived and to whom tribute was owed. The serf had no rights except those granted by the Laird. The corporate serf is tied to the corporate owners and have absolutely no rights except those the owners grant (a paycheck) or government regulations require. The corporate serf can be banished (fired) just as the medieval serf could have been exiled from home, friends, family and livelihood.
Let's call capitalism what it is -- serfdom for today. <search YouTube for rd wolff>
They look so strong redistributing wealth.
The oligarchs believe in divide and conquer. They have us at each others' throats. Every time you attack each other, you are doing their work. Please have a civilized discussion - it is a form of resistance.
@ #32
I find it interesting when leftie/socialists become so completely unhinged they fail to read and understand the difference between a university study and the one of a dozen media outlets reporting the published results.
Kudos to change x who is the first one here to actually understand the U.S. is a Republic.
Maybe because the older ones, instead of worshiping money, seem more tired since it was they who have been fighting for the rights that you now enjoy . Shame shame shame Diane. Shame your type. Why do paid shills working for the billionaires need to relentlessly pilfer from the commonwealth of the country?, dismantling the republic as we know it.
Diane, Come on???? You really need to research your sources before you post them and make an ass of yourself. Do you not get tired of looking like a fool?
Brilliant retort Legend :)), it easy to see why you washed up lefties are so 'successful' at all you try:))
Your mind is ovbviously controlled by the 1% owned and operated mainstream media OU812.
I dunno, why are leftie/socialists weaker than conservatives?
Why do right wingers post such low IQ postings?