deepspace: I'm extremely cynical about this. I agree with you. In my opinion it's really about total control of the message. In a Fascist State, that's everything. It's how Crooked Donny ended up where he is. Putin successfully used Foxaganda and the corpse media in general to install the numbnuts we're stuck with. The only ray of truth left is via social media....the Fascists are going to plug this leak asap.
We have the most expensive (by twice as much) medical care system with a very low rating compared to the other top 35 industrialized countries and you are going to argue it? Do some research and post references about how great our system is.
My brother was in Vietnam fighting for his life (TET offensive} Kha Shan USMC< I was listening to Sgt. Peppers and peace/love, but still conected with and supporting the men in war... very confusing time for a young teenager.
"Pay per click" ...has a nice ring to it. Was about to say, don't give em ideas. But bad ideas are their thing, so them all done thunk that one up awready fer sure.
"Buttons, links, mouses, purdy gurls, any damn thing ya touch, fools!"
You had an opportunity to engage in rational dialogue yesterday when I posted about the German health care system. Instead of dialogue, you choose to attack me with some meaningless statement. Pathetic
Republican politicians love regulations that benefit the overbearing, all-powerful monopolies and tycoons who fund their campaigns; they hate regulations that benefit everyday people who have almost no real political clout unless they organize. And what is the popular venue these days to foment resistance? That's right, an open internet!
So, of COOOURSE!, it must be manipulated and controlled and profitized, picking winners and losers! Let's cede our "freedom and liberty," which the hypocritical right always harps about when it suits their own selfish purposes, to the monolithic "communication" (brainwash) giants and their tender mercies. I'm sure they only have our best interests in mind.
"...Even when the results of their beliefs prove their beliefs to be wrong, they will support the flawed belief. Such people cannot be engaged In a rational dialogue because they will never admit they were wrong EVER."
"Rational dialogue" is not something you expect with either Ou812 or Diane, our two token trolls.
My my, tis an angry storm a brewin' in DianeyWorld today. Somebody didn't get their bowl o' Cheerios this morning.
Of course you raise taxes to pay for it, but since you no longer pay much higher -- ridiculously higher -- premiums for a private ripoff policy, it's a huge net savings for the individual consumer. How many times must that be repeated to be absorbed? No problem, evidently, with raising taxes for war and bank bailouts, though.
A bag of doorknobs is a bag of doorknobs is a bag of doorknobs. What's the sense in trying to unpack it all since we already know what's in it? Suffice it to say that all Diane's trifling misgivings and manufactured outrages have been discussed repeatedly on this blog and on Thom's three-hour radio show, as well as everywhere else outside the orbit of DianeyWorld. She reads (skims) the posts, but they don't sink in through the thick membrane of Fox plaque.
For instance, virtually all the problems with Obamacare she rattles on about are either direct lies, obfuscations, or the predicted result of Republican compromises (well over a hundred) that Democrats included in the final bill in a misguided and ultimately futile attempt to win over votes, any votes.
Despite Republican treachery and sabotage, according to every insurance company analysis and reliable independent study (The most recent came out just the other day.), Obamacare is not failing, especially if Trump releases the subsidy reimbursements owed the companies. And remember, another big reason rates went up is because the Republican Congress abolished "risk corridor" payments (Yes, it is Rubio's original brainchild.) -- some say foolishly, some say deliberately. Also, the dimwitted governors in the red states -- the "taker" states -- who refused to accept the Medicaid expansion provision (100% paid by the federal government in the first few years or so and then 90% thereafter), are in hot water with their constituents, the victims, for not taking such a good deal.
But that's Obamacare; we're discussing single-payer, a separate issue beyond private/public arrangements inherently prone to the problems that cantankerous ol' granny loves to grouch about. She is conflating the two in another transparent attempt to confuse (mainly herself). And notice also how she always frets over the money but never mentions the tens of millions of fellow human beings Republicans will kick to the curb. Who cares...
That's a "tell." So are angry, undeciplined, and ill-behaved rants and raves. Now eat ye Cheerios, nana.
Now I’m hearing these programmed tools argue that “it’s government controlled” when government simply blocks corporations from controlling a market. That’s nuts. Do these people ever listen to themselves talk? They use that argument to oppose national healthcare or anything that is pro consumer and blocks corporations from dominating any market. They use “free market” when it’s only free for the market to exploit us for their profits. Even when the results of their beliefs prove their beliefs to be wrong, they will support the flawed belief. Such people cannot be engaged In a rational dialogue because they will never admit they were wrong EVER. They are so programmed to believe that government is the enemy that can do no right. Never do they stop to consider that government, which they think can be run like a corporation is only as good and effective as those put in charge of running (governing) it, same as a business. So, if a government is in their minds the enemy then perhaps it should occur to them to look at those they vote for to “govern” or “run” government?
More mental gymnastics I see. So that is why war never ends, what the heck would everyone do for work. That is no way to operate. More welfare for the rich. Apparently government does have ability to create jobs, who knew? Let the government perpetuate an industry that apparently can't compete in the free market. Why can't they compete against single payer free market, Doesn't anyone want health insurance with all the bells and whistles, all the frills. Crybabies, please go back to the drawing board trying to delegitimize the commonwealth. At least you are listening to the sound of doctors chuckle chuckle, now try listening to the sound of scientists around the world.
The straw argument, which is all they have to support their position that’s being used to remove the Title II rule from the FCC for our internet is the same one that’s been used to convince people to go against their own best interests with health insurance “why should I pay for something I don’t use?” In the first place we currently do not pay for content on the internet we pay for access and speed, yet the American Enterprise Institute would have us believe that we have to pay for content. That would be the case if the protections of Title II of Telcom Act is removed. Whenever something like insurance or cable TV is sliced up into segments and charged individually, the costs to the consumer increases. Take for example a pie costing $100.00 sliced into 100 pieces with each slice costing $1.00. That same pie sliced into 10 pieces increases cost per slice by a factor of 10. Cable does this with programming by slicing up popular content into multiple packages increasing consumer costs while fattening their bank accounts. Many cable providers such as Comcast, AT&T, Time-Warner, are also being allowed to own content like Comcast owning NBC and MSNBC, Disney and Time-Warner also own various media and AT&T is looking to buy Time-Warner. They will then show preferential treatment to the content they own which is a monopoly that should NEVER be allowed to exist as it’s extremely dangerous to democracy, what little of it that remains. FCC accepts public comments until July 17.
The argument of "why should I pay for birth control" put forth by men regarding health care is an idiotic argument that doesn't stand up to any real scrutiny. Women pay for their prostate exams and I'm sure if they looked over any insurance policy they pay for it covers a whole host of things they'll never use which is how insurance is designed. If everyone used everything an insurance co covered all the time no one could ever afford it. As for cost, breaking the public up into segments based on risk actually costs everyone more money, not less, at least the way I figure it. A pie costing $100.00 split 100 ways costs each $1.00, but if we take that same pie and split it into 10 segments of 10 units each and charge each until $10.00 we've multiplyed the profits of the owner of the pie by a factor of 100 because we have 100 div X 10 X 10 = 100 rather than 100 X 1 - 100. I hope my math was correct, but you get the picture. I noticed that the woman from American Enterprise Inst was using the same argument they're using for health care to taking away our net neutrality although she's been brainwashed to believe it's truth. She's a useful tool as are many who've been "programmed" to believe the big lies such as the entire Republican Party.
Lefite/socialists answer for everything is just raise taxes on those that have more money than me without any regard for the “bag of doorknobs” which by the way is what caused obamacare to be such a dismal failure. You see, it is the little details that bring down a well intentioned program all of which was accurately predicted long before Thom’s lie about Marco Rubio involvement.
The demise of Obamacare caused by its double digit rate increases, lack of funds generated from the healthy younger crowd, extensions and delays in implementing regulations, and the States understanding that they themselves would be responsible for more and more of the overall costs as time went on. All of which was discussed and is well documented years ago when this was a vibrant forum.
So, it is time you focused on solutions to what is inside that “bag of doorknobs” because that is what makes the clock run smoothly and flippant little comments like,
“Undocumented immigrants would not have access to the program because, well, they are undocumented. That's not the responsibility of a national healthcare program for citizens.” is insane. For Christ sake, illegal aliens are being issued drivers licenses, don’t tell me the leftie/socialists are going to exclude them from free healthcare.
Still no response to the question what about the tens of thousands currently involved in the insurance business. I know what leftie/socialist radio talking heads would say, “They can just be absorbed into the new government healthcontrol program”. Great, now we have a hundred thousand new government employees waiting to draw a pension come retirement time. Reference literally every states unfunded liabilities. California and Illinois being the most prominent.
So, when you have my “bag of doorknobs” questions answered, get back to us. What is that sound I hear? It is the sound of doctors not deciding to go into the practice and be forced to live on what the government mandates.
BTW legend, I don’t give a f**k how other countries, many with a small population or not being composed of 50 different states that also have their own rights, do it. I live here. If I bitched as much as most of you do, I would move the hell out of here to Mexico where the healthcare is free and you can’t drink the water. Oh yea, be sure to get your national issued ID if you expect to vote.
Maajor media never mentions % of our economy eaten up by the war machine---how to get it highlighted regularly is the big question of our time if anything is to improve on onthis planet
It's said that humans distinguish themselves from other animals because we are rational but that is not strictly true. We are rational when our minds are not full of fear and greed. When it is, rationality takes a back seat and ignorance takes over.
That is why we are continously driven into fear by the press. I mean, an attack happens half way around the world and they make it sound like it happened in our backyard and that the next time, very soon, the same people that caused the tragedy will magically transport themselves into our living room to do the same to us.
Combine that with a lack of information and you get deeper ignorance, so, people will begin defending their own enemies while those enemies are tearing them apart.
Great thread! After another day of rampant greed, violence, oppression, and the habitual dishonesty of petty, self-dealing leadership at nearly every level, it's refreshing to hear from those who can so eloquently express simple truths and the way forward.
Violence begets violence, greed is never quenched, and lies feed on themselves as civilization spirals into perpetual chaos and cruelty. Conversely, dispelling illusions, promoting peace, and utilizing precious resources to relieve the wide-spread suffering and to foster cooperation on a basis of mutual understanding and tolerance, are infinitely more powerful influences effecting positive change.
In both the corporeal and the spiritual sense, fear, hate, lies, greed, and selfishness lead to death, while empathy, compassion, generosity, and a thirst for truth lead to life. That's the essence and innocence of religious awareness, not to be found in the stifling and delusional doctrines of false religions; in our hearts, we know that's the deeper reality.
Humankind is on the cusp of a new era, an evolutionary leap that will ensure the survival of the tree of life on this "pale blue dot" lost in the blackness of space.
It seems that you didn't even read my post d r. I guess the disciples should have interrogated Christ with paltry questions on how to not have to spend any of their riches after he provided what must be done by to gain salvation. No one from your side asks how we will pay for endless conquest around the world. Penny wise pound foolish I must say.
What number do we rank now? ...Something like 43rd in freedom of the press? For christ sakes, this country is just as bad off as fnnn Russia.
Two things never mentioned on ABC, NBC, or CBS.....single-payer and climate change. I see Koch industries advertises on NBC's Meet the Teapublicans.
It's government to the highest bidder and those same bidders own the corpse media....resist Fascism now! It's all going to end very very ugly.
deepspace: I'm extremely cynical about this. I agree with you. In my opinion it's really about total control of the message. In a Fascist State, that's everything. It's how Crooked Donny ended up where he is. Putin successfully used Foxaganda and the corpse media in general to install the numbnuts we're stuck with. The only ray of truth left is via social media....the Fascists are going to plug this leak asap.
We have the most expensive (by twice as much) medical care system with a very low rating compared to the other top 35 industrialized countries and you are going to argue it? Do some research and post references about how great our system is.
Let's put it in real Republicans terms. Sad!
My brother was in Vietnam fighting for his life (TET offensive} Kha Shan USMC< I was listening to Sgt. Peppers and peace/love, but still conected with and supporting the men in war... very confusing time for a young teenager.
"Pay per click" ...has a nice ring to it. Was about to say, don't give em ideas. But bad ideas are their thing, so them all done thunk that one up awready fer sure.
"Buttons, links, mouses, purdy gurls, any damn thing ya touch, fools!"
You had an opportunity to engage in rational dialogue yesterday when I posted about the German health care system. Instead of dialogue, you choose to attack me with some meaningless statement. Pathetic
pay per click is exactly what republicans want the web to look like. they have, after all, paid for the best congress money can buy.
Hey 2950-10K
When did a retired prison guard like yourself become such an expert (at least in your own mind) on everything?
Republican politicians love regulations that benefit the overbearing, all-powerful monopolies and tycoons who fund their campaigns; they hate regulations that benefit everyday people who have almost no real political clout unless they organize. And what is the popular venue these days to foment resistance? That's right, an open internet!
So, of COOOURSE!, it must be manipulated and controlled and profitized, picking winners and losers! Let's cede our "freedom and liberty," which the hypocritical right always harps about when it suits their own selfish purposes, to the monolithic "communication" (brainwash) giants and their tender mercies. I'm sure they only have our best interests in mind.
This is the kind of Health Care they're providing in SD and I think it's FREE..? AND it's part of a "war"!..
arky12 says,
"...Even when the results of their beliefs prove their beliefs to be wrong, they will support the flawed belief. Such people cannot be engaged In a rational dialogue because they will never admit they were wrong EVER."
"Rational dialogue" is not something you expect with either Ou812 or Diane, our two token trolls.
Hey Bachmann, is that all you got? Really? Must be hell to be a Trumpbagger now? How's that Make Russia Great Again working out for ya ? LMAO.
My my, tis an angry storm a brewin' in DianeyWorld today. Somebody didn't get their bowl o' Cheerios this morning.
Of course you raise taxes to pay for it, but since you no longer pay much higher -- ridiculously higher -- premiums for a private ripoff policy, it's a huge net savings for the individual consumer. How many times must that be repeated to be absorbed? No problem, evidently, with raising taxes for war and bank bailouts, though.
A bag of doorknobs is a bag of doorknobs is a bag of doorknobs. What's the sense in trying to unpack it all since we already know what's in it? Suffice it to say that all Diane's trifling misgivings and manufactured outrages have been discussed repeatedly on this blog and on Thom's three-hour radio show, as well as everywhere else outside the orbit of DianeyWorld. She reads (skims) the posts, but they don't sink in through the thick membrane of Fox plaque.
For instance, virtually all the problems with Obamacare she rattles on about are either direct lies, obfuscations, or the predicted result of Republican compromises (well over a hundred) that Democrats included in the final bill in a misguided and ultimately futile attempt to win over votes, any votes.
Despite Republican treachery and sabotage, according to every insurance company analysis and reliable independent study (The most recent came out just the other day.), Obamacare is not failing, especially if Trump releases the subsidy reimbursements owed the companies. And remember, another big reason rates went up is because the Republican Congress abolished "risk corridor" payments (Yes, it is Rubio's original brainchild.) -- some say foolishly, some say deliberately. Also, the dimwitted governors in the red states -- the "taker" states -- who refused to accept the Medicaid expansion provision (100% paid by the federal government in the first few years or so and then 90% thereafter), are in hot water with their constituents, the victims, for not taking such a good deal.
But that's Obamacare; we're discussing single-payer, a separate issue beyond private/public arrangements inherently prone to the problems that cantankerous ol' granny loves to grouch about. She is conflating the two in another transparent attempt to confuse (mainly herself). And notice also how she always frets over the money but never mentions the tens of millions of fellow human beings Republicans will kick to the curb. Who cares...
That's a "tell." So are angry, undeciplined, and ill-behaved rants and raves. Now eat ye Cheerios, nana.
Merry Christmas Diane :):):):):):).
To me it's like the movie "Ground Hogs Day" starring a bunch of washed up lefties:)
Now I’m hearing these programmed tools argue that “it’s government controlled” when government simply blocks corporations from controlling a market. That’s nuts. Do these people ever listen to themselves talk? They use that argument to oppose national healthcare or anything that is pro consumer and blocks corporations from dominating any market. They use “free market” when it’s only free for the market to exploit us for their profits. Even when the results of their beliefs prove their beliefs to be wrong, they will support the flawed belief. Such people cannot be engaged In a rational dialogue because they will never admit they were wrong EVER. They are so programmed to believe that government is the enemy that can do no right. Never do they stop to consider that government, which they think can be run like a corporation is only as good and effective as those put in charge of running (governing) it, same as a business. So, if a government is in their minds the enemy then perhaps it should occur to them to look at those they vote for to “govern” or “run” government?
More mental gymnastics I see. So that is why war never ends, what the heck would everyone do for work. That is no way to operate. More welfare for the rich. Apparently government does have ability to create jobs, who knew? Let the government perpetuate an industry that apparently can't compete in the free market. Why can't they compete against single payer free market, Doesn't anyone want health insurance with all the bells and whistles, all the frills. Crybabies, please go back to the drawing board trying to delegitimize the commonwealth. At least you are listening to the sound of doctors chuckle chuckle, now try listening to the sound of scientists around the world.
My letter to the editor regarding net neutrality
The straw argument, which is all they have to support their position that’s being used to remove the Title II rule from the FCC for our internet is the same one that’s been used to convince people to go against their own best interests with health insurance “why should I pay for something I don’t use?” In the first place we currently do not pay for content on the internet we pay for access and speed, yet the American Enterprise Institute would have us believe that we have to pay for content. That would be the case if the protections of Title II of Telcom Act is removed. Whenever something like insurance or cable TV is sliced up into segments and charged individually, the costs to the consumer increases. Take for example a pie costing $100.00 sliced into 100 pieces with each slice costing $1.00. That same pie sliced into 10 pieces increases cost per slice by a factor of 10. Cable does this with programming by slicing up popular content into multiple packages increasing consumer costs while fattening their bank accounts. Many cable providers such as Comcast, AT&T, Time-Warner, are also being allowed to own content like Comcast owning NBC and MSNBC, Disney and Time-Warner also own various media and AT&T is looking to buy Time-Warner. They will then show preferential treatment to the content they own which is a monopoly that should NEVER be allowed to exist as it’s extremely dangerous to democracy, what little of it that remains. FCC accepts public comments until July 17.
The argument of "why should I pay for birth control" put forth by men regarding health care is an idiotic argument that doesn't stand up to any real scrutiny. Women pay for their prostate exams and I'm sure if they looked over any insurance policy they pay for it covers a whole host of things they'll never use which is how insurance is designed. If everyone used everything an insurance co covered all the time no one could ever afford it. As for cost, breaking the public up into segments based on risk actually costs everyone more money, not less, at least the way I figure it. A pie costing $100.00 split 100 ways costs each $1.00, but if we take that same pie and split it into 10 segments of 10 units each and charge each until $10.00 we've multiplyed the profits of the owner of the pie by a factor of 100 because we have 100 div X 10 X 10 = 100 rather than 100 X 1 - 100. I hope my math was correct, but you get the picture. I noticed that the woman from American Enterprise Inst was using the same argument they're using for health care to taking away our net neutrality although she's been brainwashed to believe it's truth. She's a useful tool as are many who've been "programmed" to believe the big lies such as the entire Republican Party.
Christmas morning once again.
Lefite/socialists answer for everything is just raise taxes on those that have more money than me without any regard for the “bag of doorknobs” which by the way is what caused obamacare to be such a dismal failure. You see, it is the little details that bring down a well intentioned program all of which was accurately predicted long before Thom’s lie about Marco Rubio involvement.
The demise of Obamacare caused by its double digit rate increases, lack of funds generated from the healthy younger crowd, extensions and delays in implementing regulations, and the States understanding that they themselves would be responsible for more and more of the overall costs as time went on. All of which was discussed and is well documented years ago when this was a vibrant forum.
So, it is time you focused on solutions to what is inside that “bag of doorknobs” because that is what makes the clock run smoothly and flippant little comments like,
“Undocumented immigrants would not have access to the program because, well, they are undocumented. That's not the responsibility of a national healthcare program for citizens.” is insane. For Christ sake, illegal aliens are being issued drivers licenses, don’t tell me the leftie/socialists are going to exclude them from free healthcare.
Still no response to the question what about the tens of thousands currently involved in the insurance business. I know what leftie/socialist radio talking heads would say, “They can just be absorbed into the new government healthcontrol program”. Great, now we have a hundred thousand new government employees waiting to draw a pension come retirement time. Reference literally every states unfunded liabilities. California and Illinois being the most prominent.
So, when you have my “bag of doorknobs” questions answered, get back to us. What is that sound I hear? It is the sound of doctors not deciding to go into the practice and be forced to live on what the government mandates.
BTW legend, I don’t give a f**k how other countries, many with a small population or not being composed of 50 different states that also have their own rights, do it. I live here. If I bitched as much as most of you do, I would move the hell out of here to Mexico where the healthcare is free and you can’t drink the water. Oh yea, be sure to get your national issued ID if you expect to vote.
Maajor media never mentions % of our economy eaten up by the war machine---how to get it highlighted regularly is the big question of our time if anything is to improve on onthis planet
It's said that humans distinguish themselves from other animals because we are rational but that is not strictly true. We are rational when our minds are not full of fear and greed. When it is, rationality takes a back seat and ignorance takes over.
That is why we are continously driven into fear by the press. I mean, an attack happens half way around the world and they make it sound like it happened in our backyard and that the next time, very soon, the same people that caused the tragedy will magically transport themselves into our living room to do the same to us.
Combine that with a lack of information and you get deeper ignorance, so, people will begin defending their own enemies while those enemies are tearing them apart.
That is modern life in the USA.
Great thread! After another day of rampant greed, violence, oppression, and the habitual dishonesty of petty, self-dealing leadership at nearly every level, it's refreshing to hear from those who can so eloquently express simple truths and the way forward.
Violence begets violence, greed is never quenched, and lies feed on themselves as civilization spirals into perpetual chaos and cruelty. Conversely, dispelling illusions, promoting peace, and utilizing precious resources to relieve the wide-spread suffering and to foster cooperation on a basis of mutual understanding and tolerance, are infinitely more powerful influences effecting positive change.
In both the corporeal and the spiritual sense, fear, hate, lies, greed, and selfishness lead to death, while empathy, compassion, generosity, and a thirst for truth lead to life. That's the essence and innocence of religious awareness, not to be found in the stifling and delusional doctrines of false religions; in our hearts, we know that's the deeper reality.
Humankind is on the cusp of a new era, an evolutionary leap that will ensure the survival of the tree of life on this "pale blue dot" lost in the blackness of space.
But the sand in the hourglass is running out.
It seems that you didn't even read my post d r. I guess the disciples should have interrogated Christ with paltry questions on how to not have to spend any of their riches after he provided what must be done by to gain salvation. No one from your side asks how we will pay for endless conquest around the world. Penny wise pound foolish I must say.