#7 as soon as all those flocking here to escape worse corruption in their own countries and we ourselves realize that the government is the PEOPLE and be able to afford taking part in the political process by means of access to living wage employment in a competitive employment market with high retention rate, the better.
The world spends trillions on weapons of defence and offence ,if you used the money for humanitarian aid and helping each other we would have war no more .
They are wasting the worlds wealth (the people's money) on instruments of death and fear .The overwhelming thoughts of humanity is peace can't we just all agree killing each other can never solve the problems it just kicks the can down the road until another conflict comes along.
Men mostly play the hammer game ,the one with the biggest hammer wins ,they are really like children .Women would hammer out justice .
This has to end, time to awaken the species and evolve ......most of us would agree that sharing and co-operation has to be the way forward not nationalism and the illusion of superiority.
tomcalwriter1; You raised a good point. Do you think we'll ever have a National Holiday honoring those who refused to serve in one of the many senseless wars?
Awesome work you have done here, I am very happy to read this nice post. You are a great writer and give us much Calzado Nike Zoom Structure 19 this weblink
What's there not to get. U.S. policy has been dictated by the military since WW II. They're the biggest entitlement program in our history, BY FAR! Look at how we glorify our veterans every Memorial Day and 4th of July, glorify the killings of millions of innocent people during the wars we fought in other countries, and people are so brainwashed that they buy it. When the historians look back a couple centuries from now, they will see how sick and destructive our nation was.
The endless Bush/Cheney Iraq war for profit is costing trillions....yes trillions on one god damn war. Thanks Righties...that's your "Merica."
Instead of the obvious insanity of the above reality, what if our public servants had given us this choice after 911? .... #1 We'll take out Bin Laden with special forces for $millions$ and spend $trillions$ on Medicare for all, or #2 we'll spend $trillions$ on endless war for profit and continue with unaffordable for profit health insurance.
Why are we letting Fascists ruin our society? At some point we'll have to do what we need to do.....there are only a few hundred of them. Or we let the planet die.
My solution: Round up the Fascists, seize their assets, make them work 60 hour weeks at minimum wage, and pay for their own damn for profit health insurance out of this income.
I heard this woman from the AEI today talking about net neutrality and had to wonder what world she lives in. Her argument that we need to eliminate it to allow for more choice on the internet is the worst sort of bunk. All you have to do is to look at cable TV to see how wrong she is.
If what she said were true I would have choices on my cable TV package to only get the stations that I want. I would prefer to just eliminate all sports channels from my subscription. I NEVER watch them and will never watch them. In spite of this, every package available not only has dozens of sports channels, but I am charged a local sports fee. In other words, allowing cable companies to decide what content I get just allows them to bundle things in ways that are most profitable for them, ignoring the specific needs of many of their subscribers.
The same thing will happen with the internet. Instead of paying for access based on speed, eliminating net neutrality would allow them to charge extra to get to certain sites, meaning that I need to know what sites I am going to visit before I subscribe. It would stifle innovation, because it will become harder for startup companies to make their sites accessible to a large number of people. It will NOT allow choice or flexibility, but will in fact do the opposite.
After listening to the libertarian so-called economist on your show today it is clear that there is some extremely flawed thinking on this on the right. His idea that all we need to do is to get the government out of healthcare and prices will miraculously become affordable through competition is the worst sort of voo-doo economics.
First, there is NO "free market" without government rules that make such a market. Without the government, people will be taken advantage of by providers of medical care of all sorts even more than they are now.
Secondly, healthcare in particular is a market where competition does NOT work to keep prices down. Who ever asks what the least expensive option is if they are critically ill? Most rational people will ask for the treatment that would give the best outcome and then worry about the price. Competition relys on perfect fungibility of goods, perfect information, and perfect competition, NONE of which exist in the healthcare market.
Insurance is NOT the answer either. It adds a layer of profit that drives up the price to everybody getting care. It also does little to address the cost of the services being provided. The best answer is to have some central entity that regulates prices in a way that keeps services affordable and focuses on outcomes rather than income or profit. The only entity that can do that is the government.
Despite our troubles, we are still the richest nation on Earth. If the fastest growing segment of new wealth -- created and financed 100% by taxpayers -- is nothing but a savage tribe of wildly wealthy warlords who think a single military boondoggle, in their never-ending quest for more fearsome weapons of death, has as much value as the health and very lives of those who fund their lavish lifestyles, then, certainly, it is time to rise up and demand change, to reset priorities and redirect collective resources so that the sweat of our brow reflects majority will and higher values!
Not only that but a new tax scheme would be put in place to help pay for single payer health. Not so for weapons which are always paid out of the diminishing revenue sources that we already have.
The Masters make the rules for the wisemen and the fools. We don't need any of that stuff. Israel is now making our foriegn policy in the Mid East. The CIA and angry mafia dons plus disgruntled CEOs make the policy in South America. We need a Democratic Party that stands for a sensible foriegn policy, not a war monger policy like Clinton supports. Her idea of a "consensus" foriegn policy shows how far right the corporate Dems are on this set of issues. Their is no difference between Obama and Bush, Clinton and Cheney.
Conservatives and Repugnicons are nothing more than greedy, arrogant, hateful, cold-hearted bastards. I hope there's a special, and very cruel, place in Hell just for them.
Usually we drop million dollar bombs on mud huts. Trump dropped a $100 million bomb on mud huts when he dropped the MOAB. Not to mention the 54 cruise missles that did little or nothing to an airport in Syria. Read today that 1 Congressman wants to pay for the wall with SNAP and Planned Parenthood Funds. What happened to Mexico?
Here's how it's done in Germany. Germany has a universal multi-payer system with two main types of health insurance. Germans are offered three mandatory health benefits, which are co-financed by employer and employee: health insurance, accident insurance, and long-term care insurance.
All income, not just payroll, would be taxed fairly in a graduated manner just like we finance everything else. As in every other modern society, the average per individual tax share for healthcare will be less than half what it is now -- premiums, deductibles, co-pays, out-of-pocket, lifetime caps, and all the other hidden costs that for-profit predators inflict upon their captive victims in their single-minded mission to deny as many claims as possible, while throwing as many sick people as possible onto government programs, such as Medicaid and medicare.
Is war meant to be a jobs program for soldiers? Healthcare should not be a welfare program for clerks or profiteers. Progress marches on; blacksmiths, buggy makers, and telegraph operators will just have to adapt and learn new skills, just lIke railroaders did when the carriers got rid of cabooses and halved the crew. I hear the Medicare-for-all, green technology, and infrastructure construction sectors will need lots of well-trained people.
The price of bulk medication and services will be negotiated down, just like it is everywhere else in the business world -- the "free"-market in action, baby! Over-priced providers, hospitals, drug companies, medical equipment manufacturers, et al, will also have to adapt, as will investors on wall street. If someone's only goal in life is to become filthy rich, then they should choose a different profession other than predatory healthcare. As in the rest of the world, most healthcare professionals chose their career as a vocation to help people -- and are still compensated quite nicely.
The rest of your questions are non sequiturs and nonsensical distractions outside the purview of providing single-payer healthcare -- separate issues thrown into your bag of doorknobs:
Undocumented immigrants would not have access to the program because, well, they are undocumented. That's not the responsibility of a national healthcare program for citizens. People with no "papers" -- a tiny percent of our population -- will have to be handled differently through another department. Oh, I don't know ...what would Republicans like to do -- break up families, deport 'em, jail 'em, starve 'em, let 'em die in the ditches? Certainly, extending any mercy is out of the question.
I thought Republicans hated trial lawyers and blamed "frivolous" lawsuits for sky-rocketing costs??? Whatever ...sue away to your heart's content. Nothing changes under single-payer. Hospitals and providers are still in the private sector -- the single-payer movement in America is not advocating that they be employees of the government, like in England (although most British citizens -- providers and patients -- are quite happy with their totally socialized national healthcare system, notwithstanding the endless efforts by their own corporate right-wingers to profitize everything).
Anyway, you refuse to do what you are asking others to do. Instead of dreaming up inane questions designed to obfuscate, for someone else to satisfy every whim and flight of imagination that pops up in Diane's enquiring mind, why doesn't Diane do her own research? And, like was suggested before, don't forget to apply the same questions to the for-profit insurance monstrosity under which we presently suffer. "Fair and balanced!"
Thom, you are right on the money. The shift to sustainable power sources is fragile, and can be broken by a just few percent reduction in incentives. As a solar owner, I would be happy to pay a portion of the transport costs for the power I send back into the grid, but only on a net basis, which is zero for me. And the utilities gain from solar in that their need to build out capacity has dropped. So, unless they can show financial harm from distributed generation, we need to resist this money-grab.
With excess solar running the meter backwards the utility, in its opinion, is buying electricity from you at retail. I understand that and a deduction of no more than 10% or whatever normal markup sold to you should be allowed. Plus a connection fee. In my case $10 per month. If you put in a powerwall you can store excess.
#7 as soon as all those flocking here to escape worse corruption in their own countries and we ourselves realize that the government is the PEOPLE and be able to afford taking part in the political process by means of access to living wage employment in a competitive employment market with high retention rate, the better.
The world spends trillions on weapons of defence and offence ,if you used the money for humanitarian aid and helping each other we would have war no more .
They are wasting the worlds wealth (the people's money) on instruments of death and fear .The overwhelming thoughts of humanity is peace can't we just all agree killing each other can never solve the problems it just kicks the can down the road until another conflict comes along.
Men mostly play the hammer game ,the one with the biggest hammer wins ,they are really like children .Women would hammer out justice .
This has to end, time to awaken the species and evolve ......most of us would agree that sharing and co-operation has to be the way forward not nationalism and the illusion of superiority.
Remember it is an illusion !!!!
Thank you
Scotty11: Perhaps. And if we do it will be called "Flag Burning Day". Don't hold your breath.
tomcalwriter1; You raised a good point. Do you think we'll ever have a National Holiday honoring those who refused to serve in one of the many senseless wars?
Awesome work you have done here, I am very happy to read this nice post. You are a great writer and give us much Calzado Nike Zoom Structure 19 this weblink
What's there not to get. U.S. policy has been dictated by the military since WW II. They're the biggest entitlement program in our history, BY FAR! Look at how we glorify our veterans every Memorial Day and 4th of July, glorify the killings of millions of innocent people during the wars we fought in other countries, and people are so brainwashed that they buy it. When the historians look back a couple centuries from now, they will see how sick and destructive our nation was.
The endless Bush/Cheney Iraq war for profit is costing trillions....yes trillions on one god damn war. Thanks Righties...that's your "Merica."
Instead of the obvious insanity of the above reality, what if our public servants had given us this choice after 911? .... #1 We'll take out Bin Laden with special forces for $millions$ and spend $trillions$ on Medicare for all, or #2 we'll spend $trillions$ on endless war for profit and continue with unaffordable for profit health insurance.
Why are we letting Fascists ruin our society? At some point we'll have to do what we need to do.....there are only a few hundred of them. Or we let the planet die.
My solution: Round up the Fascists, seize their assets, make them work 60 hour weeks at minimum wage, and pay for their own damn for profit health insurance out of this income.
I heard this woman from the AEI today talking about net neutrality and had to wonder what world she lives in. Her argument that we need to eliminate it to allow for more choice on the internet is the worst sort of bunk. All you have to do is to look at cable TV to see how wrong she is.
If what she said were true I would have choices on my cable TV package to only get the stations that I want. I would prefer to just eliminate all sports channels from my subscription. I NEVER watch them and will never watch them. In spite of this, every package available not only has dozens of sports channels, but I am charged a local sports fee. In other words, allowing cable companies to decide what content I get just allows them to bundle things in ways that are most profitable for them, ignoring the specific needs of many of their subscribers.
The same thing will happen with the internet. Instead of paying for access based on speed, eliminating net neutrality would allow them to charge extra to get to certain sites, meaning that I need to know what sites I am going to visit before I subscribe. It would stifle innovation, because it will become harder for startup companies to make their sites accessible to a large number of people. It will NOT allow choice or flexibility, but will in fact do the opposite.
After listening to the libertarian so-called economist on your show today it is clear that there is some extremely flawed thinking on this on the right. His idea that all we need to do is to get the government out of healthcare and prices will miraculously become affordable through competition is the worst sort of voo-doo economics.
First, there is NO "free market" without government rules that make such a market. Without the government, people will be taken advantage of by providers of medical care of all sorts even more than they are now.
Secondly, healthcare in particular is a market where competition does NOT work to keep prices down. Who ever asks what the least expensive option is if they are critically ill? Most rational people will ask for the treatment that would give the best outcome and then worry about the price. Competition relys on perfect fungibility of goods, perfect information, and perfect competition, NONE of which exist in the healthcare market.
Insurance is NOT the answer either. It adds a layer of profit that drives up the price to everybody getting care. It also does little to address the cost of the services being provided. The best answer is to have some central entity that regulates prices in a way that keeps services affordable and focuses on outcomes rather than income or profit. The only entity that can do that is the government.
Despite our troubles, we are still the richest nation on Earth. If the fastest growing segment of new wealth -- created and financed 100% by taxpayers -- is nothing but a savage tribe of wildly wealthy warlords who think a single military boondoggle, in their never-ending quest for more fearsome weapons of death, has as much value as the health and very lives of those who fund their lavish lifestyles, then, certainly, it is time to rise up and demand change, to reset priorities and redirect collective resources so that the sweat of our brow reflects majority will and higher values!
Not only that but a new tax scheme would be put in place to help pay for single payer health. Not so for weapons which are always paid out of the diminishing revenue sources that we already have.
The Masters make the rules for the wisemen and the fools. We don't need any of that stuff. Israel is now making our foriegn policy in the Mid East. The CIA and angry mafia dons plus disgruntled CEOs make the policy in South America. We need a Democratic Party that stands for a sensible foriegn policy, not a war monger policy like Clinton supports. Her idea of a "consensus" foriegn policy shows how far right the corporate Dems are on this set of issues. Their is no difference between Obama and Bush, Clinton and Cheney.
Voter suppression is used to make these things happen.
Conservatives and Repugnicons are nothing more than greedy, arrogant, hateful, cold-hearted bastards. I hope there's a special, and very cruel, place in Hell just for them.
Usually we drop million dollar bombs on mud huts. Trump dropped a $100 million bomb on mud huts when he dropped the MOAB. Not to mention the 54 cruise missles that did little or nothing to an airport in Syria. Read today that 1 Congressman wants to pay for the wall with SNAP and Planned Parenthood Funds. What happened to Mexico?
How would you know?
Deepspace :
Sorry, the truth hurts.
Ou812, you are truly depaved to compare Americans' single-payer movement to the evil of Hitler's Gernany. Go away and stay away!
@20 Legend
Here's how it's done in Germany. Germany has a universal multi-payer system with two main types of health insurance. Germans are offered three mandatory health benefits, which are co-financed by employer and employee: health insurance, accident insurance, and long-term care insurance.
The Germans had single payer under Hitler. That didn't work out too well.
All income, not just payroll, would be taxed fairly in a graduated manner just like we finance everything else. As in every other modern society, the average per individual tax share for healthcare will be less than half what it is now -- premiums, deductibles, co-pays, out-of-pocket, lifetime caps, and all the other hidden costs that for-profit predators inflict upon their captive victims in their single-minded mission to deny as many claims as possible, while throwing as many sick people as possible onto government programs, such as Medicaid and medicare.
Is war meant to be a jobs program for soldiers? Healthcare should not be a welfare program for clerks or profiteers. Progress marches on; blacksmiths, buggy makers, and telegraph operators will just have to adapt and learn new skills, just lIke railroaders did when the carriers got rid of cabooses and halved the crew. I hear the Medicare-for-all, green technology, and infrastructure construction sectors will need lots of well-trained people.
The price of bulk medication and services will be negotiated down, just like it is everywhere else in the business world -- the "free"-market in action, baby! Over-priced providers, hospitals, drug companies, medical equipment manufacturers, et al, will also have to adapt, as will investors on wall street. If someone's only goal in life is to become filthy rich, then they should choose a different profession other than predatory healthcare. As in the rest of the world, most healthcare professionals chose their career as a vocation to help people -- and are still compensated quite nicely.
The rest of your questions are non sequiturs and nonsensical distractions outside the purview of providing single-payer healthcare -- separate issues thrown into your bag of doorknobs:
Undocumented immigrants would not have access to the program because, well, they are undocumented. That's not the responsibility of a national healthcare program for citizens. People with no "papers" -- a tiny percent of our population -- will have to be handled differently through another department. Oh, I don't know ...what would Republicans like to do -- break up families, deport 'em, jail 'em, starve 'em, let 'em die in the ditches? Certainly, extending any mercy is out of the question.
I thought Republicans hated trial lawyers and blamed "frivolous" lawsuits for sky-rocketing costs??? Whatever ...sue away to your heart's content. Nothing changes under single-payer. Hospitals and providers are still in the private sector -- the single-payer movement in America is not advocating that they be employees of the government, like in England (although most British citizens -- providers and patients -- are quite happy with their totally socialized national healthcare system, notwithstanding the endless efforts by their own corporate right-wingers to profitize everything).
Anyway, you refuse to do what you are asking others to do. Instead of dreaming up inane questions designed to obfuscate, for someone else to satisfy every whim and flight of imagination that pops up in Diane's enquiring mind, why doesn't Diane do her own research? And, like was suggested before, don't forget to apply the same questions to the for-profit insurance monstrosity under which we presently suffer. "Fair and balanced!"
Stop deflecting and answer the questions. You should know better.
Thom, you are right on the money. The shift to sustainable power sources is fragile, and can be broken by a just few percent reduction in incentives. As a solar owner, I would be happy to pay a portion of the transport costs for the power I send back into the grid, but only on a net basis, which is zero for me. And the utilities gain from solar in that their need to build out capacity has dropped. So, unless they can show financial harm from distributed generation, we need to resist this money-grab.
How do they do it in all of the other industrialized countries?
With excess solar running the meter backwards the utility, in its opinion, is buying electricity from you at retail. I understand that and a deduction of no more than 10% or whatever normal markup sold to you should be allowed. Plus a connection fee. In my case $10 per month. If you put in a powerwall you can store excess.