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  • TrumpCare Is Monstrous!   7 years 34 weeks ago

    If the Republicans pass their selfish health care act sentencing up to 44,000 Americans a year to death, please introduce a bill to charge all those who voted for this "death" bill with premeditated murder and genocide and to be tried by a military tribunal at Leavenworth Prison. March them there like Trump's buddy Andrew Jackson made the Native Americans leave the Southeast and drove them on foot west of the Mississippi in what they called the Trail of Tears. When the Republicans eliminate Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Meals on Wheels, School lunches and other social programs,additional thousands will starve to death or commit suicide I also want them charged with premeditated murder and genocide. On the way through Kansas, pick up the Koch Brothers and charge them with murder as well. They have done a fine job buying our Congress and pressing for these egregious crimes. They are even trying to change our constitution and so far, 25 states have signed up for this change. Talk about facist bastards.

  • TrumpCare Is Monstrous!   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Monstrous, evil, wicked, grotesque, sinful, and nefarious. TrumpCare makes me sick!

  • TrumpCare Is Monstrous!   7 years 34 weeks ago

    @2950-10K (#9):

    ...And Trumpinski is the fuse. In his schizoid mind, two mutually exclusive thoughts hold equal sway: Russian interference in our elections is a Democratic hoax that never happened; it's all Obama's fault for not doing anything about it.

    Sooo... which is it, Crazy Donny, as you bob and weave and shift the blame? He also never followed through with any of Obama's (albeit weak) countermeasures, in fact, even reversing some of them. Egg in frying pan, this is your brain on guilt. Nuff said?

    Bob Cesca wrote a great piece today over at Salon called,"You're not crazy..."

  • TrumpCare Is Monstrous!   7 years 34 weeks ago

    A couple anti fascist patriots broke some windows and turned over garbage cans during the inauguration. I posted the youtube of that protest the next day. It's clear that only a couple individuals with hammers broke the windows....big freaking deal. Everyone on that street at the time got arrested and all now face draconian justice. Thom mentioned this today.

    So if this extreme justice is being applied to citizens exercising their First Amendment Rights, almost exclusively in a non violent manner, then what the hell are the charges against all of those armed right-wing terrorists at the Bundy siege?

    Do Teabaggers operate under a separate protest standard...armed and dangerous, pointing assault weapons at federal law enforcement officers is cool if you're a rightie?

  • TrumpCare Is Monstrous!   7 years 34 weeks ago

    The attempt to repeal the ACA would be an exercise in futility if Clinton was in the White House. It's called a veto. I mention this as a reminder of how well Putin's destabilization plan is working.

    Much like Bush and Cheney before 911, Obama and the CIA just sat by and watched the cyber attack on our election unfold. Putin got away with it. He installed a political time bomb that we won't be able to disarm in any peaceful way. The CIA knows this. The country is on the verge of being ripped apart. Putin wins, we become extremely weakened.

    The attempt to repeal the ACA is just a tick of the time bomb.

    BTW: Bernie mentioned single payer on Meet the Republicans Sunday....the other Dems didn't even bother.

  • TrumpCare Is Monstrous!   7 years 34 weeks ago

    According to the CBO score, by next year (if it passes as is) 15 million poor and elderly will be priced out of the insurance market; by 2026, it will be 22 million. Millions more will lose Medicaid as the worst cuts kick in down the road, estimated to happen within eight or nine years. Also, millions of women and children (and men) will lose their primary medical care when federal funding for Planned Parenthood disappears.

    The huge tax cuts for the two percent will be paid for in blood. There's no other simpler way of putting it. That's not mere rhetoric either -- it's the cold-eyed, unspun truth!

    Ironically, polling shows that the demographic comprising the most victims of this bill had blindly supported Trump and Republicans in 2016. Millions upon millions of them won't be able to afford healthcare insurance, while uncountable thousands will die each year as a result. They will pay for their programmed hatred of liberals literally with their lives. Talk about karmic justice!

    In more scientific terms, it's just a matter of simple cause and effect. Anyone who was paying the least bit of attention knew what the Republican Party has been all about for decades, and how predictable and inevitable their policy initiatives would be if they ever got their greedy hands on all three branches of government. Elections have consequences, and so now we know. Only jokers, clowns, and fools were dumb enough to believe that Republicans would go against their nature and do the right thing.

    Their party is a power-hungry death cult. If they don't want to be compared to Nazis, then they should quit acting like jack-booted thugs. Can you imagine the hue and cry from the right if Muslim terrorists murdered 45,000 Americans every year -- or worse yet, if Hillary and the Democrats would have pushed for this same exact bill? OMG, Fux News pundits' brains would be exploding all over their sets, and Alex Jones' blood vessels would be bulging and popping like a b-rated actor in a cheap horror flick!

    ...Oh wait, that's already the case. And now we are all being sucked into the conspiracy, which is no longer theory.

  • With Louise in Alaska at a glacier   7 years 34 weeks ago

    It has been my dream to trip to Alaska Glacier, and now your picture has just made me want it more, can't wait! I really love travel to beautiful places like Bali, New Zealand, Alaska, Swiss, etc. I even recently write a blog post about Bali recommended destinations on my blog. Anyone seriously interested in visiting Bali must read that blog post! :D

  • TrumpCare Is Monstrous!   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Yes, the bill is monstrous. It was created by monsters. Yet for some of the Republican monsters, it doesn't go nearly far enough. What kind of monsters have we got running the country? It's time we got these monsters out of our government.

  • TrumpCare Is Monstrous!   7 years 34 weeks ago

    When people are blinded by the Bible Belt Propaganda or by Racism, they become an easy target for those wanting insatiable amount of money. This is the result.

  • TrumpCare Is Monstrous!   7 years 34 weeks ago


    You hit the nail on the head with the tax cut issue. Keep hammering away so Joe Six-pack also understands it.

    Notice this: Trump used to say that everyone will have health care. Now he says everyone will have access to health care. Well, we all have access to health care right now - all you need is a check book.


  • TrumpCare Is Monstrous!   7 years 34 weeks ago

    "How can anyone possibly defend it?"

    This is =obviously= a rhetorical question, because you know as well as the rest of us that there =is= -no- defending it. Republicans simply don't care, period, full stop. With the mid-terms coming up, they are also quite obviously -counting- on 1) the notoriously 'short memory' of Americans, and 2) outright and -blatantly- =stealing= the various elections .. because they =know= the Dems won't do or say a thing about it (gutless bastards).

    Besides, if they try to :defend: it, it just brings more time and attention to something they'd rather just quietly pass into the night, like -a- =lot= of other things they've done.

  • TrumpCare Is Monstrous!   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Atonin Scalia said it for Republicans when asked what his role would be on Supreme Court: To assure nothing will happen for the first time. What is humane, moral and civil would be a single payer system... but that would be a first. The free market isn't free and cannot be used as an excuse to profitize any healthcare system for the betterment of those that seek care. Back in 1948 President Truman laid out an agenda calling for a national.. universal... healthcare system. Strom Thurmond and his buddy a young Billy Graham publicly denounced such as "social engineering" thus that issue is still why we can't we have a health insurance system like other developed nations. At thwe very least, the same one elected officials get for life. The rest of us are victims of a national malaise that is based on John Calvin's religious model and social engineering is what is the coded excuse used by Thurmond and Graham back in 1948 which remains today as the rallying cry of the Republican party whose core theology is still based on Calvin's chosen vs not chosen religious social construct. To provide universal coverage would be "blasphemy" to a Republican. I wish Democrats would take a more aggressive stance in outing..IE exposing the Republican party for what it is. A party in direct violation of the 14th Amendemnt. Thus, there is no separation of church and state.

  • TrumpCare Is Monstrous!   7 years 34 weeks ago

    What I can't understand is why voters elect these politicians who do everything possible to harm them? What size bullet do voters need before they get the intent of their elected officials? Is there some quid pro quo we don't know about that keeps voters supporting these nefarious "leaders" and "representatives"?

  • TrumpCare Is Monstrous!   7 years 34 weeks ago

    How come when it is pie-in-the-sky "health care that will cover everyone. Everyone!" it's called "Trumpcare", but when it is seen as a disaster that no one wants to have happen, it becomes the "Senate bill"?

  • Can The Democrats Blockade TrumpCare?   7 years 34 weeks ago

    Predictable Consequences of “Trumpcare”

    FYI: Passing "Trumpcare" would be the biggest US crime of this century (FAR more deadly than the 9/11 disaster)!

    Members of Congress who vote for that WILL be held legally as well as politically responsible for the massively deadly consequences of their actions in this regard.

  • The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out   7 years 34 weeks ago

    They're puppets of donors and the donors are the last people that should be running the country.

  • The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out   7 years 34 weeks ago

    TrumpCare, a complete government takeover of healthcare, larger than America has ever seen? Some say it has real death panels.

  • The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out   7 years 34 weeks ago

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  • The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out   7 years 34 weeks ago

    The Republicans who drafted that MASSIVELY DEADLY legislation are clearly violating their Congressional Oath of Office and should be impeached and prosecuted for perjury as well. They are doing the OPPOSITE of promoting the general welfare of We the People!

    They can also be prosecuted in STATE courts , convicted, and jailed for committing MANSLAUTER of massive numbers of innocent men, women, and children, and Donald Trump would therefore not be able to pardon them!

  • Can We “Design" Our Way Out Of Civilizational Crisis?   7 years 34 weeks ago


    Where the deer and the antelope work...

    Where seldom is heard an encouraging word

    And everyone thinks you're a jerk.

  • The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out   7 years 35 weeks ago

    jibaro01 • 2 hours 14 min ago#9

    I just don't get how people who claim to be christians and that say they are church goers can hate the poor so much and refuse to share.

    Well jibaro01 maybe I can help. It is not that Christians don't want to help they believe they are. Years ago everyone who went to church donated what the could to the church. Then the church would take their collection and use it to help the less fortunate. No one went with out. Then as government grew they told us by collecting taxes they could to a better job looking after all of us then we could do ourselves and started taxing the hell out of us. So now when They see 25-50% of their income going to taxes they believe they are helping already. Most us us would agree that the trillions they receive should be enough. It is just not managed properly. Maybe it is time we put the money back in our hands , when it was we where all better off

  • The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out   7 years 35 weeks ago

    I still wonder why the majority of Americans don't rise up and protect the Constitution... Republican core theology is religious-based vis-a-vis Calvin's "Chosen not chosen" social construct which actually is our "civil religion" so every bill they pass is based on their religious belief that as "chosen" they are obligated to protect their "celestial" endowment of having so much. Simply, to share wealth with needy ones is blasphemy and their "God" would not be pleased. A person in need is "prima facia" evividence to them that the needy are indeed not chosen and thus should be ignored. Democrats suck too... they know that dealing with a Republican is like going to a wife swapping party and coming home alone so why "make nice" like the useless Joe Biden and now Al franken? They are in it for themselves too. We have long gone passed the day civility should rule waterd down debates over key civil issues like health care access for all and income security. America is not as advertised "for all" we know that as we read the daily box cores of the DOW and S&P 500. The average person's love affair with "tribalsim" is a farce as we "tribal memembers are asekd to scarifice so the ruling class can enjoy a great lives for thier own sake. America is based on this triumphant: "Jesus saves, Moses invests and Calvin takes. LIke an ISIS terrorist that is dedicated to killing those that don't have Mohammad, the Israeli deciated to killing those that don;t have Moses.. the Republican is dedicated to killing those that don't have Calvin... what Republicans are all about is a sort of terrroism as seeks to destory diversity, not build on it.

  • The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out   7 years 35 weeks ago

    The real reason we are not making progress is to do with the First Cultural Myth and with others that follow on from this .Until they change ,nothing else will . The problem we have is our cultural myths are at variance with our most basic instinct.

    Humans believe; some Humans those currently in charge and the myth that generally drives humans behavior is that human beings are inherently evil .This myth of original sin holds that not only is our basic nature evil ,we were born that way. Its not an out to give the Republicans a justifiable reason for their health care program but it does get to the understanding of why they would propose such an idea.Their belief system.

    It has been said ..." No one does anything wrong given their model of the world."

    The second Cultural Myth is the real killer ,arising from the first ,is it is the fittest who survive. My truth the fit are not fit until the all are fit !

    What drives humans to behave how they behave is it not beliefs .Beliefs that have never been seriously challenged that are non functional for an evolving culture .How can we have beliefs that are actuall fallacies not real have never been at the driving wheel of life on Earth.

    Its time to Awaken people We are All ONE and theres enough to go around for all the people on this planet to live happy lives without despair and hope. The bounty and resources of the planet belong to all the worlds people not just those doing the exploiting . We are being played like a fiddle folks Organised Religion along with Nationalism are the problem .What humans believe about life and each other has to change . Life is god we are all part of LIFE . True change can only take place at the level of belief . Beliefs create behaviours ,behaviours create condtions or your on the ground reality.


  • The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out   7 years 35 weeks ago

    "Why are Republicans only for wealth distribution when it means stealing from the poor, elderly, and disabled to give to the rich?"

    The short answer is because they are sociopaths. I'm not being facetious. The statistics are, one in twenty-five people is sociopathic in personality; which tabulates with one quarter of the population being Tea Party people/personalities. They don't see other people as anything other than a business opportunity. They are predatory and manipulative (the ends justifies the means). But the rest of us can't truly imagine such a thing because WE don't operate that way, and so we judge them on our own standards of being compassionate, or caring, and then we are left scratching our heads when they do terrible things. We need to wake up. These people who are mentally ill have managed to cajole their way to the levers of power and now they are doing what their conscienceless minds tell them to do; they have brains that basically lie to them. We don't see this because we can't imagine people like this, and because we are so mesmerized by money; thinking the more money someone has, the better a person they have to be. We need to examine our own thinking; we NEED critical thinking to be taught in the schools. This zeitgeist of money makes right is something the churches have taught us; God rewards the ones he admires the most, (Calvinism,) etc.. Thus people don't recognize when they are in the presence of a clear and present danger. There is a YT video on the "Ten Ways You Can Tell A Sociopath". Everyone born should be issued a copy of this.

  • The Secret On TrumpCare Is Now Out   7 years 35 weeks ago

    I just don't get how people who claim to be christians and that say they are church goers can hate the poor so much and refuse to share. Christianity is about loving your neighbors, helping the poor, it's about sharing and anyone who does not believe in those principles can't possibly be a christian.

    Fact is Jesus said so when he said that a camel will go trough the eye of a needle easier than a rich man to heaven.

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