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  • Can The Democrats Blockade TrumpCare?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    What's the fight back stategy? 4 special elections and all go to the Repubs...even Ossoff with all the money thrown at it...Ossoff outspending his opponent by nearly a factor of 5...and still losing...over 23 million bucks to her 4 million or so. We're missing something here.
    With 2018 being the midterm elections, there needs to be a conscious shift in how to approach the average Joe and Jane...and convince them to vote to their own ultimate benefit.
    The repeal of the OCA will just be the start. Success will mean Trump and cronies will move to the next item on the agenda...Medicaid?

  • Can The Democrats Blockade TrumpCare?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Over the years McConnell has done severe damage to this country. Things like blocking a Supreme Court pick, countless filibusters, willful legislative obstruction regardless of the harm it has caused the vast majority has always been his self serving Mo.

    One could argue those words are just my partisan opinion....problem is, countless citizens now will die because of his actions, which is not an opinion, that's a fact. That makes him a murderer.

    His benefactors will get their god damn tax cut, but I'm telling you, this country is on the verge of being ripped apart with civil unrest. The camel can only handle so many straws. There will not be a happy ending to all of this applicable history if you doubt my words.

  • Can The Democrats Blockade TrumpCare?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Democracy dies where evil flourishes...behind closed doors, in the dark.

  • Can The Democrats Blockade TrumpCare?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    At least the Democrats will not have any blood on THEIR hands.

  • Is This Any Way To Run A Democracy?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    I want to thank Deep Space JohnBest and Scott from Oz for their fantastic comments . I could say much more but I will leave it at that.

  • Martin O'Malley suspends presidential campaign after Iowa caucuses   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Interesting article, have you planned to publish an article on French politics, including the presidential, the legislative, the new government ? Me rendre visite :

  • Is This Any Way To Run A Democracy?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    The apparently continue to snooker the main public--winning all the elections with the worst possible policies due to their lies being believed. Somehow the democrats have to adopt Bernie's tactics totally and get off their butts and VOTE!

  • Is This Any Way To Run A Democracy?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Perhaps Evangelical Christian experiment has failed and everyone is worshipping the friendly God of money and not Christ or his teachings.

  • Is This Any Way To Run A Democracy?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Christian evangelicals along with Franklin Graham, who have been overwhelmingly supportive the Pres. and his promise of Trumpcare shall have their cake and eat it too along with all the future sufferings of Trumpcare tattooed on their reputation. The AHCA should be called the UnAmerican Health Care Act.

  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    No, he will quit like Sarah Palin did but not until he pulls off the stunts that he wants to do. Sarah seems to be doing so much better financially post-Governorship.

  • Is This Any Way To Run A Democracy?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Dems are too soft IMO. They may be thinking about the saying, "Give em a rope long enough and they'll hang themselves". hard to tell if the dems are just waiting for the repugs to implode or what. They certainly don't act very aggressive.

    Interesting clip on MSNBC today showing Mitch Mcturtle crying about the secret ACA meetings back in 2009 and how thats not the way to do things. What a hypocritical jerk.

    Are people really this stupid?

  • Is This Any Way To Run A Democracy?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Yea, I second the motion (though forgoing the hangings)! In this dark hour, it serves no good purpose to mince words.

    That Republicans are plotting to cheat tens of millions of the sick and the poor out of desperately needed healthcare benefits, which they know full well will cause tens of thousands of deaths each year, just to award undeserved tax breaks to the greediest bastards in America who lavish money on their campaigns, is the vilest act of corruption, immorality, and betrayal imaginable by elected officials, whose bare minimum responsiblity should be to protect the most vulnerable among us.

    That they are scheming in secret, hiding from public scrutiny and attempting to ram through such a consequential bill with almost no time for honest and open debate -- spitting on the Framers' most basic constitutional principles of transparent and accountable government -- confirms they truly are the scum of our society, a traitorous faction of fascistic whores, who have defiled their offices. They should all be stripped of the honor and dignity their positions of trust have bestowed upon them. Until the Republican Party finally collapses and fades from history, the electorate should never forget the unforgivable transgressions of this death cult.

    What is the difference between committing mass genocide against whole segments of the population, deliberately inflicting needless suffering upon millions, by using guns and bombs or by using pen and ink? Both pogroms are acts of terror against innocent human beings and crimes against humanity. The end result is just the same -- piles of corpses stacked just as high!

    Republicans who vote for this despicable piece of legislation will be nothing but cold-hearted murderers, destroying life and promoting death on a scale of depravity only the worst tyrants in history have achieved. If it passes into law, may God NOT have mercy on their unrepentant, stained souls!

    At that point, during the signing ceremony in the White House Rose Garden, Trump and the Republican Party, en masse, will become the mortal enemies of the People and the curse of democracies everywhere, sealing our fate as a pariah state, for which soldiers should no longer fight -- lay down your arms and go home to your families. It's over! The American experiment has failed!

  • Is This Any Way To Run A Democracy?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    If these bastards ram this bill through and succeed in cutting our health care and all of our social programs and passing their "DeathCare", then anyone who votes yes and anyone who signs it needs to be charged with premeditated murder, and genocide, marched to Leavenworth Prison in Kansas - like Trump's buddy Andrew Jackson marched the Native Americans and dropped them off west of the Mississippi - and put on trial by a military tribunal and hanged publicly in the only mass hanging in American history. We cannot let the GOP make a mockery of our government and our Constitution.

  • Is This Any Way To Run A Democracy?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    I see nothing has changed here.:(

    “Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people.”
    Eleanor Roosevelt

  • Is This Any Way To Run A Democracy?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    The Teabaggers are running the show the same way things are done in Russia....behind the scenes as much as possible with obligatory election fraud. The Kochs have about the same amount of power as Putin...just like them, Putin is worth about 200 billion. Money is the true power in a fascist regime.

    Can -tuck- EEE keeps voting the king of fascist ass kissers back into office. Lot's of gullible foxaganda citizens there. McConnell will go down in history as one of the most self serving and disgusting "public employees" of all time.

  • Is This Any Way To Run A Democracy?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Conservative policy always ruins lives and sometimes even kills. As you can see the GOP is looking to lose more democratic lives here.

  • Is This Any Way To Run A Democracy?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Today's rhetorical question: "If Republicans were serious about what they said about Obamacare - how is it what they're doing right now remotely acceptable?"

    But they're the Republicans! "Do as I say, not as I do" is their stock in trade.

    Understand that the Republicans don't believe in "all men are created equal" and try to subvert that inconvenient truth any time they can. The Republicans firmly believe in social classes, and they presume they belong to the "higher class" of humans in America, therefore, they hold others to much higher standards than they hold themselves to. Also, the "lower classes" are forbidden to use the tactics and ploys that they (the Republicans) use. For the lower classes to do so is "unfair".

  • Is This Any Way To Run A Democracy?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    The last time this jerk McConnell led a secret meeting was to overthrow Obama's Presidency, and we should trust him with our healthcare?

  • Is This Any Way To Run A Democracy?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Remember what Nancy "the loon" Pelosi said about ACA - "We have to pass it to find out what's in it!!"

  • Is This Any Way To Run A Democracy?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Repugnicans are, always have been, and always will be HYPOCRITES!

    'nuff said.

  • Will the Shootings in DC & SFO Cause the GOP to Embrace Gun Control?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    "Embrace gun control"?? That would mean they actually gave a damn about what might be best for the people of this country, which they plainly and obviously -do- =not=! ((When in the hell are people going to wake up about the Republicans and what they're =deliberately= doing to destroy this country?!!))

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday June 20th, 2017   7 years 35 weeks ago


    You need to capsulate some of your shows in short form for sharing online. As a matter of fact, frankly your online self-promotion sucks! You could use some tips from Alex Jones or Steve Bannon. ☺

    I'd like a link to a recording of your diatribe on today's show about the "generosity" of our oligarchs and the privatization of the American commons (Billionaires Now Get to Decide on the Public Good).

    - Shawn

  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Branski: I'm not sure why you're a Putin/interference denier other than you hate the Clintons, but the fact remains, Putin and his cyber infantry attacked us. They fueled the flames of the ongoing Clinton defamation and very likely flipped votes on vulnerable machines in swing states. The CIA I'm certain has all this info.

    Regarding the electoral college vote result....I'm sure you realize this is basically mandated voting based on popular election results, which were manipulated by Putin.

    BTW: I agree with your repeated sentiment that poverty has risen to horrific levels and is completely unnecessary in the richest country on the planet. If according to you the middle class has thrown their impoverished neighbor under the bus, it's because the fascists have pitted those who fear poverty is knocking at their door against those in poverty.....this to distract us from the Fascist quest for extreme concentration of wealth.

  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    As The Third Way Democrats change the focus from why no white people vote for Democrats in the red states to How hilary was cheated out of the election by white men the more likely the mid terms will be another disaster.

    Time to face reality. Obama gutted the Democratic Base. His political gifts were wasted. Economics is the great unifier. Diversity is divisive. There are many reasons for this and I will e plain this in my next article on how the Democratic Party went wrong, see my blog if interested.

  • Will Republicans in Congress actually impeach Trump?   7 years 35 weeks ago

    Pay for the podcasts, it is worth it, I get the same headaches listening to AM. Phil Spector is the only person who could use that medium.

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