Sue's daily stacks

  • Friday 8 February '19 show notes

    • Is the War Between Socialism and Capitalism About To Begin? Who Will Win?
    • Is the Worst Climate Change Tipping Point Just 5 Years Away?
    • Nurses Launch Medicare for All 'Barnstorm' Actions in 150 U.S. locations Feb. 9-13 - Deborah Burger, RN, National Nurses United
    • Anything Goes Friday
  • Thursday 7 February '19 show notes

    • Americans Want Socialism - Trump Says No!
    • Trump Wants Payday Lenders to More Easily Rip Off Veterans & Low Income Workers
    • Why do we have central banks, what is their role, and why is it important to regulate interest rates? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work/Capitalism's Crisis Deepens Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown
    • Conversations with Great Minds: How Robert Bork Transformed America & We Never Even Noticed... - Professor Barak Orbach, Professor of Law at the University of Arizona James E.
  • Wednesday 6 February '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • If You Don't Want Socialism Then You Don't Want America
    • The anti-abortion lies media must correct from Trump's 2019 State of the Union - Sharon Kann, Media Matters
  • Tuesday 5 February '19 show notes

    • The State of the Union is Worrying... What Worries You?
    • DNC Chair Tom Perez Is Here - On the State Of the Union - Chair Tom Perez, Democratic National Committee (DNC)
    • Here's the "What if?" - If Trump Declares a National Emergency... - Andrew Boyle, Counsel, Liberty & National Security Program - Brennan Center
    • Why Can't Our Food & Our Pet food Be Safe? - Ocean Robbins, Food Revolution Network / "31-Day Food Revolution: Heal Your Body, Feel Great and Transform Your World"
  • Monday 4 February '19 show notes

    • Global Zero on US Ending INF Treaty: 'Hard to Imagine a Worse Approach' - Derek Johnson, Global Zero
    • In Court FCC Offers Discredited Defense of Net Neutrality Repeal - Yosef Getachew, Common Cause
  • Friday 1 February '19 show notes

    • Why is the Utah GOP Preventing the People from Getting Healthcare After They Voted for It?
    • Do You Know What's Going On In America's New Internment Camps?
    • Anything Goes Friday
  • Thursday 31 January '19 show notes

    • Time To Stop Giving America Away to Billionaires & Big Corporations
    • Is the Fed Chairmen Powell Groveling In Front of Trump & Is the Fed Subsidizing the Market? - Economist Dr.
  • Wednesday 30 January '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • What's More Important - The lives of $34,000 Americans or the profits of the NRA? - Cam Edwards, Host- Cam & Co on NRATV
    • Dear Very Very Wealthy - It's Time for a Change
  • Tuesday 29 January '19 show notes

    • It's Time For A New FDR & Americans Are Ready
    • 66 Millions Americans At Risk Tomorrow Due to Climate Change
    • Because of Trump - The Uninsured Rate Is The Highest It’s Been In 5 Years - Wendell Potter, "Deadly Spin"/"Nation on the Take"/
  • Monday 28 January '19 show notes

    • How Is It Centrist to Deny 70% of All Americans What They Want? and Why centrists are obsessed with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
    • Issues of the day and your calls - Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • A Coup in Venezuela? - Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK/Global Exchange

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Monday, Jan. 4, 2021

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