Sue's daily stacks

  • Friday 16 February '18 show notes

    • The Best Parallel in History for Trump...Hitler? Mussolini? Or, Caligula?
    • Why Does America Have So Many More Gun Deaths Than Other Countries???
    • Where Does the Responsibility for School Shooters Lie? With the NRA? Congress?
  • Thursday 15 February '18 show notes

    • A Thought and a Prayer for Politicians Who Take Money From the NRA...
    • Does the NRA & Congress Hold ANY Responsibility for These Gun Deaths?
    • Economist Michael Hudson, J Is For Junk Economics: The Economics of Gun Violence
    • Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire Radio/Law and Vengeance: How the Oil Giants & the Gun Lobby Are Destroying the Planet...
  • Wednesday 14 February '18 show notes

    • Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District): Mid-day with Mark
    • Why Don't We Call Billionaire Corruption What It Is?
    • James Suzman PhD, Affluence Without Abundance: The Disappearing World of the Bushmen/anthropos/Things From the Bush: How Hunter/Gatherers May Hold the Key to Our Economic Future...
  • Tuesday 13 February '18 show notes

    • How do Democratic Countries Succeed? Here's An Example...
    • David Daley, RATF**KED: The True Story Behind the Secret Plan to Steal America's Democracy/ How the GOP is Stealing Your Vote
    • Professor David Sloan Wilson, Evolution Institute: Economics New Invisible Hand & Why We Need It
  • Monday 12 February '18 show notes

    • How the Next Recession is Really Going to Suck Big Time...
    • How the EPA's Scott Pruitt Thought He Was Royalty & How Horribly Corrupt He and the GOP Are...
    • Richard Lang, Virtual Country: Strategy for 21st Century Democracy: Do We Need a Virtual Democracy?
  • Friday 9 February '18 show notes

    • Jude Wanniski's 2 Santa Clauses... alive & well in 2018
    • Garrett Hour, Municipal Broadband PDX: The Battle For Net Neutrality... Municipal Broadband for All
    • Anything Goes... What's on Your Mind? Thom takes YOUR Calls...
  • Thursday 8 February '18 show notes

    • How neo-liberalism is destroying us psychologically
    • Chair Tom Perez, Democratic National Committee (DNC): Turning red states blue, government shutdown, Nancy Pelosi's stand in the House and more...
    • Evan Greer, Fight for the Future: Who is winning the battle to return net neutrality...
    • Millennials just got a lesson from the stock market...
  • Wednesday 7 February '18 show notes

    • Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District): Mid-day with Mark
    • Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work/Capitalism's Crisis Deepens Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown: Wall Street's Wild Ride and the Coming Crash...
    • The Rigged Election Conspiracy You Don't Know About...
  • Tuesday 6 February '18 show notes

    • Who is the Worst President...Trump or Bush?
    • Greg Palast, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy: The Steele Dossier & the Singer Connection
    • Thank the GOP for Your 401K Losses....
    • More of your choices for worst president ever and why...
  • Monday 5 February '18 show notes

    • Is Trump ordering a nuke test "for political purposes" while drawing 3 red lines...?
    • Julio Rivera, Reactionary Times/Newsmax/Right Wing News/Politichicks: The Democrats wouldn't nominate a communist... why is the GOP going to nominate a Nazi?
    • When Will the GOP Reject Trump Lies?

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Monday, Jan. 4, 2021

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