Sue's daily stacks

  • Tuesday 2 April '19 show notes

    • Will Trump's Secret Plan for Healthcare Help Him Win in 2020?
    • "In the Event That I Die From Gun Violence - Please Show the Photo of My Death"
    • 'Time to Act': Nationwide Protests Planned If Barr Fails to Release Full Mueller Report By Tonight - Zac Petkanas, Spokesperson -
  • Monday 1 April '19 show notes

    • Joe Biden... Reflecting the Patriarchal Culture He Grew Up In?
    • Cecile Richards - To Make Change, You Have to Make Trouble - Cecile Richards, National Leader for Women's Rights and Social & Economic Justice / Former President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood Action Fund / Daughter of the late Governor Ann Richards
    • Issues of the Day - Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • Politics, music - Roy Zimmerman, Musical satirist, latest album is RiZe Up.
  • Friday 22 March '19 show notes

    • If Trump Is not Indicted in the Mueller Report & Barr hides from the American people un-Indicted crimes by Trump, how should America react?
    • The Scarlet Letter Club - Matt Taibbi, Hate, Inc., Contributing Editor - Rolling Stone, Author of 5 books including his latest, I Can't Breathe: A Killing on Bay Street
    • Everything You Know is Wrong: My Diet Is Driving Me Crazy - Roger Thiel, Historian (you may have seen him on the History channel) / Author, his latest book is My Diet is Driving Me CRAZY!: Profound Diet Sayings and Stories Of Courage And Humor
    • Anything Go
  • Thursday 21 March '19 show notes

    • Should Joe Biden Announce Prez Run Out of the Gate with Stacey Abrams as His VP? Gimmick? Smart political move? Setting a precedent? Lack of confidence is his own ability to run?
    • Since Social Democratic Nations Rank the Happiest- Shouldn't the US Aspire to Be a Better Democratic Socialist Country? - Julio Rivera, Reactionary Times/Newsmax/Right Wing News/Politichicks
    • How Can Nikki Haley Be So Unaware of How Healthcare Works in the US & Finland?
  • Wednesday 20 March '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Is Trump Whipping Up Violence In Anticipation of the Mueller Report?
    • Making sure the opposition doesn't take over the Venezuelan embassy in DC - Medea Benjamin, CODEPINK/Global Exchange
    • Vicky Ward - new book, Kushner Inc.: Greed, Ambition, Corruption - Vicky Ward, Editor at Large - Huffington Post / Author of the new book, Kushner Inc.: Greed, Ambition, Corruption
  • Tuesday 19 March '19 show notes

    • Why Do Trump Loyalists Believe in Magical Thinking - That Terrorists Would Walk 100s of Miles To Get Into America - When History Shows They Just Hop On a Plane? - Eric Caron, U.S. Special Agent & US Diplomat (Ret) / Author - Switched On - The Heart and Mind of a Special Agent
    • Time To Expel Rep Steve King From the Senate?
    • Is the Midwest Flooding an Act of God or an Act of Koch Industries and Exxon Mobile?
    • Billionaires Get the Profits and Average Americans Get the Poison and the Bill For Clean-Up....
  • Monday 18 March '19 show notes

    • Democrats Need To Reclaim the Word Freedom Now
    • Thom vs Sheriff Mack - If Trump Loses the 2020 Election and Claims the Election Was Stolen & Is Widely Believed on the Right, What Percentage of Sheriffs Would Define His Claimed "right" to stay in the White House? Would they Travel to DC to Enforce? - Sheriff Richard Mack, The Constitutional & Peace Officers Association/Oath Keepers
    • Wajahat Ali - The Roots of the Christchurch Massacre - Wajahat Ali, Contributing Opinion Writer, New York Times
  • Friday 15 March '19 show notes

    • Trump: His "Very Fine People," & The Killer in New Zealand are Connected
    • Julia Olsen - Climate Change Protest Today - "There is no grey area when it comes to survival" - Julia Olsen, Executive Director & Chief Legal Counsel - Our Children's Trust / Adjunct Instructor-University of Oregon School of Law
    • Anything Goes
  • Thursday 14 March '19 show notes

    • Trump's College Admission Scandal - David Dorsen, Author, Legal Scholar & former Assistant Chief counsel for the Watergate Committee
    • What is Imperialism? The Roman Empire Collapsed, The British Empire Unwound. How do Empires End? How might the American Empire End...and, What Does That Have To Do With Economics? - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work/Capitalism's Crisis Deepens Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown
    • Will Social Security Be Expanded?
  • Wednesday 13 March '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • Intelligent Design vs. Evolution - Professor Michael J. Behe, Professor of Biochemistry-Lehigh University/Intelligent Design Advocate & Founding Senior Fellow-Discovery Institute Center for Science & Culture / Author of several books including his latest, "Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA that Challenges Evolution"
    • Special Report: Tribal Camp in South Texas Is Vowing to Resist Trump's Wall - Candice Bernd, Editor/Reporter -

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