Sue's daily stacks

  • Tuesday 26 February '19 show notes

    • How Has a Billion in Dark Money Affect Your Quality of Life?
    • What Gives Washington State Sheriffs the Right to Defy the Law? - Sheriff Richard Mack, The Constitutional & Peace Officers Association/Oath Keepers
    • Big Pharma, Big Greed - Stephen Sheller, Attorney & Author - Big Pharma, Big Greed: The inside story of one lawyer's battle to stem the flood of dangerous medicines and protect public health
  • Monday 25 February '19 show notes

    • Is Trump's Emergency Crisis a Campaign Stunt?
    • Spike Lee vs Trump
    • Issues of the day and your calls - Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA, 17th District)
    • Anything Goes Monday!
    • Chicago's Political Scene - Joan Esposito, Host - Joan Esposito LIVE from 2-5pm CT on WCPT Chicago's Progressive Talk 820AM
  • Friday 22 February '19 show notes

    • Anything Goes Friday
    • Should the "ISIS Bride" Return to America?
    • Are We All Required to Answer Email or Texts Right Away?
    • Texas Jailed a Woman for 'Voting While Hispanic' Meanwhile No-One is Going to Jail for Stealing an Entire Election in NC...!!
  • Thursday 21 February '19 show notes

    • Should Trump & Pence Be Arrested for Child Kidnapping & Abuse? - Julio Rivera, Reactionary Times/Newsmax/Right Wing News/Politichicks
    • How hyperinflation happens and how it happened in Venezuela - Economist Dr. Richard Wolff, Democracy At Work/Capitalism's Crisis Deepens Essays on the Global Economic Meltdown
    • Conversations With Great Minds: How Do We Convince People & Companies Who Own our Politicians To Support a Green New Deal? - Dr.
  • Wednesday 20 February '19 show notes

    • Thom vs Elaine Parker - If We're Going to Strip Socialism Out of America - Do You Want to Start w/The Fire Department or Social Security First? - Elaine Parker, Job Creators Network Foundation
    • How Deep Is the Rot In the Republican Party? What Will It Take To Break the Billionaire Greed Hold and Recover?
    • God Help Us
      - Ed Asner, Actor, Author & Activist / God in God Help Us
      - Phil Procter, Writer (w/Sam) of God Help Us / Actor, Producer / Member-Firesign Theater
      - Sam Joseph, Writer (w/Phil) of God Help Us / Director
  • Tuesday 19 February '19 show notes

    • He's In, Are You? #Not Me. Us. Bernie Tells Thom How You Can Help! - the honorable Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
    • How the Left & the Right Differ On the Definition of Freedom and, Why It Matters...
    • Climate Scientists are Starting to Panic - 1 Degree Makes a Big Difference
    • The World's Smartest Economists Want a Carbon Tax - What's that Tell Ya?
  • Monday 18 February '19 show notes

    • Of All the Crisis We Are Facing - Which One Concerns You the Most? How Do We Fight Back When We Are Being Overwhelmed By the GOP Power Structures & Most Americans Are 1 Paycheck Away From a Crisis Themselves?
    • Thom Vs Brian Kolfage - Do You Believe Lindsey Graham - That Securing Our Border Is More Important then Kids Going to School In Kentucky? Why Won't Republicans Prosecute Employers Like Trump For Hiring People Who Are Not Here Legally?
  • Wednesday 13 February '19 show notes

    • In for Thom today - Jefferson Smith, host/owner progressive radio XRAY-FM, Portland, OR
    • What To Do About America's Billionaire Problem...?
    • 2020 Election...Who's Speaking to Your Issues?
    • How Universal Basic Income Could End Poverty
  • Tuesday 12 February '19 show notes

    • Mid-day with Mark - Congressman Mark Pocan (D-WI, 2nd District)
    • States Are Starting to Pick (California and the Northwest now) - Permanently Go On Daylight Savings or Standard. Which Side Are You On?
    • Is VA Governor Northam Going to Get By On His White Guilt?
  • Monday 11 February '19 show notes

    • In Venezuela, White Supremacy is a Key to Trump's Coup - Greg Palast, Investigative Journalist/Author/Filmmaker, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
    • Democratic Poll Today! Who Do You Support? Name & One Sentence As To Why...
    • What's the Most Effective Way to Get Americans to Support Clawing Back Massive Wealth?
    • Republicans launch new group to lobby Congress on Trump's NAFTA replacement - Lori Wallach, Public Citizen's Trade Watch

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Monday, Jan. 4, 2021

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