I wonder why everyone - Thom included - seems to have forgotten that following WWII, just about every one of these countries became socialist democracies. Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Greece all created constitutions based almost entirely on that of our Constitution, and they developed bills of rights that not only adopted most of ours, but went even further to include the working rights, union rights, family rights, health rights, etc. that went way beyond our own.
The reason these very same countries have lost a lot of this is pretty much for the same reason we have lost our "big government" protections. Big Greedy Industrialists and Bankers. We were doing great up to and through Eisenhower's administration. In fact, it was Eisenhower who made sure his returning soldiers had jobs by demanding the building of a super highway system to cross all corners of the country. And to build that super highway system he increased taxes on the super rich to 90% of everything over the first million. Yeah, they bitched about it, but they did it and they still earned more millions.
Now look where we are with Nixon's trade deals with China, Clinton's trade deals with Mexico, and on and on. We had to adopt an austerity program in this country for what? So that the rich could get richer, of course. Well, of course, the Europeans all looked at us and decided they needed something similar, and up popped the European Union. Well, how's that template for greed working for them? Just about as badly as it is working for us, and in the case of Greece, much, much worse.
Just like you can't turn all those states included in the European Union into a "United States," our candidates can't keep making one kind of promise to the people, and another kind of promise to their billionaire benefactors who are keeping them in office. You can't keep drilling and fracking and not destroy the planet. These are things We the People can't keep allowing to happen. We need a party we can trust, and it's "none of the above" when speaking of either the Democratic or Republican Party. We need a Progressive Democratic Party, and we need to take our democracy back from big everything.
You don't understand that global warming is the government approach to getting global control of everything period is is about a false premise. Please read what my coleague has written which is accurate
Phoenix Five Earth Changes Bulletin 2014, by Michael Wells Mandeville
Bulletin Item: Climate Change (Global Governance Takeover) talks in Paris starting a day early. (Nov 29) 2015
I have decided to sit with this to summarize the machinations and the fundamental critiques to produce a serious document which will hold throughout the next few years on the topic.
The reason is very simple. Quite a few perspectives have finally brought together enough data and empirical observations to be very clear about the fundamentals.
Global Warming is not happening
All the claims and charts and reports about such are contrived exercises of extreme quackademery.
There is no significant "climate change" in the sense of a transformation of natural processes.
There are natural solar driven processes which are clearly "cycling" the planet into a "cool phase"
The concept of "extreme weather" now being reported widely has been induced by the same jackasses pushing global warming as a concept. We are more aware of extreme events because of increased reporting and weather analysis and an induced hyper-sensitivity to the issue. Somewhere a local record is ALWAYS being broken. ALWAYS.
Tornadoes and Hurricanes are actually at lower levels overall than in previous decades.
Physicists (real ones) prove that co2 levels cannot alter the average heat of the earth. The idea that CO2 levels of any kind are causing climate changes of any kind is mathematically impossible. The claim is nothing more than a phony scam for manipulating gullible people.
The fundamental long term perspective which is easily proven is that the Earth is in a major "cool phase" compared to the millenniums and geological ages of the past. There was a recent warming up (slight) during the last half of the 20th century along with an increase in average solar activity which spanned most of the same decades.
The Sun is now less activity and appears or "looks" like it may get less active like previous "cool periods" during the past 1000 years.
Mirroring this decline, almost all glaciation is increasing on all continents. Polar ice at both ends is increasing. Greenland is colder, Canadian Arctic is colder, Antarctica is at record levels of growth.
2+2=4, it really does, draw the obvious conclusion.
So called sea level increase is decreasing. (BTW this measurements avoid the phenomenon of coastal uplift and coastal submergence in the great subduction zones, which is a ceaseless change - measuring a change in sea level at a place probably indicates little more than the rate of uplift or downwarp OF THE LAND at that particular spot).
In any event, the hysterical claims still being pushed by the Alarmists about a major rise in sea level is nothing but a hobgoblin to freak the "kids". There simply is not enough available ice to melt to create ANY average rise in sea level beyond a few centimeters. It would take a temperature change of 100 degrees on the South Pole to melt enough ice to change coastlines. It isn't going to happen by CO2. If if does so because of a huge change in solar output, melting ice would BE THE LEAST OF OUR PROBLEMS.
THE ISSUE OF CLIMATE CHANGE, AS PREDICTED DECADES AGO, IS NOTHING BUT POLITICAL THEATRE TO GRAB POWER FOR FREAKS WHO WANT TO IMPOSE DIKTAT OVER EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE. At the core of it are Bolsheviks who want to remake you in their image, and their image is not pretty, and their sponsors, the hereditary aristocracies whose cabals are busily re-creating neo-feudal estates for themselves to control all resources on Earth.
So actually the news is quite uplifting. They haven't a leg to stand on. They are a sick, sorry, and fairly stupid crew. They can and will be easily driven off the state of history. We will see some of that this next two weeks. There are major contentions and splits going on in the political elites, they will not be able to seal the deal the Bolsheviks want.
Just call the BS on all that they do and say. Every opportunity. Somebody mentions global warming? Look strangely at them and simply say, "Dude", it is simply not happening, It's all a big fat lie...haven't you noticed that winters are colder than the past?". That's the universal message, the universal meme which unlocks the scam and frees people from the hypnosis of the mass media.
Enjoy Thanksgiving. Give thanks especially that we can now decisively free ourselves from this hobgoblin. Later today or tomorrow I will send a compilation of U tube videos by experts who will march you through all the graphs and charts which document every aspect of what I have just said above.
Tohm I have more documents from experts. Read this. Call me 1425828 6774 or Palms@peterpalms.com
The godfather of global warming lowers the boom on climate change
Eighteen months ago, James Lovelock, the godfather of global warming, gave a startling interview to msnbc.com in which he acknowledged he had been unduly “alarmist” about climate change.
The implications were extraordinary.
Lovelock is a world-renowned scientist and environmentalist whose Gaia theory — that the Earth operates as a single, living organism — has had a profound impact on the development of global warming theory.
Unlike many “environmentalists,” who have degrees in political science, Lovelock, until his recent retirement at age 92, was a much-honored working scientist and academic.
His inventions have been used by NASA, among many other scientific organizations.
Lovelock’s invention of the electron capture detector in 1957 first enabled scientists to measure CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) and other pollutants in the atmosphere, leading, in many ways, to the birth of the modern environmental movement.
Having observed that global temperatures since the turn of the millennium have not gone up in the way computer-based climate models predicted, Lovelock acknowledged, “the problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago.” Now, Lovelock has given a follow-up interview to the UK’s Guardian newspaper in which he delivers more bombshells sure to anger the global green movement, which for years worshipped his Gaia theory and apocalyptic predictions that billions would die from man-made climate change by the end of this century.
Lovelock still believes anthropogenic global warming is occurring and that mankind must lower its greenhouse gas emissions, but says it’s now clear the doomsday predictions, including his own (and Al Gore’s) were incorrect.
He responds to attacks on his revised views by noting that, unlike many climate scientists who fear a loss of government funding if they admit error, as a freelance scientist, he’s never been afraid to revise his theories in the face of new evidence. Indeed, that’s how science advances.
Among his observations to the Guardian:
(1) A long-time supporter of nuclear power as a way to lower greenhouse gas emissions, which has made him unpopular with environmentalists, Lovelock has now come out in favour of natural gas fracking (which environmentalists also oppose), as a low-polluting alternative to coal.
As Lovelock observes, “Gas is almost a give-away in the U.S. at the moment. They’ve gone for fracking in a big way. This is what makes me very cross with the greens for trying to knock it … Let’s be pragmatic and sensible and get Britain to switch everything to methane. We should be going mad on it.” (Kandeh Yumkella, co-head of a major United Nations program on sustainable energy, made similar arguments last week at a UN environmental conference in Rio de Janeiro, advocating the development of conventional and unconventional natural gas resources as a way to reduce deforestation and save millions of lives in the Third World.)
(2) Lovelock blasted greens for treating global warming like a religion.
“It just so happens that the green religion is now taking over from the Christian religion,” Lovelock observed. “I don’t think people have noticed that, but it’s got all the sort of terms that religions use … The greens use guilt. That just shows how religious greens are. You can’t win people round by saying they are guilty for putting (carbon dioxide) in the air.”
(3) Lovelock mocks the idea modern economies can be powered by wind turbines.
As he puts it, “so-called ‘sustainable development’ … is meaningless drivel … We rushed into renewable energy without any thought. The schemes are largely hopelessly inefficient and unpleasant. I personally can’t stand windmills at any price.”
(4) Finally, about claims “the science is settled” on global warming: “One thing that being a scientist has taught me is that you can never be certain about anything. You never know the truth. You can only approach it and hope to get a bit nearer to it each time. You iterate towards the truth. You don’t know it.”
Both are right answers actually, the banks should never have been allowed ot get that big, and should be broken up, and the bankers who ripped people off, and did things that led to the crash should be in prison.
Re: your bumper concerning "Neanderthal/Human Culture," the distinction equals 'cooperation within the human species is a superior evolutionary strategy.' Can a parallel be made with a Repubiican go-it-alone-individualism and a Democratic let's-cooperate-via-government strategy?
Please discuss on air: How possible would it be, and could it be implemented by Admin authority or Exec order; to authorize ACA medicaid funds to be released to States; which already accept such expansion on behalf of neighboring States which haven't; @ the same time authorize Dr's and Medical Facilities in the latter mentioned States to file ACA medicaid claims in the prior mentioned States?? Also in favor of: Raising the 2 person Hshld income threshhold to: $35k, although that would maybe(?) require an Act of Congress...
By the way; Thom and Crew, THANK YOU; you help give us Hope and Education...
Doggies. An EXCEPTIONALLY awful discussion-panel this time. A coupla minutes of had me not just fast-forwarding but deleting Thom's whole show. Both the panel-guys are obnoxious {in different ways}. Neither adds to the conversation.
Re: Kevin Martin on Rumble 18 Feb 2016: Is it not possible to find a third participant who does not unnecessarily yell, talk over others, comment patronizingly "wait a minute sweetheart" and be a grating, irritating presence? I don't find that sort of nonsense amusing or worth listening to.
Shame! Despite the highest ranking 5th at nominal GDP... the 2nd largest economy in the World ranked by GDP
America has the poorest rate of health care takeup in the western world ranked 15th ... education comes in around 28th
The highest incarceration rates
The highest murder rates
Suicide the 10th leading cause of death
Amongst the highest cardiovascular disease rate
+40% population obesity rate
I won't go into items like public indoctrination, media propaganda, paranoia, journalistic integrity, fascism, corporate lobbying. political malfaesance, bent politics, rigged politics
This all from a country that preaches to the World and leads in war... and, nothing more!
Seriously? And HOW pray tell, would Bernie succeed in changing the laws of the land? He running for all of Congress as well as the Presidency?
Come to think of it, is he running also for the SCOTUS? Because, as President he would have NO SAY or means to coerce any state to change how the present system is run.
Bernie says a lot of feel good things but even a 4th grader with basic civics information would recognize Bernie is whistling out of the side of his neck with remarks about "free education for all"
He cannot enforce it or even bring it up on the Congressional floor and if he did, it would be shot down as a challenge to states sovereignty and states' rights.
So many obstacles, the majority being that no one wants to pay 70 to 80% of their income so that children who are not their own can go to school and certainly will not pay for felons to be able to do so.
Bernie is a feel good politician with a lot of great ideas--a chicken in every pot, and in his case, a microwave, stove and new kitchen also--but it is not deliverable, NOT if we are to continue to have the Congress actually write the laws and not the President and NOT if we still plan to abide by the Constitution but maybe.. if we overthrow and fight each state and make the Federal rules the laws of the land and every Congress man go along with it..
Wait a minute.. all of Congress going along with such a plan.. and abdicating states' rights.. NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
With all due respect, anyone who wants to vote for a Presidential candidate should first be tested on understanding not only their job but the LIMITATIONS of that job so that no matter what the candidate says, they know when smoke is being blown up their whazoo.
Several things: nothing is free. Health care is not free.. someone has to pay and pay a LOT and a lot of others make a lot of money from others paying.
Schooling is not free. Someone has to pay and pay a lot. I used to live in Europe and my husband is from Europe. Secondary education and college is free to a large extent BUT it is also heavily regulated with most kids locked into a major and trajectory that they can neither change or improve on if they are to get it free.
This "choice" is normally made during middle school (by the 8th grade) and they are locked into this choice by the 9th and must only pursue coursework for the track they are locked into.
Any deviation UP to another level would be at their own expense and they would lose their slot at a different school. For instance, if a person only tests to vocational level, they have to take a course for a trade school. But maybe they wish to get a college degree? Not on the public dime. They MUST go to trade school. But what if they proved to be so smart that they really should get another shot at a university track? NO. They can learn to work on cars.. or computers.. or make beds, or wherever they fit in, they are locked in--also the costs schools can charge are locked in and the salaries people at these institutions can make is capped and locked in.
All controlled when it is socialist. As for insurance schemes, health care costs are regimented and capped so there is no incentive for drs or nurses or specialists to lie or talk patients into unnecessary treatments, which goes on a lot over here in the states. But back to school...
In other words, the wrong focus or test scores, may actually allow them to only apply to trade schools and forces them to either choose through a few trades or none. For this pleasure, the public who can afford it are taxed up to 80% of their gross. This is the case in Holland.
Americans can flirt with socialism in all of its guises because most are clueless idealogues. Socialism can be a boon to a society BUT it CANNOT be practiced along side capitalism because where profit is the impetus, the welfare of all cannot be the goal or the focus.
As for ex cons, there are a lot of factors that have nothing to do with education and which cannot be controlled such as once degreed, proving the reason the felon did not get the job was due to him being a felon, but really--who wants to work alongside , with or for most felons?
This is an article written by well intentioned yet clueless people. I put it right up there with the Obamacare which meant to supply affordable health care to all but ended up costing many any chance at actual real care and they are now the new fringed uninsured.
I am speaking about my own family. Before Obama care we had a bill of 4300.00 annually for insurance through an employer with a 2300.00 deductible and an 80/20 cost sharing. After Obama we are now paying 10,300.00 per year and have a 7500.00 deductible.
We prefer to not pay out 7500.00 first before our insurance will help out in any way so we don't go to the doctor. On top of this, we pay 2300.00 as some sort of additional tax to "help out Obamacare" this is not a voluntary payment it is part of our tax scheme.
The fact is you cannot have a socialist medicine ideal and a for profit enterprise because you cannot cap either charges, or salaries or incentives to bilk the public--instead you just turned over the purse strings to the Healthcare industry. NO wonder so many are building mega campuses and pushing unnecessary care and surgeries--a free for all.
In this present article, what many well many people fail to realize is the state of the prisons no matter what access to education there is.
Men and women are so institutionalized that they tend to engage deliberately in behavior that will send them back to the life they have come to know and understand.
It is like an abused child seeking similar treatment because it is familiar. I happen to work with and know many people who have been incarcerated and have observed that a great many view prison as their second home. Many even want to return not because they like the life there, but because they have learned to navigate that better than life on the outside.
When a person has become inculcated or inured to a certain circumstance, then NO INCENTIVE any well meaning person can come up with will change that mindset.
I recently worked with a young man who wants to return to prison. He felt "safer" there. Not physically, but in the fact that as a person who did find gainful employment and was being helped, he had trouble interacting with or even understanding civilian behavior in the work place. He had learned so many "tells" and manipulation techniques in his 20+ years as a criminal, that when confronted with only being a regular, law abiding citizen--he sucked at it.
Not only did he suck at it, he felt the average person was stupid and weak and beneath him and he seemed to believe the ability to manipulate, coerce and intimidate should be the norm--after all, he was good at it in prison.
He began to talk about returning and also contemplated doing certain acts just to be sent back--he said he was "okay" with a return to the institution. There is more to the revolving door than a lack of education or degree..as any prison population can show, many of those who are in prison of all races, already have degrees.
This is far deeper than platitudes and bandaids but because bleeding hearts always just want to pat heads and wear a fake halo, they never dig deeper than what they want to feel good about, in this case, college degrees for felons means nothing if people don't want to hire them or are afraid of them or do not trust them ... it is just another drain from the harebrained peeps who gave us Obamacare without Obamaknowledge.
UNC rob a bank. Either you have the money for your education or you get caught and you not only get educated your meds are free in jail as well.. What happen to America Sneak into the country illegally and work Without paying taxes and you get citizenship, break the law and you get free collage. Are you guys losing your minds
In two debates, Hillary Clinton stated she will break up the big banks if they pose a threat. In her mind, what do they have to do to pose a treat? The meltdown of the economy and taxpayer bailouts of the past were not enough? What do the largest banks have to do to be a threat in her mind? If (and perhaps when) the largest banks create another economic crisis and need to be bailed out AGAIN, will Clinton then, after the fact, decide they need to be broken up (when its too late)?
Bernie Sanders already knows the largest banks are a threat to the economy and knows they need to be broken up. Local and state banks will be created again. Local community members will be allowed to borrow money from local banks, creating stonger local communities and a stronger overall economy.
And Sanders is right with his implication that certain Wall Street banks will control Clinton. Under Clinton, it is very fair to assume a few banks will become even stronger and more powerful.
Ou812, typically facile, if on point. If Bernie succeeds in making college free for everyone and makes employment with a living wage a basic right that will take away the "middle class resentment" people feel about convicts getting free education while they have to work hard for it. Anyway, prisoners are often MADE to work hard in prisons on road gangs and liscence plate manufacturing shops, etc..
Just have to make your solution TRULY just.
I don't know about you but I would not want convicted rapists and sexual predators attending classes with my daughters. They should be barred from attending college. Build a college for male sex offenders staffed with an all male faculty.
No I disagree with free college tuition for felons! I have never broken the law my entire life I have worked a bevy of dead end low paying jobs since I was 15 I am 47 now and am unable to stand on my feet for long periods of time due to my diabetes. I would like the opportunity to attend college but I can't afford it. I can't ask my parents for help because they are deceased. With regards to voting states should make it easier for felons to vote.
Experts Please Discuss: How possible would it be, and could it be implemented by Admin authority or Exec order; to authorize ACA medicaid funds to be released to States; which already accept such expansion on behalf of neighboring States which haven't; @ the same time authorize Dr's and Medical Facilities in the latter mentioned States to file ACA medicaid claims in the prior mentioned States?? Also in favor of: Raising the 2 person Hshld income threshold to: $35k, although that would maybe(?) require an Act of Congress...
The corporate masters of American propaganda do not want us to copy informed government systems in Europe because much of Europe has experienced fascism up close and personal and they are smart enough not to allow it to happen again. Especially Germany. Not so in America. Americans have not and do not seem to be able to recognized it's growth in the U.S. because fascism suits corporate greed.
EG: the political platform. Privatization, union breaking, a strong bond between corporations and government ('corporatism'), reduced government spending, balanced budget and a fierce nationalism (ideology). This is what Republicans run on. This would make Benito Mussolini smile from the grave-this is his old political platform.
The Republican right has used fascist tools, not believing they would be affected and become fascists; too late. Their party is now not much more than an ideological perversion.
So yeah- I want social democracy because we might have a chance of survival of the middle class. Mussolini had his day-let's not repeat his mistake.
In regards to the above comment, yes, that would be a danger. The college education offer would only be viable if college was free for all OUTSIDE of prison as well.
Grumpyhugs, television is obsolete, it's internet now and that's worse. There's no mass media anymore, everything is "subscriber only" now and tailored to a user's individual tastes and preferences
People and their opinions are never challenged anymore because "the customer is always right". People are siloed into their own alternate universes and political tendencies take on a cult like quality. The media menu for each silo not only has its own talking points for the facts but has its own "facts" as well.
I really don't think a Watergate could hit the fan like it did 40 some years ago when everyone was watching and listening to the same 3 major networks.
What an idea! Instead of working hard in high school to earn a scholarship, go rob someone. Not only will you receive a free College education, but you'll have spending money from the robbery.
Kend! You got some time? Try this to start https://pplswar.wordpress.com/2015/10/21/fact-bernie-sanders-got-more-do...
Try the Senate's web site under Bernard Sanders and try "bills sponsored or cosponsored by" and you'll get 6,210 hits.
Now, it's tedious, they start with the most recent and go back and, of course, none of the recent ones, very fine, sensible and often brilliant ideas that they were in most cases, got passed as the Republican, as a matter of policy, will NEVER pass a Democrats' idea - and the better the Democrats' idea the more likely the Republicans are to shit can it simply because they don't want Democrats to get credit for any good ideas. They only care about their own personal and political political ambitions, the country's well being be damned. Ayn Rand governance.
Anyway, Bernie was an EXTREMELY effective legislator as chair of the Veterans' Affairs Committee of the Senate in 2013 and 2014. So much so that he was awarded the VFW's (Veterans of Foreign Wars') highest honor.
He got 13 bills passed into law when the average per congress is 8.
And I'm sure I could go on but that is where I stopped researching the question. As usual, all you've got are bogus, fraudulent talking points.
I wonder why everyone - Thom included - seems to have forgotten that following WWII, just about every one of these countries became socialist democracies. Japan, Germany, France, Italy, Greece all created constitutions based almost entirely on that of our Constitution, and they developed bills of rights that not only adopted most of ours, but went even further to include the working rights, union rights, family rights, health rights, etc. that went way beyond our own.
The reason these very same countries have lost a lot of this is pretty much for the same reason we have lost our "big government" protections. Big Greedy Industrialists and Bankers. We were doing great up to and through Eisenhower's administration. In fact, it was Eisenhower who made sure his returning soldiers had jobs by demanding the building of a super highway system to cross all corners of the country. And to build that super highway system he increased taxes on the super rich to 90% of everything over the first million. Yeah, they bitched about it, but they did it and they still earned more millions.
Now look where we are with Nixon's trade deals with China, Clinton's trade deals with Mexico, and on and on. We had to adopt an austerity program in this country for what? So that the rich could get richer, of course. Well, of course, the Europeans all looked at us and decided they needed something similar, and up popped the European Union. Well, how's that template for greed working for them? Just about as badly as it is working for us, and in the case of Greece, much, much worse.
Just like you can't turn all those states included in the European Union into a "United States," our candidates can't keep making one kind of promise to the people, and another kind of promise to their billionaire benefactors who are keeping them in office. You can't keep drilling and fracking and not destroy the planet. These are things We the People can't keep allowing to happen. We need a party we can trust, and it's "none of the above" when speaking of either the Democratic or Republican Party. We need a Progressive Democratic Party, and we need to take our democracy back from big everything.
Tohm I loved your 2 hour TV book review .
You don't understand that global warming is the government approach to getting global control of everything period is is about a false premise. Please read what my coleague has written which is accurate
Phoenix Five Earth Changes Bulletin
2014, by Michael Wells Mandeville
Bulletin Item: Climate Change (Global Governance Takeover) talks in Paris starting a day early. (Nov 29) 2015
I have decided to sit with this to summarize the machinations and the fundamental critiques to produce a serious document which will hold throughout the next few years on the topic.
The reason is very simple. Quite a few perspectives have finally brought together enough data and empirical observations to be very clear about the fundamentals.
Global Warming is not happening
All the claims and charts and reports about such are contrived exercises of extreme quackademery.
There is no significant "climate change" in the sense of a transformation of natural processes.
There are natural solar driven processes which are clearly "cycling" the planet into a "cool phase"
The concept of "extreme weather" now being reported widely has been induced by the same jackasses pushing global warming as a concept. We are more aware of extreme events because of increased reporting and weather analysis and an induced hyper-sensitivity to the issue. Somewhere a local record is ALWAYS being broken. ALWAYS.
Tornadoes and Hurricanes are actually at lower levels overall than in previous decades.
Physicists (real ones) prove that co2 levels cannot alter the average heat of the earth. The idea that CO2 levels of any kind are causing climate changes of any kind is mathematically impossible. The claim is nothing more than a phony scam for manipulating gullible people.
The fundamental long term perspective which is easily proven is that the Earth is in a major "cool phase" compared to the millenniums and geological ages of the past. There was a recent warming up (slight) during the last half of the 20th century along with an increase in average solar activity which spanned most of the same decades.
The Sun is now less activity and appears or "looks" like it may get less active like previous "cool periods" during the past 1000 years.
Mirroring this decline, almost all glaciation is increasing on all continents. Polar ice at both ends is increasing. Greenland is colder, Canadian Arctic is colder, Antarctica is at record levels of growth.
2+2=4, it really does, draw the obvious conclusion.
So called sea level increase is decreasing. (BTW this measurements avoid the phenomenon of coastal uplift and coastal submergence in the great subduction zones, which is a ceaseless change - measuring a change in sea level at a place probably indicates little more than the rate of uplift or downwarp OF THE LAND at that particular spot).
In any event, the hysterical claims still being pushed by the Alarmists about a major rise in sea level is nothing but a hobgoblin to freak the "kids". There simply is not enough available ice to melt to create ANY average rise in sea level beyond a few centimeters. It would take a temperature change of 100 degrees on the South Pole to melt enough ice to change coastlines. It isn't going to happen by CO2. If if does so because of a huge change in solar output, melting ice would BE THE LEAST OF OUR PROBLEMS.
THE ISSUE OF CLIMATE CHANGE, AS PREDICTED DECADES AGO, IS NOTHING BUT POLITICAL THEATRE TO GRAB POWER FOR FREAKS WHO WANT TO IMPOSE DIKTAT OVER EVERY ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE. At the core of it are Bolsheviks who want to remake you in their image, and their image is not pretty, and their sponsors, the hereditary aristocracies whose cabals are busily re-creating neo-feudal estates for themselves to control all resources on Earth.
So actually the news is quite uplifting. They haven't a leg to stand on. They are a sick, sorry, and fairly stupid crew. They can and will be easily driven off the state of history. We will see some of that this next two weeks. There are major contentions and splits going on in the political elites, they will not be able to seal the deal the Bolsheviks want.
Just call the BS on all that they do and say. Every opportunity. Somebody mentions global warming? Look strangely at them and simply say, "Dude", it is simply not happening, It's all a big fat lie...haven't you noticed that winters are colder than the past?". That's the universal message, the universal meme which unlocks the scam and frees people from the hypnosis of the mass media.
Enjoy Thanksgiving. Give thanks especially that we can now decisively free ourselves from this hobgoblin. Later today or tomorrow I will send a compilation of U tube videos by experts who will march you through all the graphs and charts which document every aspect of what I have just said above.
Tohm I have more documents from experts. Read this. Call me 1425828 6774 or Palms@peterpalms.com
The godfather of global warming lowers the boom on climate change
Eighteen months ago, James Lovelock, the godfather of global warming, gave a startling interview to msnbc.com in which he acknowledged he had been unduly “alarmist” about climate change.
The implications were extraordinary.
Lovelock is a world-renowned scientist and environmentalist whose Gaia theory — that the Earth operates as a single, living organism — has had a profound impact on the development of global warming theory.
Unlike many “environmentalists,” who have degrees in political science, Lovelock, until his recent retirement at age 92, was a much-honored working scientist and academic.
His inventions have been used by NASA, among many other scientific organizations.
Lovelock’s invention of the electron capture detector in 1957 first enabled scientists to measure CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons) and other pollutants in the atmosphere, leading, in many ways, to the birth of the modern environmental movement.
Having observed that global temperatures since the turn of the millennium have not gone up in the way computer-based climate models predicted, Lovelock acknowledged, “the problem is we don’t know what the climate is doing. We thought we knew 20 years ago.” Now, Lovelock has given a follow-up interview to the UK’s Guardian newspaper in which he delivers more bombshells sure to anger the global green movement, which for years worshipped his Gaia theory and apocalyptic predictions that billions would die from man-made climate change by the end of this century.
Lovelock still believes anthropogenic global warming is occurring and that mankind must lower its greenhouse gas emissions, but says it’s now clear the doomsday predictions, including his own (and Al Gore’s) were incorrect.
He responds to attacks on his revised views by noting that, unlike many climate scientists who fear a loss of government funding if they admit error, as a freelance scientist, he’s never been afraid to revise his theories in the face of new evidence. Indeed, that’s how science advances.
Among his observations to the Guardian:
(1) A long-time supporter of nuclear power as a way to lower greenhouse gas emissions, which has made him unpopular with environmentalists, Lovelock has now come out in favour of natural gas fracking (which environmentalists also oppose), as a low-polluting alternative to coal.
As Lovelock observes, “Gas is almost a give-away in the U.S. at the moment. They’ve gone for fracking in a big way. This is what makes me very cross with the greens for trying to knock it … Let’s be pragmatic and sensible and get Britain to switch everything to methane. We should be going mad on it.” (Kandeh Yumkella, co-head of a major United Nations program on sustainable energy, made similar arguments last week at a UN environmental conference in Rio de Janeiro, advocating the development of conventional and unconventional natural gas resources as a way to reduce deforestation and save millions of lives in the Third World.)
(2) Lovelock blasted greens for treating global warming like a religion.
“It just so happens that the green religion is now taking over from the Christian religion,” Lovelock observed. “I don’t think people have noticed that, but it’s got all the sort of terms that religions use … The greens use guilt. That just shows how religious greens are. You can’t win people round by saying they are guilty for putting (carbon dioxide) in the air.”
(3) Lovelock mocks the idea modern economies can be powered by wind turbines.
As he puts it, “so-called ‘sustainable development’ … is meaningless drivel … We rushed into renewable energy without any thought. The schemes are largely hopelessly inefficient and unpleasant. I personally can’t stand windmills at any price.”
(4) Finally, about claims “the science is settled” on global warming: “One thing that being a scientist has taught me is that you can never be certain about anything. You never know the truth. You can only approach it and hope to get a bit nearer to it each time. You iterate towards the truth. You don’t know it.”
thank you
Both are right answers actually, the banks should never have been allowed ot get that big, and should be broken up, and the bankers who ripped people off, and did things that led to the crash should be in prison.
Re: your bumper concerning "Neanderthal/Human Culture," the distinction equals 'cooperation within the human species is a superior evolutionary strategy.' Can a parallel be made with a Repubiican go-it-alone-individualism and a Democratic let's-cooperate-via-government strategy?
Margie was right about rqual time.
Please discuss on air: How possible would it be, and could it be implemented by Admin authority or Exec order; to authorize ACA medicaid funds to be released to States; which already accept such expansion on behalf of neighboring States which haven't; @ the same time authorize Dr's and Medical Facilities in the latter mentioned States to file ACA medicaid claims in the prior mentioned States?? Also in favor of: Raising the 2 person Hshld income threshhold to: $35k, although that would maybe(?) require an Act of Congress...
By the way; Thom and Crew, THANK YOU; you help give us Hope and Education...
Queen bee pretty much said it all. Queen bee for president.
Doggies. An EXCEPTIONALLY awful discussion-panel this time. A coupla minutes of had me not just fast-forwarding but deleting Thom's whole show. Both the panel-guys are obnoxious {in different ways}. Neither adds to the conversation.
Re: Kevin Martin on Rumble 18 Feb 2016: Is it not possible to find a third participant who does not unnecessarily yell, talk over others, comment patronizingly "wait a minute sweetheart" and be a grating, irritating presence? I don't find that sort of nonsense amusing or worth listening to.
Bernie needs all the help and support he can get
America is not some kind of utopia
Shame! Despite the highest ranking 5th at nominal GDP... the 2nd largest economy in the World ranked by GDP
America has the poorest rate of health care takeup in the western world ranked 15th ... education comes in around 28th
The highest incarceration rates
The highest murder rates
Suicide the 10th leading cause of death
Amongst the highest cardiovascular disease rate
+40% population obesity rate
I won't go into items like public indoctrination, media propaganda, paranoia, journalistic integrity, fascism, corporate lobbying. political malfaesance, bent politics, rigged politics
This all from a country that preaches to the World and leads in war... and, nothing more!
Seriously? And HOW pray tell, would Bernie succeed in changing the laws of the land? He running for all of Congress as well as the Presidency?
Come to think of it, is he running also for the SCOTUS? Because, as President he would have NO SAY or means to coerce any state to change how the present system is run.
Bernie says a lot of feel good things but even a 4th grader with basic civics information would recognize Bernie is whistling out of the side of his neck with remarks about "free education for all"
He cannot enforce it or even bring it up on the Congressional floor and if he did, it would be shot down as a challenge to states sovereignty and states' rights.
So many obstacles, the majority being that no one wants to pay 70 to 80% of their income so that children who are not their own can go to school and certainly will not pay for felons to be able to do so.
Bernie is a feel good politician with a lot of great ideas--a chicken in every pot, and in his case, a microwave, stove and new kitchen also--but it is not deliverable, NOT if we are to continue to have the Congress actually write the laws and not the President and NOT if we still plan to abide by the Constitution but maybe.. if we overthrow and fight each state and make the Federal rules the laws of the land and every Congress man go along with it..
Wait a minute.. all of Congress going along with such a plan.. and abdicating states' rights.. NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
With all due respect, anyone who wants to vote for a Presidential candidate should first be tested on understanding not only their job but the LIMITATIONS of that job so that no matter what the candidate says, they know when smoke is being blown up their whazoo.
Several things: nothing is free. Health care is not free.. someone has to pay and pay a LOT and a lot of others make a lot of money from others paying.
Schooling is not free. Someone has to pay and pay a lot. I used to live in Europe and my husband is from Europe. Secondary education and college is free to a large extent BUT it is also heavily regulated with most kids locked into a major and trajectory that they can neither change or improve on if they are to get it free.
This "choice" is normally made during middle school (by the 8th grade) and they are locked into this choice by the 9th and must only pursue coursework for the track they are locked into.
Any deviation UP to another level would be at their own expense and they would lose their slot at a different school. For instance, if a person only tests to vocational level, they have to take a course for a trade school. But maybe they wish to get a college degree? Not on the public dime. They MUST go to trade school. But what if they proved to be so smart that they really should get another shot at a university track? NO. They can learn to work on cars.. or computers.. or make beds, or wherever they fit in, they are locked in--also the costs schools can charge are locked in and the salaries people at these institutions can make is capped and locked in.
All controlled when it is socialist. As for insurance schemes, health care costs are regimented and capped so there is no incentive for drs or nurses or specialists to lie or talk patients into unnecessary treatments, which goes on a lot over here in the states. But back to school...
In other words, the wrong focus or test scores, may actually allow them to only apply to trade schools and forces them to either choose through a few trades or none. For this pleasure, the public who can afford it are taxed up to 80% of their gross. This is the case in Holland.
Americans can flirt with socialism in all of its guises because most are clueless idealogues. Socialism can be a boon to a society BUT it CANNOT be practiced along side capitalism because where profit is the impetus, the welfare of all cannot be the goal or the focus.
As for ex cons, there are a lot of factors that have nothing to do with education and which cannot be controlled such as once degreed, proving the reason the felon did not get the job was due to him being a felon, but really--who wants to work alongside , with or for most felons?
This is an article written by well intentioned yet clueless people. I put it right up there with the Obamacare which meant to supply affordable health care to all but ended up costing many any chance at actual real care and they are now the new fringed uninsured.
I am speaking about my own family. Before Obama care we had a bill of 4300.00 annually for insurance through an employer with a 2300.00 deductible and an 80/20 cost sharing. After Obama we are now paying 10,300.00 per year and have a 7500.00 deductible.
We prefer to not pay out 7500.00 first before our insurance will help out in any way so we don't go to the doctor. On top of this, we pay 2300.00 as some sort of additional tax to "help out Obamacare" this is not a voluntary payment it is part of our tax scheme.
The fact is you cannot have a socialist medicine ideal and a for profit enterprise because you cannot cap either charges, or salaries or incentives to bilk the public--instead you just turned over the purse strings to the Healthcare industry. NO wonder so many are building mega campuses and pushing unnecessary care and surgeries--a free for all.
In this present article, what many well many people fail to realize is the state of the prisons no matter what access to education there is.
Men and women are so institutionalized that they tend to engage deliberately in behavior that will send them back to the life they have come to know and understand.
It is like an abused child seeking similar treatment because it is familiar. I happen to work with and know many people who have been incarcerated and have observed that a great many view prison as their second home. Many even want to return not because they like the life there, but because they have learned to navigate that better than life on the outside.
When a person has become inculcated or inured to a certain circumstance, then NO INCENTIVE any well meaning person can come up with will change that mindset.
I recently worked with a young man who wants to return to prison. He felt "safer" there. Not physically, but in the fact that as a person who did find gainful employment and was being helped, he had trouble interacting with or even understanding civilian behavior in the work place. He had learned so many "tells" and manipulation techniques in his 20+ years as a criminal, that when confronted with only being a regular, law abiding citizen--he sucked at it.
Not only did he suck at it, he felt the average person was stupid and weak and beneath him and he seemed to believe the ability to manipulate, coerce and intimidate should be the norm--after all, he was good at it in prison.
He began to talk about returning and also contemplated doing certain acts just to be sent back--he said he was "okay" with a return to the institution. There is more to the revolving door than a lack of education or degree..as any prison population can show, many of those who are in prison of all races, already have degrees.
This is far deeper than platitudes and bandaids but because bleeding hearts always just want to pat heads and wear a fake halo, they never dig deeper than what they want to feel good about, in this case, college degrees for felons means nothing if people don't want to hire them or are afraid of them or do not trust them ... it is just another drain from the harebrained peeps who gave us Obamacare without Obamaknowledge.
UNC rob a bank. Either you have the money for your education or you get caught and you not only get educated your meds are free in jail as well.. What happen to America Sneak into the country illegally and work Without paying taxes and you get citizenship, break the law and you get free collage. Are you guys losing your minds
In two debates, Hillary Clinton stated she will break up the big banks if they pose a threat. In her mind, what do they have to do to pose a treat? The meltdown of the economy and taxpayer bailouts of the past were not enough? What do the largest banks have to do to be a threat in her mind? If (and perhaps when) the largest banks create another economic crisis and need to be bailed out AGAIN, will Clinton then, after the fact, decide they need to be broken up (when its too late)?
Bernie Sanders already knows the largest banks are a threat to the economy and knows they need to be broken up. Local and state banks will be created again. Local community members will be allowed to borrow money from local banks, creating stonger local communities and a stronger overall economy.
And Sanders is right with his implication that certain Wall Street banks will control Clinton. Under Clinton, it is very fair to assume a few banks will become even stronger and more powerful.
Ou812, typically facile, if on point. If Bernie succeeds in making college free for everyone and makes employment with a living wage a basic right that will take away the "middle class resentment" people feel about convicts getting free education while they have to work hard for it. Anyway, prisoners are often MADE to work hard in prisons on road gangs and liscence plate manufacturing shops, etc..
Just have to make your solution TRULY just.
I don't know about you but I would not want convicted rapists and sexual predators attending classes with my daughters. They should be barred from attending college. Build a college for male sex offenders staffed with an all male faculty.
No I disagree with free college tuition for felons! I have never broken the law my entire life I have worked a bevy of dead end low paying jobs since I was 15 I am 47 now and am unable to stand on my feet for long periods of time due to my diabetes. I would like the opportunity to attend college but I can't afford it. I can't ask my parents for help because they are deceased. With regards to voting states should make it easier for felons to vote.
Experts Please Discuss: How possible would it be, and could it be implemented by Admin authority or Exec order; to authorize ACA medicaid funds to be released to States; which already accept such expansion on behalf of neighboring States which haven't; @ the same time authorize Dr's and Medical Facilities in the latter mentioned States to file ACA medicaid claims in the prior mentioned States?? Also in favor of: Raising the 2 person Hshld income threshold to: $35k, although that would maybe(?) require an Act of Congress...
The corporate masters of American propaganda do not want us to copy informed government systems in Europe because much of Europe has experienced fascism up close and personal and they are smart enough not to allow it to happen again. Especially Germany. Not so in America. Americans have not and do not seem to be able to recognized it's growth in the U.S. because fascism suits corporate greed.
EG: the political platform. Privatization, union breaking, a strong bond between corporations and government ('corporatism'), reduced government spending, balanced budget and a fierce nationalism (ideology). This is what Republicans run on. This would make Benito Mussolini smile from the grave-this is his old political platform.
The Republican right has used fascist tools, not believing they would be affected and become fascists; too late. Their party is now not much more than an ideological perversion.
So yeah- I want social democracy because we might have a chance of survival of the middle class. Mussolini had his day-let's not repeat his mistake.
In regards to the above comment, yes, that would be a danger. The college education offer would only be viable if college was free for all OUTSIDE of prison as well.
Grumpyhugs, television is obsolete, it's internet now and that's worse. There's no mass media anymore, everything is "subscriber only" now and tailored to a user's individual tastes and preferences
People and their opinions are never challenged anymore because "the customer is always right". People are siloed into their own alternate universes and political tendencies take on a cult like quality. The media menu for each silo not only has its own talking points for the facts but has its own "facts" as well.
I really don't think a Watergate could hit the fan like it did 40 some years ago when everyone was watching and listening to the same 3 major networks.
What an idea! Instead of working hard in high school to earn a scholarship, go rob someone. Not only will you receive a free College education, but you'll have spending money from the robbery.
Kend! You got some time? Try this to start
Try the Senate's web site under Bernard Sanders and try "bills sponsored or cosponsored by" and you'll get 6,210 hits.
Now, it's tedious, they start with the most recent and go back and, of course, none of the recent ones, very fine, sensible and often brilliant ideas that they were in most cases, got passed as the Republican, as a matter of policy, will NEVER pass a Democrats' idea - and the better the Democrats' idea the more likely the Republicans are to shit can it simply because they don't want Democrats to get credit for any good ideas. They only care about their own personal and political political ambitions, the country's well being be damned. Ayn Rand governance.
Anyway, Bernie was an EXTREMELY effective legislator as chair of the Veterans' Affairs Committee of the Senate in 2013 and 2014. So much so that he was awarded the VFW's (Veterans of Foreign Wars') highest honor.
He got 13 bills passed into law when the average per congress is 8.
And I'm sure I could go on but that is where I stopped researching the question. As usual, all you've got are bogus, fraudulent talking points.