The Apple security software has an enormous value. Requiring a back door would be an unconstitutional 'taking.' It would be equivalent to requiring an owner to burn down his forest so the crook would have to come out. Most of a phone's activity is already available without probable-cause through one of our lackey FISA judges.
Thom, you're not being accurate or wise politically. The super delegates were for Clinton in 2008 too, but when Obama got so many primary delegates Clinton released them and the will of the voters was followed. This would happen again if Bernie defeats her in the primaries. You also failed to mention that a huge chunk of super delegates are elected Democratic House members and Senators. Another huge chunk are the Chairs and Vice Chairs of all the state Democratic parties. Those you talk about here are very few compared to delegates gained in the primaries and other super delegates. You are being unwise politically by unnecessarily criticizing the Democratic Party right now feeding the false equivalency of the two parties. I've had to stop watching the Big Picture because you are stacking it with constant exaggerated attacks on Clinton and the Democratic Party. Be wise, stop the circular firing squad, stop the civil war amongst Democrats, stop doing the Republicans will. Job 1a is electing a Democratic President and Job 1b is electing Democratic House and Senate members in swing districts across the country. Keep your eye on the prize!
I had frankly forgotten about the (allegedly) "Democratic" superdelegates and their absolute power to impose the Ruling Class will on the party. But this indeed explains why there has been no extralegal interference with the Sanders candidacy: the superdelegates will ensure Sanders is denied the nomination and that it will instead go to whomever the One Percent wants on the ballot.
(My own belief is that Trump is the true choice of the USian Ruling Class [just as Hitler was the choice of the German Ruling Class], and for virtually the same purpose -- the imposition of omnipotent capitalist governance: absolute power and unlimited profit for the One Percent and its vassals, total subjugation for all the rest of us -- in other words, fascism. Thus -- if my hypothesis is indeed correct -- Hillary, who is already obviously less popular than Trump, is therefore certain to get the Democratic nomination, if only to ensure Trump's victory. Likewise, Obama's innumerable betrayals would then be explainable as a deliberate, breathtakingly cunning effort, methodically scripted by his Wall Street masters, to discredit the Democratic Party thoroughly enough to guarantee the Republican victories of 2012 and 2014 and thereby clear the way for Trump's fascist landslide in November. Thus would formally end, forever, any further pretense of USian "democracy." Cynical? Indeed, but how can anyone who has paid attention for the last 65 years doubt it is in fact realpolitik as it is manifest in the USian empire.)
That said, I am not suggesting we should abandon the Sanders campaign. In fact, if my hypothesis is correct, building the Sanders campaign is more important than ever. By mustering an enormous pro-Sanders majority that is then nullified by the superdelegates, we prove to ourselves and to the world in terms that cannot possibly be denied that the United States' experiment in representative democracy is as dead as the so-called "American Dream" -- that the U.S. is now the world's most powerful fascist dictatorship, the de facto Fourth Reich.
Which in turn clears the way for the consciousness changes -- locally and globally -- prerequisite to genuine revolution.
In my view, the Iowa primary was NOT a tie. The purpose of any primary should be to establish, in that state, the actual voting consensus within that party that supports a particular candidate. We all agree this can only be determined by a vote. That said, a coin toss has been inserted into the process as a way to settle a tie vote in any particular district. This all sounds legitimate at first notice but when the coin tosses are multiplied beyond a single toss, then the 'luck of the draw' becomes more determinative of the outcome than does consensus.
Obviously, there were six separate coin tosses in Iowa that night. They represented six tie votes. Of course, honest voter demographics in the Democratic caucus in Iowa could have been reflected by allocating 3 of these ties to each candidate. This did not happen. If it had happened, the result of that primary would have been the opposite of what actually happened: do the math.
In my mind, Democracy is about consensus. Ironically, these six coin tosses seem to have served to undermine the very concept of consensus by adding an inordinate amouint of chance to the equation. Settling a vote by a coin toss does seem legit when the whole vote comes down to a tie and we are left with no other way to break said tie. That said, a coin toss acctually does seem to support consensus whenever one, or all, districts are tied. In those cases, only a coin toss can decide where that 'last' vote will go.
In cases where there are multiple ties, demographics are suppported when the multiple ties are evenly apportioned between candidates. If the number of ties are odd, rather than even, the remaining district could legitamately flip a coin as a necessary means to settle the matter.
So, we went to a lot of effort to have a meaningful Iowa democratic caucus. Much money and time was spent and many citizens were encouraged to participate in a process that was - at least seemingly - ruined by six bull-shit coin tosses that rendered the whole process invalid as it reversed the outcome to the opposite of what it would have been if undertaken with more than just a nod toward legitimacy.
Iowa's caucus was, therefore, invalid as a means of showing an actual consensus within the Democratic party. The delegates assigned to each candidate as a result of this fake consensus have actually caused the outcome to be reversed. This makes it hard for me to vote as a 'Democrat' in an election, since the Democratic party seems to have sneaky crap like this built into its own electoral process. I expect this kind of crap from Republicans only because I don't seee them as a legitimate governing philosophy in the first place; it is why I don't vote for them, among other things.
So, I'm a Bernie fan. I'm watching this process and I've never voted before. I'm seeing him lose delegates in Iowa over a coin toss that overrules consensus and I'm also watching him having to suffer a 50/50 delegate appropriation after actually winning another caucus's vote. This is causing me to view the entire Democratic party's process for determining whom they (we) will put up for election as possibly subverted. It now seems an "insiders only" function; as if it were merely a sub-set of the opposition.
As a member of the voting public, I feel used. I'll vote for Sanders because I feel he has a consistant record and his position is clearly stated. He seems to represent the concept of 'truth in packaging' in a political leader, his intentions appear to be sincere and history agrees with him. Since he had to run on the Democratic ticket I'll vote Democrat. If he is not on the ticket I won't vote. I don't want Hillary in the White House again and the simple fact that someone is a Democrat will never be the reason I vote.
The Democratic party needs to clean up its act if it wants my vote. I won't vote for Clinton just because I'm (rightfully) afraid of a Trump in office. Trump may very well throw us all into a geopolitical tailspin immediately upon election and maybe that will be required in order for the american people to take back the reigns of power. That would be a shame but at least everyone could rapidly see the problem for what it really is and use that clarity in the search for a proper solution. Clinton could sell us out to the banksters (again) in another series of "private" meetings while going about her 'stated' goals in a manner calculated not to succeed: thus preserving the status quo but still maintaining her image as a progressive 'fighting for change'. I don't trust her.
As a citizen who feels appalled by the lack of social equality and justice in my country, I badly need a Bernie Sanders, or someone like him, high up in government where he may be able to guard our liberty and promote fairness in governance. Hillary Clinton, in my view, will continue to promote whatever image the Clinton political machine determines will make her the most appealing to the public, while privately meeting with 'big money' power brokers in closed sessions to discuss matters she refuses to disclose to the very public she claims to serve..... and gets paid sums that far outweigh the government salary we are paying her at the same time. Her only excuse seems to be that 'everyone does it', with respect to these kinds of 'speaking engagements', and we're all just expected to accept that on its face. She can accept more money for an afternoon of talking to a bunch of corrupt banksters than most citizens here earn in their adult life and if we ask her to explain what this was all about, she pretends the question is unfair. I am personally not that naive. At every turn, Ms. Clinton seems to benefit, not from the vote or an actual consensus, but from the internal machinery of the political process within her party and via her insider connections. I see that crap as the actual problem.
The fact that the Democratic primary has been subverted by multiple coin tosses and independant superdelegates to the point that the outcome does not reflect the popular vote is more than just embarassing. It paints a picture of 'old boy' politicians in the ranks who need a quietly rigged game that only allows real democracy to prevail as long as the winner is one of their own..... "outsiders" are 'adjusted out' of the electoral process.
We badly need to elect a good person to our highest office. He or she can call themselves a Democrat, Republican, Socialist or independant - for all I care. There is much talk on "The Big Picture" and elsewhere about how folks will support Hillary if Bernie is not chosen by the party..... Democratic solidarity? It almost seems as if the Dems are merely using Sanders to increase voter turn-out while certain insiders are simply growing those voters like a 'crop' they can turn over to Hillary once they've eased Sanders out of the picture. In my opinion, this whole mess has made me view Hillary Clinton much like a Trojan horse. My vote lives - or dies - with Bernie Sanders.
Your insightful questions are great, and I compliment you for taking on conservatives and neocons. I do get completely frustrated by the discourse between the so-called right and left however, many times resorting to turning off the TV before I blow a cork or simply get depressed.
That's a problem for me with Democracy Now as well. Great info, but largely depressing. I wish we ALL could focus more on the solutions rather than getting into arguments over how the DNC is controlling the election. Of course, they are.
If we all had access to good information and used it wisely if we had a viable media and a multiparty system rather than a two party duopoly, perhaps we could all focus on solutions, stop arguing, and just vote our conscience.
I'm left with the feeling that everything about our political system is simply not working. I believe the people must provide stringent oversight of our nation's political system. It's in cardiac arrest, and we need a new heart.
The Kochs Are Plotting A Multimillion-Dollar Assault On Electric Vehicles A new group could spend $10 million a year on the campaign.
"Once launched, the new group is expected to use paid and earned media to push its pro-petroleum transportation messages, and do research to bolster the cause."
In reply to judyfr, I totally agree. I too have been a Democrat all my life. I am 58 now. My parents were married 71 years, and the only time they were close to divorce is when my Dad told my mom that he had voted for Ike! He had been a 2nd World War vet and thought the general deserved his vote :). But, Thom, today's Democratic party has a putrid stink to it. Democrats used to fight for the working man, now they bow to Wall Street. Democrats used to praise unions and labor, now they can't wait to sign new job-killing trade agreements. And Hillary is the worst of the worst. She flip-flops faster than a puppy with a sliver in it's paw! The TPP is the Gold Standard, then she is against it. The Keystone is "great", then she is against it. She takes millions from Wall Street and then crows about how she will regulate the sun-of-a-guns! How stupid does she think we are? So, I have voted for my last Democrat. Bernie or Bust for me. I'll write him in if I have to. And spare me the, "that's just throwing your vote away," crap. If HRC is the nominee, the DNC has already thrown my vote away!
I am 80 years old and have been a Democrat all of my oting life, as were my parents before me. I've volunteered to help on many a campaign. I no longer consider myself a Democrat.
There is only one way to fight the corruption and undemocratic power of the superdelegates, and that is to provide Bernie with Convention insurance. How? 2 million people need to take the Bernie or bust pledge.
So much for the evil one's supporter's dying off. Thom, don't you always point out the "vast differences" between the Dem's & the Rep's? This makes them seem even more to be two horses in the same race, but working for the same elite & committing treason against their country in the process because once 1-world Gov't takes over, there won't be any nation-based priorities. We'll all be 3rd-world, slaving away for the benefit of the 1%, while they will have the assets of the U.S. military industrial complex available to them at their disposal.
Thank you for this Thom please keep on this 28 million students and former students in distress, forebearance or in default and the government makes a huge profit on defaulted loans with their predatory system that needs consumer protections restored Alan seems like a great voice hopefully he'll be on again and we can push those bills to get more support in congress. students and former students need a voice and someone to push this issue as the general election approaches at 1.5 trillion the problem is only getting closer and closer to economic crisis phase
Senator Leahy of VT says he will use is superdelegate vote for clinton regardless of his state's popular vote. At the moment Sanders is 75 points ahead. That is a theft of democracy.
Love your work Thom! Your op ed on superdelegates did not tell us how we can exact change NOW so that Bernie can capture them. Blast email current superdelegate/lobbyists or what do you suggest?
The American people are sick and tired of endless war and growing poverty in the richest country on the globe. Vote for a remedy by electing Bernie Sanders for president!!
My old academics-bunch was wrong in our relaxing that the ‘90s’ Bill Clintonism’s “Third Way” {the Democratic Leadership Council’s WallStreetism} would probably fade influence-wise, - after Bill’s tenure {the DLC’s thereby losing their charming president as much-of-the-nation’s darling}. BUT: DLC-ness has become pretty-much the Dems’ “establishment” {during the terms of Dubya and of Obama}, and pretty-much similar to that of the Rs. SO: Much of America has become anti-Either-party, in a frightening way. … My POINT: My old academics-chums didn’t have nightmares that America would so soon develop toward an anti-establishmentism which’d tolerate Trump-type fascism.
Funny how none of the countries with things like single payer, mandatory minimum of eight paid weeks of vacation, retirement pensions one can live on, living minimum wage, widespread unionization, college education paid for, gun control, etc. ....none of these countries are saying, geeeez, wish we could do it like they do in the United States...!!!!! None are saying, maybe we should let a few aggressive and greedy individuals break the unions, set up 401K's in place of pensions, allow military style weapons to be available to anyone who wants them, get government out of the funding of higher education, and while we're at it, let's switch to "free market" insurance monopolies so they can profit off healthcare .
Why is this so David Brooks?????? .... ..because in "Merica," we just do it better???? It will trickle down???? ...yeah right! Truth is, we spend half of our god damn taxes/budget on warfare ...that's why we can't afford Democratic Socialism at the moment, while other countries can...and you damn well know that.
Socialism is DOA in the USA because you cannot and must not try to marry a social system with a capitalist platform, you will only bankrupt yourselves.
Every socialist program has rigorously defined and enforced parameters that allow costs to be controlled and contained and each part meshes or fits into the other to assure a seamless interaction between a free and government controlled marketplace and social growth/welfare.
Americans biggest problem is the tendency to borrow ideas from other orthodoxies without fleshing out or considering all the potential ramifications.
In the end, the programs that could have worked and were the most idealistic will do the most harm. What happens when an industry has access to mandated customers with a seemingly bottomless pocketbook?
You get a free for all with unnecessary surgeries, and unscrupulous solicitations, increased infections and death with no accountablity and a public that gets sicker and sicker as drs have no qualms about medicating fantasy illnesses or even creating illness by the wrong use of drugs.
For Instance, 2 personal examples. A good friend of mine, from Africa who is not an American citizen but has some sort of insurance scheme is constantly contacted by a hospital employee to "just come in for discounted tests" well she did and now has bills in the thousands which she is assured she does not have to pay for because Obamacare will pick up the tab (something about indigents.
The young lady had no clue that a dr or medical professional cold calling for her to come in for MRIs and other tests is probably unethical if not illegal. Another case: I had heartburn in 1999. The dr asked me my history. I had a case of heartburn in 1986 and then this case in 1999. Her verdict? Prevacid.
I did not present with chronic gas reflux but instead with an acute case and it did not justify a program of meds whose very use would make me not only dependent but could cause my body to continue to attempt to breach the meds.. which meant if I ever got off of them, then what was a fake illness would become a real one--and don't get anyone started on all the drs pushing post menopausal women to have hysterectomies after all they don't need their uteruses anymore not to mention a lifelong dependency on HRT.
I worked for big Pharm and am very familiar with the game so no dice here, but millions of Americans who have felt shut off from health care have NO IDEA that their rush to be "included" is actually pushing for a place in a death line.
There are so many scams now and Obama has made participation mandatory in some fashion--similar to mandated car insurance and home owners insurance so that people no longer have a say on what they do or do not want to spend their own paychecks on.
Meanwhile the health complex is getting richer and richer and care is becoming worse and worse and what did Obama do? apply a socialist idea to a capitalistic plan--perfect storm for disaster and bankruptcy.
Now the new scheme of free education. Paid for with what? Don't forget the debt and the medical complex--what is left over for free health care and how does that work when universities can charge what the market will bear or in the case of free--what the government will let them gouge to get?
What is a degree worth under such a system? What is healthcare worth under such a system?
America has not really had truly socialistic programs and has no clue what they are about and Congress is equally clueless. Those of us from actual countries with social policies can only shake our heads at the idiocy and myopia of a public who wants a lot and who still supports a system based on greed--they are mutually exclusive--you cannot meet or anticipate the needs of the masses while pandering to the pockets of the private sector, it is a sure recipe for mayhem, a failed system, chaos and a broken and bankrupt government .
The fact is, a social system takes very long term planning and discipline, not something readily seen in a system where Social security was gutted and misspent then ious not paid back and where Congress and the President fly by the seat of their pants and have no idea of what must be in place to prevent a social system from devouring itself.
None at all and many Americans lack the attention span or acumen to learn what they do not know, --but it is what they do not know which will make all of this come crashing down.
The Apple security software has an enormous value. Requiring a back door would be an unconstitutional 'taking.' It would be equivalent to requiring an owner to burn down his forest so the crook would have to come out. Most of a phone's activity is already available without probable-cause through one of our lackey FISA judges.
Thom, you're not being accurate or wise politically. The super delegates were for Clinton in 2008 too, but when Obama got so many primary delegates Clinton released them and the will of the voters was followed. This would happen again if Bernie defeats her in the primaries. You also failed to mention that a huge chunk of super delegates are elected Democratic House members and Senators. Another huge chunk are the Chairs and Vice Chairs of all the state Democratic parties. Those you talk about here are very few compared to delegates gained in the primaries and other super delegates. You are being unwise politically by unnecessarily criticizing the Democratic Party right now feeding the false equivalency of the two parties. I've had to stop watching the Big Picture because you are stacking it with constant exaggerated attacks on Clinton and the Democratic Party. Be wise, stop the circular firing squad, stop the civil war amongst Democrats, stop doing the Republicans will. Job 1a is electing a Democratic President and Job 1b is electing Democratic House and Senate members in swing districts across the country. Keep your eye on the prize!
I had frankly forgotten about the (allegedly) "Democratic" superdelegates and their absolute power to impose the Ruling Class will on the party. But this indeed explains why there has been no extralegal interference with the Sanders candidacy: the superdelegates will ensure Sanders is denied the nomination and that it will instead go to whomever the One Percent wants on the ballot.
(My own belief is that Trump is the true choice of the USian Ruling Class [just as Hitler was the choice of the German Ruling Class], and for virtually the same purpose -- the imposition of omnipotent capitalist governance: absolute power and unlimited profit for the One Percent and its vassals, total subjugation for all the rest of us -- in other words, fascism. Thus -- if my hypothesis is indeed correct -- Hillary, who is already obviously less popular than Trump, is therefore certain to get the Democratic nomination, if only to ensure Trump's victory. Likewise, Obama's innumerable betrayals would then be explainable as a deliberate, breathtakingly cunning effort, methodically scripted by his Wall Street masters, to discredit the Democratic Party thoroughly enough to guarantee the Republican victories of 2012 and 2014 and thereby clear the way for Trump's fascist landslide in November. Thus would formally end, forever, any further pretense of USian "democracy." Cynical? Indeed, but how can anyone who has paid attention for the last 65 years doubt it is in fact realpolitik as it is manifest in the USian empire.)
That said, I am not suggesting we should abandon the Sanders campaign. In fact, if my hypothesis is correct, building the Sanders campaign is more important than ever. By mustering an enormous pro-Sanders majority that is then nullified by the superdelegates, we prove to ourselves and to the world in terms that cannot possibly be denied that the United States' experiment in representative democracy is as dead as the so-called "American Dream" -- that the U.S. is now the world's most powerful fascist dictatorship, the de facto Fourth Reich.
Which in turn clears the way for the consciousness changes -- locally and globally -- prerequisite to genuine revolution.
In my view, the Iowa primary was NOT a tie. The purpose of any primary should be to establish, in that state, the actual voting consensus within that party that supports a particular candidate. We all agree this can only be determined by a vote. That said, a coin toss has been inserted into the process as a way to settle a tie vote in any particular district. This all sounds legitimate at first notice but when the coin tosses are multiplied beyond a single toss, then the 'luck of the draw' becomes more determinative of the outcome than does consensus.
Obviously, there were six separate coin tosses in Iowa that night. They represented six tie votes. Of course, honest voter demographics in the Democratic caucus in Iowa could have been reflected by allocating 3 of these ties to each candidate. This did not happen. If it had happened, the result of that primary would have been the opposite of what actually happened: do the math.
In my mind, Democracy is about consensus. Ironically, these six coin tosses seem to have served to undermine the very concept of consensus by adding an inordinate amouint of chance to the equation. Settling a vote by a coin toss does seem legit when the whole vote comes down to a tie and we are left with no other way to break said tie. That said, a coin toss acctually does seem to support consensus whenever one, or all, districts are tied. In those cases, only a coin toss can decide where that 'last' vote will go.
In cases where there are multiple ties, demographics are suppported when the multiple ties are evenly apportioned between candidates. If the number of ties are odd, rather than even, the remaining district could legitamately flip a coin as a necessary means to settle the matter.
So, we went to a lot of effort to have a meaningful Iowa democratic caucus. Much money and time was spent and many citizens were encouraged to participate in a process that was - at least seemingly - ruined by six bull-shit coin tosses that rendered the whole process invalid as it reversed the outcome to the opposite of what it would have been if undertaken with more than just a nod toward legitimacy.
Iowa's caucus was, therefore, invalid as a means of showing an actual consensus within the Democratic party. The delegates assigned to each candidate as a result of this fake consensus have actually caused the outcome to be reversed. This makes it hard for me to vote as a 'Democrat' in an election, since the Democratic party seems to have sneaky crap like this built into its own electoral process. I expect this kind of crap from Republicans only because I don't seee them as a legitimate governing philosophy in the first place; it is why I don't vote for them, among other things.
So, I'm a Bernie fan. I'm watching this process and I've never voted before. I'm seeing him lose delegates in Iowa over a coin toss that overrules consensus and I'm also watching him having to suffer a 50/50 delegate appropriation after actually winning another caucus's vote. This is causing me to view the entire Democratic party's process for determining whom they (we) will put up for election as possibly subverted. It now seems an "insiders only" function; as if it were merely a sub-set of the opposition.
As a member of the voting public, I feel used. I'll vote for Sanders because I feel he has a consistant record and his position is clearly stated. He seems to represent the concept of 'truth in packaging' in a political leader, his intentions appear to be sincere and history agrees with him. Since he had to run on the Democratic ticket I'll vote Democrat. If he is not on the ticket I won't vote. I don't want Hillary in the White House again and the simple fact that someone is a Democrat will never be the reason I vote.
The Democratic party needs to clean up its act if it wants my vote. I won't vote for Clinton just because I'm (rightfully) afraid of a Trump in office. Trump may very well throw us all into a geopolitical tailspin immediately upon election and maybe that will be required in order for the american people to take back the reigns of power. That would be a shame but at least everyone could rapidly see the problem for what it really is and use that clarity in the search for a proper solution. Clinton could sell us out to the banksters (again) in another series of "private" meetings while going about her 'stated' goals in a manner calculated not to succeed: thus preserving the status quo but still maintaining her image as a progressive 'fighting for change'. I don't trust her.
As a citizen who feels appalled by the lack of social equality and justice in my country, I badly need a Bernie Sanders, or someone like him, high up in government where he may be able to guard our liberty and promote fairness in governance. Hillary Clinton, in my view, will continue to promote whatever image the Clinton political machine determines will make her the most appealing to the public, while privately meeting with 'big money' power brokers in closed sessions to discuss matters she refuses to disclose to the very public she claims to serve..... and gets paid sums that far outweigh the government salary we are paying her at the same time. Her only excuse seems to be that 'everyone does it', with respect to these kinds of 'speaking engagements', and we're all just expected to accept that on its face. She can accept more money for an afternoon of talking to a bunch of corrupt banksters than most citizens here earn in their adult life and if we ask her to explain what this was all about, she pretends the question is unfair. I am personally not that naive. At every turn, Ms. Clinton seems to benefit, not from the vote or an actual consensus, but from the internal machinery of the political process within her party and via her insider connections. I see that crap as the actual problem.
The fact that the Democratic primary has been subverted by multiple coin tosses and independant superdelegates to the point that the outcome does not reflect the popular vote is more than just embarassing. It paints a picture of 'old boy' politicians in the ranks who need a quietly rigged game that only allows real democracy to prevail as long as the winner is one of their own..... "outsiders" are 'adjusted out' of the electoral process.
We badly need to elect a good person to our highest office. He or she can call themselves a Democrat, Republican, Socialist or independant - for all I care. There is much talk on "The Big Picture" and elsewhere about how folks will support Hillary if Bernie is not chosen by the party..... Democratic solidarity? It almost seems as if the Dems are merely using Sanders to increase voter turn-out while certain insiders are simply growing those voters like a 'crop' they can turn over to Hillary once they've eased Sanders out of the picture. In my opinion, this whole mess has made me view Hillary Clinton much like a Trojan horse. My vote lives - or dies - with Bernie Sanders.
Thank's, Thom.
Your insightful questions are great, and I compliment you for taking on conservatives and neocons. I do get completely frustrated by the discourse between the so-called right and left however, many times resorting to turning off the TV before I blow a cork or simply get depressed.
That's a problem for me with Democracy Now as well. Great info, but largely depressing. I wish we ALL could focus more on the solutions rather than getting into arguments over how the DNC is controlling the election. Of course, they are.
If we all had access to good information and used it wisely if we had a viable media and a multiparty system rather than a two party duopoly, perhaps we could all focus on solutions, stop arguing, and just vote our conscience.
I'm left with the feeling that everything about our political system is simply not working. I believe the people must provide stringent oversight of our nation's political system. It's in cardiac arrest, and we need a new heart.
The Kochs Are Plotting A Multimillion-Dollar Assault On Electric Vehicles A new group could spend $10 million a year on the campaign.
"Once launched, the new group is expected to use paid and earned media to push its pro-petroleum transportation messages, and do research to bolster the cause."
In reply to judyfr, I totally agree. I too have been a Democrat all my life. I am 58 now. My parents were married 71 years, and the only time they were close to divorce is when my Dad told my mom that he had voted for Ike! He had been a 2nd World War vet and thought the general deserved his vote :). But, Thom, today's Democratic party has a putrid stink to it. Democrats used to fight for the working man, now they bow to Wall Street. Democrats used to praise unions and labor, now they can't wait to sign new job-killing trade agreements. And Hillary is the worst of the worst. She flip-flops faster than a puppy with a sliver in it's paw! The TPP is the Gold Standard, then she is against it. The Keystone is "great", then she is against it. She takes millions from Wall Street and then crows about how she will regulate the sun-of-a-guns! How stupid does she think we are? So, I have voted for my last Democrat. Bernie or Bust for me. I'll write him in if I have to. And spare me the, "that's just throwing your vote away," crap. If HRC is the nominee, the DNC has already thrown my vote away!
Judyfr. Can I ask why? What are you now.
I am 80 years old and have been a Democrat all of my oting life, as were my parents before me. I've volunteered to help on many a campaign. I no longer consider myself a Democrat.
There is only one way to fight the corruption and undemocratic power of the superdelegates, and that is to provide Bernie with Convention insurance. How? 2 million people need to take the Bernie or bust pledge.
The net has reduced the role of gate keepers for news.
So too is it now putting pressure on both party elites to disappear.
So much for the evil one's supporter's dying off. Thom, don't you always point out the "vast differences" between the Dem's & the Rep's? This makes them seem even more to be two horses in the same race, but working for the same elite & committing treason against their country in the process because once 1-world Gov't takes over, there won't be any nation-based priorities. We'll all be 3rd-world, slaving away for the benefit of the 1%, while they will have the assets of the U.S. military industrial complex available to them at their disposal.
The Party wants what the Party wants. Same on both sides. I see Hillary and Jeb.
Thank you for this Thom please keep on this 28 million students and former students in distress, forebearance or in default and the government makes a huge profit on defaulted loans with their predatory system that needs consumer protections restored Alan seems like a great voice hopefully he'll be on again and we can push those bills to get more support in congress. students and former students need a voice and someone to push this issue as the general election approaches at 1.5 trillion the problem is only getting closer and closer to economic crisis phase
Senator Leahy of VT says he will use is superdelegate vote for clinton regardless of his state's popular vote. At the moment Sanders is 75 points ahead. That is a theft of democracy.
Love your work Thom! Your op ed on superdelegates did not tell us how we can exact change NOW so that Bernie can capture them. Blast email current superdelegate/lobbyists or what do you suggest?
Are you kidding? Birth certificates sold on the open market? C'mon.
Thom, don't forget the hour long Biden set-up by Rachel. I predict that the DNC already knows Hillary is history and Joe is being preped to step in.
The American people are sick and tired of endless war and growing poverty in the richest country on the globe. Vote for a remedy by electing Bernie Sanders for president!!
My old academics-bunch was wrong in our relaxing that the ‘90s’ Bill Clintonism’s “Third Way” {the Democratic Leadership Council’s WallStreetism} would probably fade influence-wise, - after Bill’s tenure {the DLC’s thereby losing their charming president as much-of-the-nation’s darling}. BUT: DLC-ness has become pretty-much the Dems’ “establishment” {during the terms of Dubya and of Obama}, and pretty-much similar to that of the Rs. SO: Much of America has become anti-Either-party, in a frightening way. … My POINT: My old academics-chums didn’t have nightmares that America would so soon develop toward an anti-establishmentism which’d tolerate Trump-type fascism.
Reply to #2: BRAVO, Marsh in Florida!
kindly read 23 thru 25 above to get a notion
Great show, loved piece on student loans please keep this issue in the spotlight!
Funny how none of the countries with things like single payer, mandatory minimum of eight paid weeks of vacation, retirement pensions one can live on, living minimum wage, widespread unionization, college education paid for, gun control, etc. ....none of these countries are saying, geeeez, wish we could do it like they do in the United States...!!!!! None are saying, maybe we should let a few aggressive and greedy individuals break the unions, set up 401K's in place of pensions, allow military style weapons to be available to anyone who wants them, get government out of the funding of higher education, and while we're at it, let's switch to "free market" insurance monopolies so they can profit off healthcare .
Why is this so David Brooks?????? .... ..because in "Merica," we just do it better???? It will trickle down???? ...yeah right! Truth is, we spend half of our god damn taxes/budget on warfare ...that's why we can't afford Democratic Socialism at the moment, while other countries can...and you damn well know that.
Socialism is DOA in the USA because you cannot and must not try to marry a social system with a capitalist platform, you will only bankrupt yourselves.
Every socialist program has rigorously defined and enforced parameters that allow costs to be controlled and contained and each part meshes or fits into the other to assure a seamless interaction between a free and government controlled marketplace and social growth/welfare.
Americans biggest problem is the tendency to borrow ideas from other orthodoxies without fleshing out or considering all the potential ramifications.
In the end, the programs that could have worked and were the most idealistic will do the most harm. What happens when an industry has access to mandated customers with a seemingly bottomless pocketbook?
You get a free for all with unnecessary surgeries, and unscrupulous solicitations, increased infections and death with no accountablity and a public that gets sicker and sicker as drs have no qualms about medicating fantasy illnesses or even creating illness by the wrong use of drugs.
For Instance, 2 personal examples. A good friend of mine, from Africa who is not an American citizen but has some sort of insurance scheme is constantly contacted by a hospital employee to "just come in for discounted tests" well she did and now has bills in the thousands which she is assured she does not have to pay for because Obamacare will pick up the tab (something about indigents.
The young lady had no clue that a dr or medical professional cold calling for her to come in for MRIs and other tests is probably unethical if not illegal. Another case: I had heartburn in 1999. The dr asked me my history. I had a case of heartburn in 1986 and then this case in 1999. Her verdict? Prevacid.
I did not present with chronic gas reflux but instead with an acute case and it did not justify a program of meds whose very use would make me not only dependent but could cause my body to continue to attempt to breach the meds.. which meant if I ever got off of them, then what was a fake illness would become a real one--and don't get anyone started on all the drs pushing post menopausal women to have hysterectomies after all they don't need their uteruses anymore not to mention a lifelong dependency on HRT.
I worked for big Pharm and am very familiar with the game so no dice here, but millions of Americans who have felt shut off from health care have NO IDEA that their rush to be "included" is actually pushing for a place in a death line.
There are so many scams now and Obama has made participation mandatory in some fashion--similar to mandated car insurance and home owners insurance so that people no longer have a say on what they do or do not want to spend their own paychecks on.
Meanwhile the health complex is getting richer and richer and care is becoming worse and worse and what did Obama do? apply a socialist idea to a capitalistic plan--perfect storm for disaster and bankruptcy.
Now the new scheme of free education. Paid for with what? Don't forget the debt and the medical complex--what is left over for free health care and how does that work when universities can charge what the market will bear or in the case of free--what the government will let them gouge to get?
What is a degree worth under such a system? What is healthcare worth under such a system?
America has not really had truly socialistic programs and has no clue what they are about and Congress is equally clueless. Those of us from actual countries with social policies can only shake our heads at the idiocy and myopia of a public who wants a lot and who still supports a system based on greed--they are mutually exclusive--you cannot meet or anticipate the needs of the masses while pandering to the pockets of the private sector, it is a sure recipe for mayhem, a failed system, chaos and a broken and bankrupt government .
The fact is, a social system takes very long term planning and discipline, not something readily seen in a system where Social security was gutted and misspent then ious not paid back and where Congress and the President fly by the seat of their pants and have no idea of what must be in place to prevent a social system from devouring itself.
None at all and many Americans lack the attention span or acumen to learn what they do not know, --but it is what they do not know which will make all of this come crashing down.