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  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    2959-10K, people have the potential for good AND evil and the Republicans try to foster evil in people to the greatest extent possible.

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Kend, the first one didn't work so you're trying another sham, eh? Well if he never got a bill passed then how is he so good at spending the taxpayer's money?
    I'd have to check to what extent you're fulla shit on this one but I already KNOW it's false. Off hand I can already think of the reform bill for the Veterans Affairs hospitals - a very recent, high profile one that everybody heard of.
    I'll check to see how off you are but I can tell you now, Bernie is the HARDEST working member of Congress. You don't like him just for that reason, because he's NOT corrupt and doesn't take YOUR money under the table but EARNS his money.

  • We Must Act Now on Climate.   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Such dreamers! Nothing is going to be done about climate change because big fossil & big banking (and those two are intimately connected) own our government, our institutions, our media, ENGOs like Greenpeace and even a lot of the science research. Corrupt politicians, like Obama, make lots of promises, gentleman's agreements settled with a handshake in Paris, that mean zip. Like Trump or Cruz will honor Obama's promises. Neither will Hillary or Bernie for that matter.

    So instead of replacing fossil fuels with clean nuclear energy, we will have more of the same, burn-baby-burn, with added $trillions thrown down the sewer on nutty scams like wind & solar, hydrogen, carbon capture, agrofuels, tidal & wave energy. Yeah that will do lots. Like the corrupt Big Oil/Bankster stooge Hillary's plan to put up a bunch of home solar panels. Jesus, people are so gullible and stupid to believe that will do anything to reduce our fossil consumption.

    The World's #1 solar producer is Germany. Their all out program on solar and wind for 25 yrs, and now they have the 2nd highest electricity emissions in Europe per kwh generated and the 2nd highest electricity prices. They have reached 6.1% solar electricity in 2014, 1.2% of primary energy. And now Germany's Solar PV installation rate is now on a steep decline. 7.6 GW in 2012, 3.3 in 2013, 1.9 in 2014. So much for "solar exponential growth".

    So Hillary Clinton's nutty solar plan is really just greenwashing for fossil, mostly natural gas, which is the big thing lately. Solar energy just guarantees a fossil fuel future - a more expensive fossil future. Since all wind & solar does is push up electricity prices so the poor can't afford electricity. IN Germany some 800 thousand poor have had their electricity disconnected because they can't afford the high electricity rates. They call that "energy efficiency" over there. Germany's biggest success in reducing emissions. Make energy so expensive that the poor can't afford to use much.

    There is only one way to replace fossil fuels, and that is a rapid build-out of nuclear power, and that sure as hell ain't happening. So forget about it. Burn-baby-burn. You might as well go with the cheapest energy, so the poor can afford electricity, scrap all the $trillions going to nutty scams.

    Eventually fossil will become too expensive to supply world demand, and China will go Nuclear, upsetting the apple cart, embarrassing everyone else, and then finally the world will succumb to the inevitable, and release the nuclear juggernaut, and then everyone will complain about what a bunch of lazy, sleazy, cretins our generation were, that we blockaded nuclear and let the whole world go to shit.

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Thom, I've seen these statistics before: when you ask Americans about the benefits of having Democratic Socialism they are all for it; but mention the word itself and they suddenly ​​think you're asking them to sign a pact with the devil.

    It may be changing, especially as the Grand Old Billionaire Party has overused the word "Socialist" to attack Obama as a curse word once "Liberal" lost its sting among the Unwashed. Certainly Bernie is breaking ground in changing attitudes, even if he doesn't get the nomination, but I think we still have a "Meatball" problem here.

    Remember the old Abbott and Costello schtick, where Abbott recites all the ingredients to a meatball and Costello likes all the separate parts, but when he puts them all together as a meatball Costello freaks out? Yes, we want democracy, universal health care, a living wage, affordable housing, a clean environment, social security, and all the other good things but MEATBALL!! if you call it what it really is--Socialism.

  • We Must Act Now on Climate.   9 years 3 weeks ago

    David32, didn't you post this info on a recent CBS news, website article? But the last time I went to that article your post of this data had been removed. Now why do you think it was removed? Because it's legit? Because it's significant? I'm going to read on your suggestion and get some more insight. Thanks David32. I'll get back to you on this. Interesting

  • We Must Act Now on Climate.   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Kilo you forgot to mention the trillions spent on this that could of payed for more police, Health care, collage etc.

  • Corporate-Managed Trade Deals Screw America   9 years 3 weeks ago

    you said that you think berbie is doing jesus work even though bernie is a jew...Jesus was also a total jew! he went to temple,christianty and church's did not exist.please remind listeners that bernie and jesus,both jews.

  • We Must Act Now on Climate.   9 years 3 weeks ago

    We Must Act Now on Climate.

    The title of this garbage thread. We were supposed to act 10 years ago with the release of Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth". 10 years has passed. The polar ice caps are still there. Miami Beach is still there. Downtown Manhatten is not underwater. Greenland is still covered by hundreds of feet of ice.

    "The next few decades offer us a brief window....." blah,blah,blah. I thought we were past the tipping point? We were beyond the point of no return. See Bill McCibben. Now Thom is telling us that we still have time. Can you climate alarmists please get your story straight? Aren't we already doomed? Putting off carbon reduction for 10 years...blah blah? Hey Thom, ten years from now people will still be doing the same thing we are doing today. Driving, flying, boating, and pumping fossil fuel from the ground. Seen the price of gas lately? Fossil fuels are being used at record amounts.

    Now Thom moves the goalposts again. What the climate will look like in 10,000 years? 25 meters ocean rise in 2000 years? Newsflash for Thom. You won't be around and neither will anyone currently residing on earth. Go ahead and tell me you give a rat's rearend that you care what things will be like 10,000 years from now. What a joke.

  • Full Show 2/16/16: Bill Compares Bernie’s Revolution to the Tea Party   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Trump the Uglily Colorful

    {…. a rhyme and an image …}

    Biliously yellow, and brownish and green

    is the acrid rancidity which spews from his spleen.

    The colors of his head’s odd hair and pinched face

    aren’t hues which you’d find placed in Any place

    ‘cept in frightening regions of outer space.

    . . . .

    … a surrealistic image of

    Trump’s frightening persona:


  • Full Show 2/16/16: Bill Compares Bernie’s Revolution to the Tea Party   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Dubya the Shrub

    {… a limerick …}

    Molly Ivins dubbed Dubya a “shrub”

    whose head was a dimly-lit {bulb} “bu’b”.

    A shrub, not “Bush”y, -

    - from head-toes-to-tooshy

    the apex of feckless flub.

    [ … Recall her book-title …],204,203,200_QL40_.jpg


  • We Must Act Now on Climate.   9 years 3 weeks ago

    With gas at less than two dollars a gallon, we're just squandering our finite resources, not to mention the damage it's doing to our economy. All sources of energy are important and should be allowed to co exist. Government should fix gas prices to keep existing fracking operations viable. These same higher gas prices will encourage more research into other sources of energy.

  • Full Show 2/16/16: Bill Compares Bernie’s Revolution to the Tea Party   9 years 3 weeks ago

    My, what poems they wrote around Aesop’s fable that “the mountain labored, but what came forth was only a ridiculous mouse.” - Call the mountain “Barbara Bush” and the ridiculous mouse “Dubya”.

  • Full Show 2/16/16: Bill Compares Bernie’s Revolution to the Tea Party   9 years 3 weeks ago

    That the Right is Shambolic

    {… a limerick …}

    Apt is the term “Shambolic”.

    The Rightists’ main metabolic

    is idiocy hyperbolic

    and anger vitriolic.

    In such chaos they dance and frolic.


  • Daily Topics - Tuesday February 16th, 2016   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Republicans had their turn with SCOTUS.

    Republicans are complaining about a lifetime Obama appointee on the Supreme Court. That's the way it works, we endured nearly 30 years of Scalia law; the Republicans had their turn. To the Republicans we need to say what Scalia said about Bush v. Gore; "get over it!!!"

  • We Must Act Now on Climate.   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Limits To Growth (LtG) was required reading my senior year at Cal in 1972. Of its 12 scenarios, all but one expected "overshoot and collapse" of global populations would begin in 1975. The 1% chose to do nothing, and still has done nothing, to even begin development of an effective detoxification process in response to what Claude Levi-Strauss called "the poisoning of the planet."

    Originally, that decline of global human populations was expected in 2030-35. Updated prior to Fukushima, that was reduced to 2024.

    Regardless, the "tipping point" for overshoot and collapse remained 1975 as our man made pollutants were gradually absorbed into the various food chains upon which us Apex Consumers depend.

    Last I heard, there were 90,000 man made chemical pollutants combining and recombining in unanticipated ways into our bodies and our biosphere. Unfortunately, global warming has become a smoke screen to deflect our attention and resources to more profitable ventures.

    The "declining resources crisis," originally reported as a contributing factor to the political instability in Cairo after Mubarak was deposed, was also a contributing factor to the instability in Syria a few weeks later. The most important of those resources? Abundant uncontaminated water.

    Similar reports from Mexico, California, Flint, many acquifers and deltas on this continent, South America, Africa, India, SE Asia, Australia and the Muddled East are reported almost daily. Additional evidence comes from dying corals all over the world, and the 500M refugees and immigrants abandoning all hope of "home."

    Is this "Stinkin' Thinkin'"?


    So what? We're all going to die anyway, right? Given all the other additional unanticipated consequences of our response, is an Apollo 13 type rescue of our planet and us life forms possible?

  • We Must Act Now on Climate.   9 years 3 weeks ago

    For 20 years I have been waiting for the oceans to rise. Is it maybe because they forgot to factor in the warmer it gets the more the ocean evaporates. Al Gore can't be wrong.

  • We Must Act Now on Climate.   9 years 3 weeks ago

    math has been corrected by others.

  • Do rich people live longer because they have better health care?   9 years 3 weeks ago

    I can imagine none of them eat toxins in their food like the 99% do.

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Maybe. However FDR and our social democratic party had strong support both during the war and after the war. Because they were supported by the Unions and grassrots movements. The swedish Social democrats, in fact have been one of the most successful political parties in democratic system of goverment. Most often as one single party goverment (Please note we have a different party aystem then you have. Currently we have 8 political parties in the Parliament)

    FDR was being called a socialist by republicans, but in my view FDR is probably the most social democratic president. He and Bernie would suit well in a swedish social democratic tradition. Hillary would not be doing good here.

  • A Progressive Economy Can Rebuild America!   9 years 3 weeks ago

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  • We Must Act Now on Climate.   9 years 3 weeks ago

    1 meter = 3.28 feet -- 75 meters = 246 feet, 0-3/4 inches.

    The highest point in the District of Columbia is currently 409 feet above current sea level. The high point in Florida is 345 feet.

  • We Must Act Now on Climate.   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Anyone aware of what the Iran deal says about the Trans-Caspian Oil Transport project? I would think gaining Iran's support would tweak Putin's nose and slip a pipeline under those belonging to progressives and greenies. (Speaking of which what has been the status of our Iran located military bases and how does the new agreement change their status?)

  • We Must Act Now on Climate.   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Hi Thom, heres a view from the other side of the climate change question:

  • We Must Act Now on Climate.   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Acting now is imperative in my opinion as well. One option that doesn't get the attention warranted is Liquid Flourine Thorium Reactor technology. A google search will reveal ample information on the advantages of this technology. We must get over the schism of nuclear energy. Development with the emphasis on energy production over military uses will result in safe, clean and abundant bulk energy production lacking in current renewable energy technologies. LFTR's were abandoned in the 60's because they could not produce the Plutonium for bombs. Thorium is an currently unused byproduct of rare earth mining and is abundant world wide. China currently supplies 90% of the rare earths used in hightech products, the US having abandoning rare earth mining because we didn't know what to do with the Thorium. China is currently developing LFTR technology and IF the US doesn't act we will certainly be buying energy and reactors from them.

    For more information search youtube for Thorium and Kurt Sorenson and find out what a promising technology LFTR's are once you get past the word nuclear.

    On a different note, our schism with "nuclear" extends to the medical field where nuclear resonance imaging was changed to magnetic resonance imaging to make people more comfortable with its use.

  • We Must Act Now on Climate.   9 years 3 weeks ago

    The Earth and Mars have had cooling and warming periods in harmony with one another, and the current ones are no different. And the "Man Made Global Warming" people have not forecasted very well. I think we should conserve carbon fuel becasue "Waste not want not" .... And I have been promoting conservation of our resources since 1968, when they were forecasting global cooling due to carbon. What we should do is repeal the FICA/FUI taxes on the first $250,000 of earning. And make up the lost tax revenue by taxing non-renewable energy. That would be a wise tax policy, which would promote employment and conservation of our resources. With no lost nor gain in tax revenue to the government.

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