Recent comments

  • We Must Act Now on Climate.   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Thom, 50 meters is more like 163 feet than 75 feet. You must be approximating 25 meters.

  • We Must Act Now on Climate.   9 years 3 weeks ago

    The most frightening comments from Rethugs was not one of climate change deniers but from Bush and Cheney during their pretendship. I cannot locate the interview but the gist was they did not deny global changes but just didn't care since Man always has to deal with something or other. I think this must be due to the immutable 0th plank of the party platform, most recently uncovered in Flint: Wealth Through Genocide.

  • Do rich people live longer because they have better health care?   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Of course they do, they have a world of doctors to choose from!

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday February 16th, 2016   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Consider the possibilities of President Obama appointing a Harvard constituional law profeesor to the Supreme Court (himself). He certainly is qualified. The Rebublicans want him out of the White House and Joe Biden gets at least a short term as President.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday February 16th, 2016   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Whether Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders wins in November they should commit to naming Barack Obama to the next available Supreme Court vacancy.

  • Daily Topics - Tuesday February 16th, 2016   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Putting Homeless people in foreclosed housing and eventually "selling" the houses to them might help to end homelessness.

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    New Michael Moore movie was thought provoking, funny & quite informative. Italy, France, Portugal,Sweden ,Norway Denmark , even Germany ( who freely admits its horrid Nazi past to its young ) These cultures are so very different from US. They care about their' neighbors' believe in kindness, and ' investing' in their people, a foreign concept in US US favors -sucks up- to giant corps and fraudulant banks. Many of Europes prisons use 'NO cruel & unusal punishment ' These prisons seek to rehabilitate ! Guards do not beat them . Of course US population is nothing like theirs... we have gangs, drug dealers coming over south border, poor kids living in squalor, millions of illegal guns, Corp Greed run amock, US laws, policies & politicians greatly favor the powerful & wealthy. Italian school lunches are nutrious , high quality NO soft drinks are served. They spend less per meal than US . Of course they do not Police the world & bomb countries .as our gov't does.. US wars change nothing , help no one except war profiteers & create enemies like ISIS yet war billionaires keep killing ,maiming, making billions. 90 % of Politicians become very wealthy , many ' retire' with a huge campaign fund & become DC Lobbyists ! Why is that even legal when It is NOT in Best intrests of We the people ? Unregulated wide open Capitalism has FAILED we the people ! Last decent GOP President was Eisenhower - he would be shocked at todays GOP policies, failed wars, greed, avarice, war debt & Wall St & Corp 'welfare ' They are the New Welfare Queens !

  • The SCOTUS Crisis - Progressive Roundtable   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Recess Appointment Of A New Justice To Fill the Vacated Scalia Supreme Court Seat

    In further disrespect to Barack Obama’s Presidency, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell immediately declared his parties intention to block the President’s constitutional right and obligation to appoint a new Justice to fill Scalia’s vacant Supreme Court seat; therefore, the President should exhibit bold and decisive action to immediately make a Recess Appointment of a new Justice to fill the seat prior to February 22nd.

    Please Sign the Petition:

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Some commenters have claimed that Bernie did not work until he was 40, downplaying the significance of the odd jobs that he had before then. This highlights to me the worship some americans have for businessmen - like Trump - who pointlessly and obsessively work to collect massive sums of money that they cannot possibly consume during their lifetimes. I made it, I did good, I have 10 cars and five houses and my progeny will be set for their lifetimes. I cringe when I sense this all too common viewpoint in the USA and I very much doubt that anyone with it is really leading a life to be admired.

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    grumpyhugs; The late journalist Edward R. Murrow was excited by TV's potential to educate and inform a wide spectrum of individuals, but after a few years in the industry after moving from radio in the early fifties, he spoke out concerning the direction the industry was taking.

    "This instrument can teach, it can illuminate; yes, and it can even inspire. But it can do so only to the extent that humans are determined to use it to those ends. Otherwise it is merely wires and lights in a box. There is a great and perhaps decisive battle to be fought against ignorance, intolerance and indifference. This weapon of television could be useful."

    That quote is from 1958, pulled from a keynote address Edward R. Murrow delivered at the Radio-Television News Directors Association convention in Chicago. The legendary journalist's speech was intended to be a wake-up call to the network executives and suits in charge of content creation for the fledgling medium. Murrow saw the potential of television, and lamented how it was being squandered by people who saw it only as a business opportunity, a medium of empty entertainment for advertising and profit, with no thought for ambition or edification. That standard approach by the industry led to a follow-the-leader homogeneity in programming, with a few archetypes (sitcoms, crime shows, medical dramas, soap operas and westerns (common in the 1950s)) endlessly iterated upon. We can't really be surprised that over the subsequent sixty years this medium has produced a nation of virtual Zombies !

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Mark, true Bernie had a few jobs here and there but what he has been really good at is spending tax payers money. On and of unemployment and welfare and as a government employee. 25 years in government and not one of his bills where ever passed. That's a leader. He will get slaughtered one on one against any of the Republicans

  • Full Show 2/15/16: Bernie’s Gonna Win Nevada AND South Carolina!   9 years 3 weeks ago


    {… a limerick …}

    There’s many anOther who’d

    we’d say tend Trump-like rude.

    Yet The Donald trumps

    with His vicious thumps

    in this battle of rude-versus-crude.


  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Accidental double post, removed.

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Yes, media., or I was going to say, "Because of TV".
    And some of us did see it coming.

    "Four Arguements for the Elimination of Television" - I read it 30 years ago, read it again when I found it online at MotherEarthNews.

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    MUST WATCH - Bernie Sanders Climate Change Warning. ‘It’s now or never’ -

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Mark: People aren't born as bigoted, gun obsessed, religious zealots, and thus automatically vote Teapublican as if it's a genetic disorder beyond their control. The bait you speak of is to a large extent provided by the right wing media I speak of.

  • Will Senate Republicans block Obama's SCOTUS nominee?   9 years 3 weeks ago

    I voted yes, but its hard to say, its an election year, and they may not want to commit political suicide, but a lot of american voters are stupid, and will vote for them anyway.

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Kend, you can't be serious! But, knowing you, you probably are.
    Bernie Sanders grew up in a struggling, working class family and although none of his bios say so explicitly I think I can GUARANTEE you he worked at least since he was a teenager and probably hustled newspapers or something even before that. He is probably the hardest working member of Congress.
    In any case, the bios do talk about him working as a carpenter in his 20s after arriving in Vermont. Might've even been entrepreneurial with that.
    A trade like that requires apprenticeship and so on.

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Whatever it is you're talking about, Kend, you can't deny he EARNS his paycheck more than any other member of congress.

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Kend, WTF are you talking about?
    Craig Bush, you're right. Bernie is a New Dealer not a socialist. Socialists believe in nationalizing industry but social democrats believe in democratic control and sharing the society with those who disagree with them and deciding things between them democratically - and accepting the results of an election even if it doesn't turn out their way.
    2950-10K, people vote for Republicans because the politics of division causes them to take race bait, gender bait, class bait and other kinds of bait. They fall for hate mongering of Republicans and vote AGAINST someone else rather than FOR themselves.

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    Question: Why do some Americans (mostly over 65) still vote Republican and are Against: Social Programs (that most of them are using to live), rich to play fair taxes, health care to be affordable and universal, stay out of stupid wars. Answer: because they are ALL multi-millionaires who will profit from their genius and risk taking (...or plan to be soon).

  • Will Senate Republicans block Obama's SCOTUS nominee?   9 years 3 weeks ago

    I wish there was a way to impeach Mitch McConnell. I also wish the term " Black President " wasn't being used. Because I feel this is a slap in the face to all Democrats or even Republicans for that matter. The disrepect that us being shown for the office of the presidency is disgraceful! The Republicans are showing the World what ugly Americans look like.

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    I agree that Americans love Socialism, but why do citizens still vote for Conservatives who support things like for profit health insurance over single payer??? they can willingly pay three times more for healthcare than they need to? I don't think so. This self destructive behaviour is very much a result of the rich man's weapon of mass misinformation, the corpse media!

    Let's face it, we have a population of many misinformed, and just plain not informed citizens. The red states lead the stats in this category. Ninety plus percent of the corpse media is right wing conservative in nature, with extreme fascist propaganda networks like Fox keeping the population numb and confused to what otherwise would be obvious economic and social truth.

    If they had it their way, guys like Brooks, with their access to the corp media, would push for monopoly capitalism, and extreme concentration of wealth all the way to complete economic collapse. However Bernie is speaking truth to the very power that signs guys like Brook's paychecks, and with this we finally have hope for economic justice...a reversal of the biggest lie ever told, Reagan trickle down economics. If we return to pre Reagan tax rates, and end free trade, despite what Brooks proclaims, we will have enough revenue to pay for Bernie's progressive platform. With this you'll see the economy work for everyone again, not just the few who's best interest it is to keep everyone misinformed and confused.

    Democratic Socialism is American as apple pie, and Bernie is spreading the good word despite all fascist efforts to thwart him. His truth is overpowering all the evil we been putting up with for decades.

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    No perfect form of government has ever existed. Communism has given way to Democracy. The US is overdue for a change as we have seen the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. There are more people living on welfare than ever. Bernie's change would be a more non-vilent change, but change will come regardless. The Big Banksters stealing our homes, one foreclosure at a time after We the People bailed them out of the finacial crisis they created with our taxes We the People paid. There can really be only one choice for president: Bernie. Hillary will tell you she is a "progressive" now, but wait untill she gets to be president. It will be another story. Much like Obama said he would bring about change. He did take more vacations than past persidents.

  • Why Americans Like Socialism   9 years 3 weeks ago

    I hope more democratic candidates and office holders see the light, that progressive ideas are the way to go and will result in election wins. I hope they see that compromises with republicans are not the way to go because the people get screwed every time. Will Bernie's brand of socialist democracy work in The United States? It will not work if the people do not want it to work but it will work if the people want it to work. It's all a matter of who the people put in office with their votes. It's not impossible to have a 2/3 majority in the house and senate. It is possible but it's going to take converting conservitive republican voters to democratic socialist voters. That is a hard but not impossible task. Conservitive rebublican voters are like the snake about to be milked for it's venom. They see what one hand is doing, the one waving in front of their face, but they don't see what the other one is doing, the one that is grabbing them around the neck. Conservative voters are like that. They see the hand that's raised to swear against abortion, wealfare loafers, gun control, illeagle immigrants, etc. but they don't see the hand that's voting on legeslation that lowers their income, strips them of retiremant income, takes away health care or makes it more exspensive, and takes away their jobs and their rights. Bernie's political revolution is about defeating these snake charmers and voting in true representatives of the people from the city council to the persidency. I don't think Bernie's political revolution message is understood by all. I think he needs to explain it every time he mentions it so more people will understand that it's not about just voting for Bernie Sanders but progressive voters turning out in large numbers at all elections from now on, even if it's an election to fill one vacancy because that's the only way to keep the snake charmers out of office.

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