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  • Taking Care of Our Nation is Not "Free Stuff."   9 years 2 weeks ago

    FW: Important Political! Fwd: THE SUPERDELEGATE OUTRAGE‏ FW: Important Political! Fwd: THE SUPERDELEGATE OUTRAGE Dr. Joseph Eusterman 7:44 PM To: Dr. Joseph Eusterman All, Most, if not actually all, of you know who Dan Meek is. His history as an Oregon Progressive is unmatched, IMHO. We feel honored to receive his comments below, desperately depressing as the truth can be. I do not fault Bernie for 1 minute for choosing to run as a Democrat. He, by his consistent caucusing record with Democrats makes him more of a REAL New Deal Democrat and Progressive than Hillary could ever hope to be, in spite of her protestations against him. AND, he is NOT bought and paid for. While, from several personal experiences, the Powell Memo legacy, and the Scalia years, I often believe the "Rule of Law" to be a bad joke, we all may have to be prepared to file a class action lawsuit to overturn any stealing of his nomination by the Machivellian machinations of the DNC's establishment "elite". (There was a time when that last would have been a contradiction of terms.) Tell me you legal eagles: is that a viable recourse? Is it time for Elizabeth Warren to declare finally herself---or not yet?

    Joseph H. Eusterman, MD; MS(Med); FACOEM; CIME; AME (Ret.)--email:;

    Subject: Re: Important Political! Fwd: THE SUPERDELEGATE OUTRAGE
    Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2016 18:12:43 -0800

    Dear Bernie,
    You chose to run in the the Democratic Party primaries. You are an independent progressive and have been fighting the big money interests for decades. Because of that, get ready to be screwed.
    At the highest level, the Democratic Party is run by its big contributors. It has devised a primary system designed to nominate one of its own, Hillary. Really, you have virtually no chance of getting that nomination.
    Here is one reason: 30% of all delegates to the convention are "Superdelegates" not chosen by the voters. They are politicians who have succeeded in the big money, Citizens United/McCutcheon system of campaign finance. So far, 451 of the 712 Superdelegates have announced their support of Hillary. Only 19 support you. So she is getting 96% of the Superdelegates. If that continues, she will amass a total of 683 Superdelegates; you will have 29.
    Hillary will then will need only 509 of the 1670 delegates chosen by voters. You will need to win 1163 of those delegates. As of today, each of you has 51 such delegates.
    Hillary can secure the nomination by winning only 30% of the voter-chosen delegates. But you have to earn 70% of those delegates. In other words, you can beat Hillary in the primaries and caucuses by better than 2-1 and still lose the nomination.
    "Democratic" Party, indeed.

    Dan Meek

    503-293-9021dan@meek.net855-280-0488 fax On 2/24/2016 1:28 PM, Don Baham wrote:Have the Democratic Superdelegates Been Compromised? Please use "Bcc" or "Cc" instead of “To” when including additional addressees in an e-mail.

    Peace and Love!
    Don Baham Office: 503.626.1048; Cell: 503.318.8270.
    To see Dr. Don shows on computer, enter "DonBaham-Youtube" on your browser. -----Original Message-----
    From: Dr. Joseph Eusterman <>
    To: Dr. Joseph Eusterman <>
    Sent: Tue, Feb 23, 2016 9:06 pm
    All, Want something to get REALLY ANGRY about? A critically important travesty which WE Bernie supporters MUST CORRECT IMMEDIATELY, if not sooner! A better title here would be: ARE WE BERNIE VOTERS BEING COMPROMISED? Have the Democratic Superdelegates Been Compromised?Feb. 19, 2016 6:42 amBy Thom Hartmann A... 691 41 838

  • Taking Care of Our Nation is Not "Free Stuff."   9 years 2 weeks ago

    Free stuff, that is predominately private Banks who are given the right by government mandate to create our money supply out of thin air and lend that money to us or to the government at interest, when it would be trivially easy for the government to create the money themselves, no need to borrow off of criminal banks. These Bankster parasites produce nothing but are the richest persons on the planet due to this gift. Talk about free stuff.

  • Taking Care of Our Nation is Not "Free Stuff."   9 years 2 weeks ago

    The following is a huge part of the overall issues faced by us all... all over the world

  • Taking Care of Our Nation is Not "Free Stuff."   9 years 2 weeks ago

    "Free stuff" in more advanced countries is considered part of the commons and every citizens right. Those countries actually promote the general welfare of their people. If you add everything up, the average citizen already pays at least as much tax in this country, as do the citizens in the countries with Democratic Socialism. However we get far less in return because half of our revenue goes to the military industrial spy complex in addition to all the revenue drains Thom already pointed out in his blog.

    Bernie needs to keep pounding away at what "good government" can really do for about the things "good government" is already doing in Democratic Socialist countries. We already know what bad government is, one in which the will of the billionaires Trumps the will of the people.

    I imagine if everyone actually knew the truth of how screwed we have been since Reagan's overthrow of good government, there would be riots in the streets. The economists certainly know what a screw deal the middle class has been handed the last 30 some years....the ones that are honest about the stats anyway! They must have to drink heavy just to prevent their heads from exploding.

  • Taking Care of Our Nation is Not "Free Stuff."   9 years 2 weeks ago

    Excellent words Thom!

  • Should there be a jubilee on all student loan debt?   9 years 2 weeks ago

    That would be a hell of a writeoff - over 1 trillion dollars. Shoud be scaled somehow. Just not sure how it could be fairly done.

  • Taking Care of Our Nation is Not "Free Stuff."   9 years 2 weeks ago

    Saint Raygun is most likely in Hell where he belongs. He needs company. I say we send all the Regressives straight to Hell.

  • Taking Care of Our Nation is Not "Free Stuff."   9 years 2 weeks ago

    I think you are absolutely correct, Thom. I've been screaming this for months. I'm glad to see you, with the platform you have, pointing this out. I'll tell you what's more, it occures to me that we have two major political parties in this country, and they are both socialists. One is the Democratic Socialist Party and the other is the Darwinian Socialist Party. I'm a Social Democrat.

  • Taking Care of Our Nation is Not "Free Stuff."   9 years 2 weeks ago

    Ronald Reagan is right were he needs to be and all the radical conservatives should join him like cruze,hannity,o'rielly and joe scar,rubio and other repub senators! oh ya trump also.

  • Taking Care of Our Nation is Not "Free Stuff."   9 years 2 weeks ago

    Tuition free college is not "free" - it costs full-time students all the hours and energy you can invest!! That's a committment! Once we learn what we are there for, there is no guarantee all those YEARS of effort will add to any monitary wealth -- WTF if that's all you are going to school for is to learn how to be a bigger consumer, stay away. But if you are determined to make this planet a better place for us all, we ought to pay you a stipend during your student years like some countries do -- Grow up, America!

  • Taking Care of Our Nation is Not "Free Stuff."   9 years 2 weeks ago

    "Free stuff" means our stuff they (one percenters, their wannabes and suck asses) wanna steal. "Can't afford it" means it's the product of OUR labor that THEY wanna put in THEIR OWN pockets.
    We work hard in America and we deserve something in return for it, some just compensation. Who decided everything we do has to go to making SOMEBODY ELSE rich while we go without?

  • Taking Care of Our Nation is Not "Free Stuff."   9 years 2 weeks ago
  • Taking Care of Our Nation is Not "Free Stuff."   9 years 2 weeks ago

    The Reagan/Watt administration did a lot more damage to the federal government than most people realize. They used intimidation tactics to keep federal employees "in check". They attempted to force scientists/biologists for example, to falsify documents to allow corporate projects on public lands. They required that federal employees read intra-agency mail one day a week-which took all day. A whole work day wasted for thousands of employees. They reduced the size of government by reducing the budget which caused the middle management to lay off field workers inorder to keep the supervisory positions even though there were fewer people to supervise (and fewer people to regulate anything). They modeled the executive branch agencies after big corporations and installed "public affairs officers"- propagandists by any other name. They essentially purged the government of the honest employees which left those that became their puppits. They dam well knew that if they were overly nice to large corporate businesses the corporations would keep them in power through donations etc.. The seeds of fascism sprouted and continue to grow today.

    In the last few years government biologists (fisheries biologists especially) are still being punished by reassignment or even had their pay docked because they wished to maintain their scientific integrity, even if their opinions were contrary to political correctness.

    Our feed back mechanism of scientific data gathering has been purposely sabotaged by these "corporatists" which is allowing profit and political domination over democracy and ecosystem health.

    The seriousness of environmental degradation cannot be over emphasized. The earth has lost around half of the terrestrial animal biomass since 1970 and around 70% of the predatory fish in the oceans. Two scientists from Stanford believe the ocean systems will breakdown in another 30 to 35 years which will cause a 90% die off of what is left. There has been a steady increase in jellyfish blooms- guess what? Jellyfish can tolerate warmer water, less oxygen and chemical pollution that other species cannot.

    In simple terms, Americans deserve to know the truth about their environment, not have it covered up. So as justice Jackson said a few years ago- "It is not the function of our Government to keep the citizen from falling into error; it is the function of the citizen to keep the Government from falling into error"

    We better get with it-we have one generation left!

  • The Death Knell For Establishment Politics   9 years 2 weeks ago
  • The Death Knell For Establishment Politics   9 years 2 weeks ago

    You're right RL, the Republicans know what they're doing. They always make sure they have the House - and the speakership.

  • Clinton: I'll defend Israel but push for 'two-state solution   9 years 2 weeks ago

    I agree with is not "anti-Semitic" to criticize the policies of the Israeli government.

  • Have the Democratic Superdelegates Been Compromised?   9 years 2 weeks ago

    Thom, You wrote: "Democrats make their primaries truly Democratic again.

    They need to once again ban lobbyists from donating to the party, and they need to ban lobbyists from serving as unelected and unaccountable superdelegates.

    Beyond that, it's time to fundamentally overhaul the delegate system to make it clear that it's not the role of superdelegates to override the Will of the People. - See more at:

    and that Bernie supporters need to help do that. I'm sure it's too late now for the 2016 election??? Could you give us some steps as to what Bernie supporters can do about this fraud? And thanks for the information on superdelegates. You give more information than I was already aware of.

  • The Death Knell For Establishment Politics   9 years 2 weeks ago

    Thom, I am just so disappointed in you. I never thought you would become a sell out. I find I have to turn your radio program off now. I will watch your show tonight. If it is too biased toward Hillary, I will have to quit you all together. Bernie is not a protest candidate, he is for real. I thank you for introducing Bernie to us many moons ago. We will take him. Thank you. You can keep the other one. Good luck with that. Don't believe she is a changed person until she refuses the big money and releases the actual transcripts of her speeches.

  • Is Hillary Clinton adopting more of Bernie's policies?   9 years 2 weeks ago

    Exactly, Dane. Hillary hasn't "adopted" anything - it's classic lip-service. Not sure why Thom is falling for this. As history has shown repeatedly, Hillary will say whatever she thinks she needs to say to get elected.

  • The Death Knell For Establishment Politics   9 years 2 weeks ago

    Raypc800; Exactly what I was going to say ! Change at the top in our system of government is an exercise in futility given the limited authority awarded that individual by the Constitution. The Right in this country permanently hindered any President from orchestrating any meaningful long range programs when they banded together to pass the 22nd Amendment in the late 1940s, we haven't seen a unified effort to reform this system like the New Deal since but various private financial interests have done quite well. Changing the makeup of the Congress is infinitely more difficult as it requires fifty separate groups working toward a single goal. Fifty different sets of voting rules in this country and two political parties that have been awarded guaranteed ballot access in every state. Why are we so surprised that our system no longer works for the average American ?

  • The Death Knell For Establishment Politics   9 years 2 weeks ago

    well said Mark.
    Always watch what the other hand is doing.

  • The Death Knell For Establishment Politics   9 years 2 weeks ago

    So what if her rhetoric co opts Bernie's positions? As soon as she's elected she'll shit can all that, forget the people and serve the big money.
    Talk is cheap as piss, why does ANYBODY think what she says means ANYTHING AT ALL?

  • Is Hillary Clinton adopting more of Bernie's policies?   9 years 2 weeks ago

    I wasnt sure how to vote on this, Hillary Clinton is repeating bernies stance on issues, and she is lying to get votes, just like her husband did.

  • The Decline of Manufacturing & the Rise of Big Banks   9 years 2 weeks ago

    Frankly Queen, I think much of what you say is unfounded. Bernie's type of social democracy is tried and proven.
    The problem I see is the public which must be detoxed from consumer capitalism. They need the will power for the discipline you talk about. Much fault lies with the comsumeristic, advertiser driven media. If the people could be properly informed instead of willfully misled and eroded of their capacity for discipline then the problems would fall away.
    We need a BBC or German type national broadcasting here. PBS and NPR would have done something like that but, with their establishment in the U.S., Lyndon Johnson and House Ways and Means Committee chairman Wilbur Mills made public broadcasting dependent on appropriations rather than making it truly independent with a separate tax of its own.
    Public financing of election campaigns as in Europe and something like we had in Maine and Arizona until Citizens United would help a lot too. What we have now is a system of legalized bribery.

  • The Death Knell For Establishment Politics   9 years 2 weeks ago

    Why is ANYBODY impressed with Clinton "adopting Bernie's positions"? It means NOTHING! It's only rhetoric. She'll adopt the Spanish Inquisition's "positions" if she thought it would get her elected.
    Never trust a Clinton! Remember when her mentor, Bill, campaigned as a progressive and, once elected, pissed on all that and governed as a moderate Republican.
    The People of Arkansas didn't call him "Slick Willie" for nothing. He initially ran for President in flagrant violation of a major campaign promise that if elected he wouldn't run for president before his term as governor was done - quite a lot of people in Arkansas voted for him on that condition - and he announced he was running JUST AS THE TERM BEGAN!
    They're personal motto is, "So long suckers!".

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