Interesting take, blaming Reagan and the Republicians. According the Forbes Article mentioned in Mr. Hartmann's post. in 2009, the USA was rated number 2 in the world as the best countries to do business with. After 7 years of a Democratic administration, the USA has slid to number 22 in the world. Don't believe me, here is where you would read it. .
I already hear you saying the Republicans block everything Obama tries. Well, Reagan had a Democratic congress and senate and according to you folks he changed everything. That lame excuse of Republicans blockage is like a batter in baseball, crying the pitcher wouldn't let me hit anything. Good executives and good hitters find a way to make things happen.
Former President Bill Clinton on Monday met in secret (no press allowed) with roughly 100 leaders of South Florida’s Jewish community, and, as the Times of Israel reports, “He vowed that, if elected, Hillary Clinton would make it one of her top priorities to strengthen the U.S.-Israel alliance.” He also “stressed the close bond that he and his wife have with the State of Israel.” you have to read on....
If Trump wins it will be thanks to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. But the good news will be that Hillary, Debbie and the "new-DNC" will all have gone down in flames. This is rock-paper-scissors: Donald beats Hillary, Bernie beat Donald and Hillary beats Bernie.
Sadly Bernie is not doing well with the DNC taking all our donations and using them to support the establishment candidate Clinton who is but one step above any republican. Brace yourself for another 4 years of obstruction unless Trump wins than people like me will be scouting for another country to live in.
I agree that appealing to bigotry helped elect George Bush, but ultimately it was election fraud that put him in the White House, not once, but twice. That's why we need NATO to agree to oversee our elections, including our primaries.
Speaking of bigotry and racism, I see the KKK and several other racist nutjob groups have thrown their support behind the Republican Party, that's right, a Republican Party candidate, not a Democratic Party candidate. How embarrassing is that? One would think that alone is enough to convince a huge vast majority that the Republican Party is living in an ugly, dark, and ignorant past. Their legislative efforts both reflect and verify this. I don't give a damn, you have to be a total fool to vote Republican.
Hillary hasn't collapsed yet, but Revolt Against Plutocracy is doing everything possible to provide Sen. Sanders with Convention insurance he'll need if he earns the majority of pledged delegates.
Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground. This is the cry of Sen Merkely of Oregon who says the same thing. However, Merkely has not come out against the 234 miles of gas pipeline from Malin OR to a proposed North Bend OR terminal, where it will be refrigerated and shipped out of YUGE LNG ships to Asian markets. The YUGE terminal is directly in a tsuanmi innundation zone and across from the OTH airport, schools and shopping malls. Our great Senator Wyden also supports this outrageous project. He says it will be needed jobs to Southern Oregon. Yes, and it will pollute our communities, and becomes a never-ending risk for the people who live and work here. Not all democrats that claim they are "green" really are. These two take the cake !!!
YES YES And how dare ARROGANT Mitch McConnell say 'He will NOT allow President Obama to chose next Supreme Court Justice ! Thats Presidnt Obama's job ! One voters assigned to Obama, not once but TWICE !! MCConnell is not even ashamed to proclaim his arrogance publically !
This DO nothing COngress is a disaster for America !
I am an uneducated white guy in Houston Texas. I went to the Bernie rally when he came to the university of Houston. I donated 100 to his campaign, my first donation ever! My question....why does the media make fun of people like me. Granted the angry white male thing is more about trump, but why denigrate us? I read huffpo, salon, politico and I see a lot of pontification about uneducaed whites for trump and they think they are for him because we are racist. My take is that if it was trump v clinton I would vote you know why? Because hillary was for the TPP before she was against it. Trump has been very critical of free trade. On that issue alone, I think Trump (might) be ok on trade, I know Hillary wil sell us out. So you tell me why are people like me stupid and racist for voting trump over clinton. If its cruz or rubio I vote for Jill Stein.
The democratic party used to represent working people, that died in 1992. Now its just a bunch of college boys and girls telling us dumb we are and we dont understand the big picture. They tell us to get educated...ok my two kids have 4 year degrees and I am scared for their future.
WindyCity; Right on WC ! All one need do is go to Wikipedia and lookup Neoliberalism, the philosophy that has ruled the DNC for the past 25 years as well as the Clinton and Obama administrations. But I'll save you a trip to Wikipedia and type a synopsis of the Neoliberal agenda that is essentially Reaganomics from the 1980s;
"Neoliberalism advocates support extensive economic liberalization policies such as privatization, fiscal Austerity, deregulation, Free Trade and massive reductions in government spending in order to enhance the role of the Private Sector in this economy".
No surprise that the DNC has moved further to the Right than some moderate Republican groups who have long been in favor of purging the Tea Party faction from their party !
Caucuses are upon us. One way to send a message to the DNC is to make a resolution. Regarding compromised superdelegates, what should a resolution say?
I suppose that elected officials are acceptable as superdelegates. The problem is with DNC officials and other Democrats who have a conflict because of employment as lobbyists. Yet not all lobbyists are at odds with democratic principles. For example, environmental lobbyists seem to be acceptable. What distinguishes the pernicious ones is their potential to impose the interests of their causes over the electoral process.
America supposed to have the finest political system in the world, what the hell happened. I live in Las Vegas Nevada I met a man from Denmark and I asked him how did he like his health care system that they have in his country of Denmark, he told me he wouldn’t give it up. This was just after the first Republican debate, and this is his words, what the hell is wrong with your Republican Party? Often times myself I wonder if these people are adults running for the presidency or any other public office. This to me was embarrassing; they do not represent our country’s political system having any form of intelligence on governing a country!
This coming November if we want to take our country back from the rich white zealot man, we have to remember who brought the most freedom, the most prosperity and the most equal rights and equality to our nation, and it’s not Republicans/ conservatives, it was the Liberals/Democrats that did. If you have not registered to vote do it, get active in your community, encourage your neighbors friends and relatives to register to vote as support their community. If we do not take an Active Interest in our lives and our Community, We will lose it to The Aristocrats, The Wealthy, The 1%. Go Vote in November, We Have To, Vote Back in the Control of Americas Working Family, Instead of The Aristocracy class
the mainstream media rubbernecks for the car crash that is Trump--they can't help themselves, but the preferential treatment of Hillary is totally intentional
re Trumpsters who are mostly hostile-to-Rs-establishment: In their stupid daze {in their Trump-applauding} they might crash-n-burn the party, which party will NOT Phoenix-like re-emerge in a healthy way {methinks}. [I’m a long-retired poli-sci-tist, aware that America needs a Viable party system.] … … Dems {methinks} don’t have this “destructive-to-party” aspect of challenge-to-establishment, - since Bernie-ism has Substance in its opposition-to-establishment. - - - - - - The Republican-establishment scam involves MUCH more, - such as the R-establisment’s exploiting the Evangelical Right’s political naïveté. - [I am among “evangelicals” {trusters of Christ’s salvation} who are appalled by the ER’s decades-long politics.]
I read the news for the first time here, which is about Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks. I think this peace talk was very important for both countries and they have to make more effort for peace in both countries. I am very surprised to read this news and I will must share it with others.
Trump can't win against Bernie. And Hillary can't win against Trump. All Hillary is doing is beating Bernie in Repug states like South Carolina which is useless in the general election. That's why Trump is focusing his attacks on Bernie now, and he doesn't say much about Hillary except her emails. He knows Bernie would beat him. Trump will eat Hillary for lunch in the general election.
So those progressives who are willing to acquiesce to Hillary are just enabling Trump. Draw a line in the sand, stand firm and force the Democrat establishment to face up to the reality it is Bernie or it is Trump - pick one.
We can't possibly let the citizens of this country find out what the citizens in Democratic Socialist countries get in return for paying their taxes. Better shut Bernie down before the revolution gains anymore momentum.
Wait a minute, the Republican Party is already owned and controlled by billionaire/Fascists like Thrump, who himself admits to purchasing government to feed his out of control thirst for endless wealth and power......yet the Republican base, one that is admittedly sick and tired of the establishment/conservative status quo, an ideology that nurtures and rewards extreme greed, wants Thrump for President?????? Really???? The pompous billionaire will make things better if we crown him president??? Oh that's right, the billionaires have always looked out for us...the Waltons, the Kochs, but of course. The corpse media is truly reaping what it sows...misinformation and thus a clueless and misinformed population. Look how well that is working out for our Democracy.
Wow ! I just don't see a lot of space between the two parties. I really don't ! Election day is really a day of adulation for every billionare in the world not just the US. Thats the day they buy who ever gets crowned the leader of the free world. Policies don't change, just the recognizable face of the policies change. The retohric may sound different but the Gospel remains the same.
We would better off with Sanders When it come to Isreal. Them who Love Isreal God shell also Love.
Interesting take, blaming Reagan and the Republicians. According the Forbes Article mentioned in Mr. Hartmann's post. in 2009, the USA was rated number 2 in the world as the best countries to do business with. After 7 years of a Democratic administration, the USA has slid to number 22 in the world. Don't believe me, here is where you would read it. .
I already hear you saying the Republicans block everything Obama tries. Well, Reagan had a Democratic congress and senate and according to you folks he changed everything. That lame excuse of Republicans blockage is like a batter in baseball, crying the pitcher wouldn't let me hit anything. Good executives and good hitters find a way to make things happen.
By Glenn Greenwald (we all know Greenwald has more intergrity than all of Coporate MSNBC, CBS, ABC, CNN) so you know you're getting the truth here!
Hillary Clinton, With Little Notice, Vows to Embrace an Extremist Agenda on Israel
Former President Bill Clinton on Monday met in secret (no press allowed) with roughly 100 leaders of South Florida’s Jewish community, and, as the Times of Israel reports, “He vowed that, if elected, Hillary Clinton would make it one of her top priorities to strengthen the U.S.-Israel alliance.” He also “stressed the close bond that he and his wife have with the State of Israel.” you have to read on....
If Trump wins it will be thanks to Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. But the good news will be that Hillary, Debbie and the "new-DNC" will all have gone down in flames. This is rock-paper-scissors: Donald beats Hillary, Bernie beat Donald and Hillary beats Bernie.
Why in the world would one donate to the DNC if one wants to support a particular Democratic candidate???
Sadly Bernie is not doing well with the DNC taking all our donations and using them to support the establishment candidate Clinton who is but one step above any republican. Brace yourself for another 4 years of obstruction unless Trump wins than people like me will be scouting for another country to live in.
I agree that appealing to bigotry helped elect George Bush, but ultimately it was election fraud that put him in the White House, not once, but twice. That's why we need NATO to agree to oversee our elections, including our primaries.
Speaking of bigotry and racism, I see the KKK and several other racist nutjob groups have thrown their support behind the Republican Party, that's right, a Republican Party candidate, not a Democratic Party candidate. How embarrassing is that? One would think that alone is enough to convince a huge vast majority that the Republican Party is living in an ugly, dark, and ignorant past. Their legislative efforts both reflect and verify this. I don't give a damn, you have to be a total fool to vote Republican.
What a weird system where the best and the good lose
And, the crap and heartless win
Hillary hasn't collapsed yet, but Revolt Against Plutocracy is doing everything possible to provide Sen. Sanders with Convention insurance he'll need if he earns the majority of pledged delegates.
Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground. This is the cry of Sen Merkely of Oregon who says the same thing. However, Merkely has not come out against the 234 miles of gas pipeline from Malin OR to a proposed North Bend OR terminal, where it will be refrigerated and shipped out of YUGE LNG ships to Asian markets. The YUGE terminal is directly in a tsuanmi innundation zone and across from the OTH airport, schools and shopping malls. Our great Senator Wyden also supports this outrageous project. He says it will be needed jobs to Southern Oregon. Yes, and it will pollute our communities, and becomes a never-ending risk for the people who live and work here. Not all democrats that claim they are "green" really are. These two take the cake !!!
YES YES And how dare ARROGANT Mitch McConnell say 'He will NOT allow President Obama to chose next Supreme Court Justice ! Thats Presidnt Obama's job ! One voters assigned to Obama, not once but TWICE !! MCConnell is not even ashamed to proclaim his arrogance publically !
This DO nothing COngress is a disaster for America !
Hi Thom,
I am an uneducated white guy in Houston Texas. I went to the Bernie rally when he came to the university of Houston. I donated 100 to his campaign, my first donation ever! My question....why does the media make fun of people like me. Granted the angry white male thing is more about trump, but why denigrate us? I read huffpo, salon, politico and I see a lot of pontification about uneducaed whites for trump and they think they are for him because we are racist. My take is that if it was trump v clinton I would vote you know why? Because hillary was for the TPP before she was against it. Trump has been very critical of free trade. On that issue alone, I think Trump (might) be ok on trade, I know Hillary wil sell us out. So you tell me why are people like me stupid and racist for voting trump over clinton. If its cruz or rubio I vote for Jill Stein.
The democratic party used to represent working people, that died in 1992. Now its just a bunch of college boys and girls telling us dumb we are and we dont understand the big picture. They tell us to get educated...ok my two kids have 4 year degrees and I am scared for their future.
Can you explain why the establishment hates us?
WindyCity; Right on WC ! All one need do is go to Wikipedia and lookup Neoliberalism, the philosophy that has ruled the DNC for the past 25 years as well as the Clinton and Obama administrations. But I'll save you a trip to Wikipedia and type a synopsis of the Neoliberal agenda that is essentially Reaganomics from the 1980s;
"Neoliberalism advocates support extensive economic liberalization policies such as privatization, fiscal Austerity, deregulation, Free Trade and massive reductions in government spending in order to enhance the role of the Private Sector in this economy".
No surprise that the DNC has moved further to the Right than some moderate Republican groups who have long been in favor of purging the Tea Party faction from their party !
Caucuses are upon us. One way to send a message to the DNC is to make a resolution. Regarding compromised superdelegates, what should a resolution say?
I suppose that elected officials are acceptable as superdelegates. The problem is with DNC officials and other Democrats who have a conflict because of employment as lobbyists. Yet not all lobbyists are at odds with democratic principles. For example, environmental lobbyists seem to be acceptable. What distinguishes the pernicious ones is their potential to impose the interests of their causes over the electoral process.
America supposed to have the finest political system in the world, what the hell happened. I live in Las Vegas Nevada I met a man from Denmark and I asked him how did he like his health care system that they have in his country of Denmark, he told me he wouldn’t give it up. This was just after the first Republican debate, and this is his words, what the hell is wrong with your Republican Party? Often times myself I wonder if these people are adults running for the presidency or any other public office. This to me was embarrassing; they do not represent our country’s political system having any form of intelligence on governing a country!
This coming November if we want to take our country back from the rich white zealot man, we have to remember who brought the most freedom, the most prosperity and the most equal rights and equality to our nation, and it’s not Republicans/ conservatives, it was the Liberals/Democrats that did. If you have not registered to vote do it, get active in your community, encourage your neighbors friends and relatives to register to vote as support their community. If we do not take an Active Interest in our lives and our Community, We will lose it to The Aristocrats, The Wealthy, The 1%. Go Vote in November, We Have To, Vote Back in the Control of Americas Working Family, Instead of The Aristocracy class
Fireworks in the Repugnantan Commode
{… a rhyme, and an image …}
Astonishingly blunderbuss-ly
loudly lightninged and thund’rously
the Repugnantans explode
like fireworks in a commode:
… Image:
the mainstream media rubbernecks for the car crash that is Trump--they can't help themselves, but the preferential treatment of Hillary is totally intentional
Fear’s Anger
[Fox News and its Fans]
{… a limerick, and images …}
We wish them no longer relevant
in the affairs of the Republican {elephant} elevant.
More than just petulant,
their anger is resonant
with fear; - hence their mood so malevolent.
… … … …
Such faces seem Fierce
{lips snarl, eyes pierce}, -
- but really they’re Frightened
{by Fox the fear heightened}:
The Fox News effect:
re Trumpsters who are mostly hostile-to-Rs-establishment: In their stupid daze {in their Trump-applauding} they might crash-n-burn the party, which party will NOT Phoenix-like re-emerge in a healthy way {methinks}. [I’m a long-retired poli-sci-tist, aware that America needs a Viable party system.] … … Dems {methinks} don’t have this “destructive-to-party” aspect of challenge-to-establishment, - since Bernie-ism has Substance in its opposition-to-establishment. - - - - - - The Republican-establishment scam involves MUCH more, - such as the R-establisment’s exploiting the Evangelical Right’s political naïveté. - [I am among “evangelicals” {trusters of Christ’s salvation} who are appalled by the ER’s decades-long politics.]
I read the news for the first time here, which is about Who rejected United States-North Korea peace talks. I think this peace talk was very important for both countries and they have to make more effort for peace in both countries. I am very surprised to read this news and I will must share it with others.
Good quality anti fatigue mats
Trump can't win against Bernie. And Hillary can't win against Trump. All Hillary is doing is beating Bernie in Repug states like South Carolina which is useless in the general election. That's why Trump is focusing his attacks on Bernie now, and he doesn't say much about Hillary except her emails. He knows Bernie would beat him. Trump will eat Hillary for lunch in the general election.
So those progressives who are willing to acquiesce to Hillary are just enabling Trump. Draw a line in the sand, stand firm and force the Democrat establishment to face up to the reality it is Bernie or it is Trump - pick one.
We can't possibly let the citizens of this country find out what the citizens in Democratic Socialist countries get in return for paying their taxes. Better shut Bernie down before the revolution gains anymore momentum.
Wait a minute, the Republican Party is already owned and controlled by billionaire/Fascists like Thrump, who himself admits to purchasing government to feed his out of control thirst for endless wealth and power......yet the Republican base, one that is admittedly sick and tired of the establishment/conservative status quo, an ideology that nurtures and rewards extreme greed, wants Thrump for President?????? Really???? The pompous billionaire will make things better if we crown him president??? Oh that's right, the billionaires have always looked out for us...the Waltons, the Kochs, but of course. The corpse media is truly reaping what it sows...misinformation and thus a clueless and misinformed population. Look how well that is working out for our Democracy.
Yes" and the mainstream media is also in bed with the establishment and it pushing Hillary Clinton down our throats.
Wow ! I just don't see a lot of space between the two parties. I really don't ! Election day is really a day of adulation for every billionare in the world not just the US. Thats the day they buy who ever gets crowned the leader of the free world. Policies don't change, just the recognizable face of the policies change. The retohric may sound different but the Gospel remains the same.