Recent comments

  • It's Time to Rid the DNC of DINOs, Starting with the Chair   9 years 2 days ago

    Why can't I share this important information on FaceBook?

  • Will China show us up on climate solutions?   9 years 2 days ago

    Hillary's plan is more of a scam than a plan. A lot of Greenwashing for Natural Gas, a lot of Spin & Hype. Very little substance. Not much different than Germany's & California's plans which have already proven to be dismal failures. Successful at only one thing, pushing electricity prices up so high that the poor can't afford electricity, and therefore electricity consumption is reduced. Wonderful.

    People are really gullible to believe these expensive, and yet mickey-mouse, propaganda energy plans will do anything to stabilize, let alone reduce world greenhouse gas emissions.

    There is only one possible way to solve this problem and that is a rapid worldwide build-out of Nuclear Power. That would immediately decimate the fossil fuel industry and so it cannot be allowed. Thus the status quo will continue, with a lot of bait-and-switch scams like Hillary's here being presented for propaganda & disinformation purposes. Shame though how many $trillions will by thrown down the sewer on these nutty scams.

  • Will people believe that Bernie voted against the auto bailout?   9 years 2 days ago

    deleted double comment!

  • "This trade deal is not about trade."   9 years 2 days ago

    Chuckle 8, it's ostensibly about trade but really about power for the business elites and investor class.
    It actually represents, I think, the effecting of a neo feudalism with the very wealthy supplanting government and making it the personal property of a few rich assholes.

  • The Big Lie that the Left Is Anti-Business   9 years 2 days ago

    Iran Contra, Pentagon procurement, farm subsidy, Housing and Urban Development and some others were the main scandals of the Reagan administration. In every case except Iran Contra taxpayer money intended for projects of the government agency was going into administration officials' pockets, big time.
    They felt entitled to, it was the zeitgeist of the times. "Greed was good", government (democracy) was bad and beneficiaries of its programs were undeserving - but not they, of course

  • The Big Lie that the Left Is Anti-Business   9 years 2 days ago

    Ou812, Reagan's power was not through the use of force but through demagoguery. He was like Hitler, a beloved despot whom people very willingly gave up their basic rights to. Even Democrats were drinking the kool aid.
    Anyway, Reagan's demagoguery was so strong Congress people and even journalists were scared to death of it. Sam Donaldson gave an example of this. He was at a public event and he brought up one of the many scandals of the Reagan administration (they were genuine scandals, not the made up ones or the mountains made out of mole hills of the Clinton administration and which were just an attempt to discredit the Independent Counsel Law, which was set to expire, in preparation for a forseen and hoped for Bush administration) of which the Reagan administration had more than any other administration to that date and was only surpassed in that way by the G.W. administration. Donaldson said, "I expected everybody [at the public event] to be outraged when they heard about the details of the [Reagan administration] scandal. They were - at me for bringing it up."
    Reagan was a fraud and represented the Republican strategy of hiring a charming actor or good looking young bubble head, as in the case of Dumb Dumb Dubya, to act as a figure head president and demagogue while the real decisions were made by committees of business executives.

  • Will people believe that Bernie voted against the auto bailout?   9 years 2 days ago

    Hillary shooting herself in the foot once again! Her TRUE Republican being is showing its ugly head! I believe after this LOST, she will change her label, as Joe LIEberman did, because there is NOTHING DEMOCRATIC about the Clinton's in how they destroyed the American Worker's with their Jobs Sucking NAFTA Bill!

    How she stands there, and LIE with a straight face is just downright ugly, evil and very distasteful!


  • Full Show 3/7/16: Bernie Wins 3 More States Over Weekend   9 years 2 days ago

    Repugnantans Maim and Abuse

    {… a rhyme …}


    A situation where only The Cruz

    can to The Donald put the screws!!??

    Is THIS how Repugnantans maim and abuse

    our nation? America should simply refuse.


  • Full Show 3/7/16: Bernie Wins 3 More States Over Weekend   9 years 3 days ago

    Southern Tragedy

    {… a rhyme …}

    May not, please Lord, the Southern states

    be “the tail which wags the dog”.

    May the South’s sub-culture not dictate our fates

    as we slog in our swampy bog.

    Ever since Nixon’s “Southern Strategy”,

    our nation has faced debilitating {tragedy} trategy.


  • Why Is Our Government Working for the Private Good over the Public Good?   9 years 3 days ago

    Comment from a Kiwi

    You guys need to change your electoral system.

    We had a 2 party FPP (First past the post) like yours. All you could do is chuck out the old party by voting in the one you voted out last time. And big business owned both.

    Now we have 6 parties in Parliament, and a Government that represents the people both in racial diversity and gender.

    Americans should change to STV. Each state should vote for a group of congressmen and voters list their preferences in order. This would prevent votes for smaller parties being wasted. If a state had 5 congressmen for example you would probably get 2 Rep, 2 Dems and 1 Green Congressmen. Eventually the best parties would survive and the worst will die.

    Your system preserves 2 corrupt parties and there is nothing you can do about it unless you change. I suggest STV. It can be done. We could show you how!

  • Will China show us up on climate solutions?   9 years 3 days ago

    I Just received this email where $Hillarity is trying to now b e the noble "Joan of Arc" in the Climate Change battle. I am so cynical about everything she says - I wish she would just bow out and go knit some booties for her grandbaby.


    Dear xxxxx

    The science of climate change is unforgiving. 2015 was the hottest year on record by a mile, and 14 of the 15 warmest years on record have occurred in this century. Already, communities across America are seeing the impacts of climate change, from longer, hotter wildfire seasons in the West to rising sea levels flooding streets in Miami and Annapolis at high tide. Scientists are concerned that climate change is making it easier for vector-borne diseases like Zika to spread—and we know this won’t be the last public health challenge we’ll face. The Obama Administration recently awarded a grant to the state of Louisiana to resettle the entire population of the Isle de Jean Charles, which has lost 98 percent of its land mass to coastal erosion and rising seas—and we know they won’t be the last community facing that hard choice here in America or elsewhere in the world. Climate change is a real and urgent threat, and we must use every tool we have to tackle it.

    Please vote for Hillary in CHV's Climate Hawks Primary today.

    That’s why I have a comprehensive plan to combat climate change and make America the clean energy superpower of the 21st century. My plan focuses on using the extensive authorities a President has to tackle this problem using laws already on the books, and on bringing together the diverse range of cities, states, rural communities, universities, businesses, nonprofits, and others who are committed to taking action—including local Republican leaders.

    I believe it would be a mistake to assume that Republicans in Congress will get with the program in the near term—because we can’t wait for them to start paying more attention to scientists than they do to Big Oil. Eventually reality will catch up with them—but we can’t wait for that to happen. The next president has to start building on the progress President Obama has made right away because the next decade will be decisive in our ability to meet the climate challenge.

    On my first day in office I will set big new goals for our country that we will achieve within ten years, and get to work immediately on meeting them:

    • Enough renewable electricity to power every home in America, with 500 million solar panels installed by the end of my first term
    • Increase clean energy production on public lands ten-fold
    • Cut energy waste from our homes and businesses by one-third
    • Cut oil consumption across the economy by one-third

    I’ll achieve these goals by defending, implementing and extending smart federal pollution and efficiency standards, including President Obama’s Clean Power Plan, fuel economy standards for cars and trucks, appliance standards, and building codes. And I’ll launch a new $60 billion Clean Energy Challenge to partner with cities, states, and rural communities that are ready to lead on clean energy and efficiency and exceed federal standards. We’ll lower energy costs for homes and businesses, protect American families from the harmful impacts of pollution and create good-paying jobs across the country.

    It’s past time we eliminate fossil fuel subsides and take away the special tax breaks that benefit big oil and gas companies and invest in clean energy. And when oil companies come knocking because they want to open up new offshore areas to drilling, I’ll tell them loud and clear: Not on my watch. I believe there are places where we need to keep fossil fuels in the ground or under the ocean—like the Arctic Ocean and the off the East Coast—and I strongly believe that we should be phasing out the production of fossil fuels on public lands, starting with the dirtiest sources, and making our public lands and waters into major drivers of the clean energy economy.

    If we’re honest about the challenge of climate change, we know we can’t take any option that cuts carbon pollution off the table. That’s why I support safe nuclear power, which accounts for about 20 percent of U.S. power generation and nearly two-thirds of our zero-carbon electricity today, and believe we shouldn’t consider shutting down this reliable power source when we don’t have a realistic way to replace it with equivalent zero-carbon power. And we should increase research and development investment in advanced nuclear power. I also believe that with the right safeguards in place, natural gas production can help move us toward a clean energy future. I know natural gas is controversial—but it can be an important near term tool for displacing much dirtier fuels, like coal and higher-polluting fuel oil, delivering important public health and climate benefits. For that to work, we absolutely must do more to curb methane emissions, which is why I will set tough standards for both new and existing sources, launch a natural effort to repair and replace leaky old pipelines in our communities, and cut methane emissions by 40-45 percent. We can’t have more crises like the massive methane leak in Porter Ranch, CA. We need to repeal the egregious “Halliburton loophole” in the Safe Drinking Water Act, require full disclosure of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing, and ensure it does not pose a risk to public health. And we need to respect the decision of states, cities and towns that decide they don’t want fracking to occur in their communities.

    If we do all of that, we won’t just meet the goals President Obama and the world set in Paris—we’ll exceed them. My plan will cut greenhouse gas emissions economy-wide by up to 30 percent by 2025, and put us on the path to cut emissions more than 80 percent by the middle of the century. I’m proud of what President Obama achieved in Paris, and I will work with our partners to continue to drive international progress in combating this global threat, including by forging a new North American Climate Compact with Canada and Mexico so we’re working together to invest in clean energy, reduce emissions, and combat climate change continent-wide. I know how to build coalitions and get big things done—and that’s what we need to do to take on this global fight.

    As a new grandmother, this is personal for me. I want my granddaughter—and my second grandchild on the way—to live in a safe world with clean air and clean water, where they can enjoy all the wonders of nature. I want the very same for every young person, every child, every grandchild in America and everywhere in the world. I know that can only happen if America leads this fight—and that will take all of us, using every tool we have, making progress wherever we can.

    Ask CHV to endorse Hillary by casting your vote in their 2016 Climate Hawks Primary now.

    This is a fight for our lives—and it’s a fight we must wage and win together. I hope to earn your vote, and to stand together as we take on the climate challenge.

    Hillary Clinton

    Paid for by Climate Hawks Vote Political Action, and not authorized by any candidate. Contributions to Climate Hawks Vote Political Action are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.

  • Will China show us up on climate solutions?   9 years 3 days ago

    Unfortunately, at this point, most of these countries will surpass us. At the risk of losing all optimism, I can only count on Bernie having long coat tails, even if he doesn't get the nomination. Hopefully he will continue o ignite the voters to vote. It's our only hope.

  • Will China show us up on climate solutions?   9 years 3 days ago

    Please take note that Nazism and fascism are forms of socialism, not free enterprize. I would also like to point out in terms of Capitialism/Free Enterprise did not come out of Chritian Fundamentalism. In fact it was just the opposite. Free Enterprise broke down the control of powerful Church/State political systems systems and led to the period of Enlightment and Reforms that broke controls of kings and nobles.

    As for Theocracy .... That has always been associated with States like the USSR, Red China, Hitler's Germany .... All trying to promote Sectular Humanism, or dictatorship Like the Roman Empire.

  • Will China show us up on climate solutions?   9 years 3 days ago

    Please take not that Nazism and fascism are forms of socialism, not free enterprize. I would also like to point out in terms of Capitialism/Free Enterprise did not come out of Chritian Fundamentalism. In fact it was just the opposite. Free Enterprise broke down the control of powerful Church/State political systems systems and led to the period of Enlightment and Reforms that broke controls of kings and nobles.

    As for Theocracy .... That has always been associated with States like the USSR, Red China, Hitler's Germany .... All trying to promote Sectular Humanism, or dictatorship Like the Roman Empire.

  • Will China show us up on climate solutions?   9 years 3 days ago

    Please don't say global warming is a settle science .... Some of the best in the field are saying that the models can not predict within acceptable range .... In fact it seems that CO2 is the result of warming and not the cause of it. Increase levels of CO2 seems to be following warming not leasing it.

    It is wiser to say that we should conserve our non-renewable energy, and as we conserve we drive the prices down (as we are now seeing) ..... No matter what is settled in the future conservation is wise. Wast Not Want Not .... Repealing labor base taxes would promote employment, and tax CO2 energy would promote conservation. Let's go with win/win efforts, and not efforts that may discredit us in the future.

  • Will people believe that Bernie voted against the auto bailout?   9 years 3 days ago

    A Clinton victory over Bernie will most certainly put a Republican in the White House. "Merica" will be a Teapublic, with the Teapublic Party in full control. It will be god, guns, billionaires, and Fox News. If Clinton becomes the Democratic candidate, the billionaire controlled right wing media which encompasses 98% of political coverage will unload all the manufactured scandal/baggage Clinton brings with her.

    However if Bernie wins, he can educate the general public on the only thing the conservative media has to throw at him, the label of being a Socialist. He can educate the general public regarding the truth of what Democratic Socialism stands for. People will be asking why our elected officials have denied us all these decades what much of the rest of the world already has.

    Bernie beats all of the right-wing conservatives by a landslide. He'll explain to the people exactly what conservative stands for......give the one percent everything at the expense of the 99%.

    Bernie needs to turn Clinton's below the belt comment regarding the auto bailout into an issue that points out how misinformation undermines democracy. She pulled a Fox News on him.


  • Will people believe that Bernie voted against the auto bailout?   9 years 3 days ago

    Push-poll much?

  • Will China show us up on climate solutions?   9 years 3 days ago

    Unfortunately, enabling the United States to take meaningful action on climate change will require outlawing Christian Fundamentalism, which not only welcomes climate change as a harbinger of "End Times" but -- because according to the latest polls these tacitly suicidal fanatics make up 68 percent of the U.S. citizenry -- provides the massive popular opposition our One Percent overlords muster any time there is an effort minimize USian befoulment of the environment.

    This is what, in the ultimate sense, combines with the Christian Fundamentalists' ever-more-triumphant war against female sexual freedom to define the U.S. as already a de facto theocracy.

    Given that the Abrahamic Fundamentalists (be they Jews, Christians or Muslims) have the most violently change-resistant minds on Earth, it is also what makes it obvious to anyone who knows history that the only way the U.S. will ever be cured of its maliciously ecocidal ways is by invasion -- which of course means not just war, but a war of such magnitude it would leave our species extinct.

    The self-same deadly closed-mindedness explains not just why the violent misogyny of Islam and Chassidic Judaism is ultimately incurable, but why, beyond the rhetorical posturing, there is not even the most remote possibility of peace in the Middle East, now or ever. Literally, our species will destroy itself before that happens.

    Just as it is already doing.

    Indeed, if I were a believer in extraterrestrial intervention -- which I am not -- I would say that patriarchy, which arose in response to sundry "talking snake," "burning-bush" and "fiery wheel" phenomena about five thousand years ago, is the intergalactic conquistadors' equivalent of smallpox-infested blankets. Why? Because it is from patriarchy that Abrahamic Fundamentalism grew, just as it is from Christian Fundamentalism that capitalism grew, just as it is for the perpetuation of capitalism that fascism and Nazism grew.

    Need I say more?

  • Clinton: I'll defend Israel but push for 'two-state solution   9 years 3 days ago

    The jews and arabs need to get over this land stuff

    A bit school yard now

  • Will China show us up on climate solutions?   9 years 3 days ago

    Yes! I would say so since the us ranks 43 behind

    Not far above the bottom 10

    52. Chinese Taipei
    53. Korea
    54. Turkey
    55. Estonia
    56. Russian Federation
    57. Australia
    58. Canada
    59. Iran
    60. Kazakhstan
    61. Saudi Arabia

  • Great Minds: David S. Reynolds - When the Political Parties Last Melted Down   9 years 3 days ago

    I really enjoyed the show and it was quite informative.

    It was also quite instructive with respect to how the partys have flip-flopped their positions over time and how we're seeing a bit of that now.

    Also interesting, is that the Democratic Slave states used their slave (who had no status or vote) tallys to inflate the slave states' overall population figures as a way to gain additional electoral college representation and congressional seats. In 'corporate speak' this is a "proxy" takeover - more or less - since it is based upon the presence of slaves who may not represent themselves in the process.

    I guess we're truly seeing similar ideological disputes in current events, after all..... This situation with superdelegates seems yet another move to hijack voter representation on behalf of the power elite.... since we finally abolished slavery.

    So, it was 'Slave owner versus Slave' back in Civil War times and now it's "Corporate vs Working Class". Come to think of it, a 'wage slave' is still a slave: "A rose, by any other name.....".

  • "This trade deal is not about trade."   9 years 3 days ago

    Most of the chapters in the TPP are not about trade. I would guess that is why Thom says the TPP is not about trade. However, when I looked at the TPP, link by link, it seemed most of the pages were about trade. The TPP seemed to consist of a bunch of tables that drive tariffs to zero. These tables take up the bulk of TPP. As Thom, Adam Smith, and Alexander Hamilton have pointed out no economy can survive without protecting its workers with tariffs. We need tariffs not a handout as Hillary wants to do. Her objection to the TPP was the handout was not big enough, not that handouts were not a good replacement for tariffs.

  • Should the DNC replace Debbie Wasserman Shultz?   9 years 3 days ago

    I believe some of the hostility toward Hillary from Bernie supporters is due to the clear foot on the scale, rubberstamp, in the bag manipulation by DWS. She is abusing her position and is betraying the Democratic members of the Democratic party. She is selfishly putting herself above the party priorities. Whose bidding is she doing with her payday loans legislation? And Hillary's relationship to the fossil fuel God, for climate change, if there isn't some progressive mandate, nothing else will matter.

  • Clinton: I'll defend Israel but push for 'two-state solution   9 years 3 days ago

    1994 - Arifat-Rabin Nobel peace prize for proposed two state solution. Then, Rabin assassinated and Netanyahu elected. U turn, land grab, land grab, land grab. 20 years later Netanyahu again.

    A two state solution is no longer possible. Israel has claimed, settled, and carved up so much land, a Palestinian state is no longer possible. Israel will need to evacuate and abandon hundreds of billions of dollars of infrastructure. This was the plan. Israeli conservatives executed it well. Now what?

    I say do not reward Israel. Provide them with NOTHING until they evacuate all land back to the 1969 boarders. How much land does Hillary or any other two state solution candidate suggest Israel relinquish? It will never happen. That was the plan.

    I fully support a Jewish state, but no more so than a Palestinian state. Why would any reasonable individual support one and not the other? Sometimes I fear my Jewish friends have forgotten some of the lessons of the holocaust, while over focusing upon others.

  • "This trade deal is not about trade."   9 years 4 days ago

    Free trade is just like the republican party, both are hated once you hear the related truth/facts. How many citizens would be supportive of free trade if provided with percent maybe???? How many would support republican conservative right wing economic policy if presented with the tenth of a percent maybe???? Great job our corp media is doing....we have a totally misinformed general public.

    Here's what a billionaire controlled media feeds us... Bernie wins state after state, but it's quickly pointed out that he can't possibly win. A republican theocrat wins a couple, and hey now, he can beat Trump!

    Free trade is a republican/fascist driven economic policy, which is why the media keeps the public confused about it....Oh that's right, It's all Obama's big idea!!!! Not quite!

    Obama is simply doing what the Fascists have asked him to do on free trade....god only knows why???? club/golf pals???

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