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  • The Era of Small Government is Over   9 years 1 day ago

    Shrinking government as in privatization has actually ended up costing we the taxpayers far more. Conversion to private for profit always costs more. If you don't believe me Just look up private military company pay vs regular government Army pay as an example.

    Why do we pay several times more than the rest of the world for healthcare?.....because we still have for profit health insurance. This is another great example where government expansion would save us all thousands.

    The much bigger problem with small government privatization is in the way the our tax money gets distributed. The CEO's/ owners of the contracting companies bogart by far the lions share of the funds received. It's that way with most private for profit businesses regardless of government funding. Then the owners cry poverty, get tax breaks, and ship their jobs to the slave markets overseas.

    Government jobs are far more fair with pay equality. You will never see the head of a govenment agency making 400 times more than his employees....not even close! LOL

    Education, healthcare, and energy, should all be sectors owned by we the people, and not for profit unless you want to go to jail.

    End free trade and make unionization mandatory! Wouldn't that be terrible, the one percent might have to share a little wealth with those who create it.

  • The Era of Small Government is Over   9 years 1 day ago

    When government is done away with, you have Somalia, where government was drowned in a bathtub 25 years ago. Is that what they want here? I call attention to the three earthquakes in 2010--The one in Haiti, were there was no government involvement in bujilding codes, was devastating. The one in China, where government runs everything, was also devastating. The one in Argentina, where private enterprise build the buildings with strict government regulations, was pretty mild. Think about it.

  • The Era of Small Government is Over   9 years 1 day ago
  • The Era of Small Government is Over   9 years 1 day ago

    Rather than small versus big, the question is better framed at what level

    of government: local, state, or national.

    Clearly the EPA and the military should be national.

    Gun laws and health care are open for debate.


  • The Era of Small Government is Over   9 years 1 day ago


    James Hansen stated that the government role as a result of climate change is the "GOP's worst nightmare" because of tremendous necessary expansion. This could be a factor in their opposition to proposed legislation to mitigate climate change, Carbon-Fee-and-Dividend, for example. See:

  • Why Is Our Government Working for the Private Good over the Public Good?   9 years 1 day ago

    We don't have capitalism in this country or any other. We have corporatism.

    We have powerful governments that have exceeded their Constitutional and moral authority and we have corporations that control those governments to benefit themselves to the detriment of the consumer and their competition.

    Your proposal to limit freedom of speech is myopic. As long as we have a powerful central government, guess who will end up controlling it? The anwer is to reduce the power of the central government. Then wealthy people and corporations will stop trying to control it. No one lobbies the dog-catcher.

    In Pittsburgh, a local group known as GASP (Group Against Smog and Pollution) had to sue the EPA to enforce its own laws in the Monongahela Valley. Why even have an EPA? Local groups such as GASP can conduct their own studies to prove pollution, prove that they harm the public, and with a private judiciary with no allegiance to industry, sue the company directly.

    As a corollary to the libertarian principles that we created government to protect us from force and fraud, no one has the right to pollute the common air, water, or land. Private freelance judges, who must be accepted by both parties, are the corrective answer to our present system.

    More freedom, not less, is the answer to the Monsanto PCB issue.

  • The Era of Small Government is Over   9 years 1 day ago

    America is going into debt a trillion dollars a year. That is far from starving the beast. Obama a as president has put your country what??? 9 trillion more in debt. Has it really helped? No new roads. No new bridges, where did it go. Here we privatized the DMV, so they are everywhere. They cost the government nothing and no line ups. Did the same with highway maintenance local farmers etc look after their local areas costs much less and they do a great job. Less government isn't so bad.

  • The Era of Small Government is Over   9 years 1 day ago

    Most Reagan Democrate, before 1980, were a New Deal Dixiecrats (whether southern or northern). The New Deal part never changed for them; they just wanted "smaller government" for those lazy, shiftless coloreds who didn't know their place. Turns out, the Republican Party is colorblind: they slash benefits equally from all races and creeds--all except the super rich, that is.

  • The Era of Small Government is Over   9 years 1 day ago

    They don't want Bernie in, as well. That should be a plus if you're even thinking about him.

  • The Era of Small Government is Over   9 years 1 day ago

    FDR raise taxes so high that revenue drop, the following year FDR lower taxes and revenue increased but not buy much ..... Truman, reverse FDR's policies to the extend that he could to prevent a post war depression like we had after WW1. Then IKE keep things stable as we recovered from the war. Senator Kennedy ran on reducing the tax rates to increase the revenue, got elected, and it worked. Then more tax revenue came in as the result of lower rates! Then Reagan lower taxes more and more revenue came it as rates were lower. Now there is some point where lower rates will bring lower taxes. But the problems is how will Berni or Hillary pay for these programs the want to offer .... The simple truth is that we need to cut programs, reform our tax base form employment to goods and non-renewables ..... The real question is who will do what needs to be done .... the Dems do not seem to have anyone willing to address the issue .... The question is do the Reps?

  • The Era of Small Government is Over   9 years 1 day ago

    That's why we have to replace any open congressional seats with progressive democrats as well. Got our work cut out for ourselves. And I don't think Trump will find a friendly congress. They haven't been working for the people for years.

  • The Era of Small Government is Over   9 years 1 day ago

    A President Sanders would most certainly use his "Bully Pulpit" to direct the National dialog and pull the curtains down on the T-GOP obstructionists. Seems like Pres Obama pulled out the Populist rhetoric when his popularity was dropping but actions on those policies was pretty weak. I don't expect that kind of "pragmatism" from President Sanders, he knows there is no time for that.

  • The Era of Small Government is Over   9 years 1 day ago

    Hope you're right Thom. I'm OK with Trump if for no other reason then other Republicans want him out bad. I think he's bold enough to find a way.

  • The Era of Small Government is Over   9 years 1 day ago

    I can't sat I disagree, but while I believe Bernie would restore sanity, I don't know what Trump really believes. Bernie will have a tough time getting things done unless dems have a majority, and Trump would have both parties and the Constitution against him.

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday March 9th, 2016   9 years 1 day ago

    The caller about Washington State caucus is incorrect. The democratic party in WA selects its delegates by the caucus procedure. The first step is March 26th. Bernie supporters are active in this process and Bernie, indeed, is a canidate. The Wa state primary on May 24th, has nothing to do with selecting the delegates for the democratic party. The primary election on May 24th is a state law requirement; the WA democratic party has elected to do the caucus procedure separate from the state primary election. The republicans will use the primary election for their process. Hope that clarifies the misinformation on your show today, March 9th.

  • It's Time to Rid the DNC of DINOs, Starting with the Chair   9 years 1 day ago

    I thought there was a petition for one thing to get rid of DWS. Is not there anything to stop her? Her and HRC two of a kind to get out of the party that has gone corrupt.

  • Caller Matthew - Both Bernie AND Hillary are on my team!   9 years 1 day ago

    Hillary Clinton is a dangerous, free-trade supporting, mistake-prone uber-hawk who wants to frack over the Earth and enhance climate change. No, it's #BernieOrBust, a movement of 56,000 voters and growing. So long as we continue with the lesser-of-two fascistic neo-liberal, progressives will NEVER take power in the U.S. again. "Or bust" means either write-in Sanders or vote Green Party. Yes, that could lead to Republican victory which is why Democrats had better take heed and soon.

  • Daily Topics - Wednesday March 9th, 2016   9 years 1 day ago


    If Bernie is to be successful as president, he needs the wave election that you speak of, but to have the wave election - we need candidates that are not beholden to corporations. My point is that Bernie's campaign needs to recruit state candidates. These candidates need a web based citizen contribution system similar to Bernies, and Bernie should advocate that his Donors make equivalent donations to their in-state candidates.

  • It's Time to Rid the DNC of DINOs, Starting with the Chair   9 years 1 day ago

    You ARE NOT an independent, you ARE a republican mole. Go back to your own party your thin disguise doesn't work hear. You'd be better off on o'reilley's or limbaughs page where the rest of you idiots reside!!!!

  • It's Time to Rid the DNC of DINOs, Starting with the Chair   9 years 1 day ago

    Are there new rules about sharing your article on FB? The post to FB feature doesn't seem to exist with this article.

  • Why Isn't the Media asking About Donald Trump's Mob Connections?   9 years 1 day ago

    But why are we waiting to hammer him later? Why aren't we telling everyone now? It kills my soul that everyone is following him just like they did Obama in 2008. He will destroy Obama has left.

  • How To Be An Agent of Social Transformation   9 years 1 day ago

    Please ask Donald Trump the following:

    How does private business mix with politicians? How come you tell the private businesses to do what you will, as a poltician, to accommodate their private interests?

  • It's Time to Rid the DNC of DINOs, Starting with the Chair   9 years 2 days ago

    To: IM Jussayin:

    Stop trying to pull the Democratic Party to the Left?

    I don't agree with you at all in this sentiment, or your belief that Sanders is unelectable. I think you're in for the shock of your life when Sanders becomes the next president. He is popular with the Black voter block, the Hispanic voter block, the Jewish voter block, and the young adult voter block. And I think you're going to see him slam Clinton when he wins the CA delegates.

    The Democratic Party is SUPPOSED TO BE the Left. We aren't suppose to have two parties that are only Right and Far Right. Under your scsnario, there are no Leftist parties.

    I don't think you understand the American public. I believe the core of this country is primarily Progressive, and I think we shall see who is right in about nine months.

  • It's Time to Rid the DNC of DINOs, Starting with the Chair   9 years 2 days ago

    To Queenbeethat's me: You say that you are having all of these medical problems because of Obamacare and because you don't need any more Democrats.

    The problem here is, Obama isn't a Democrat. Not any more than Hillary Clinton. They are both Neo Cons. Both are DLC-ers. Both are New World Order fascists. These people are NOT true Democrats. These are some of the people, like Debbie Wasserman Schultz who is currently holding the DNC hostage, who have gotten into the Democratic Party for the purpose of undermining it and pulling this country farther and farther to the Right.

    The adage is: Follow the money, and when it comes to deciding whether a person stands for working people or for the elite rich, it is all about the money. People like Sanders (and other Progressives) believe that corporations should support working people's lives by providing jobs, goods, taxes and services, whereas elitists like Clinton, Obama and Wasserman Schultz believe that We the People are here to serve the best interests of the rich in making them richer no matter what prices we have to pay in order to make the rich richer.

    Obamacare requires, by law, that We the People must sluice all kinds of money to the medical INSURANCE industry. Obamacare is about health INSURANCE; NOT health CARE.

    What too many people are completely failing to see is that politicians like Obama, Clinton, Chuck Schumer, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and the like are NOT Democrats; they are shills for the corporate elite, and we need to get them out of the DNC and out of key positions in the Democratic Party.

    So, don't write off all Democrats just because you don't understand this. There are all kinds of different people in the Democratic Party at this time and in order to understand who is what, you need to dig deep into the backgrounds of each person to see their voting records; who they are supporting, what they are supporting, who and what they have accepted campaign monies from, who they are endorsing and who or what has benefitted from their political career.

    Obama recently supported a Democratic challenger in an upcoming state election; something he never does. This makes him look very Democratic. But also, he recently signed the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) which will GUT this country for the best interests of workers in favor of foreign countries, corporate interests and the billionaires of the world . Obama is no better than Bill Clinton who signed this country away under NAFTA, CAFTA and GATT.

    You need to do you homework, Queenie. You just haven't got it right yet and you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

  • Full Show 3/8/16: MSM Continues Hillary’s Auto Bailout Lie   9 years 2 days ago

    Politicians Nefarious

    {… a limerick and an image …}

    Our prospects are tenuously precarious, -

    - because of politicians nefarious

    whose mouthings distract

    from the matter of fact

    that their policy preferences harry us.

    … image …


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