Hillary's conduct throughout the campaign process has never given the feeling that it has anything to do with anyone but her. It appears she's more interested in furthering a personal agenda along with being a 'first'. There is no substance to her platform. It's littered with platitudes, rhetoric and as you mentioned Thom, lies. I'm afraid that she would not be able to hold up against any Republican candidate because she is so horribly untrustworthy by both Liberals and Conservatives. And if we don't choose wisely this time around, I don't see the possibility of having another shot at the political revolution Bernie is offering anytime in the future. Our country will continue on the same path of giving handouts to the wealthy and their corporations while further weakening the middle-class and reducing the poor to serfdom.
Bernie is not going to win unless there is enough leverage applied in the coming month. Leverage? Yes; his supporters need to convey, either nominate Bernie or you're on your own in November. That's the Bernie or bust pledge.
Queenbe, you think Bernie was myopic for not voting for the Wall street bail out?
Socialism works and is proven, Queen, nothing Bernie is saying is unrealistic. That you don't know shows how much you have to learn.
Queenbethatsme, https://posts.google.com/share/gbP5-ep5/Z7m5Ej
Please desert the party.
You completely mischaracterize socialism and everything else.
The taxes you pay, presuming ANYTHING you say about yourself is true, is part of the compensation you owe working people for working so hard to make you rich. If they don't pay any taxes It's because after working their lives out for nickels they don't have money to pay any taxes without having to go without basic necessities. Now, why the rich don't pay taxes is another story.
I find it hard to believe much of what you say about your experience with Obamacare, I'll just leave it alone.
Free higher education for all is not only possible but not that difficult to achieve - if we want it and insist on it. Nonsense your saying, "We can't afford it". We even had it in the United States before the Reagan kool aid became widely imbibed. Bernie doesn't "promise" it. He declares it a goal and, as always, says we all have to want it and demand it to get it.
Your definition of socialism is founded on ignorance. Capitalism creates greed. There wasn't even any private property until the domestication of plants and animals. No no keshagesh. https://youtu.be/XKmAb1gNN74
You define human nature in a very facile way, mainly by presuming everyone is like you. That's myopic.
Now go get your 20 bucks from Debbie.
People ask me where Bernie is going to get the money to pay for free college. I tell them that he will accomplish this by passing a tax on financial transactions, including stock, bond, and derivatives trades. College graduates make more money and pay more in taxes which makes free college an investment. Where does Trump plan on getting the money to fund his massive tax cuts? He does not say. Barrons, a highly-respected financial publication, states the following on the front page of its March, 2016, edition: “Who’s better for investors? Trump’s giant tax cuts would balloon the federal deficit, and his plan for tariffs on China would plunge the world into a recession. Clinton would likely pursue more predictable policies - and the market loves predictability. That’s why many Republicans will hold their nose and vote for Hillary.”
Between 2005 and 2015, the average sticker (non-discounted) price at public, four-year universities rose 40% in real dollars, that is, after discounting for inflation.
Prices at private four-year universities rose slightly less rapidly, 26%, but still greatly in excess of inflation. At community colleges they rose 29%.
The per year costs would better be spent by doubling expenditures in the Pell Grant program, keeping the money focused on students from the bottom half of the income distribution.
Rather than giving subsidies to wealthier students who have demonstrated the ability and willingness to pay for college, current Pell recipients—whose grants are capped at $5,775 this year—could receive a Pell Grant in excess of $11,000.
If the same logic was applied to what Sanders proposes to spend, these same students could see their grants rise to almost $15,000.
Giving money where it is needed The fact is broad subsidies end up benefitting many students who do not need the support of public funds to attend college.
So, an even better use of the additional funds proposed by the two Democratic candidates would be to split the money between increasing Pell Grants and providing more academic and social support to poorer and first-generation students both before and while they are enrolled in college.
67 a good leader would not have let this happen. Because the nation had no confidence in its leadership the government had to spend trillions on make believe jobs to make it look like the economy was doing ok.
Run off. Some day interest rates will go up and all that debt will come back to haunt you.
Bruce. Minnesota is creating jobs by borrowing and spending. Again sooner or later someone has to pay for it. One of my suppliers just left left Mini to go to S Dakota where the races are cheaper.
Kend you need a lesson in how the US Government works, the only part of the government that can spend money is congress, all spending bills must start in the House and when a spending bill is passed it is sent to the Senate for their approval, when the House and Senate agree and both have signed the bill it is sent to the POTUS for signing or veto. The last few years the debt has been the lowest per year and much lower than a $Billion per year, you need to find the true facts and not just repeat GOP talking points
Kend you need a lesson in how the US Government works, the only part of the government that can spend money is congress, all spending bills must start in the House and when a spending bill is passed it is sent to the Senate for their approval, when the House and Senate agree and both have signed the bill it is sent to the POTUS for signing or veto. The last few years the debt has been the lowest per year and much lower than a $Billion per year, you need to find the true facts and not just repeat GOP talking points
@ RJ #5 Your statements are a little off and your command of the English Laungage and spelling mistakes throughout your post made it hard to fully comprehend what you were trying to say. All of the bluster of Ronnie Raygun tax cuts were completely over shadowed by all of the Tax Increases during his years. Ike is the only GOP POTUS in recent history that didn't try to destroy America, he put America's infrastructure on track to meet the needs of a growing America. Every GOP POTUS has had to raise taxes to recover from the needless cuts.
Search something like “wikipedia superdelegates” to get a page which describes several aspects of the Democrats’ presidential-nomination process and which treats the history. … [I told studes over those many years that ’twas part of the fist-fights between “Old Guard and Newcomers”, - and tracked the many tricks played by each over several election seasons.]
Thom, you've got it just right! Take a look at Minnesota vs. Wisconsin, where Minnesota raised taxes and encouraged unions and it is doing far better than Wisconsin which did exactly the opposite. See: http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/02/mark-dayton-minnesota-governor-profile-scott-walker?page=1
I re-call reading the history of Canadian Medicare-for-All. In Saskatchewan Medicare was initiated. The opposition attemped to starve it and say it was a failure. Citizens kept the taxes up to support it. Finally other provinces saw it worked if you give it the right amount of tax support. Now Medicare-for-All is a system Canadians are proud of. They know, too, it always needs to be tweeked to keep it working...but never, never kill it.
So America is a trillion a year in added debt. T-bills are running 0.5% interest. Debt is money, money is debt. Pay the interest - the debt is never repaid - it can't be repaid - that would collapse the world economy. US taxpayers are still paying interest on the debt incurred by the confederacy buying cannons during the Civil War. That's the system either embrace it or call for change to a non-debt based monetary system.
If there was a world war tomorrow, WWII style, not nuclear armageddon, our governments would be "borrowing money" i.e. Banks would be creating money like there is no tomorrow. Suddenly shuttered factories would be reopened, Detroit would have full employment, tanks, planes, ships, bombs, transport vehicles would be rolling off of the assembly lines. Production of not only military hardware but civilian goods would increase drastically. The fabricated 5% unemployment numbers would become minus 30% unemployment because so many who aren't recorded as actively looking for work would return to work. Meaningless, stupid jobs like slinging burgers and telemarketers would drop like a stone, people would be needed in the war industries.
The magic of debt money - private money creation. Can easily be done much more efficiently without debt, positive money, no bombs, no wars needed.
. Facile. Me? I just stated facts. Didn't America go about a Trilion a year in more debt under this administration? Look at the debt you have could you imagine what those interest payments could get you. Health care, education, more fire / police. Sorry buddy I think it's you that needs to do some homework. I respect your option a lot but your wrong here. You have more debt per person then Greece.
Most people are totally unaware that we have a private debt-money system. If our governments did not borrow massive amounts of money, the money supply would shrink causing a major depression. Without debt there would be no money. And without expanding debt, the money would not be created to make the interest payments on that debt which must also be created by more borrowing. That is our idiotic, privately owned, privately controlled monetary system.
End the debt-money system. Make all money a regulated creation of a rational public institution, whose purpose is to provide for the broad needs of the national economy and its citizens - the 99%. And government can fund itself exclusively through taxation and public money creation, no need for debt = private money creation.
Kend! Do you know what "facile" means? Look it up, in the dictionary, under that entry there will be your picture. In fact, you would have to vastly improve your argument just to make it facile.
Kend, G.W. Bush's tax cuts remain in place. The Republican congress continues its stranglehold. The debt and deficit are BECAUSE of "starve the beast". The tax cuts were Grover Nordquist's concoction to "get government down to the size where [he] can drown it in the bathtub" he wanted "a few states to go bankrupt just to teach them a lesson".
Kend, kindly do your homework and don't talk when you don't know what you're talking about.
Unfortunately fools who embrace the "small government" scam are only getting in return a massive unregulated "shadow government". This shadow government has now become the master whereas our elected government has become its slave. The almost unbelievable wealth that is funneled into PACs, lobbyists, legal-lobby firms, giant mainstream media conglomerates, think-tanks, supra-national organizations, international private regulators, NGOs, Globalist International Bank regulators, trade dispute regulators, institutes and even privately funded university research. All this massive wealth concentrated in these elitist organization all stems from incredible power given to private banks that we allow to create the western world's money supply out of thin air. As International Bankster Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild (1840-1915) stated:
"...“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the British Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”
Mr. Hartman, your essay on the Ayn Rand/downsize-government scam -- perhaps the most viciously effective propaganda tool the capitalists have yet developed -- errs in one grave way.
It omits the fact the Democrats, starting with President Carter, are as much the scam's guilty perpetrators as the Republicans. The Democrats merely hide their savagery behind the benign-sounding label "neo-liberalism."
Apart from that deceitful omission, your essay is undoubtedly the most accurate and coincise description of the process I have yet read.
It will be interesting to see a President Sanders calling out the GOP on their platform built of red herring. Something HRC would never do as she is only interested in maintaining status quo. This wouldkeep her wealthy donors happy and feeding her and Slick Willie's kitty.
Hillary's conduct throughout the campaign process has never given the feeling that it has anything to do with anyone but her. It appears she's more interested in furthering a personal agenda along with being a 'first'. There is no substance to her platform. It's littered with platitudes, rhetoric and as you mentioned Thom, lies. I'm afraid that she would not be able to hold up against any Republican candidate because she is so horribly untrustworthy by both Liberals and Conservatives. And if we don't choose wisely this time around, I don't see the possibility of having another shot at the political revolution Bernie is offering anytime in the future. Our country will continue on the same path of giving handouts to the wealthy and their corporations while further weakening the middle-class and reducing the poor to serfdom.
Bernie is not going to win unless there is enough leverage applied in the coming month. Leverage? Yes; his supporters need to convey, either nominate Bernie or you're on your own in November. That's the Bernie or bust pledge.
Ahhh Queenie! You believed Hillary!
Aha! Joke's on you! So long, aha!
Queenbe, you think Bernie was myopic for not voting for the Wall street bail out?
Socialism works and is proven, Queen, nothing Bernie is saying is unrealistic. That you don't know shows how much you have to learn.
Please desert the party.
You completely mischaracterize socialism and everything else.
The taxes you pay, presuming ANYTHING you say about yourself is true, is part of the compensation you owe working people for working so hard to make you rich. If they don't pay any taxes It's because after working their lives out for nickels they don't have money to pay any taxes without having to go without basic necessities. Now, why the rich don't pay taxes is another story.
I find it hard to believe much of what you say about your experience with Obamacare, I'll just leave it alone.
Free higher education for all is not only possible but not that difficult to achieve - if we want it and insist on it. Nonsense your saying, "We can't afford it". We even had it in the United States before the Reagan kool aid became widely imbibed. Bernie doesn't "promise" it. He declares it a goal and, as always, says we all have to want it and demand it to get it.
Your definition of socialism is founded on ignorance. Capitalism creates greed. There wasn't even any private property until the domestication of plants and animals. No no keshagesh.
You define human nature in a very facile way, mainly by presuming everyone is like you. That's myopic.
Now go get your 20 bucks from Debbie.
People ask me where Bernie is going to get the money to pay for free college. I tell them that he will accomplish this by passing a tax on financial transactions, including stock, bond, and derivatives trades. College graduates make more money and pay more in taxes which makes free college an investment.
Where does Trump plan on getting the money to fund his massive tax cuts? He does not say.
Barrons, a highly-respected financial publication, states the following on the front page of its March, 2016, edition:
“Who’s better for investors?
Trump’s giant tax cuts would balloon the federal deficit, and his plan for tariffs on China
would plunge the world into a recession. Clinton would likely pursue more predictable policies - and the market loves predictability. That’s why many Republicans will hold their nose and vote for Hillary.”
Between 2005 and 2015, the average sticker (non-discounted) price at public, four-year universities rose 40% in real dollars, that is, after discounting for inflation.
Prices at private four-year universities rose slightly less rapidly, 26%, but still greatly in excess of inflation. At community colleges they rose 29%.
The per year costs would better be spent by doubling expenditures in the Pell Grant program, keeping the money focused on students from the bottom half of the income distribution.
Rather than giving subsidies to wealthier students who have demonstrated the ability and willingness to pay for college, current Pell recipients—whose grants are capped at $5,775 this year—could receive a Pell Grant in excess of $11,000.
If the same logic was applied to what Sanders proposes to spend, these same students could see their grants rise to almost $15,000.
Giving money where it is needed
The fact is broad subsidies end up benefitting many students who do not need the support of public funds to attend college.
So, an even better use of the additional funds proposed by the two Democratic candidates would be to split the money between increasing Pell Grants and providing more academic and social support to poorer and first-generation students both before and while they are enrolled in college.
Was this in the podcast?
Nevermind, it was hour 2.
67 a good leader would not have let this happen. Because the nation had no confidence in its leadership the government had to spend trillions on make believe jobs to make it look like the economy was doing ok.
Run off. Some day interest rates will go up and all that debt will come back to haunt you.
Bruce. Minnesota is creating jobs by borrowing and spending. Again sooner or later someone has to pay for it. One of my suppliers just left left Mini to go to S Dakota where the races are cheaper.
Kend you need a lesson in how the US Government works, the only part of the government that can spend money is congress, all spending bills must start in the House and when a spending bill is passed it is sent to the Senate for their approval, when the House and Senate agree and both have signed the bill it is sent to the POTUS for signing or veto. The last few years the debt has been the lowest per year and much lower than a $Billion per year, you need to find the true facts and not just repeat GOP talking points
Kend you need a lesson in how the US Government works, the only part of the government that can spend money is congress, all spending bills must start in the House and when a spending bill is passed it is sent to the Senate for their approval, when the House and Senate agree and both have signed the bill it is sent to the POTUS for signing or veto. The last few years the debt has been the lowest per year and much lower than a $Billion per year, you need to find the true facts and not just repeat GOP talking points
@ RJ #5 Your statements are a little off and your command of the English Laungage and spelling mistakes throughout your post made it hard to fully comprehend what you were trying to say. All of the bluster of Ronnie Raygun tax cuts were completely over shadowed by all of the Tax Increases during his years. Ike is the only GOP POTUS in recent history that didn't try to destroy America, he put America's infrastructure on track to meet the needs of a growing America. Every GOP POTUS has had to raise taxes to recover from the needless cuts.
re “Superdelegates”:
Search something like “wikipedia superdelegates” to get a page which describes several aspects of the Democrats’ presidential-nomination process and which treats the history. … [I told studes over those many years that ’twas part of the fist-fights between “Old Guard and Newcomers”, - and tracked the many tricks played by each over several election seasons.]
I fast-forward through the “Rumble” segments, in which the panel’s Rightists destroy the discussions’ quality.
Oh, it's terrible. So many people suffer from such situations. P.S. Recently I've ordered a research paper on this topic at Custom-Essays-Online.com
When the population keeps rising, how can you have smaller government?
Thom, you've got it just right! Take a look at Minnesota vs. Wisconsin, where Minnesota raised taxes and encouraged unions and it is doing far better than Wisconsin which did exactly the opposite. See: http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2015/02/mark-dayton-minnesota-governor-profile-scott-walker?page=1
I re-call reading the history of Canadian Medicare-for-All. In Saskatchewan Medicare was initiated. The opposition attemped to starve it and say it was a failure. Citizens kept the taxes up to support it. Finally other provinces saw it worked if you give it the right amount of tax support. Now Medicare-for-All is a system Canadians are proud of. They know, too, it always needs to be tweeked to keep it working...but never, never kill it.
So America is a trillion a year in added debt. T-bills are running 0.5% interest. Debt is money, money is debt. Pay the interest - the debt is never repaid - it can't be repaid - that would collapse the world economy. US taxpayers are still paying interest on the debt incurred by the confederacy buying cannons during the Civil War. That's the system either embrace it or call for change to a non-debt based monetary system.
If there was a world war tomorrow, WWII style, not nuclear armageddon, our governments would be "borrowing money" i.e. Banks would be creating money like there is no tomorrow. Suddenly shuttered factories would be reopened, Detroit would have full employment, tanks, planes, ships, bombs, transport vehicles would be rolling off of the assembly lines. Production of not only military hardware but civilian goods would increase drastically. The fabricated 5% unemployment numbers would become minus 30% unemployment because so many who aren't recorded as actively looking for work would return to work. Meaningless, stupid jobs like slinging burgers and telemarketers would drop like a stone, people would be needed in the war industries.
The magic of debt money - private money creation. Can easily be done much more efficiently without debt, positive money, no bombs, no wars needed.
97% owned - Economic Truth Documentary:
How is it that lack of money, the only resource that can be created at will, forms the main obstacle for addressing society's problems?:
IM Jussayin, the only thing preventing Bernie's election is Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
. Facile. Me? I just stated facts. Didn't America go about a Trilion a year in more debt under this administration? Look at the debt you have could you imagine what those interest payments could get you. Health care, education, more fire / police. Sorry buddy I think it's you that needs to do some homework. I respect your option a lot but your wrong here. You have more debt per person then Greece.
Most people are totally unaware that we have a private debt-money system. If our governments did not borrow massive amounts of money, the money supply would shrink causing a major depression. Without debt there would be no money. And without expanding debt, the money would not be created to make the interest payments on that debt which must also be created by more borrowing. That is our idiotic, privately owned, privately controlled monetary system.
End the debt-money system. Make all money a regulated creation of a rational public institution, whose purpose is to provide for the broad needs of the national economy and its citizens - the 99%. And government can fund itself exclusively through taxation and public money creation, no need for debt = private money creation.
Kend! Do you know what "facile" means? Look it up, in the dictionary, under that entry there will be your picture. In fact, you would have to vastly improve your argument just to make it facile.
Kend, G.W. Bush's tax cuts remain in place. The Republican congress continues its stranglehold. The debt and deficit are BECAUSE of "starve the beast". The tax cuts were Grover Nordquist's concoction to "get government down to the size where [he] can drown it in the bathtub" he wanted "a few states to go bankrupt just to teach them a lesson".
Kend, kindly do your homework and don't talk when you don't know what you're talking about.
Unfortunately fools who embrace the "small government" scam are only getting in return a massive unregulated "shadow government". This shadow government has now become the master whereas our elected government has become its slave. The almost unbelievable wealth that is funneled into PACs, lobbyists, legal-lobby firms, giant mainstream media conglomerates, think-tanks, supra-national organizations, international private regulators, NGOs, Globalist International Bank regulators, trade dispute regulators, institutes and even privately funded university research. All this massive wealth concentrated in these elitist organization all stems from incredible power given to private banks that we allow to create the western world's money supply out of thin air. As International Bankster Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild (1840-1915) stated:
"...“I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the British Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.”
Mr. Hartman, your essay on the Ayn Rand/downsize-government scam -- perhaps the most viciously effective propaganda tool the capitalists have yet developed -- errs in one grave way.
It omits the fact the Democrats, starting with President Carter, are as much the scam's guilty perpetrators as the Republicans. The Democrats merely hide their savagery behind the benign-sounding label "neo-liberalism."
Apart from that deceitful omission, your essay is undoubtedly the most accurate and coincise description of the process I have yet read.
It will be interesting to see a President Sanders calling out the GOP on their platform built of red herring. Something HRC would never do as she is only interested in maintaining status quo. This wouldkeep her wealthy donors happy and feeding her and Slick Willie's kitty.