Recent comments

  • Generation Y - the hidden wealth divide.   8 years 52 weeks ago

    Property taxes in rural areas are a big reason why people can't afford a house. Property taxes should be priced according to one's income, not whatever the city decides the rate should be.

  • Generation Y - the hidden wealth divide.   8 years 52 weeks ago

    There will be no resolution to this without President Sanders, and there will be no President Sanders unless his supporters provide him with #leverage. Have you taken the Bernie or bust pledge?

  • Generation Y - the hidden wealth divide.   8 years 52 weeks ago

    Wow... so sad... the reality of the end of growth economy.

    Anything goes Fri: We all know we HAVE to vote for Hillary if... but lets not do it blindly.

    Today, Amy Goodman: Before Her Assassination, Berta Cáceres Singled Out Hillary Clinton for Backing Honduran Coup

  • Generation Y - the hidden wealth divide.   8 years 52 weeks ago

    The following comment may seem off topic but I believe that the present corporate/capitalistic system was founded on the economic ideological principles that founded America.

    So when I say that America was founded on the graves of Indians, the backs of slaves, the bones of bison, the skins of wild animals, and the extinction of the passenger pigeon, it is not idol banter. Exploit the resource and then move on to something else was and is the philosophy. So as resources were driven to economic extinction, what was left to exploit but the middle class and the already over exploited lower classes in America.

    People need something to live for-if the prospects of the future look dim then they react in different ways. For example, I have visited Pine Ridge reservation in South Dakota-the physical poverty is extreme but it is the poverty of mind and spirit that is tragic. They are perhaps the most repressed citizens in the land of the "free". They are confronted with the authoritarian rule of the tribal police, the BIA police, the FBI and the local and state authorities. Many are lucky to get one meal a day. They do not feel they have much of a chance at life in this society. Some act out, some get into gangs and drugs, and many take their own lifes. It is not an uncommon phenomena to visit a reservation and meet people one day and find that two or three days later they were killed in an auto accident or perhaps seriously injured in a fight with others on the "rez". What was supposed to be the American dream for us is certainly a nightmare for them.

    So why is it that none of the presidential 'debatees' even talk about native Americans? It is as if they do not even exist. What is being hidden? How much exploitation can we take before we break?

  • Generation Y - the hidden wealth divide.   8 years 52 weeks ago

    You could have been a total idiot & you could still buy a 3 bedroom house until the "Reagan Democrats" elected him. Today, we have college-educated homeless people being harrassed on their "Obamaphones" by the Dept. Of Ed. Now we have Sen. Warren calling for increases in the ponzi scheme known as Social Security, to benefit the very people who have paid-for houses, while she ignores the plight of those who can't pay their rent. And you wonder why we look at both parties with similar disdain.

    Of course, Reaganomics is to blame for all of it, but jeez, get your priorities straight for crying out loud. It is the educated young, who did what they were told to do, who are being screwed the most here. By, "young", I mean those who entered the job market after 1980, when the income increases generated by the GNP went exclusively to the top 1%. This was a money-grab which was just as illegal as the bribery of Congress which allowed it to occur.

  • Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta   8 years 52 weeks ago

    John Podesta's been a bad actor for a long time. I think he may be a Republican mole. The problem in trying to make Hillary presentable is to get all the establishment figures out of her campaign. A long time ago, I heard that she hired a Monsanto lobbyist for some high position, and since that time, the procession of corporatists has continued in, around, and through her inner circle. I see no way to make her salvageable.

  • Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta   8 years 52 weeks ago

    THOM: sHillary Wall Street Clinton is an Establishment cohort. We, the People are fed up with fascism and want a return to the days of FDR. HRC is a Republican underneath her DINO moniker of Democrat. She thinks and acts like a Republican. John Boehner said, right out on the Senate floor, "We Republicans don't let facts get in our way." sHillary's half-truth and full bore lies against Bernie Sanders only prove Boehner's declaration and sHillary's Right-wing fiber. For Democrats to support her is a mistake. She's an elitist Trojan Horse and I've always said so, even when she ran against Obama. Now the chickens are coming home to roost. sHillary Clinton will not be president, and I bless the American public for their wisdom in going with Sanders. Now, maybe, we can begin the process of getting this country out of the weeds.

  • Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta   8 years 52 weeks ago

    Alkalite: Hillary is Left of Republicans on social issues, but when it comes to the money, she is a self-proclaimed "fiscally conservative" which means she is no different than any other Republican and, if elected, would take us farther down the path of New World Order, fascism and an corporate oligarchy. I have NO IDEA why Thom is supporting her; she's a nightmare waiting to happen.

  • Rumble - Morning Joe "Trade is Bad for Workers"   8 years 52 weeks ago

    I was very disheartened to hear Obama assuring the public that he and Trudeau were discussing the path forward for the TPP. May the working class rule on this issue!

  • Full Show 3/10/16: Hillary, Stop Lying About Bernie’s Record   8 years 52 weeks ago

    Thanks much for your show’s worthy topics, - and for their informative discussions {jnformative except when your Rightist discussants detract by rehearsing their ill-analyzed yet recurrent themes}.

  • Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta   8 years 52 weeks ago

    I am glad to read that I am not alone in sensing the last best hope for this country to survive and flourish resides in the election of Bernie Sanders. I hope and pray enough people wake up and refuse to let the bought off DNC establishment shove another Clinton down our throats. Political expediency and the idea of a lesser of two evils will not suffice this time around. If Bernie is not the nominee the two alternatives left will be the death of the middle class and the enviroment.
    Besides the lies, distortions and half truths spewing from all of the other candidates on both sides showing the world first hand the successful dumbing down of America, the most disappointing thing for me this whole election cycle is the fact that when given the opportunity to step up to the plate Elizabeth Warren has remained on the sidelines when she could have catapulted Bernie to the nomination with an endorsement before the Massachussetts primary. I would have voted for her had she ran but no more. Considering Debbie Schultzes efforts to derail Warrens CPA the only thing I can think of is that someone in the DNC is making backdoor deals for VP or??????

  • Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta   8 years 52 weeks ago

    Tom, I couldn't believe when I heard you blaming Hillary's attacks on Bernie on her campaign advisors. Sure, they may have done the research but it is she who is making the decision to use that tripe in the debates. In my humble opinion, this further exemplifies her poor judgement on important issues. It is truly sad to see her costing herself the election at the expense of trying to win the nomination. And yes, of course I will vote for her if she wins the nomination, but I am 63. She is costing herself the under 30 vote and won't make it to the white house without it. When / if that happens I will no longer be sad, but truly angry and disgusted. I hope I am wrong but am sure your were today. It was the first time in 7 years I have ever had to turn your program off.

  • Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta   8 years 52 weeks ago

    Hillary is not going to break up the to large to fail banks. She is not going to stop the endless wars. She not going to stop the NSA from spying on you. If she becomes president and TPP makes it to her desk, she will sign it. She is the status quo. I don't understand why republicans don't like her, she is one. The only thing she would be better than a republican is Supreme Court appointments. She will say anything to get elected, we can't trust her to do it once she is in office.

  • The Era of Small Government is Over   8 years 52 weeks ago


    Please be gentle on Kend

    He's just stupid or playing stupid and by stating more grants too much credit

  • Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta   8 years 52 weeks ago

    Come to think of it Trump is just as likely to fall for the "bankers" love and joy

  • Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta   8 years 52 weeks ago

    Sorry! If this malevolent, corrupted, evil liar in the form of HRC ever gets POTUS our world is in real trouble

    WW 3 here we go!

  • Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta   8 years 52 weeks ago

    YEAH Thom, Hillary the liar! Still gonna depict her as the "next FDR"? (tsk tsk)

  • Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta   8 years 52 weeks ago

    While I do not like the Bernie or Bust pledge, particularly because by busting most mean they will not vote, (in some cases it could mean a write-in for Bernie), I really think a lot of these Bernie supporters have a good point. We need to rally behind Bernie Sanders, he's the more electable candidate at this point imo, and he's definitely got some good ideas that really need to be made to the ENTIRE public not just democrats and independents. Also, polling supports his backing (though that's not much of a support...errhhhmmm Michigan). The moderate democrats are fooling themselves when thinking they are voting for a moderate democrat. Definitively she is to the left of every republican candidate, but if we measure her by democratic ideals, she falls to the right (taking campaign contributions from Wall Street doesn't help).

  • The Era of Small Government is Over   8 years 52 weeks ago

    Kend, the definition of a facile theory or argument is one that "appears neat and comprehensive only by ignoring the complexities of an issue". It was GEORGE W. BUSH that ran up that debt! He only completely irresponsibly evaded personal ownership of it by keeping the two wars off the books. Obama did the responsible thing and put them on the books so then fools, facile clowns and liars (can't say which of those you are) started blaming HIM for the debt.
    The story of Greece is much more complex, as you fraudulently refuse to acknowledge, as well, involving Wall street banksters and their manipulation of that relatively small country's economy.
    Kend, you are either stupid or only playing stupid, that is, either stupid or you're a liar and a fraud. Clearly it's the latter, nobody can be THAT stupid.

  • Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta   8 years 52 weeks ago

    Hillary is using Fox News tactics on Bernie. This sort of misinformation is precisely why we have voters supporting Teapublic Party candidates. If you have to lie your way into power, what's next after you get that power?

    Bill Clinton compares Bernie supporters to Tea-baggers. However there's a huge difference between the two. Bernie supporters aren't vulnerable citizens falling for the richman's lies. We're citizens armed with economic, environmental, and social truth, and have gravitated to Bernie because he offers solutions to the injustice that needs to end. He's not in it for power and fame, he truly wants what's best for this country and the planet. An individual like him only comes along when most needed for the time and place. Now is his time! As president he will lead a political revolution by speaking truth to power....and the world will follow that lead. We have no choice, good government is the only thing that can save us now....we in fact may already be past the tipping point.

  • Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta   9 years 10 min ago

    Lawyers are trained to say whatever will achieve their objective.

    Hillary is a lawyer.


  • Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta   9 years 16 min ago

    What are you? A closet conservative? You won't be punishing Hillary by deserting the party in November. You'll be helping to thrust the country into a period of Christian rule (and I do mean rule) that may last for the rest of your life. Idiotlogue Democrats are as bad as idiotlogue Republicans.

    Presidents aren't elected by morons on the left or the right, but by moderates with a lot more common sense than you seem to have. Standing on your principles and voting your conscience this year, with what's at stake is plain stupid. If you think Hillary is unsympathetic to your causes, why not vote for Cruz or Trump. That'll teach her a lesson. Next time she runs maybe she'll listen more carefully to you and Thom and Bernie.... Oh wait. THERE WON'T BE A NEXT TIME! Maybe in 2020 Jill Stein will have 20 times the votes she'll get this year.... Oh wait. That STILL won't be enough! Check and see how President Nader or President Perot are doing.

    So take your high minded ideals and stick 'em up, uhmmm....on the shelf. If we can keep the nuts from the REAL enemy camp out of The White House, I'll be happy to help you with any cause you like. But this is not the time to stand on principle. It's time for a reality check. The Glenn Beck indeed!

  • Time To Purge the DINOs From the DNC... Starting With the Chair   9 years 44 min ago

    I flew to Flint, Michigan on March 4, in preparation for going to the debate on March 7. A very close friend flew in from Durango on the 5th. We were meeting with a good friend of ours who was working at Bernie HQ in Flint for 12 hrs a day. In fact, she helped set up the HQ before it ever even opened. When it came time to get tickets to the debate, DWS abnd the DNC refused to give any to the Bernie camp, and the few that were finagled were not given to the volunteers who had given so much time to the campaign. So after spending a fortune to go there, and canvassing while there, we had to settle for watching the debate from our hotel room.

  • Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta   9 years 1 hour ago

    With you on that. No vote for Hillary. I'll write in Bernie if it comes to that if for no other reason that to make my vote a statement.

  • Dear Hillary… Fire Robby Mook and John Podesta   9 years 1 hour ago

    How about:

    Secretary Clinton,

    Please step aside for the good of the nation...


    It's not often that I find myself in disagreement with Thom, but that impassioned caller referencing the Iraq war vote was absolutely correct....

    ...people were marching in the streets all over the world protesting that impending war (crime), yet she didn't know any better?

    As PNAC neocon Robert Kagan suggested, she's a neocon... in addition to being dishonest, untrustworthy, unlikeable, and unelectable.

    There's no way I'll ever vote for Hillary Clinton.

    Go Bernie.

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