Jussayin: Do you really think the billionaires need more of your moral support and money? When is enough, enough? Look up the stats on concentration of wealth since your beloved Fascists started their conservative trickle down swindle. Give me a break....who's ignoring reality here?
It seems the Mob has taken over America... I read Quigley's article..and sadly, I am not surprised..
Thom, glad to know you finally stopped listenning to the Brain cell killing corp. media. Amy Goodman sums up a day's worth of MSNBC in a 3 second sound bite in her headlines, and then moves on to real news. Watch her at night instead and it will keep your head from exploding.
Bernie or Bust!.. but, Dem or Die! ...and never put party over principal.
Here's a great podcast..an interview with a couple who were American expats living in Libya who narrowly escaped w/ there lives durring the coup. Fascinating..
Also interesting.. An article about Libyan society before the coup..
From what I have read and heard about Merritt Garland from Free Speech TV talking heads and various newspaper accounts, Judge Garland appears to be to the right of center....conservative along the lines of Sandra Day O'Connor....which may not be to the liking of the neo-conservative T-partiers.
As for his prosecution of Timothy McVeigh, he never searched for McVeigh's accomplice.
It's just too bad that most of America is too dumb, too busy, or too pragmatic to change anything. Look how Black Americans have repeatedly voted against their own best interests and even in Illinois where the chicago mayor (hillary's co-hort) is hated, they voted for her. People here are not going to wake up until it's too late.
The way y'all throw that word around (like you know what it means).
EXACTLY what do you mean by "communist"? Are you talking about Marxism? Have you read the full version (not the pamphlet) of his manifesto? Give us a list of what constitutes communism in your mind. (I'd REALLY like to hear this one.)
I don't agree with you about HRC. There are fundamental differences between Bernie and her. The most apparent is: she is Establishment through and through, while Bernie is leading the revolt against anything the Establishment stands for.
I think she would make a terrible president; she's got tap-roots into Wall Street and she is ALL about the money (and not for you and I.) She sees herself as Queen and We, the People as her serfs, here to make her rich. Bernie is about taking America up and out of the weeds and stemming the ground zero fascist trajectory this country is currently on.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to wake up and find myself in 1984, 1840, Bolshevik Russia, Maoist China, or the neo-liberal's New World Order, thanks.
The Republican party of today is not a party I would be proud to belong to because it is very very flawed and it hardly represents me, a retired union plumber. The Democratic Party of today of which I favor is also flawed. At the start of an old TV series, I think it was "The Defenders", they said "Democracy is really a bad form of government but all of the others are so much worse". So we trudge on with what we got. I believe today's Republican voters feel betrayed by their party. Some believe President Obama is the root of all of their and the nation's problems but they are only the ones that watch too much of the FOX news channel. I'm a Bernie guy but his chances are not looking great. Bill Maher said "I think the American voters are stupid". He may have something there, at least for some of the voters. Many voters on the republican side are voting for a guy who tells lots and lots of outright lies, condones and promotes hatred, racism and violence, has a very thin skin, is very boastful, can not tell you exactly what his plans are for accomplishing any of his plans unless it's a stupid plan like building a huge wall or targeting ISIS civilian family members, and he has no resume as a statesman. If we had to have a Republican president, Kasich would be my choice of the lesser evils. On the Democratic side, Many voters are voting for a woman that has been very inconsistent on a wide variety of issues, also tells some lies or at least distortions of the truth. She says what she wants to do, or what her audience wants to hear but not really how she will accomplish anything. She is very corporate friendly too. Many people are voting for her because they always vote for Democrats and she has the most recognizable name or because they think it would be "neat" to have a woman president. As I said, my choice is Senator Bernie Sanders, a Jew that represents Christian values better than any of the Republican candidates. Bernie wants to help with poverty (the poor). He wants healthcare for all (the sick). He wants to regulate investment banking (the money changers). I understand Bernie's definition of "Democratic Socialist" and I like it. Bernie tells how his plans can be accomplished. Bernie has always been consistent about his political views on issues. He has a HUGE amount of integrity, something that the Republican front runner has very little of. If Hillary wins the nomination I will vote for her, although I live in Mississippi and Democratic votes haven't elected very many people in the North end of the state where I live in a very long time. Still. I want my number on the board. I want to at least have my say and I do every time we have an election. In 2008 over 40% of the vote in Mississippi and Alabama went to President Obama, so It's not as bad as you may think. The way I look at it is we're not 20% apart, we're 11% from a majority. Remember to get out and vote, even if you live in a very red state. Put your number on the board. let your voice be heard.
Oh great! TWO Glenn Becks! And they're BOTH morons. You must be a "millenial" because you seem to be too stupid to belong to my generation. First, Bernie is just not going to beat Trump. In real American politics, (that's REAL politics, not your storybook politics) there are two labels worse than "liberal," socialist and communist.
Since Sanders has already put the former on himself, all we need now is someone to affix the other. Oh, wait. Trump's already done that three times that I've heard. How many times a week do you suppose we're going to hear it if he does get nominated. Idealists on each side nominate candidates. but practical people in the middle elect them, and there are enough people old enough to remember the end of the cold war and equate it to the Soviet Union. Enough, I suspect, to vote for Trump rather than put a "communist" in the White House.
As for "fleeing Trump's fire," where are YOU going to run to?
We hear all kinds of talk about Donald Trump(DT) these days. But without his supporters DT would be nothing. If you think about it, how could anyone vote for a snake oil salesman with a permanent bad hair day who doesn't believe a word that comes out of his own mouth? Shouldn't we really be questioning the judgment and mental capacity of those people who have so far been treated like they are normal voters. I think it's time to showcase the real problem here. The ignorant, racist, moron, knuckle draggers who think Trump can be the competent leader of a nuclear power. You may be thinking this idea is not very tolerant.
“Don’t get so tolerant that you tolerate intolerance.”
-Bill Mahr
So with that I mind I propose a new joke genre like polish jokes and blonde jokes of the past.
No one can deny that Hillary has done a good job as a hard working and dedicated public servant. I'm sure she would make a fine president, however there's a huge problem, a problem being largely ignored at this point.
Her problem is the right-wing media, which is ninety plus percent of all political media, and in addition to this, a vast number of voters who are both uninformed and are easily misinformed. Hillary will get demonized to the point at which half of the country will wonder why she isn't in jail....all lies of course.
Look at the damage Fox News has already done to undermine our democracy. In the minds of the easily mislead, she's already an establishment scapegoat on par with Obama. Everything and anything that's wrong with this country will be pinned on her simply because of her participation in the Obama administration. Again, I'm talking about the easily mislead, the Trumpettes out there. She has a tremendous amount of political baggage that will be unfairly targeted.
Bernie on the other hand has had a clean and consistent record for decades, one that will be very difficult to distort and slander. As a presidential candidate, the working class will quickly identify with, and relate to him, not so much with with Trump or Hillary. It's not even close. Bernie will expose Trump for who he truly is, and destroy him. The media will have no option to black him out in a Trump vs Sanders race....that's the key here..he needs to get to the point where the media is forced to cover his message of truth regarding environmental, economic, and social justice. The it will be game over....he easily wins.
It's not free stuff Kend, it's ours already, that's why we don't have to pay again for it.
Trudeau might not be professional politician but that could be good.
I think Friday's anti Trump riot hurt Bernie on Tuesday. Many people confronted me with it, about how rioters chanted Bernie slogans while committing acts of vandalism and violence.
I think we need Bernie, this movement would be nowhere without him.
cccccttttt: Jump to Trump, is that supposed to be some kind of joke? Trump is a card carrying member of the economic elite, the Fascists who have purchased and control the political elite. The entire Teapublic Party and a significant part of the Democratic Party have been bought and are controlled by the Fascists. Trump and the other scoundrels like him are the problem....to put it mildly, he's not your friend,
The Teapublic Party is pretending to dislike Trump because he's exposing the evil side of what it is to be a right wing conservative. He's doing this to get elected, and then it will be concentration of wealth on steroids....and very likely a world war that will visit our soil in one form or another....probably in a radioactive form.
"The whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of earnest struggle... If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters" Frederick Douglas
We cannot afford to be hermit crabs and crawl into our shells. Our opinions will not survive if we do not have a chance to fight for them. Remember that " truth has no special time of its own- its hour is now-always". Al Schweitzer
Should be interesting when the Republicans are forced into a brokered convention, choose Kasich (I'm assuming since he's Caucasian and doen't have the name Trump) and then get ripped apart by their constituents. Trump goes Independent splitting them into two factions.
If the DNC/Clinton continue cheating and lying they could very well continue to control their robotic followers forcing either an Independent run by Bernie or a massive write-in effort which could dangerously leave the country open to a possible Kascich or Trump presidency.
Idon't think Clinton would win under those conditions unless she cheats in the same manner that Bush did nearly 16 years ago. Which is also possible since she's every bit as dirty.
Merritt Garland is a pawn, a centrist moderate widely respected by both sides, already haven been confirmed by the current sitting senators for Chief Justice in federal courts. Republicans have held high praise for Garland in the past. President Obama is letting Americans see just how far republicans will go to obstruct his authority as President.
If it ends up being Clinton v Trump (the lesser of two revolting plutocrats, and I'm not sure which is which), then the Dems will lose the general election. That's the Bernie or bust pledge. Democrats had better wake up fast.
If they won't follow Bernie's light, then let them flee Trumps fire.
Jussayin: Do you really think the billionaires need more of your moral support and money? When is enough, enough? Look up the stats on concentration of wealth since your beloved Fascists started their conservative trickle down swindle. Give me a break....who's ignoring reality here?
Intermittent, how did she sneak in from the Republican Party? Our party standards have never been lower!
Kenyatta's statement is one of the best I have ever heard:
"When you say you don't see color, you don't see me!"
It seems the Mob has taken over America... I read Quigley's article..and sadly, I am not surprised..
Thom, glad to know you finally stopped listenning to the Brain cell killing corp. media. Amy Goodman sums up a day's worth of MSNBC in a 3 second sound bite in her headlines, and then moves on to real news. Watch her at night instead and it will keep your head from exploding.
Bernie or Bust!.. but, Dem or Die! ...and never put party over principal.
Here's a great podcast..an interview with a couple who were American expats living in Libya who narrowly escaped w/ there lives durring the coup. Fascinating..
Also interesting.. An article about Libyan society before the coup..
From what I have read and heard about Merritt Garland from Free Speech TV talking heads and various newspaper accounts, Judge Garland appears to be to the right of center....conservative along the lines of Sandra Day O'Connor....which may not be to the liking of the neo-conservative T-partiers.
As for his prosecution of Timothy McVeigh, he never searched for McVeigh's accomplice.
D. Wasserman Schultz needs to take her payday loan loot and get out of our political process.
Thom’s correct re the several points made in his segment, “The People vs the Establishment”. Thanks much for such "essays".
Intriguing are the quite-useful speculations re Repugnantans’ doin’s {in the conversation with Bob Ney}.
Trump Ain’t Enuff Sycophantic
{… a limerick …}
The Rs’ anti-Trumpsters panic
to counter the threat gigantic
to their “Movement” grotesque
and Reaganesque.
Trump ain’t enuff sycophantic.
It's just too bad that most of America is too dumb, too busy, or too pragmatic to change anything. Look how Black Americans have repeatedly voted against their own best interests and even in Illinois where the chicago mayor (hillary's co-hort) is hated, they voted for her. People here are not going to wake up until it's too late.
IM Jussayin:
"Communist"... puh-leeze!
The way y'all throw that word around (like you know what it means).
EXACTLY what do you mean by "communist"? Are you talking about Marxism? Have you read the full version (not the pamphlet) of his manifesto? Give us a list of what constitutes communism in your mind. (I'd REALLY like to hear this one.)
I don't agree with you about HRC. There are fundamental differences between Bernie and her. The most apparent is: she is Establishment through and through, while Bernie is leading the revolt against anything the Establishment stands for.
I think she would make a terrible president; she's got tap-roots into Wall Street and she is ALL about the money (and not for you and I.) She sees herself as Queen and We, the People as her serfs, here to make her rich. Bernie is about taking America up and out of the weeds and stemming the ground zero fascist trajectory this country is currently on.
I don't know about you, but I don't want to wake up and find myself in 1984, 1840, Bolshevik Russia, Maoist China, or the neo-liberal's New World Order, thanks.
The Republican party of today is not a party I would be proud to belong to because it is very very flawed and it hardly represents me, a retired union plumber. The Democratic Party of today of which I favor is also flawed. At the start of an old TV series, I think it was "The Defenders", they said "Democracy is really a bad form of government but all of the others are so much worse". So we trudge on with what we got. I believe today's Republican voters feel betrayed by their party. Some believe President Obama is the root of all of their and the nation's problems but they are only the ones that watch too much of the FOX news channel. I'm a Bernie guy but his chances are not looking great. Bill Maher said "I think the American voters are stupid". He may have something there, at least for some of the voters. Many voters on the republican side are voting for a guy who tells lots and lots of outright lies, condones and promotes hatred, racism and violence, has a very thin skin, is very boastful, can not tell you exactly what his plans are for accomplishing any of his plans unless it's a stupid plan like building a huge wall or targeting ISIS civilian family members, and he has no resume as a statesman. If we had to have a Republican president, Kasich would be my choice of the lesser evils. On the Democratic side, Many voters are voting for a woman that has been very inconsistent on a wide variety of issues, also tells some lies or at least distortions of the truth. She says what she wants to do, or what her audience wants to hear but not really how she will accomplish anything. She is very corporate friendly too. Many people are voting for her because they always vote for Democrats and she has the most recognizable name or because they think it would be "neat" to have a woman president. As I said, my choice is Senator Bernie Sanders, a Jew that represents Christian values better than any of the Republican candidates. Bernie wants to help with poverty (the poor). He wants healthcare for all (the sick). He wants to regulate investment banking (the money changers). I understand Bernie's definition of "Democratic Socialist" and I like it. Bernie tells how his plans can be accomplished. Bernie has always been consistent about his political views on issues. He has a HUGE amount of integrity, something that the Republican front runner has very little of. If Hillary wins the nomination I will vote for her, although I live in Mississippi and Democratic votes haven't elected very many people in the North end of the state where I live in a very long time. Still. I want my number on the board. I want to at least have my say and I do every time we have an election. In 2008 over 40% of the vote in Mississippi and Alabama went to President Obama, so It's not as bad as you may think. The way I look at it is we're not 20% apart, we're 11% from a majority. Remember to get out and vote, even if you live in a very red state. Put your number on the board. let your voice be heard.
We hear all kinds of talk about Donald Trump(DT) these days. But without his supporters DT would be nothing. If you think about it, how could anyone vote for a snake oil salesman with a permanent bad hair day who doesn't believe a word that comes out of his own mouth? Shouldn't we really be questioning the judgment and mental capacity of those people who have so far been treated like they are normal voters. I think it's time to showcase the real problem here. The ignorant, racist, moron, knuckle draggers who think Trump can be the competent leader of a nuclear power. You may be thinking this idea is not very tolerant.
“Don’t get so tolerant that you tolerate intolerance.”
-Bill Mahr
So with that I mind I propose a new joke genre like polish jokes and blonde jokes of the past.
We can make up jokes about Trump Supporters and
we can have fun doing it.
No one can deny that Hillary has done a good job as a hard working and dedicated public servant. I'm sure she would make a fine president, however there's a huge problem, a problem being largely ignored at this point.
Her problem is the right-wing media, which is ninety plus percent of all political media, and in addition to this, a vast number of voters who are both uninformed and are easily misinformed. Hillary will get demonized to the point at which half of the country will wonder why she isn't in jail....all lies of course.
Look at the damage Fox News has already done to undermine our democracy. In the minds of the easily mislead, she's already an establishment scapegoat on par with Obama. Everything and anything that's wrong with this country will be pinned on her simply because of her participation in the Obama administration. Again, I'm talking about the easily mislead, the Trumpettes out there. She has a tremendous amount of political baggage that will be unfairly targeted.
Bernie on the other hand has had a clean and consistent record for decades, one that will be very difficult to distort and slander. As a presidential candidate, the working class will quickly identify with, and relate to him, not so much with with Trump or Hillary. It's not even close. Bernie will expose Trump for who he truly is, and destroy him. The media will have no option to black him out in a Trump vs Sanders race....that's the key here..he needs to get to the point where the media is forced to cover his message of truth regarding environmental, economic, and social justice. The it will be game over....he easily wins.
It's not free stuff Kend, it's ours already, that's why we don't have to pay again for it.
Trudeau might not be professional politician but that could be good.
I think Friday's anti Trump riot hurt Bernie on Tuesday. Many people confronted me with it, about how rioters chanted Bernie slogans while committing acts of vandalism and violence.
I think we need Bernie, this movement would be nowhere without him.
cccccttttt: Jump to Trump, is that supposed to be some kind of joke? Trump is a card carrying member of the economic elite, the Fascists who have purchased and control the political elite. The entire Teapublic Party and a significant part of the Democratic Party have been bought and are controlled by the Fascists. Trump and the other scoundrels like him are the problem....to put it mildly, he's not your friend,
The Teapublic Party is pretending to dislike Trump because he's exposing the evil side of what it is to be a right wing conservative. He's doing this to get elected, and then it will be concentration of wealth on steroids....and very likely a world war that will visit our soil in one form or another....probably in a radioactive form.
"The whole history of the progress of human liberty shows that all concessions yet made to her august claims have been born of earnest struggle... If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters" Frederick Douglas
We cannot afford to be hermit crabs and crawl into our shells. Our opinions will not survive if we do not have a chance to fight for them. Remember that " truth has no special time of its own- its hour is now-always". Al Schweitzer
The elite in both parties are the enemy of the middle class.
They have rigged the system against third and fourth parties.
"if Bernie fails, jump to Trump"
Should be interesting when the Republicans are forced into a brokered convention, choose Kasich (I'm assuming since he's Caucasian and doen't have the name Trump) and then get ripped apart by their constituents. Trump goes Independent splitting them into two factions.
If the DNC/Clinton continue cheating and lying they could very well continue to control their robotic followers forcing either an Independent run by Bernie or a massive write-in effort which could dangerously leave the country open to a possible Kascich or Trump presidency.
Idon't think Clinton would win under those conditions unless she cheats in the same manner that Bush did nearly 16 years ago. Which is also possible since she's every bit as dirty.
Merritt Garland is a pawn, a centrist moderate widely respected by both sides, already haven been confirmed by the current sitting senators for Chief Justice in federal courts. Republicans have held high praise for Garland in the past. President Obama is letting Americans see just how far republicans will go to obstruct his authority as President.
If it ends up being Clinton v Trump (the lesser of two revolting plutocrats, and I'm not sure which is which), then the Dems will lose the general election. That's the Bernie or bust pledge. Democrats had better wake up fast.
If they won't follow Bernie's light, then let them flee Trumps fire.