Recent comments

  • How Do We Democratize Our Media?   8 years 49 weeks ago

    One could aptly say, "Reagan Strikes Again From Grave!" He wasn't a good Govenor, and most Californians knew he would make a lousy President. But everyone with a little Cowboy in their hearts voted for him, and the Republicans got what they wanted - a well-loved actor/old man, on the outskirts of dementia they could manipulate, and the three-letter organizations had their patsy. He destroyed the Pilots' Union; he allowed the mental instutions to let the crazies go free. He couldn't accept his gay son, and hence, when the GRID/HIV-AIDS Crisis needed a Leader/Champion, Reagan snubbed his nose at all of them, truly believing that this was a plague being visited upon them for their corruption, even if his own child might have to be sacrificed to the Vengeful God of the Bible. So here we are again. Media corporations are controlling which Presidential Candidates get the most time... and of course they're going to go with the one person whose rhetoric brings out the most hateful, bigoted and fearful worries in everyone. Gov. Kasich is by far the most noble of the Right's candidates, but he doesn't play well for the stockholders' earnings because he's too well-informed and logical. We have seen the rise of news shows that scew the stories they report with a slant toward the Right. Then there are the rebuttal news groups that do the same for the Left. There is no middle ground of reporting anymore. I have stopped watching CNN and the local news channels. I can't stomach the ugliness Mr. Trump provokes in people who, under any other conditions, would be civil and caring. This Mob Mentality should have been left buried in the 20th Century, not dragged from a shallow grave to (again) make the rich far richer, and dismantle the walls of self-respect and dignity we've spent so many years cultivating for the rest of us.

  • How Do We Democratize Our Media?   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Trump's campaign was driven by the media since the beginning. I remember counting 5-6 articles about Trump every day! It became clear very soon that the media, the overwhelming preponderance of which is owned by a very few old, rich, white men, has been treating Trump exactly like any other product on the market today. Drugs, breakfast cereal, new cars, you name it: Trump is being old to the same idiots who slurp down all the other sugar-coated poisons, then beg for cheap chemo. Perhaps a large percentage of Americans really are insecure bigots who yearn for a sense of order, but you got the causal relationship all wrong. Media is not pandering to the masses as much as the media is SELLING Trump to the masses, for the very reasons you mention.

  • Should the MSM have to provide programming in the public interest?   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Of course! The MSM is all about "entertainment" as opposed to the serious issues that we face as a country. It's all about money and ratings. Unfortunately, we are already well into an oligarchy and you can see the rapid decline of the United States on every level.

  • Monday 28 March '16 show notes   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Was listening to your show last night (Tiny Hands) and when you mentioned Marty Kaplan, that got my attention. He has long been someone that I have admired. As a part of the Norman Lear Center at USC, he is also the Chief Investigator at Hollywood Health and Society, where my daughter is the Senior Research Associate. When she went to work there and I heard he was the guiding force behind it, that brought a smile to my face. I knew she would be in a good place, given the good works with which he has been involved for many years. Glad you pointed him out to your audience.

  • Full Show 3/28/16: Bernie Wins YUGE on Super Saturday!   8 years 49 weeks ago

    I get tired of hearing about how BernieorBust is bad. No its not. What is bad is having to compromise you beliefs over and over again and in the longterm realize that you have accomplished nothing. The older generation needs to look at where we are today and realize that it is a result of how they have voted. That is what has brought us to where we are today. In a very precarious state. So with that in mind how can they explain from a point of wisdom how politics works? The short answer they can't because accepting the way they vote is not going to fix any of the problems it didn't fix over the last 40 years. This so called wisdom is conventional at best. The democratic party has them between a rock and a hard place vote for us or get a republican. It is time to invert the equation. Do this or don't get elected. Democrat or not. Nothing is won without risk. We have to be willing to demand more from the party than the previous generations and it must start today not tomorrow.

  • Full Show 3/28/16: Bernie Wins YUGE on Super Saturday!   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Barnacles on our Ship of State

    {... a rhyme ...}

    He examined the pols such as Reagan, the Ronald

    and Cruz, O’Connell and the Trumpian Donald, …

    … and said of them acidly

    that they are flat-assedly

    among the worst in any of history’s chronicles

    of ships-of-state destroyed by {barnacles} bahnacles

    who have hung tenaciously

    and have eaten predaciously

    at the souls of distraughtly disoriented nations, -

    - while nitwit supporters gave them standing ovations.


  • Rumble - Cheatin' Ted? & Chaos At The Polls   8 years 49 weeks ago

    And they call Zimbabwe undemocratic.!

  • The Thom Hartmann Program (Full Show) - 3/28/16   8 years 49 weeks ago

    I was the caller at around 1 Hour into the program who brought up the popular vote. What I was getting at came from this chart, which has been used to show the running popular vote of the Democratic Primary on all the major media outlets: The problem with it is for the states that hold caucuses instead of primaries, the numbers displayed are not, in fact, the number of voters - they are the number of "state congressional delegates" that each candidate earned.

    In Washington, for example, the total number of caucus goers was listed at 230K on the Washington Democrats homepage: But when looking at the totals on the RCP Popular Vote, it appears as if there were only a little over 26K votes between the two candidates combined.

    Why is this important? Because Bernie has had the vast majority of his victories in caucus states - the very states whose raw vote count doesn't contribute toward the running "Popular Vote" that is being shown to future voters in other states. The 8.9 million (Hillary) and 6.3 million (Bernie) numbers listed on RCP make it appear that Hillary has had way more supporters show up to caucus or vote for her, when in fact those numbers are both completely wrong, and the data suggests that Bernie has had a far greater percentage of support.

    I realize, to Thom's point, that this is a small issue in the process of nominating a candidate and that all that matters is the delegate count, but the process should be transparent. I feel that taking those 26K state delegates and calling them "popular vote" is bad data collection. And the fact that MSNBC and CNN are going to show the RCP numbers as a true "popular vote" without anyone checking what those numbers actually refer to is just lazy journalism.

  • Will Bernie’s western sweep change the election?   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Bernie does well at caucases. I'm sure he'll continue to improve (and I hope be victorious) in primaries. After the "bird" incident on Saturday, a lot has changed. #BirdieSanders will bring up the clip. There's a joke about Hillary looking for a trained parakeet. Whatever. The other detail that many seem to miss is that Bernie is ahead on pledged delegates. Hillary's numbers are bolstered by the Superdelegates, alone, and if they change their allegience with the popular vote in their States, then Bernie will look even better, even faster. Still, the Clinton machine can apply a good amount of pressure. Time will tell. At this point, IMHO, Bernie has the momentum. Meanwhile, I'm facebanking, attending meetings, and doing what I can to support Bernie.

  • The Climate Crisis is Upon Us.   8 years 49 weeks ago

    I applaud Instant-Runoff's comments. Nuclear power is the best source of baseload power. A combination of solar, wind, and nuclear is the ideal way to generate electricity. And nuclear power eventually uses up uranium, raises its price, and makes buring nuclear weapons very desirable economically.

  • The Climate Crisis is Upon Us.   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Global warming and air pollution are real problems caaused by the burning of coal, wood, dung, diesel fuel, oil, gas, and other fossil fuels.

    There are many solutions. The best one is a revenue-neutral carbon tax with the revenue used to reduce the payroll tax and to help workers who lose their jobs due to the tax.

    Solutions that don't require enlightened government are LED lights, nuclear power, solar power, wind power, and conservation. The switch from coal to natural gas (due to the low cost of gas brought about by fracking and horizontal drilling) may have done the most to slow down global warming and reduce air pollution.

    Nuclear power plants are not bombs waiting to go off. Nor was the Keystone XL pipeline the biggest threat to our environment. Coal is the biggest problem in the US and in most of the world.

  • Will Bernie’s western sweep change the election?   8 years 49 weeks ago

    I am sure the media will continue to lie, and focus on superdelegates, which need to be outlawed.

  • The Climate Crisis is Upon Us.   8 years 49 weeks ago

    The Mona Loa Observatory weather station run by the Scripps Institute recorded a CO2 concentration in the north Pacific atmosphere of 398.1ppm in Feb of 2014. In 2015 the CO2 concentration jumped to 400.3ppm and then in Feb of this year it went up to 404.2 ppm. As the ocean waters warm up and they are, even at depths down to 300 meters, less efficient at holding gases including CO2. Thus the ocean cannot serve as the efficient carbon sink it once was. Most oceanographic scientists feel that if the concentration of CO2 get close to 500 ppm, 80 to 90% of sea life will die off.

    Human activity is essentially turning the ocean into what it was 500 million years ago-an ocean full of jellyfish. Jellyfish can stand warm water, more pollutants and low oxygen conditions. Jellyfish are blooming now in the major oceans of the world and fisherman, like the shrimp fisherman along the Georgia coast are turning to catching jellyfish and selling tons of them on the Asia market at 7 cents a pound.

    The increased rate of in CO2 concentration rise is a bad sign. And it is not only warming but also increased acidity and garbage (the Pacific garbage patch is now the size of Texas) that are diminishing the oceans chance of survival and ours along with it.

  • The Climate Crisis is Upon Us.   8 years 49 weeks ago

    There is not much chance anything will be done about this climate crisis, except for possibly China & India. At least not until something really frightening happens, like the Gulf Stream shuts down or the Western Antarctic Ice Shelf breaks free and slips into the sea.

    The problem is fossil is all added up a ~$200T industry. There is so much inertia and wealth there. It goes far beyond just Big Oil companies, you have rail, half their loads are coal, Auto almost all based on Oil fuel, big OPEC nations like Saudi, which buys our politicians like they were hogs put up for auction, other non-OPEC nations like Canada, Norway & Russia that are defacto petro-states. Big utilities are almost entirely based on fossil, the big money is in gas, high profits on Enron style grid shenanigans. Once illegal, now standard operations.

    And one of the biggest influences is the financial industry, the big banks which thrive on speculation in the highly fluctuating commodities oil, gas, coal and market electricity prices again tied to largely unreliable gas availability. And then they invented another scam which is carbon trading to make even more giant profits on speculation.

    And huge profits & power reside in the inevitable currency exchanges that must go with Oil - the #1 portion of international trade. Petrodollars that are created out of thin air by private banks. Petroleum importing nations must borrow those petrodollars with interest from private, mostly big Wall St Banks, in order to import their life-giving, economy-sustaining crude oil. If they can't make the interest payments for those petrodollars that these banks created out of nothing, then they will become like Greece and have to give away their national resources, infrastructure and national sovereignty to the Big Banks, becoming little more than indentured serfs. As the Bankster favorite stooge Henry Kissinger stated:

    " If you control the energy you control the country; if you control food, you control the population..".

    There is so much wealth tied up in fossil, vested interests launch mega-disaster wars, like the Iraq Oil war in efforts to make vast profits. And the Afghan pipeline war. There are incredible gas reserves north of Afghanistan that the big banks & oil companies want to export to the largest new market which is India. Pump conventional NG out of the ground in Turkmenistan for $0.50/mmbtu and sell it in India for $15/mmbtu. Massive profits in that. The Taliban were offered a deal before 9/11 by Bush & Cheney, sign on to the American pipeline deal and get "a carpet of gold" refuse and get "a carpet of bombs". They refused, the rest is history. Human life is incidental in this greed-crazed rampage. Notice Oh-Bomb-Ya has fully embraced this imperialism, signing on to an endless war in Afghanistan until the US gets its secure pipeline corridor, the war will never end.

    Problem for India & China is all they really have for fossil, which is the fundamental backbone for their surging economies, is dirty, filthy coal. Which is poisoning their atmosphere, causing millions of deaths, ten's of thousands of coal mining deaths, polluted cities, lakes and rivers which is disrupting agricultural production. They have no choice but to go Nuclear. India embarking on their own indigenous Thorium Nuclear Reactor program, using Pressurized Heavy Water Reactors (CANDU clones) & Fast Breeder Reactors. China is cloning western reactors and developing their own Pebble Bed reactors as well as LFTR - thorium molten salt reactors. Renewables, almost entirely wind & solar, remain a pipe dream, to delude the gullible, pretending they will substitute for fossil. They won't, not even close, don't be dupes.

    The hope is that China & India will move far enough and fast enough with their indigenous nuclear programs, and start exporting to developing nations, as China has begun. Then western nations which have become so totally corrupted by fossil vested interests will look like such pathetic, useless, snivelling little arseholes, that they will be embarrassed into restarting their nuclear power programs.

    That's the only way the spectre of runaway climate change will be averted. I'm not hopeful.

  • The Climate Crisis is Upon Us.   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Part of the massive and out of control military industrial spy complex spending needs to be rerouted to green energy projects.....and once we have elected officials willing to represent the will of the vast majotity, the green energy sector needs to be nationalized. Green energy should all be not for profit....that's a sure way to make the transtion from carbon based energy happen quickly. We need to put the Kochs out of business asap!

    I'm sure at least 90 percent of the population would support green energy nationalization if it means affordable energy! ......much like not for profit health insurance.

  • The Climate Crisis is Upon Us.   8 years 49 weeks ago


    Thanks for all the great work you are doing regarding climate change. While you address CO2 pollution from transportation a lot, I have seen no references yet from you regarding a source of ozone damaging gases (methane and nitrous oxides) much more significant than all global transportation: Animal Agriculture.

    For a reference point, please see the new film "Cowspiracy" - a devastating indictment of the economic blind eye that humans and organizations (like the and the Sierra Club) are turning to one of the most important planetary health solutions. 

    Humans need to move to a whole foods plant-based lifestyle in large numbers if we ever hope to stay within the 2 degree centigrade limitation set by climate scientists. We can't do it by reducing fossil fuel consumption alone.

    This plant-based move will also have the concurrent benefit of preventing about 80% of current chronic diseases afflicting humans and also promote animal welfare.

    Thanks for listening.

  • The Climate Crisis is Upon Us.   8 years 49 weeks ago

    This may be out there, but have any studies been done concering the Global Warming and the Fact we have Modern Technology and such this time around that Pyraminds lat time GW occured,...?

  • The Climate Crisis is Upon Us.   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Once again, all this talk about climate change. When will mankind allow mother nature to regain control? Geoengineering is the real threat here. It includes weather manipulation, cloud seeding and aerosol spraying. Chemicals and toxins are being sprayed onto the masses like bugs, and NOBODY in the media is looking into it. There has been a gag order placed on all local and national weathermen, and again, NOBODY thinks that's a red flag? Aluminum, barium, strontium, lithium, and nano particles, among many other chemicals are adversely affecting all life, and apparently NOBODY cares. Aluminum has been linked to autism, Alzheimer's, dimentia, and the bee die off. What will it take to wake people up to this insidious program?

    Do your homework at or at any of dozens of other sites to research the truth. The longer humanity stays asleep, the less time this planet will sustain any form of life! It is time to wake up people!

  • Will Bernie’s western sweep change the election?   8 years 49 weeks ago

    I don't like either answer. I say NO! because Hillary has too much power and the super delegates are welded to her. They WILL NOT change their support for Hillary. They themselves are politicians and they like and need Big Money to keep themselves in office.

  • The Climate Crisis is Upon Us.   8 years 49 weeks ago

    History is littered with scientific findings that were believed by contemporaries to be lies, attempts at self-aggrandizement, politically motivated or just plain quackery. Then the truth of those findings came out with, up to this point, amazement, amusement, delight and sometimes negative responses. This one will bring horror with it.

  • The Climate Crisis is Upon Us.   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Hillary Clinton wants to frack; Donald Trump wants to frack. Both presidents would accelerate climate change. To quote Sec. Clinton, if that's the choice, "What difference would it make?"

    If you refuse to choose the lesser of two revolting plutocrats, then take the Bernie or bust pledge.

  • Is Arizona proof that we need to restore the full Voting Rights Act?   8 years 49 weeks ago

    I'm sorry, but the Clinton's and OBAMA are the new Moderate Republican Party!

    When Obama placed Social Security on the Table, that did it for me, all while giving WALL STREET CEO'S all they wanted, and THEN SOME!

    NO WAY SHOULD THE CLINTON'S EVER GET IN OUR WHITE HOUSE EVER AGAIN! They should RETIRE, like the Bush's! Get out of Politic's, for they've done GREAT DAMAGE to our Country and the American Economy and WORK FORCE!

    SCREW THE CLINTON'S BIG TIME! For the Bush Administration could NOT DO, what they did without Bill Clinton's NAFTA, GLASS STEAGALL, and his destructive 1996 Telecomminications Bill, to PURCHASE UP OUR MEDIA by the 1/10th of the 1%!

  • Is Arizona proof that we need to restore the full Voting Rights Act?   8 years 49 weeks ago

    I'm sorry, but the Clinton's and OBAMA are the new Moderate Republican Party!

    When Obama placed Social Security on the Table, that did it for me, all while giving WALL STREET CEO'S all they wanted, and THEN SOME!

    NO WAY SHOULD THE CLINTON'S EVER GET IN OUR WHITE HOUSE EVER AGAIN! They should RETIRE, like the Bush's! Get out of Politic's, for they've done GREAT DAMAGE to our Country and the American Economy and WORK FORCE!

    SCREW THE CLINTON'S BIG TIME! For the Bush Administration could NOT DO, what they did without Bill Clinton's NAFTA, GLASS STEAGALL, and his destructive 1996 Telecomminications Bill, to PURCHASE UP OUR MEDIA by the 1/10th of the 1%!

  • Is Arizona proof that we need to restore the full Voting Rights Act?   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Both right answers actually, we need a constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to vote.

  • Does Bernie still have a chance after last night?   8 years 49 weeks ago

    Both correct answers actually, Benie can still win, Obama lost 21 states and won.

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